celestial bodies(天體. 천체)
An astronomical object, celestial object, stellar object or heavenly body is a naturally occurring physical entity, association, or structure that exists within the observable universe.
천체, 천체, 항성체 또는 천체는 관측 가능한 우주 내에 존재하는 자연적으로 발생하는 물리적 실체, 연관성 또는 구조이다.
asteroids(小行星. 소행성) : 항성 주위를 공전하지만, 그 질량이 행성 및 위성보다 작은 천체. Juno(제3소행성)
dwarf planet(矮行星. 왜행성) : 행성과 소행성의 중간 천체. Ceres(1801년 최초로 발견된 소행성). Pluto(명왕성).
comet(彗星. 혜성) 꼬리별. 살별. 尾星(미성). Hally’s comet(핼리혜성)
satellite(衞星. 위성) 행성 등의 주위를 도는 천체(자연위성). (인공위성☓). 달.
planet(行星. 행성). 항성의 주위를 도는 천체. 遊星(유성). 떠돌이별. 지구
fixes star(恒星. 항성. 붙박이별) 태양과 같이 스스로의 핵융합을 통해 빛을 내는 천체. 태양.
nebula(星雲. 성운) :성간매질과 수소로 이루어진 천체. 암흑성운(dark nebula). 반사성운(reflection nebula). 행성상성운(planetary nebula). 발광성운(bright nebula)
star cluster(星團. 성단) : 중력으로 뭉쳐 있는 항성의 무리. 구성성단(globular cluster). 산개성단(open cluster)
galaxy(銀河. 은하) : 항성, 성간 물질,플라즈마,암흑 물질 등으로 이루어진 거대한 계. 나선은하(spiral galaxy). 타원은하(elliptical galaxy). 불규칙은하(irregular galaxy). 렌즈상운하(lenticular galaxy)
cosmic dust(宇宙塵. 우주진. 우주먼지)
the sun, moon and stars(日月星辰. 일월성신. 해달별)
The Sun is a star at the center of the Solar System. It is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. The Sun has been an object of veneration in many cultures. It has been a central subject for astronomical research since antiquity.
at the center of = at the hub of ~의 중심에.
by far = far and away 훨씬, 단연코
He was by far the handsomest man she had ever seen.
He is far and away the tallest boy in the class.
life [집합적] 생물. 생명체 animal life 동물. vegetable life 식물
The Sun is by far the brightest object in the Earth's sky.
The earth’s circuit of the sun takes about 365 days. 지구가 태양의 주위를 일주하는데 약 365일이 걸린다.
solar 태양의
a solar spot= a spot in the sun ① 태양의 흑점 ② 옥의 티
This solar spot also produced two solar blasts. 이 태양흑점은 또한 두개의 태양 폭발을 일으켰다.
a solar calendar 태양력↔ a lunar calendar 태음력
a solar eclipse 일식↔ a lunar eclipse 월식
Make hay while the sun shines.
= Strike the iron while it is hot. 기회를 놓치지 마라.
Don’t pass up a main chance [a golden opportunity].
= Don’t waste a good opportunity.
have [take ] a sunbath. take the sun. sun oneself. bathe in the sun. sunbathe 일광욕하다.
get [grab] some rays 햇볕을 쬐다, 일광욕하다
Do I have time to take a sunbath before we go to Seoul.
His sun is set. 한창때가 지났다.
moon(달. 월구(月球). 태음(太陰). 옥토(玉兔))
The Moon, planets and stars traverse the night sky from east to west.
There is a moon in the sky tonight. 오늘밤 하늘에 달이 떠있다.
There’s no moon in the sky tonight. 오늘밤 하늘에 달이 없다.
The moon can not be seen.
The moon rises high. 달이 높이 떠 있다.
The moon is rising above the horizon. 달이 지평선 위에 떠오르고 있다.
new moon = sickle moon, crescent moon 초승달(新月[신월]. 初月[초월]. 弦月[현월]. 朏魄[비백])
waxing crescent moon 차는 초승달
half moon 반달(半月[반월]) : the first quarter 상현달(上:弦[상현])
waxing gibbous moon 차는 볼록달
full moon = full- orbed moon 보름달(滿:月[만월]. 望:月[망월]. 盈月[영월])
harvest moon 중추의 보름달(仲秋月[중추월])
The moon is at the full. 달이 보름달(만월)이다.
A full moon lightened the road. 보름달이 길을 밝게 비추었다.
waning gibbous moon 지는 볼록달
half moon 반달(半月[반월]) : the last quarter 하현달(下:弦[하현])
waning crescent moon 지는 초승달
old moon 그믐달(朓[조])
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. 달은 지구의 유일한 자연위성이다.
As the moon waxes and wanes in its monthly cycle, the height of the tide varies.
달이 월주기로 차고 짐에 따라 조수의 높이도 변한다,
When the moon waxes, it grows larger.
When the moon wanes, you gradually see less of it.
Waxing and waning
Diagram of the Moon's phases: The Earth is at the center of the diagram and the Moon is shown orbiting.
In common usage, the four major phases are the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon and the last quarter; the four minor phases are waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbous, and waning crescent.
When the Sun and Moon are aligned on the same side of the Earth (conjunct), the Moon is "new", and the side of the Moon facing Earth is not illuminated by the Sun. As the Moon waxes, the lunar phases progress through the new moon, crescent moon, first-quarter moon, gibbous moon, and full moon phases. The Moon then wanes as it passes through the gibbous moon, third-quarter moon, and crescent moon phases, before returning back to new moon.
The Sun is a star and the Earth is one of its planets.
The sky was full of stars.
be full of ~= be filled with, be shot through with ~으로 가득차다
I lay on my back and looked up at the stars.
be born under lucky [unlucky] star.
reach for the stars 이룰수 없는 일을 바라다
seek [plant, reap, sow] gapeseed 몽상에 잠기다(daydream. build a castle in the air [in Spain]). 실행불가능한 일을 꿈꾸다
thank one’s (lucky) stars 행운을 감사하다
Your star will rise someday. (성공. 행운)
Our star run was a fire-eating act. (관중을 끌기위한 여흥프로)
I felt a little dizzy and could see stars.
dizzy = giddy. vertiginous, swimming, faint, in a (flat) spin, light in the head 어지러운. 현기증 나는. see stars 눈앞이 아찔하다. feel faint = feel [turn] giddy [dizzy] 현기증 나다.
The stars winked. 별이 반짝였다.
She will star in the Los Angeles productionof ‘Phantom’ this year.
He has starred in two recent films.
The play starred him.
planet (행성. 유성, 떠돌이별)
Earth is a planet. Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.
Is there life on other planets?
The Solar System has eight planets by the most restrictive definition of the term: the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, and the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
분류 | 내용 |
terrestrial planets(지구형행성) | Mercury(수성), Venus(금성), Earth(지구), Mars(화성), |
giant planets(거대행성) | Jupiter(목성), Saturn(토성), Uranus(천왕성), and Neptune(해왕성). |