Today's story is "Caillou Goes to a Theme Park."
Caillou went to a theme park.
Caillou rode on a Hurricane ride and ate some cotton candy.
Then, Caillou rode on a Ferris wheel. Caillou liked riding the Ferris wheel.
Caillou threw a ring to try and get a teddy bear, but it was difficult. However, his daddy succeeded.
After that, Caillou went home.
Score: B
- "hurrum ride"는 문맥상 "Hurricane ride"로 수정하면 좋습니다.
(Replace "hurrum ride" with "Hurricane ride" for clarity.) - "Caillou ride on"은 과거형인 "Caillou rode on"으로 고쳐야 해요.
(Correct "Caillou ride on" to "Caillou rode on" for past tense consistency.) - "tardy bear"는 "teddy bear"로 수정해야 정확합니다.
(Change "tardy bear" to "teddy bear.") - 이야기를 더 풍부하게 하려면, Caillou가 놀이기구를 탈 때 느낀 기분이나 아빠가 성공했을 때의 순간을 추가해 보세요.
(Add details about how Caillou felt on the rides or when his dad succeeded to make the story more engaging.)