The title of this story is "Max and Ruby: Surprise Ruby."
It was Ruby's birthday, so Ruby was excited.
Ruby explained to Max about the surprise party.
Max made a mud cake for Ruby's surprise party.
While she washed her hands, Max bring took her tiara and went to the playground, so Ruby chased him.
Finally, Max and Ruby arrived at Grandma's house, and they surprised Ruby.
Score: B+
문법과 표현:
- "explained Max about" → "explained to Max about" (전치사 사용).
- "bring" → "took" (과거형).
- "her tiara and went to the playground so Ruby chased him" → 쉼표 추가로 문장 연결.
- "grandmother house" → "Grandma's house" (소유격 사용).
내용 추가하기:
- Ruby가 깜짝 파티에서 어떻게 반응했는지 추가 설명하면 좋습니다.
- Max가 왜 mud cake를 만들었는지, 또는 Ruby와의 관계에서의 장난기 있는 부분을 더 묘사하면 재미있을 수 있습니다.