[출처 : 러너스 월드] [번역 : 다오 송동호]
Muscle cramps can ruin a run. Here's how to sidestep them for good
By Marlene Cimons
Published 06/27/2002
At mile 18 of the Shamrock Marathon last March, Scott Young's right calf began to cramp. The sharp pain came and went for the last 8 miles of the race. "The worst cramp nearly doubled me over just as I crossed the finish line, keeping me from finishing the race with my head up," says Young, 51, a social worker who lives in Virginia Beach, Va. Needless to say, Young's finish-line photo left something to be desired.
작년 3월말 샴록마라톤대회에서 18마일을 왔을 때 (풀코스는 26마일), 스콧영의 오른쪽 종아리는 쥐가 나기 시작했다. 날카로운 통증이 찾아와 나머지 8마일을 함께 했다. "최악의 경련이 피니쉬라인을 통과할때까지 저를 덮쳤습니다. 그래서 끝날때까지 고개를 쳐들고 뛰었습니다. (나하고는 반대네.....난 고개를 박고 뛰었는데..ㅋㅋ)' 라고 버지니아 해변에 사는 영(51세)은 말합니다. 말할 것도 없이 그의 결승섬 통과사진은 (하늘을 향해) 무언가를 갈망하는 듯한 포즈를 취하고 있습니다.
His experience is common to runners. Muscle cramps are disabling, involuntary spasms that often occur during exercise or competition, most often in the large muscles of the lower leg. Although, be aware: They can hit anywhere.
And once you've had these cramps, you never forget them. "Every time I go out for a long run now, the fear of cramping is always in the back of my mind," says Young.
그의 경험은 러너에겐 흔한 경험입니다. (음.... 흔하군 ㅋㅋ) 근육경련은 움직일 수 없게하는, 비자발적인 경련이 운동, 경기 중에 발생하는 것으로 대부분은 하지(종아리)의 가장 큰 근육에 발생합니다. 하지만 이걸알아야합니다. 근육경련은 어디에나 찾아올 수 있습니다. 그리고 한번 이런류의 경련을 겪고나면 잊을 수가 없습니다. "지금은 장거리를 달리러 나갈때는 근육경련에 대한 공포를 언제나 마음 깊숙히 가지 고 있습니다."영은 말합니다.(솔직히 그정도는 아니다....ㅎㅎ)
Causes (원인)
Muscle cramps are one of the most common medical complaints from athletes during endurance events, especially marathons and triathlons, according to Martin P. Schwellnus, M.D., professor of sports medicine at the University of Cape Town, in South Africa. No one really knows for sure what causes them, and there is ongoing debate on the subject. The theories are varied and range from excessive heat, dehydration, and the loss of electrolytes, to muscle fatigue, insufficient training, and poor stretching habits. The newest theories focus on the interaction between nerves and muscles. (과도한 발열, 탈수, 전해질 상실, 근육피로, 훈련부족, 스트레칭 부족습관)
"What causes muscle cramps? Sweat and dehydration," says Rachel Miller, P.T., a physical therapist in Chevy Chase, Md. The theory she espouses goes like this: During a marathon or other endurance event, your muscles are working constantly, and thus your body temperature rises. To lower it, you begin to sweat, but this leads to a loss of body fluids and electrolytes, which means your blood volume decreases and your heart rate increases. All of this reduces the body's ability to dissipate heat, which accelerates fatigue and takes its toll on our muscles. Result: they cramp.
But other experts beg to differ. "In all of our studies, we have never found dehydration to be associated with cramping," says Dr. Schwellnus. A study of 1,300 marathon runners conducted by Dr. Schwellnus and Tim Noakes, M.D., medical director of Ironman South Africa, indicated a number of risk factors for muscle cramps including older age, longer history of running, higher body-mass index, shorter stretching time, irregular stretching habits, and a family history of cramping. Exercise-related conditions, such as hard racing, long-distance running, muscle fatigue, and hill running also contributed to their developing muscle cramps. (나이라 많을 수록, 러닝경험이 많을 수록, 신체부피가 클수록, 스트레칭 시간에 따라, 스트레칭 습관에 따라, 가족력에 따라, 어려운 레이싱, 장거리 레이싱, 근육피로, 언덕주 등이 근경련을 일으킨다.)
Prevention (예방)
Despite all the debate on causes, experts do agree on several steps you can take to reduce your cramping risk. Try these five strategies.
근경련 예방을 위한 5가지 전략
1. Take time to stretch. And you should pay particular attention to the muscles that are most prone to cramping. Stretch those muscles gently but thoroughly.
1. 스트레칭 할 것, 근경련이 잘 일어나는 부위에 대해 집중해서. 부드러우면서도 완벽한 스트레칭을 할 것.
2. Train appropriately for every event. This is especially important for marathoners. On race day, running much faster or farther than you've trained will simply overwhelm your muscles and make you susceptible to cramps.
2. 매번 적절한 훈련. 마라토너에겐 필수적. 대회당일 훈련할 것 보다 더 빨리, 더 멀리 달리면 근경련이 일어날 것임.
(이것이 내 케이스. 한마디로 하면 훈련 부족)
3. Prepare your body for the elements. If you live in a dry climate, for example, don't decide to run a marathon in an extremely humid city, unless you give yourself ample time before the race to become accustomed to the steamy conditions. This can take up to a week or more.
3. 신체적 준비. 건조한 기후에 살고 있다면 아주 습한 곳에서 열리는 대회는 참가하지 말것. 덥고습한기후에 정응하기 위해서는 일주일 또는 그 이상을 준비해야함.
4. Keep a sports drink handy. Though experts don't know for sure if dehydration causes cramping, it's still important to stay well hydrated when you run. And it may lessen the severity of any cramps you do develop. So, about an hour or two before you run or race (depending on your tolerance), top off your tank with 16 ounces of fluid. Then take in between 5 and 12 ounces of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes during the run. And make sure your fluid of choice contains electrolytes since these salts can help prevent cramps.
4. 스포츠음료를 마실 것. 전문가들 조차도 탈수가 근경련을 일으킨다는 확시이 없지만, 물은 달리기에 있어 여전히 중요한 요소임. 만약 근경련이 발생하더라도 그 정도를 낮춰줄 것임. 따라서 레이스의 약 한시간 에서 두시간전에 물을 충분히 마셔둘 것(자신의 용량에 맞게) ......
5. Hop to it. Try some leaping, hopping, or skipping drills--otherwise known as plyometrics--as part of your regular
training. Such exercises can improve muscle-nerve coordination, strength, and help loosen tight muscles.
5. 뜀뛰기를 많이 할 것(줄넘기가 여기 나오네요.^^) 점프동작, 건너뛰기, 제자리 뛰기 등등 플라이오메트릭스(한국어로는 없슴)를 정기적인 훈련의 일부로서 수행할 것. 이러한 운동들은 근육-신경의 조화, 힘에 도움이 되며 경직된 근육을 풀어줌.
Even if you follow all of the above precautions, cramps may still strike during a race. Then what?
위의 모든 준비를 다 하였음에도 불구하고 레이스도중에 경련이 발생하면 어떻게 할 것인가?
1.Stop running immediately and stretch the affected muscle. This helps relax the spasm. You may have to stop and stretch a number of times before the cramp abates.
1. 즉시 달리기를 멈추고 해당근육을 스트레칭한다. 경련을 이완시킨다. 근육경련이 멈출때까지 몇번이고 멈추어 반복한다. ㅠㅠ
2.Apply deep pressure at the site of the cramp to provide relief. Just use your fingers to press into the affected muscle and hold for 10 to 15 seconds.
2. 이완을 위해서는 근육에 압박을 가한다. 손가락으로 해당 근육을 10초에서 15초 정도 누른다.
3.Drink a fluid with electrolytes. Sports drinks that contain electrolytes can help resolve cramps as well as prevent them.
3. 전해질이 포함된 음료를 마신다. 전해질이 포함된 스포츠음료는 경련을 예방할 뿐 아니라 경감시켜준다. (-.-;) 정말?
4.Slow down for awhile. To keep a cramp at bay you need to take the stress off your muscles, so back off a bit. Besides, when a cramp hits, you may not have a choice.
4. 한동안은 속도를 줄인다. 경련이 일어나지않게 달린다. 경련이 심하게 오면 방법이 없을 수도 있다. (에레이~ -,.-) 말이쉽지.