Q(질문) : What did you do yesterday?
Wednesday, February 27 , 2012 , <Title:pencil case>
Lead : I bought a pencil case.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 (하나의) 필통을
Where : I bought a pencil case at the stationery.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 (하나의) 필통을 문구점에서
HOw : I bought a pencil case at the stationery with my brother.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 (하나의) 필통을 문구점에서 나의 오빠와 함께
When : I bought a pencil case at the stationery with my brother yesterday.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 (하나의) 필통을 문구점에서 나의 오빠와 함께 어제
Situation : There were a lot of pencil cases in the stationery.
뜻 : 문구점에는 많은 필통이 있었다
Result : I was very happy, Because the pencil case was very pretty.
뜻 : 나는 매우 행복했다, 왜냐하면 (그) 필통은 매우 예뻤기 때문이다
Feeling : And the pencil case was drawn Rilakkuma.
뜻 : 그리고 (그) 필통에는 리락쿠마가 그려져 있었기 때문이다.
Will : I will buy a pen next time.
뜻 : 나는 살 것이다 펜을 다음에
<After Revising>
I bought a pencil case at the stationery with my brother yesterday.
There were a lot of pencil cases in the stationery.
I was very happy, Because the pencil case was very pretty.
And the pencil case was drown Rilakkuma.
I will buy a pen next time.
첫댓글 예지의 일기입니당


틀린 부분은 꼭
Hi~ How are you doing? Let me see your pencil next time~~~
Do you like a stationery??? I like it.ㅎㅎ
What is Rilakkuma? And your writing is very good.