출처: 영문번역 경매 원문보기 글쓴이: 지키미
감가상각 누계액Accumulated depreciation
감가상각비 Depreciation
감가상각비 Depreciation
감자차익 Gain on capital reduction
개발비 Development expenses
개발비의 증가 Increase in development expense
건물 Building
건설중인 자산 Construction in-progress
건설중인자산의 증가 Increase in construction in-progress
견본비 Sample expense
결손금 Deficit
경상개발비 Ordinary development expense
경상이익(손실) Ordinary Profit (Loss)
고정부채 Long term liabilities
고정자산 Fixed assets
공구와 기구 Tools and devices
공구와기구의처분 Disposal of tools and devices
공구와기구의취득 Acquisition of tools and devices
관리비 Administrative expense
광고선전비 Advertising
교육훈련비 Education & training expenses
구축물 Structures
국고보조금 Government subsidies
국민연금전환금 Conversion amount for national pension
국민연금전환금 감소 Decrease in conversion amount for national pension
급여 Salaries
기계장치 Machinery and equipment
기계장치의처분 Disposal of machinery and equipments
기계장치의취득 Acquisition of machinery and equipments
기말의현금 Cash End
기말제품재고액 Ending Inventory
기초의현금 Cash Beginning
기초제품재고액 Beginning Inventory
기타당좌자산(증가)감소 (Increase) decrease in other quick assets
기타대손상각비 Other bad debt expense
기타의 당좌자산 Other quick assets
기타의 무형자산 Other intangible asset
기타의대손삼각비 Other bad debt expense
기타의부형자산의증가 Increase in other intangible assets
단기금융상품 Short-term financial account
단기금융상품의감소 Decrease in short term financial instruments
단기금융상품의증가 Increase in short term financial instruments
단기대여금 Short-terms loans
단기대여금의감소 Decrease in short term loans
단기대여금의증가 Increase in short term loan
단기차입금 Short term borrowing
단기차입금의상환 Repayment of short term loan
단기차입금의차입 Borrowing short term loan
당기순이익 Net Income
당기순이익(손실) Net income (loss)
당기제품제조원가 Purchase of inventory
당반기 Current half-year
당반기 3개월 Current half-year 3 months
당반기 누적 Current half-year accumulated
당좌자산 Quick assets
대손상각비 Bad debt expense
대손상각비 Bad debt expense
대손상각비환입 Transfer from bad debt expense
대손충당금 Allowance for bad debts
도서인쇄비Books printing expenses
매도가능증권 Available for sale securities
매도가능증권의처분 Sale of available for sale securities
매도가능증권의취득 Purchase of available for sale securities
매도가능증권처분이익 Realized gains from sale of available for sale securities
매도가능증권처분이익 Realized gains from sale of available for sale securities
매도가능증권평가손실 Unrealized loss from available for sales securities
매입채무의 증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in trade payable
매입채무Trade payables
매출액 Sales
매출원가 Cost of sales
매출채권 Trade receivables
매출채권의 (증가)감소 (Increase) decrease in trade receivables
매출채권처분손실 Realized loss from sale of securities
매출총이익 Gross Profit
무형자산 Intangible asset
무형자산감액손실Loss on intangible assets
무형자산삼각비 Depreciation for intangible assets
무형자산의감소 Decrease in intangible assets
물적분할로인한주식취득 Acquisition of shares through exercising share ownership of its subsidiaries
미수금 Non-trade receivable
미수금의 (증가)감소(Increase) decrease in account receivables
미수금의감소 Decrease in account receivable
미수금의증가 Increase in account receivable
미수수익 Accrued income
미수수익의 (증가)감소 (Increase) decrease in accrued income
미지급 비용 Account payable expense
미지급금 증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in account payable
미지급금 Account payable
미지급비용 증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in accrued expenses
미지급의 감소 Decrease in payables
미지급의 증가 Increase in payables
미착품 Goods not yet delivered
법인세비용(이익) Income tax (profit)
법인세비용차감전순이익(손실) Net Profit before income tax (loss)
보증금 Deposits
보증금의 감소 Decrease in guarantee deposit
보증금의 증가 Increase in guarantee deposit
보증채무손실 Loss on liabilities for guarantees
보통주 자본금 Common stock
보험료 Insurance premium
복리후생비 Other employee benefits
부가세대급금감소(증가) Decrease (increase) in value added tax expense
부가세미수금 Uncollected valued added tax
부가세미수금(증가)감소 (Increase) decrease in uncollected value-added tax
부채 Liabilities
부채와 자본총계 Total Liabilities and Stockholder's Equity
부채총계 Total liabilities
비품 Office equipment
비품의 취득 Acquisition of office equipment
산업재산권 Industrial rights
산업재산권의 증가 Increase in industrial rights
선급금 Prepaid payments
선급금의 (증가)감소 (Increase) decrease in advance payments
선급비용 Advance expenses
선급비용의(증가)감소Increase (decrease) in prepaid expenses
선수금 증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in advance from customer
선수금 Advance for customers
세금과공과Taxes & public charges
소모품비 Supplies expense
수도광열비Water, lighting and heating
수선비 Repair charges
수출제비용 Export charges
신주발행비의발생 Occurrence of new stock issuance costs
여비교통비Travel and transportation expenses
영업외 비용 Non-operating expenses
영업외 수익 Non-operating income
영업활동으로 인한현금흐름 Cash flows from Operating Activities
영업활동인한 자산부채변동 Net change in assets and liabilities due to operating activities
영엽이익 Operating Profit
예수금 증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in withholdings
예수금 Withholdings
외화환산손실 Loss on foreign currency translation
외화환산이익Gain on foreign currency translation
외환차손Loss on foreign currency transactions
외환차익Gain on foreign currency transactions
외환환산손실Loss on foreign currency translation
외환환산이익Gain on foreign currency translation
운반비 Transportation expense
원재료 Raw materials
유동부채 Current liabilities
유동성사채원금,이자지급 Payment of principle and interest for liquid debentures
유동성신주인수권부사채 Liquid bond with warrants
유동성장기미지급비용증가 Increase in liquid long term accrued expense
유동성장기미지급이자 Liquid long term accrued interest
유동성장기부채상환 Repayment of liquid long term debt
유동자산 Current assets
유상증자 Paid-in capital increase
유형자산 Material asset
유형자산처분손실 Loss on disposition of tangible assets
유형자산처분이익 Gain on disposition of tangible assets
이자비용 Interest expense
이자비용 Interest expense
이자수익 Interest income
임대보즈금의감소 Decrease in guarantee money received
임대수익 Rental income
임차료 Rent
자기주식 Treasury stock
자본 Stockholders’ Equity
자본금 Capital
자본잉여금 Capital Surplus
자본조정 Capital adjustment
자본총계 Total Stockholder's Equity
자산 Assets
자산감액손실 Loss from asset revaluation
자산총계 Total Assets
잡비 iscellaneous expense
잡손실 Other losses
잡이익 Other income
장기금융상품 Long-term financial account
장기금융상품의감소 Decrease in long term financial instruments
장기금융상품의증가Increase in long term financial instruments
장기대여금의증가 Increase in long term loan
장기차입금의상환 Repayment of long term loan
장기차입금의차입 Borrowing long term loan
재고자산 Inventories
재고자산(증가)감소 (Increase) decrease in inventory
재고자산감모손실 Loss on valuation of inventories
재고자산평가손실Loss on valuation of inventories
재공품 Work in process
재무활동으로인한 현금흐름 Cash flows from Financing Activities
재무활동인한 현금유입액 Cash inflows from financing activities
재무활동인한 현금유출액 Cash outflows from financing activities
전기 Previous half-year
전기오류수정손실 Loss on prior period error corrections
전반기 3개월 Previous half-year 3 months
전반기 누적 Previous half-year accumulated
접대비 Entertainment expense
정리채무 등 Debt settlement, etc
정리채무손실 Loss from debt settlement
정리채무증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in debt settlement
제품 Completed Goods
제품매출 Goods sales
제품매출원가 Merchandise cost of sales of goods sold
주당경상이익(손실)및 주당순이익(손실) Per share operating profit (loss) and per share net profit (loss)
주식발행초과금Capital in excess of par value
주식할인발행차금 Stock discount
지급수수료 Commission expense
지분법적용주식처분손실 Realized loss from equity method applied shares
차량운반구 Vehicles and transportation equipment
차량운반구의처분 Disposal of vehicles and transportation equipment
차량운반구의취득 Acquisition of vehicles and transportation equipment
차량유지비Vehicles maintenance expenses
채무조정이익 Gain from debt adjustment
처리전결손금 Deficit before adjustment
토지 Estate
토지,건물및구축물의처분 Sale of land, buildings and structures
토지및건물의취득 Acquisition of land and buildings
통신비 Communication expense
퇴직금의지급 Payment of severance/retirement benefits
퇴직급여 Retirement allowance
퇴직급여 Severance and retirement benefits
퇴직급여충당금Severance and retirement benefits
퇴직보험예치금 Retirement insurance due
퇴직보험예치금증가(감소) Increase (decrease) in retirement insurance due
투자자산 Investments
투자활동으로인한 현금흐름 Cash flows from Investing Activities
투자활동인한현금 유입액 Cash inflows from investing activities
투자활동인한현금 유출액 Cash outflows from investing activities
특별손실Extraordinary loss
특별이익 Extraordinary gain
판매비와 관리비 Selling and administrative expenses
판매수수료 Sales commission
해외시장개척비Overseas market development expense
현금 및 현금등가물 Cash and cash equivalents
현금유입없는 수익차감 Deduct non-cash income items
현금의유출없는 비용의 가산 Add non-cash expenses included in net income
현금의 증가 Increase in cash