표준 해사 영어를 사용하여 소통의 어려움을 극복하도록 합시다.
SMCP의 내용
1 Position of the IMO SMCP in maritime practice
2 Organization of the IMO SMCP
3 Position of the IMO SMCP in Maritime Education and Training
4 Basic communicative features
5 Typographical conventions
1. Procedure
2. Spelling
3. Message markers
4. Responses
5. Distress / urgency / safety signals
6. Standard organizational phrases
7. Corrections
8. Readiness
9. Repetition
10. Numbers
11. Positions
12. Bearings
13. Courses
14. Distances
15. Speed
16. Time
17. Geographical names
18. Ambiguous words
1. General terms
2. VTS special terms
A1/1 Distress traffic
A1/1.1 Distress communications
.1 Fire, explosion
.2 Flooding
.3 Collision
.4 Grounding
.5 List, danger of capsizing
.6 Sinking
.7 Disabled and adrift
.8 Armed attack / piracy
.9 Undesignated distress
.10 Abandoning vessel
.11 Person overboard
A1/1.2 Search and Rescue communications
.1 SAR communications (specifying or supplementary to A1/1.1)
.2 Acknowledgement and / or relay of SAR messages
.3 Performing / co-ordinating SAR operations
.4 Finishing with SAR operations
A1/1.3 Requesting Medical Assistance
A1/2 Urgency traffic
Safety of a vessel (other than distress)
.1 Technical failure
.2 Cargo
.3 Ice damage
A1/3 Safety Communications
A1/3.1 Meteorological and hydrological conditions
.1 Winds, storms, tropical storms; sea state
.2 Restricted visibility
.3 Ice
.4 Abnormal tides
A1/3.2 Navigational warnings involving
.1 Land- or seamarks
.2 Drifting objects
.3 Electronic navigational aids
.4 Seabottom characteristics, wrecks
.5 Miscellaneous
.5.1 Cable, pipe and seismic / hydrographic operations
.5.2 Diving operations, tows, dredging operations
.5.3 Tanker transhipment
.5.4 Off-shore installations, rig moves
.5.5 Defective locks or bridges
.5.6 Military operations
.5.7 Fishery
A1/3.3 Environmental protection communications
A1/4 Pilotage
A1/4.1 Pilot request
A1/4.2 Embarking / disembarking pilot
A1/4.3 Tug request
A1/5 Specials
A1/5.1 Helicopter operations
A1/5.2 Ice-breaker operations
.1 Ice-breaker request
.2 Ice-breaker assistance for convoy
.3 Ice-breaker assistance in close-coupled towing
A1/6 Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases
A1/6.1 Phrases for acquiring and providing data for a traffic image
.1 Acquiring and providing routine traffic data
.2 Acquiring and providing distress traffic data
A1/6.2 Phrases for providing VTS services
.1 Information service
.1.1 Navigational warnings
.1.2 Navigational information
.1.3 Traffic information
.1.4 Route information
.1.5 Hydrographic information
.1.6 Electronic navigational aids information
.1.7 Meteorological warnings
.1.8 Meteorological information
.1.9 Meteorological questions and answers
.2 Navigational assistance service
.2.1 Request and identification
.2.2 Position
.2.3 Course
.3 Traffic organization service
.3.1 Clearance, forward planning
.3.2 Anchoring
.3.3 Arrival, berthing and departure
.3.4 Enforcement
.3.5 Avoiding dangerous situations, providing safe movements
.3.6 Canal and lock operations
A1/6.3 Handing over to another VTS
A1/6.4 Phrases for communication with emergency services and allied services
.1 Emergency services (SAR, fire fighting, pollution fighting)
.2 Tug services
.3 Pilot request
.4 Embarking / disembarking pilot
Appendix to A1 External Communication Phrases
Standard GMDSS Messages
1 Standard Distress Message
.1 Structure
.2 Example
2 Standard Urgency Message
.1 Structure
.2 Example
3 Standard Safety Message
.1 Structure
.2 Example
A2/1 Standard Wheel Orders
A2/2 Standard Engine Orders
A2/3 Pilot on the Bridge
A2/3.1 Propulsion system
A2/3.2 Manoeuvring
A2/3.3 Radar
A2/3.4 Draft and air draft
A2/3.5 Anchoring
.1 Going to anchor
.2 Leaving the anchorage
A2/3.6 Tug assistance
A2/3.7 Berthing and unberthing
.1 General
.2 Berthing
.3 Unberthing
B1 Operative ship handling
B1/1 Handing over the watch
B1/1.1 Briefing on position, movement and draft
.1 Position
.2 Movements
.3 Draft
B1/1.2 Briefing on traffic situation in the area
B1/1.3 Briefing on navigational aids and equipment status
B1/1.4 Briefing on radiocommunications
B1/1.5 Briefing on meteorological conditions
B1/1.6 Briefing on standing orders and bridge organization
B1/1.7 Briefing on special navigational events
B1/1.8 Briefing on temperatures, pressures and soundings
B1/1.9 Briefing on operation of main engine and auxiliary equipment
B1/1.10 Briefing on pumping of fuel, ballast water, etc.
B1/1.11 Briefing on special machinery events and repairs
B1/1.12 Briefing on record keeping
B1/1.13 Handing and taking over the watch
B1/2 Trim, list and stability
B2 Safety on board
B2/1 General activities
B2/1.1 Raising alarm
B2/1.2 Briefing crew and passengers
B2/1.3 Checking status of escape routes
B2/1.4 Checking status of lifeboats / liferafts
B2/1.5 Ordering evacuation
B2/1.6 Roll call
B2/1.7 Ordering abandon vessel
B2/1.8 In-boat procedures
B2/2 Occupational Safety
B2/2.1 Instruction
B2/2.2 Practical occupational safety
B2/2.3 Occupational accidents
B2/3 Fire protection and fire fighting
B2/3.1 Fire protection
.1 Checking status of equipment
B2/3.2 Fire fighting and drills
.1 Reporting fire
.2 Reporting readiness for action
.3 Orders for fire fighting
.4 Cancellation of alarm
B2/4 Damage control
B2/4.1 Checking equipment status and drills
B2/4.2 Damage control activities
.1 Reporting flooding
.2 Reporting readiness for action
.3 Orders for damage control
.4 Cancellation of alarm
B2/5 Grounding
B2/5.1 Reporting grounding and ordering actions
B2/5.2 Reporting damage
B2/5.3 Orders for refloating
B2/5.4 Checking seaworthiness
B2/6 Search and Rescue on-board Activities
B2/6.1 Checking equipment status
B2/6.2 Person-overboard activities
B2/6.3 Rescue operation - reporting readiness for assistance
B2/6.4 Conducting search
B2/6.5 Rescue activities
B2/6.6 Finishing with search and rescue operations
B3 Cargo and cargo handling
B3/1 Cargo handling
B3/1.1 Loading and unloading
.1 Loading capacities and quantities
.2 Dockside/shipboard cargo handling gear and equipment
.3 Preparing for loading / unloading
.4 Operating cargo handling equipment and hatches
.5 Maintaining/repairing cargo handling equipment
.6 Briefing on stowing and securing
B3/1.2 Handling dangerous goods
.1 Briefing on nature of dangerous goods
.2 Instructions on compatibility and stowage
.3 Reporting incidents
.4 Action in case of incidents
B3/1.3 Handling liquid goods, bunkers and ballast pollution prevention
.1 Preparing safety measures
.2 Operating pumping equipment
.3 Reporting and cleaning up spillage
.4 Ballast handling
.5 Tank cleaning
B3/1.4 Preparing for sea
B3/2 Cargo care
B3/2.1 Operating shipboard equipment for cargo care
B3/2.2 Taking measures for cargo care
.1 Carrying out inspections
.2 Describing damage to the cargo
.3 Taking actions
B4 Passenger care
B4/1 Briefing and instruction
B4/1.1 Conduct of passengers on board
.1 General information on conduct of pas sengers
.2 Briefing on prohibited areas, decks and spaces
B4/1.2 Briefing on safety regulations, preventive measures and communications
.1 The general emergency alarm
.2 Preventing / reporting fire
.3 PA announcements on emergency
.4 Person overboard
.5 Protective measures for children
B4/2 Evacuation and boat drill
B4/2.1 Allocating/directing to assembly stations, describing how to escape
B4/2.2 Briefing on how to dress and what to take to assembly stations
B4/2.3 Performing roll call
B4/2.4 Briefing on how to put on life -jackets
B4/2.5 Instructions on how to embark and behave in lifeboats/liferafts
B4/2.6 On-scene measures and actions in lifeboats/liferafts
B4/3 Attending to passengers in an emergency
B4/3.1 Informing on present situation
B4/3.2 Escorting helpless passengers
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