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Making Sentences J2 오유나
Teacher1 추천 0 조회 158 25.01.01 11:08 댓글 42
게시글 본문내용
  • 25.01.02 17:18

    첫댓글 What a perfect student she is!
    He did his homework perfectely.
    That white candle is melting.
    I want to use that candle on my cake.

  • 25.01.07 15:53

    What a perfect student she is! (맞음)
    He did his homework (perfectly). (철자)
    That white candle is melting. (맞음)
    I want to use that candle on my cake. (맞음)

  • 25.01.07 17:37

    She looks happy after playing the game.
    The pillow feels soft.
    His room smells awful.
    It sounds noisy.
    The cake taste wonderful.

  • 25.01.07 18:20

    She looks happy after playing the game. (맞음)
    The pillow feels soft. (맞음)
    His room smells awful. (맞음)
    It sounds noisy. (맞음)
    The cake (tastes) wonderful. (3인칭 단수 s)

  • 25.01.09 15:45

    Teacher teach us English.
    -> Teacher teach English to us.
    He gave her some chocolates.
    -> He gave some chocolates to her.
    I told her some secrets.
    -> I told some secrets to her.
    She made me some pizza.
    ->She made some pizza for me.

  • 25.01.09 17:44

    Teacher (teaches) us English. → Teacher teaches English to us. (3인칭 단수 s)
    He gave her some chocolates. → He gave some chocolates to her. (맞음)
    I told her some secrets. → I told some secrets to her. (맞음)
    She made me some pizza. → She made some pizza for me. (맞음)

  • 25.01.14 17:16

    I shared my secret with my friends.
    He burned the candle.
    The cat caught a mouse.
    She usually do her homework.

  • 25.01.14 17:39

    I shared my secret with my friends. (맞음)
    He burned the candle. (맞음)
    The cat caught a mouse. (맞음)
    She usually (does) her homework. (3인칭 단수 s)

  • 25.01.16 17:30

    The picture on the wall looks great.
    His voice on the call sounds strange.
    The potato pizza taste very good.
    The blanket feels soft like silk.
    The foods in the refrigerator smells strange.
    I send him a massage two days ago.
    She bought a new bike for her son on Christmas.

  • 25.01.16 18:18

    The picture on the wall looks great. (맞음)
    His voice on the call sounds strange. (맞음)
    The potato pizza (tastes) very good. (3인칭 단수 s)
    The blanket feels soft like silk. (맞음)
    The foods in the refrigerator (smell) strange. (복수형 주어)
    I (sent) him a message two days ago. (과거형, 철자)
    She bought a new bike for her son on Christmas. (맞음)

  • 25.01.21 17:46

    The ant cluster carry the jelly.
    We have enough money to buy a gift.
    The test result is very good.
    Sometimes, the snow is intermittent.
    The storm is starting.
    I don't like the downpour.
    After a while, she was thirsty.
    The sponge can soak up some water.
    Don't play at the mud puddle.
    After the rain we have to dry our body.
    The sky looks like rainfall starts.

  • 25.01.22 19:49

    The ant (cluster) (carries) the jelly. (단어 용법, 3인칭 단수 동사 수정)
    We have enough money to buy a gift. (맞음)
    The test result is very good. (맞음)
    Sometimes, the snow is intermittent. (맞음)
    The storm is starting. (맞음)
    I don't like the downpour. (맞음)
    After a while, she was thirsty. (맞음)
    The sponge can soak up some water. (맞음)
    Don't play (in) the mud puddle. (전치사 수정)
    After the rain(,) we have to dry our body. (쉼표 추가)
    The sky looks like (the) rainfall (is) starting. (관사, be동사 추가)

  • 25.01.23 18:10

    He found the book is interesting.
    Our parents want me to read more books.
    He asked her to call later.
    Teacher adviced me to do my best.
    We kept the cake fresh in the refrigerator.
    The teacher made students stand in one line.
    I saw my friend waving hand across the street.
    She heard her brother is laughing loudly on the sofa.
    Yumi saw her friend is waiting the bus.

  • 25.02.03 17:37

    He found the book (to be) interesting. (to be 추가)
    Our parents want me to read more books. (맞음)
    He asked her to call later. (맞음)
    (The) teacher (advised) me to do my best. (관사, 동사 수정)
    We kept the cake fresh in the refrigerator. (맞음)
    The teacher made students stand in one line. (맞음)
    I saw my friend (wave) (his/her) hand across the street. (동사, 소유격 추가)
    She heard her brother (laughing) loudly on the sofa. (동명사로 수정)
    Yumi saw her friend (waiting) for the bus. (동명사, 전치사 추가)

  • 25.02.04 17:42

    I have enough money to go there.
    After raining, there are so much moisture.
    The game result is bad.
    The storm is comming we have to stay inside.
    The desk is so heavy.
    The ground is so dry.
    We played at the stream.
    The clothes will dry.
    The game is over.
    There is a shining dress.

  • 25.02.04 19:27

    I have enough money to go there. (맞음)
    After (it) rains, there is (much) moisture. (주어 추가, 양 표현 수정)
    The game result is bad. (맞음)
    The storm is (coming). (올바른 철자)
    We have to stay inside. (맞음)
    The desk is (so) heavy. (맞음)
    The ground is so dry. (맞음)
    We played at (the) stream. (관사 추가)
    The clothes will (dry). (동사 수정)
    The game is over. (맞음)
    There is (a) shining dress. (관사 추가)

  • 25.02.07 10:22

    It is fun to go camping with family.
    Nowadays, it is not easy to live without smartphone.
    Mom want to start herbown cook blog.
    We decided to go picnic next Sunday.
    We planed to suprise her on her birthday.
    He promised not to tell my secret anyone.
    Our team's goal is win at the game.
    I don't know what I should do.
    We decided what to name our pet.

  • 25.02.07 19:17

    It is fun to go camping with (the) family. (관사 추가)
    Nowadays, it is not easy to live without (a) smartphone. (관사 추가)
    Mom wants to start her own cooking blog. (동사, 표현 수정)
    We decided to go (on a) picnic next Sunday. (전치사, 관사 추가)
    We planned to surprise her on her birthday. (맞음)
    He promised not to tell my secret to anyone. (전치사 추가)
    Our team's goal is to win (the) game. (to 부정사, 관사 추가)
    I don't know what I should do. (맞음)
    We decided what to name our pet. (맞음)

  • 25.02.11 17:34

    The Mercury is first planet.
    The path is good to walk.
    The present is surrounded with paper.
    So far, people thought Earth is square.
    I believe ahe will help me.
    He reached the line.
    Monster is not exist.
    She will continue to study.
    He wanted to explore the museum.

  • 25.02.12 14:17

    Mercury (is the) first planet. (관사 추가, 고유명사 규칙)
    The path is good to walk. (맞음)
    The present is surrounded (by) paper. (전치사 수정)
    So far, people thought (the) Earth was (round). (관사, 과거형, 단어 수정)
    I believe (she) will help me. (대명사 수정)
    He reached the line. (맞음)
    (A) monster does not exist. (관사, 동사 수정)
    She will continue (to) study. (맞음)
    He wanted to explore (the) museum. (관사 추가)

  • 25.02.13 17:21

    Our mom made sandwitchs to eat for lunch.
    They don't have time to rest.
    We have to find a way to relate stress.
    We need to find someone to help us.
    He doesn't have friends to talk.
    I don't have a pen to write.
    Our family are finding hotel to stay.

  • 25.02.13 17:29

    Our mom made (sandwiches) to eat for lunch. (복수형 수정)
    They don't have time to rest. (맞음)
    We have to find a way to (relieve) stress. (동사 수정)
    We need to find someone to help us. (맞음)
    He doesn't have (any) friends to talk (to). (관사, 전치사 추가)
    I don't have a pen to write (with). (전치사 추가)
    Our family (is) finding (a) hotel to stay (in). (be동사, 관사, 전치사 추가)

  • 25.02.18 17:22

    In our solar system, I want to travel the Mars.
    The ball is spherical.
    The eraser looks like circular.
    He is dwarf because he is so silly.
    Her sit is farthest to me.
    Jupiter orbit the sun.
    I can visible the letter.
    He saw the stars throught the telescope.
    The scientist knew about the Venus.
    Universe is very interesing.

  • 25.02.19 13:43

    In our solar system, I want to travel to Mars. (전치사 추가)
    The ball is spherical. (맞음)
    The eraser looks (circular). (전치사 삭제)
    He is (a) dwarf (or) (is) short because he is so small. (관사, 표현 수정)
    Her seat (is) farthest from me. (be동사, 전치사 수정)
    Jupiter (orbits) the sun. (3인칭 단수 동사)
    I can (see) the letter. (동사 수정)
    He saw the stars (through) the telescope. (전치사 수정)
    The scientist knew about Venus. (대문자 수정)
    The universe is very interesting. (대문자, 철자 수정)

  • 25.02.20 17:29

    Our family climb the mountain to see sun rise.
    He hang up the phone to focus the study.
    She was sad to break up with her best friend.
    The question is easy to explain.
    She was very surprised to listen the news.
    The juice is cold to drink.
    She is very smart to solve the question.
    He left early to catch the plane.

  • 25.02.20 19:22

    Our family (climbs) the mountain to see (the) sunrise. (동사, 띄어쓰기, 관사 수정)
    He (hung) up the phone to focus on (his) study. (동사, 전치사, 소유격 추가)
    She was sad to break up with her best friend. (맞음)
    The question is easy to explain. (맞음)
    She was very surprised to (hear) the news. ('listen' → 'hear' 수정)
    The juice is cold to drink. (맞음)
    She is very smart to solve the question. (맞음)
    He left early to catch the plane. (맞음)

  • 25.02.25 17:38

    We go on a trip to seoul.
    In the museum there many things to see.
    I introduced myself in my class.
    We followed the him.
    The guide teached about it.
    The ant came around the candy.
    He explored the cave.
    I learned about the history.
    The scientist explained about the result.
    A hunter hunted the rabbit.

  • 25.02.26 19:10

    We go on a trip to Seoul. - 도시명 대문자 수정
    In the museum (there are) many things to see. - 동사 추가
    I introduced myself (to) my class. - 전치사 추가
    We followed (him). - "the" 삭제
    The guide (taught) about it. - 동사 수정
    The ant came (around) the candy. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    He explored the cave. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    I learned about the history. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    The scientist explained (about) the result. - 전치사 선택적 수정
    A hunter hunted the rabbit. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함

  • 25.02.27 17:22

    To eat so many candies is not good for health.
    He promised to finish his homework.
    I don't no where to go.
    He need someone to help.
    She is to play outside.
    He is to clean his room.
    Coffee is not good to drink at night.
    I was happy to get a good grade.
    He hurried to an airport, only to find it leaved.

  • 25.02.27 18:55

    To eat so many candies is not good for health. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    He promised to finish his homework. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    I don't (know) where to go. - 철자 수정
    He (needs) someone to help (him). - 동사와 목적어 수정
    She (wants) to play outside. - "is to" 수정
    He (wants) to clean his room. - "is to" 수정
    Coffee is not good to drink at night. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    I was happy to get a good grade. (맞음) - 문장 구조 정확함
    He hurried to (the) airport, only to find it (had) left. - 관사와 동사 시제 수정

  • 25.03.04 17:15

    I saw many exhibits.
    The display is very nice.
    Prehistoric peoples hunted animals with rock.
    I want to take care of a dog.
    In the pottery there are some fruits.
    The tool is good to cut.
    She prepared the crayon.
    The clue is very important.
    His past is not good.
    I understanded about the homework.

  • 25.03.04 18:29

    I saw many exhibits. (맞음)
    The display is very nice. (맞음)
    Prehistoric (people) hunted animals with (a) rock. - 명사 수정, 관사 추가
    I want to take care of a dog. (맞음)
    In the pottery (display), there are some fruits. - 의미 명확화
    The tool is good (for) cutting. - 전치사 수정
    She prepared (some) crayons. - 복수형 및 관사 수정
    The clue is very important. (맞음)
    His past is not good. (맞음)
    I (understood) (the) homework. - 동사 수정, 관사 추가

  • 25.03.06 17:33

    He is too weak to move the table.
    She is too young to study the math.
    They are too careless to bring the flowerpot.
    He is smart enough to solve the problem.
    She is wise enough to do her homework.
    I am nice enough to buy it.
    It is easy for her to make it.
    It is difficult for him to find out it.
    It is happy for me to play outside.

  • 25.03.11 18:40

    He is too weak to move (the) table. (관사 추가)
    She is too young to study (math). ('the' 삭제)
    They are too careless to bring (the) flowerpot. (관사 추가)
    He is smart enough to solve (the) problem. (관사 추가)
    She is wise enough to do her homework. (맞음)
    I am (kind) enough to buy it. (형용사 수정)
    It is easy for her to make it. (맞음)
    It is difficult for him to find it. ('out' 삭제)
    It is (good/pleasant) for me to play outside. (형용사 수정)

  • 25.03.11 17:36

    I went the post office to send a letter.
    In the package there was a note.
    She did her homework almost.
    There were water everywhere at the waterpark.
    His friend live overseas.
    There were dozens of ball.
    She received a present.
    I wrapped the candy.
    He tied the shoelace.
    The string is very strong.

  • 25.03.11 17:41

    I went to (the) post office to send a letter. (전치사 추가)
    In the package, there was (a) note. (관사 추가, 쉼표 추가)
    She (almost) did her homework. (부사 위치 수정)
    There was water everywhere at (the) waterpark. (관사 추가, 단수형 사용)
    His friend (lives) overseas. (3인칭 단수 동사)
    There were dozens of (balls). (복수형 수정)
    She (received) a present. (동사 수정)
    I wrapped (the) candy. (관사 추가)
    He tied (the) shoelace. (관사 추가)
    The string is very strong. (맞음)

  • 25.03.13 17:35

    Taking a work is good at our health.
    Studing launguage is taking a lot of time.
    I like to playing with friends.
    His job is writing a novel.
    Writing travelplan is happy.
    My favorite habby is solving puzzle.
    She is interested in helping poor people.
    I can't help writing report.
    She give up memorizing their name.

  • 25.03.13 18:14

    Taking a walk is good (for) our health. - 전치사 수정, "work" → "walk"
    (Studying) language is taking a lot of time. - 철자와 동명사 수정
    I like (to) play with friends. - to부정사 형태 수정
    His job is writing a novel. (맞음)
    (Planning) (a) travel (is) fun. - 명사, 관사, 동사 수정
    My favorite (hobby) is solving (a) puzzle. - 철자와 관사 수정
    She is interested in helping poor people. (맞음)
    I can't help (writing) (a) report. - 동명사와 관사 추가
    She (gives) up memorizing (her) name. - 동사 형태와 소유격 수정

  • 25.03.18 17:31

    I don't know her address.
    Where is the center of city.
    The postman left a letter.
    He retured the book.
    The math problem is very difficult.
    He will delivery the present.
    The adress is stated.
    I will put the stamp on the package.
    The book is very interesting.
    The disaster is happened.

  • 25.03.18 18:55

    I (don't) know her address. - 주어 추가
    Where is the center of (the) city? - 관사 추가
    The postman left a letter. (맞음)
    He (returned) the book. - 동사 형태 수정
    The math problem is very difficult. (맞음)
    He will (deliver) the present. - 동사 형태 수정
    The address is (stated). (맞음)
    I will put the stamp on the package. (맞음)
    The book is very interesting. (맞음)
    The disaster (has) happened. - 완료형 또는 현재완료형 동사 추가

  • 25.03.20 18:02

    I finished cleaning my room.
    She enjoyed playing the piano.
    He hoped to play out side.
    I decided to buy a note.
    I remember to finish my homework.
    He forgot bringing his sketchbook.
    She stoped reading a book.
    I stoped to drawing a landscape.

  • 25.03.20 18:49

    I finished cleaning my room. (맞음)
    She enjoyed playing (the) piano. - 관사 추가
    He hoped (to) play outside. - to부정사와 띄어쓰기 수정
    I decided to buy (a) notebook. - 관사와 명사 수정
    I (remembered) (finishing) my homework. - 동사와 동명사 수정
    He (forgot) (to bring) his sketchbook. - 동사와 to부정사 수정
    She (stopped) reading a book. - 철자 수정
    I (stopped) (to) draw (a) landscape. - 동사, 전치사, 관사 수정
