게시글 본문내용
n. Obsolete
Phrasal Verb:
dispose of
v 1: give, sell, or transfer to another; "She disposed of her parents' possessions"
2: throw or cast away; "Put away your worries" [syn: discard, fling, toss, toss out, toss away, chuck out, cast aside, throw out, cast out, throw away, cast away, put away]
3: make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them" [syn: incline] [ant: indispose]
4: make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job" [syn: qualify] [ant: disqualify]
첫댓글 dispose 1(군대 함대를)배치하다 배열하다.
배치하다, 배열하다, 처분하다
dispose 배치, 배열하다 처분하다