大方廣佛華嚴經 卷第三
The Flower Ornament Scripture
1. The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds
七, 大衆의 得法과 讚佛 함께한 대중들이 부처님의 덕을 찬탄하다.
3, 十行位衆십행위(十行位)를 표한 대중들이 찬탄하다
(1) 第八行의 主方神
제 8행을 표한 주방신이 찬탄하다.
가, 主方神衆의 得주방신과 그 대중들이 얻은 법
①復次徧住一切主方神은 得普救護力解脫門하고 普現光明主方神은 得成辦化一切衆生神通業解脫門하고
Furthermore, the direction spirit Dwelling Everywhere found the door of liberation of the power of universal salvation. The direction spirit Ubiquitous Light found the door of liberation perfecting the practice of mystic powers to edify all sentient beings.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
또한 변주일체주방신(遍住一切主方神)은 널리 구호하는 힘의 해탈문을 얻었고, 보현광명(普現光明)주방신은 모든 중생을 교화하는 신통한 업을 마련하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Furthermore ad. 또한
the direction spirit Dwelling Everywhere : 변주일체주방신(遍住一切主方神,Direction-ruling Spirit Pervasively Dwelling Everywhere)
the door of liberation : 해탈문
the power of universal salvation : 널리 구호하는 힘
The direction spirit Ubiquitous Light : 보현광명(普現光明)주방신
mystic powers :신통한 힘 edify v.교화하다.
all sentient beings : 모든 중생
Moreover, Direction-ruling Spirit Pervasively Dwelling Everywhere gained a passage into liberation of universally being able to rescue and protect beings. Direction-ruling Spirit Universally Displaying Brilliance gained a passage into liberation of transforming all sentient beings and helping them to achieve their karma of spiritual penetrations.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
②光行莊嚴主方神은 得破一切闇障하야 生喜樂大光明解脫門하고 周行不礙主方神은 得普現一切處不唐勞解脫門하고
The direction spirit Array of Light Beams found the door of liberation destroying all barriers of darkness and producing the great light of joy and happiness. The direction spirit Traveling Everywhere Unhindered found the door of liberation appearing in all places without wasted effort.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
광행장엄(光行莊嚴)주방신은 모든 어려운 장애를 깨뜨려서 기쁘고 즐거운 큰 광명을 내는 해탈문을 얻었고, 주행불애(周行不碍)주방신은 여러 곳에 널리 나타나되 헛되이 수고하지 않는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The direction spirit Array of Light Beams : 광행장엄(光行莊嚴)주방신,Direction-ruling Spirit Adorned with Luminous Practices)
destroy all barriers of darkness : 모든 어려운 장애를 깨뜨리다.
produce the great light : 큰 광명을 내다. joy and happiness : 기쁘고 즐거운
The direction spirit Traveling Everywhere Unhindered : 주행불애(周行不碍)주방신, Direction-ruling Spirit Traveling Freely Everywhere)
appear in all places : 여러 곳에 나타나다
without wasted effort : 헛되이 수고하지 않는
Direction-ruling Spirit Adorned with Luminous Practices gained a passage into liberation of emitting a great light that demolishes all obstacles of darkness and brings forth bliss. Direction-ruling Spirit Traveling Freely Everywhere gained a passage into liberation of universally manifesting everywhere without the effort being in vain.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
③永斷迷惑主方神은 得示現等一切衆生數名號하야 發生功德解脫門하고 徧遊淨空主方神은 得恒發妙音하야 令聽者로 皆歡喜解脫門하고
The direction (spirit,누락) Forever Ending Confusion found the door of liberation revealing names and epithets of Buddha equal in number to all sentient beings, producing virtue and merit. The direction spirit Roaming Everywhere in Pure Space found the door of liberation continuously producing exquisite sound causing all who hear to be pleased.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
영단미혹(永斷迷惑)주방신은 모든 중생의 수와 같은 이름을 나타내 보여서 공덕을 발생하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 변유정공(遍遊淨空)주방신은 항상 미묘한 소리를 내어서 듣는 이에게 다 기쁘게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The direction (spirit,누락) Forever Ending Confusion : 영단미혹(永斷迷惑)주방신,Direction-ruling Spirit Forever Severing Delusions)
reveal v.드러내다. epithet n.통칭, equal a.동등한
producing virtue and merit : 공덕을 발생하는
The direction spirit Roaming Everywhere in Pure Space : 변유정공(遍遊淨空)주방신,Direction-ruling Spirit Pervasively Roaming in the Pure Void)
continuously ad.항상 producing exquisite sound : 미묘한 소리
all who hear : 듣는 이 to be pleased : 기쁘게 하는
Direction-ruling Spirit Forever Severing Delusions gained a passage into liberation of revealing as many epithets as there are sentient beings, giving rise to meritorious virtues. Direction-ruling Spirit Pervasively Roaming in the Pure Void gained a passage into liberation of constantly producing wondrous sound, bringing joy to all who hear.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
④雲幢大音主方神은 得如龍普雨하야 令衆生歡喜解脫門하고 髻目無亂主方神은 得示現一切衆生業無差別自在力解脫門하고
The direction spirit Great Sound of Cloud Banner found the door of liberation bringing rain everywhere, like a naga, causing sentient beings to rejoice. The direction spirit Topknot and Eyes Undisturbed found the door of liberation of the independent power to show the doings of all sentient beings without discrimination.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
운당대음(雲幢大音)주방신은 용이 비를 내리는 것과 같이 중생을 기쁘게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 계목무란(髻目無亂)주방신은 모든 중생의 업이 차별이 없음을 나타내는 자재한 힘의 해탈문을 얻었고,
The direction spirit Great Sound of Cloud Banner : 운당대음(雲幢大音)주방신, Direction-ruling Spirit Cloud-like Banner of Resonant Sound)
like a naga : 용과 같이,like a dragon)
The direction spirit Topknot and Eyes Undisturbed : 계목무란(髻目無亂)주방신, Direction-ruling Spirit Cowl Eyes Unconfused)
the independent power : 자재한 힘 the doings of all sentient beings : 중생의 업 without discrimination : 차별이 없는
Direction-ruling Spirit Cloud-like Banner of Resonant Sound gained a passage into liberation of bringing rain everywhere like a dragon, delighting sentient beings. Direction-ruling Spirit Cowl Eyes Unconfused gained a passage into liberation of nondifferentiating sovereign power to make appear the karma of all sentient beings.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
⑤普觀世業主方神은 得觀察一切趣生中種種業解脫門하고 周徧遊覽主方神은 得所作事가 皆究竟하야 生一切衆生歡喜解脫門하시니라
The direction spirit Universally Observing the Doings of the Worlds found the door of liberation examining the various actions of beings in all realms of existence. The direction spirit Traveling Everywhere Watching found the door of liberation fulfilling all tasks and bringing happiness to all sentient beings.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
보관세업(普觀世業)주방신은 모든 갈래의 중생들 중에서 갖가지 업을 관찰하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 주변유람(周遍遊覽)주방신은 하는 일을 다 끝맺어서 일체중생을 기쁘게 하는 해탈문을 얻었다.
The direction spirit Universally Observing the Doings of the Worlds :
보관세업(普觀世業)주방신,Direction-ruling Spirit Universally Observing the Karma of World)
examine v.관찰하다. the various actions of beings : 갖가지 업
all realms of existence : 모든 갈래의 중생들
The direction spirit Traveling Everywhere Watching : 주변유람(周遍遊覽)주방신, Direction-ruling Spirit Everywhere Touring)
fulfill all tasks : 하는 일을 다 끝맺다
Direction-ruling Spirit Universally Observing the Karma of Worlds gained a passage into liberation of observing the various karma of beings in all destinies. Direction-ruling Spirit Everywhere Touring gained a passage into liberation of giving rise to joy in all sentient beings by bringing all their endeavors to fruition.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
나, 偈頌讚歎주방신의 찬탄
爾時에 徧住一切主方神이 承佛威力하사 普觀一切主方神衆하고 而說頌言하사대
At that time, the direction spirit Dwelling Everywhere, imbued with the power of the Buddha, looked over all the direction spirits and said in verse,<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
그때에 변주일체주방신은 부처님의 위신력을 받들어 모든 주방신 대중들을 두루 살펴보고 게송으로 말하였다.
At that time : 그 때에 the direction spirit Dwelling Everywhere : 변주일체주방신
imbued with : 받들다. the power of the Buddha : 부처님의 위신력
look over : 살피다. in verse : 게송으로
At that time Direction-ruling Spirit, Pervasively Dwelling Everywhere received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of Direction-ruling Spirits, and spoke the following verse.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The Buddha freely appears in the world
To teach all living beings,
Showing the ways to truth, having them understand and enter,
Putting them in a position to realize highest wisdom.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래께서 자재롭게 세간에 출현하사
모든 중생들을 교화하시며
법문을 널리 보여 깨닫게 하시고
위없는 지혜를 꼭 이루게 하시네
freely ad.자유롭게 appear in the world : 세간에 출현하다.
the ways to truth : 법문(dharma doors) highest wisdom : 위없는 지혜
The Tathagata appears in the world, comfortable and carefree,
To teach and transform the multitudes of beings-
Everywhere revealing dharma doors for all to enter and enlighten to,
So all will accomplish unsurpassed wisdom.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
His spiritual powers are as boundless as beings,
Displaying various forms according to their desires;
And all who see are freed from suffering:
This is Ubiquitous Light's power of liberation.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
신통이 한량없어 중생과 같으사
즐기는 바를 따라 여러 모양 보이시니
보는 이는 모두 다 고통에서 벗어나네
이것은 현광주방신의 해탈한 힘이로다
spiritual powers : 신통 boundless a.한량없는
according to their desires : 즐기는 바에 따라
freed from suffering:고통에서 벗어난
Ubiquitous Light : 현광주방신(Displaying Brilliance Spirit)
With limitless spiritual penetrations, as many as sentient beings,
In accordance with their preferences, he reveals all characteristics.
Hence, those who see him all escape from suffering.
Thus is the power of liberation of Displaying Brilliance Spirit.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Buddha, in the ocean of beings hindered by darkness,
Manifests the great light of the lamp of truth for them,
That light shining everywhere, so none do not see:
This is the liberation of Light Beam Arrays.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님이 어둡고 막혀있는 중생의 바다에서
법의 횃불로 큰 광명을 놓으시니
그 빛이 널리 비쳐 모두가 보는지라
이것은 행장엄주방신의 해탈이로다
the ocean of beings : 중생의 바다
hindered by darkness :어둡고 막혀있는(obstructed by obscurity)
manifest v.드러내다. the great light of the lamp of truth : 법의 횃불
none do not see:모두가 보다.
Light Beam Arrays : (행장엄주방신, Adorned with Practice)
The Buddha in the sea of beings who are obstructed by obscurity
Reveals to them the brilliant torch of Dharma.
Its light shines everywhere and is seen by all.
Adorned with Practice is liberated thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Commanding the various languages of all worlds,
Buddha teaches so that all can understand,
And the affliction of his hearers disappear:
This is the realization of Traveling Everywhere.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
세간의 갖가지 소리를 구족하사
법륜을 널리 굴려 모두가 알게 하니
중생들이 듣고는 번뇌가 소멸함이로다
이것은 변왕주방신이 깨달은 것이네
command v.구족하다. the affliction : 번뇌
Traveling Everywhere : (변왕주방신,Spirit Traveling Everywhere)
Endowed with all the various sounds in the world,
He universally turns the Dharma wheel, and no one fails to understand.
Sentient beings hear and cease to be afflicted.
Spirit Traveling Everywhere awakens thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
As many names as there are in all worlds,
Buddha names emerge in equal numbers,
Causing all beings to be free from ignorance:
This is the sphere of Ending Confusion.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
세간에 있는 모든 이름
부처님의 이름도 그와 같이 출생하사
중생에게 어리석음과 미혹을 벗어나게 하시니
이것은 단미주방신이 행한 곳이로다
emerge v.나타나다. to be free from ignorance:어리석음과 미혹을 벗어나다.
the sphere : 영역 Ending Confusion : 단미주방신,Spirit Severing Confusion)
For all the names in the world,
As many names of Buddhas emerge,
Freeing sentient beings completely from ignorance and delusion.
Spirit Severing Confusion practices thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
If any sentient beings come before the Buddha
And hear the Buddha's sublime sound,
They will all be greatly delighted:
Traveling Throughout Space understands this truth.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
만약 중생이 부처님 앞에 와서
여래의 아름답고 묘한 음성 들으면
마음에 큰 기쁨을 다 내나니
변유허공주방신이 이 법을 깨달았네
sublime sound : 묘한 음성
Traveling Throughout Space : 변유허공주방신,Pervasively Roaming in the Void)
this truth : 이 법(this Dharma)
If there are sentient beings who come before the Buddha
And hear the Tathagata's sublime, wondrous sound,
Great delight will not fail to fill their minds.
Pervasively Roaming in the Void awakens to this Dharma.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The Buddha, in every single instant,
Everywhere showers the boundless rain of truth,
Causing all beings' afflictions to perish:
This is known to Cloud Banner.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님이 낱낱 찰나 중에서
끝없는 큰 진리[法]비를 두루 내리사
중생들의 번뇌를 다 소멸하시니
이것은 운당주방신이 요달하였네
every single instant : 낱낱 찰나
the boundless rain of truth : 끝없는 큰 진리[法]비
all beings' afflictions : 중생들의 번뇌 perish v.사라지다.
Cloud Banner : 운당주방신(Spirit Cloud-like Banner)
The Buddha, in the space of every ksana,
Universally rains great and boundless Dharma rain,
Extinguishing sentient beings' afflictions completely.
Spirit Cloud-like Banner understands thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The ocean of doings of all worlds
The Buddha equally shows,
Causing all beings to be rid of delusion by actions:
This is what Undisturbed Eye understands.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
일체 세간의 모든 업의 바다를
부처님이 차별없이 다 열어보이사
중생에게 업과 미혹을 다 없애게 하시니
이것은 계목주방신이 요달하였네
The ocean of doings : 업의 바다
equally shows : 차별없이 보이다.
be rid of delusion by actions:업과 미혹을 없애다.
Undisturbed Eye : 계목주방신, Spirit Eyes of the Cowl)
All the oceans of karma in all worlds
Are shown by the Buddha to be the same without distinction.
He universally helps beings to dispel karmic delusions.
Spirit Eyes of the Cowl understands thus. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
The stage of omniscience has no bounds;
All the various mentalities of beings
The Buddha perceives with complete clarity:
This immense door the World Observer enters.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 것을 아는 지혜 끝이 없으사
일체중생들의 갖가지 마음을
여래가 비춰보고 다 밝게 아시니
이 넓고 큰 문을 관세주방신이 들어갔네
The stage of omniscience :모든 것을 아는 지혜
the various mentalities : 갖가지 마음
perceive v.알다. with complete clarity: 다 밝게
This immense door : 이 넓고 큰 문
the World Observer : 관세주방신(Observing Worlds)
The ground of All-Wisdom has no bounds.
The Tathagata clearly sees and completely understands
All the various thoughts of sentient beings
Observing Worlds enters this vast, great passage.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Buddha cultivated various practices in the past,
Completely fulfilling infinite transcendent ways,
Compassionately aiding all sentient beings:
This is the liberation of Universal Traveler.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님이 지난 옛적 수행할 때에
한량없는 바라밀을 원만히 하사
큰 자비로 중생을 불쌍히 여겨 이익케 하시니
이것은 변유주방신의 해탈이로다
cultivated various practices : 수행하다. Completely fulfilling : 원만히 하는
infinite transcendent ways : 한량없는 바라밀(innumerable paramitas)
compassionately ad.자비로 aid v.이롭게하다.
Universal Traveler : 변유주방신(Spirit Everywhere Touring)
The Buddha cultivated every practice
And fully perfected innumerable paramitas.
With great kindness and empathy he benefits sentient beings.
Spirit Everywhere Touring is liberated thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
첫댓글 destroy all barriers of darkness : 모든 어려운 장애를 깨뜨리다, the doings of all sentient beings : 중생의 업, The ocean of doings : 업의 바다.._()()()_