워크샵 3회차는 11.5(토) 2시, 끼방, <위기의 주부들 제3화> 입니다.
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위기의 주부들_Episode 3_씬대본.hwp
위에 첨부한 파일과 아래 내용은 동일합니다.
[Episode 3] #S6 Wisteria Lane (05:36-06:33)
Susan : How could we have all forgotten about this?
Lynette : We didn't exactly forget, it's just usually when the hostess dies, the party's off.
Bree : Lynette.
Lynette : I'm not being flip, I'm just pointing out a reality.
Gabrielle : Mary Alice was so excited about it. It's so sad.
Susan : I think we should go through with it.
Bree : Really? Wouldn't that be in poor taste?
Susan : No, it's sort of a way to honor Mary Alice. It was so important to her.
Gabrielle : We could all use a fun night.
Bree : Well, good, because I have some new flatbread that I've just been dying to show off.
Susan : Lynette?
Lynette : I'm in.
Bree : I'll make braised lamb shanks.
Lynette : I'm still in.
Bree : So how many will I be cooking for?
Gabrielle : 7. Three couples and Susan. Does that sound right?
Susan : No, it sounds very, very wrong.
Gabrielle : Awww.
Bree : Is there somebody you'd like to invite?
Susan : I have an idea.
- hostess 여주인, 안주인, 여승무원
- be off 떠나다, 출발하다; 떨어져[벗겨져] 있다; 인연이 끊어져 있다; 중단되어 있다
- flip 휙 젖히다, 홱 뒤집다, 튀기다, 가볍게 치다 / (형)약삭빠른, 참견 잘하는 건방진 / (명) 약삭빠른 사람, 참견 잘하는 사람, 건방진 사람
- point out 지적하다
- go through with 완수하다, 실행하다
- honor 명예, 영광 / 존경하다, 예우하다
- flatbread 얇은 웨하스 크래커
flat 평평한, 평탄한
- be dying to/for (구어) 죽도록 하고/갖고 싶어하다,
- show off 으스대다, 과시하다, 자랑하다
- braised lamb shanks 브레이즈드 램 샹크 (양고기 요리)
* braise 볶은 후 소량의 물로 천천히 삶다
* shank 정강이
[Episode 3] #S27 Scavo house (33:55-35:01)
Tom : Hi.
Lynette : How was your night?
Tom : We are raising little terrorists, you know that, don't you?
Lynette : Oh. Didn't have a good time?
Tom : Okay, you know what? Drop the act. I know you gave them cookies.
Lynette : Oooh. Who cracked anyway?
Tom : Porter.
Lynette : Oh.
Tom : Yeah. So how was your, uh, dinner party?
Lynette : Well, there was dinner, but it wasn't much of a party.
Tom : Uh-oh, what happened?
Lynette : I don't know. Rex announced that he and Bree are in counselling.
She retaliated with this whole revelation which I won't even go into now.
And the bottom line is, he stormed out. Clearly there's trouble in paradise.
Tom : Honestly, I'm not that surprised.
Lynette : Why not?
Tom : I don't know, I just never got the idea that they were really happy.
Lynette : Are we happy?
- not much of a …대단한 …은 아니다
- retaliate 보복하다, 앙갚음하다
- revelation 폭로(된 사실)
- go into 들어가다
- bottom line (결산서)맨 밑줄, 손익, 최종결과 결말
- storm out (성내어) 뛰어 나가다(들다), 자리를 뜨다
[Episode 3] #S29 Van De Kamp house (35:36-37:10)
Bree : So, uh, where are you going?
Rex : I'll be staying at the motor lodge.
Bree : Hotel by the interstate has better rates, and, uh, it's closer to your work.
Rex : Fine.
Bree : I'm packing your swimsuit. There's a pool there, and I know how swimming relaxes you.
Rex : When our kids ask where I am, what are you gonna say?
Bree : Umm, I could tell them that you went to tennis camp. That was a joke.
Rex : Yeah. I got it.
Bree : Ah, there. Obviously, if you've forgotten anything, you can, um, come right back and get it.
Rex : Well, I'll call you.
Bree : Rex. In college, when we first started dating, people were so jealous of us.
We were the golden couple. Everybody knew we were gonna have this wonderful life.
Why is this happening?
Rex : Because you can't even let me pack my own suitcase.
- motor lodge 모텔
- interstate 주와 주 사이의, (미)주간 고속도로
- rate 비율, 속도, 요금, 등급
- jealous 질투하는, 시기하는
- golden couple 환상적인 커플
- suitcase 여행 가방
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