미까 타케나가 일본에서 가장 큰 살사학원 중 하나를 운영하고 있는 그녀는, 라틴댄스 챔피언으로 춤을 시작하여, 쿠바 최고의 댄스학교의 안무가인 “알베르또 로메이” 를 만나, 살사를 시작하게 되었다. 이미 티비등 여러매체에서 댄서로서 유명했던 그녀는 살사댄서로서도 두각을 나타냈고, 전세계를 다니며 공연과 워크샵을 하였다. 현재 일본살사협회장을 맡고 있고, “댄스스튜디오 카지노”를 성공적으로 운영하고 있는 그녀는, 이번 한국 방문에 그녀의 멋진 파트너와 한국을 함께 방문하여, 살사의 원류라고 알려져 있는 쿠반 스타일 살사를 공연할 예정이다. 한국에서 처음 선보이는 쿠반스타일 살사 공연인 만큼, 좀더 살사음악과 서로의 커넥션, 사랑 이야기에 포커스를 맞춘 느낌있는 공연을 기대해본다.
Mika Takenaga Expertise: Choreography, Performances, Instruction Stage name: MIKA
Profile Mika Takenaga started dancing at the age of eight. In 1994, 1995 and 1996, she won the Japan “Amateur Latin Championship”. Ever since, she has been a favorite artist in the Japanese dance world with numerous performances, TV appearances and choreography assignments.
In 2001, she attended special dance seminars in Cuba for several weeks which further perfected her Salsa expertise. In the year 2002, she established Dance Studio Casino in Roppongi, the heart of Tokyo (www.studio-casino.com). Dance Studio Casino has been instrumental in nurturing the interest for Salsa in Japan’s dance community.
This led to a deal with the prestigious “avex entertainment” group through which Mika Takenaga together with her partner Alberto Romay released a 6-volume DVD package titled “Perfect Salsa” and a CD “We love Salsa”. Her accomplishments have not just been focused on Japan. She has instructed several workshops overseas be in Asian countries or in Europe and has received special recognition awards in light of her achievements to spread Salsa.
Similarly she has been tasked numerous times to provide her expertise as a judge at international competitions. In 2008, she established Japan Salsa Association (www.japan-salsa.org/). To further promote Salsa she has even held a lecture in 2011 at Kyoto University as part of their MBA program where she was asked to speak on Business Management in the entertainment industry.