The book’s title is "Caillou is Scared of Dogs."
One day, Caillou was playing in the sand, but he sounds a dog’s barking heard a dog barking.
The grandmom introduced a dogs so he feels scared His grandma introduced him to a dog, but he felt scared.
The grand mom promises to him he is so friendly His grandma promised him that the dog was friendly.
So his mom think a idea so she reads a dogs book His mom came up with an idea and read him a book about dogs.
So he feeling okay but caillou always feeling nervous This helped him feel better, but Caillou was still nervous.
But he anyway solve his mind However, he eventually overcame his fear.
He wanted to his friend so caillou likes a puppy to be friends with the puppy, and Caillou started to like it.
So he playing with dogs He played with the dog happily.
Score: B
- 문법: "sounds a dog’s barking" 대신 "heard a dog barking," "his mom think a idea" 대신 "his mom came up with an idea"라고 해야 자연스럽습니다.
- 내용 추가: Caillou가 강아지와 친구가 되는 과정에서 어떤 감정 변화를 겪었는지 더 자세히 설명하면 글이 더 흥미로워질 것입니다!