All applicant for Year 1 and above are required to attend a placement test. The purpose of the placement test is to ensure the consistency of placement for all students will be met by their educational and personal requirement. 1학년 이상의 입학 신청자들은 누구를 막론하고 테스트를 본다.
The placement test requirements varies for different year groups and interview with Academic Head may be required. 각학년마다 다른 시험을 보며 교장의 인터뷰를 받을 수도 있다.
All applicants are required to sit for placement test for English & Mathmatics. Additional Science paper will be required for Year 10 Science Stream applicants. 영어, 수학 시험을 보며 10학년은 과학이 더 포함된다.
The placement test materials are the School’s property and parents are not allowed to view or obtain a copy prior to or after the placement test. 테스트 용지는 부모가 볼 수 없으며 가져갈 수 없다.