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증산도의 진리

회원 알림


회원 알림

  • 방문
  • 가입
    1. 일월성신
    2. 도학연원 허조
    3. 조도마
    4. 새소심
    5. kkssw
    1. 이정화
    2. 작은새
    3. 우리우
    4. 쿠오바디스
    5. 은하수
카페 게시글
∥…… 환단고기 스크랩 Hwandangogi deserves much respects and more acclamation from the people all around the globe.
Marshal 추천 1 조회 89 14.07.27 08:56 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

Even before America began its history as United states, 9000 years ago in the broad land of Eurasia, 12 States with 5 different colored race, 9 different tribes became one united nation, worshiping one God, Sangje (上帝 : oldest name for God). It was the united states of Hwan (: Pictographic character of Brightness of Heaven).


It was the time when all human beings experienced the brightness of heaven and earth. By becoming one with heaven and earth, humans had enlightened their inner brightness, all becoming one mind, forming united states of Hwan.


Time had past and 12 states of Hwan separated into 12 different nations. After repeating a several cycles of migration and division, human's totally forgot the golden age of Hwan, losing their roots and identity, falling into a time of darkness. People started to compare and discriminate each other, forming a culture of Sanggeuk (相剋 : mutual conflict and restrain). As a result, history of human became a history of war.


But entering the 21st Century, by the network of global economy and evolution of transportation, human civilization became a global village. We are now facing a new challenge such as Climate changes and pandemic problems, also made by human civilization. These problems can never be solved by one president or one strong nation. Every nation and every human being in this world have to cooperate with one another to stay alive from these threats of the 21st Century. To gather all wisdoms and cooperations in this world, the 21st century needs a new philosophy of Sangseng (相生 : mutual life saving and benefit) to become one.


Hwandangogi  (桓檀古記 : Ancient Records of the Human Experience of Heaven and Earth’s Radiance) is the one and only history book which tell us about the memories of 9000 years ago era when all human being became brightness it self, enlightened to become one united.


This book contains the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors when they had no discrimination between races and poverty, making a ideological world in the human history. I am sure that our ancestor's wisdom from the ancient history book of the time of Hwan (: Heaven’s radiance) and Dan (: Earth’s Radiance) will give a bright saving light to us and our future generation.


This book also tells the very first beginning of every ones lineage, physical and cultural. I also believe that this ancient history book will give a clue to the basic questions such as “Who am I?”, “What am I”, “Where are we heading to”, and “What should we do?” by telling the story of forgotten history of Hwan, finding each and every 7 billion peoples roots, lineage and identity.


“Through this book,

1. we have come to discover our own identity, an event which deserves much celebration.

2. We have also come to express the spirit of Korean culture, something that deserves grand commemoration.

3. Furthermore, we have established the framework within which humanity may abandon conflict and embrace coexistence, a work to commemorate with even more acclamation.” (from “Introductory Remarks of Hwandangogi” translated and edited by Ahn Gyung-juhn)


As the preface of this book had already mentioned, this book had established the framework within which humanity may abandon conflict and embrace coexistence.


Because this book can give a wisdom of salvation from the threat of the 21st Century, I believe that Hwandangogi deserves much respects and more acclamation from the people all around the globe.


