법무장관이여, 닭이 먼저이니 아니면 달걀이 먼저이니? 정동희가 호주의 은밀한 4곳을 들여다본 소감
어제(25년3월5일) 나의 현지 대리인이 서호주 법무장관을 찾아가서 만났습니다.
4가지 이야기를 그가 했습니다. 그 중의 3개만 이야기하겠습니다.
첫째는 '다시는 나를 찾아오지 마라'
둘째는 '나의 호주 금융기관에서 돈을 빌려서 (이중청구된) 남은 송금수수료를 못낸다'였습니다
셋째는 '비공개된 재판을 이야기하는 나의 태도'였습니다.
저는 이 셋째와 관련하여 서호주 법무장관에게 다음을 묻고 싶군요, "닭이 먼저이니 아니면 달걀이 먼저이니?"
25년1월23일 직전 자신의 정부문서 약속인 'This is absouletely final fees'라는 약속이 돈 처먹자마자 5일만에 파기되었고 더구나 그 청구되는게 24년11월에 The banking supervision bureau 등에 제 재판종결 비용에 대해 문의하여 납부한 송금료를 다시 거액으로 뻥튀기하여 이중청구되고 나서부터, 그에게 짓밟히는 재판승소 원고자의 최소한의 생존권을 지키기 위해서 저는 이 재판 이야기를 한 것입니다.
법무장관은 비공개제도의 허점을 이용하여, 나를 3차례 연속적으로 공권력 만행으로 밟았고, 그에게 짓밟히고 있는 나의 최소한의 방어권도 부정하는 사람입니다.
바로 이 '호주 정부에 의해 운영되는 비공개제도'가 제가 들여다본 '호주의 3번째 은밀한 곳'이었습니다.
호주에는 한국에서 절대로 시행하기 힘든 정부에 의한 비공개 강제제도가 왜 있을까?
내가 지난 1년 동안 호주정부가 이 사실을 비공개로 지정하여 어쩔 수 없이 따랐지만, 호주 자국 국민들의 알 권리를 억압하고 있다는 느낌은 내내 받았다..
국익 차원에서 이해하려면 그러한 행위가 차후에 다시 재발생되지 않는다는 정부 의지와 시스템이 확연해야 한다. 그런데 이를 최초로 신고한 공익신고자 원고 정의 민사재판종결절차에서 보여준 이해하기 힘든 국제법에 반하는 행위 강행와 법무부장관의 문서 약속 파기와 이중청구는 앞으로 이러한 뇌물부패 고위공무원 비리가 더 큰 규모로 발생할 가능성만 높이고 있다는 점에서 자국 국민을 속이는 결과이다.
호주의 은밀한 곳을 내가 첫번째로 들여다 보게 된 것은 2024년 호주 정부출자 은행장의 뇌물부패 사건이었다.
그리고 호주의 은밀한 곳을 내가 두번째로 들여다 보게 된 것은 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau의 연합작전에 의해 ① 24년 12월 30일에 갑자기 민사소송 승소자인 원고 나에게 전혀 별 건에 대한 이중처벌 강행 ② 25년1월23일 직전 자신의 정부문서 약속인 'This is absouletely final fees'라는 약속이 돈 처먹자마자 5일만에 파기 ③ 24년11월에 The banking supervision bureau 등에 제 재판종결 비용에 대해 문의하여 납부한 송금료를 다시 거액으로 뻥튀기하여 이중청구되는 지금의 상황이다. 즉, 어처구니 없게도 법의 원칙과 모범을 보여야 할 두 주체인 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau의 무원칙과 국제법 위반이고 결과적으로 거꾸로 내가 죽으면 호주 고위공무원 부정부패 범죄자가 수혜를 받는 엉뚱한 수호자를 자처하는 작금의 상황이다.
이 부문에서 나는 존경하는 호주 국민에게 호소한다.
한국전에 호주가 UN군으로 참여한 사실을 아는 나는 (서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau의 연합작전에 의해 연속 짓밟히기 전에는) 호주에 대해 좋은 이미지를 가지고 있었다.
1980년대와 1990년대 들은 호주의 백호주의는 옛날 이야기로 생각했기 때문이었다.
공개적으로 도시를 노래하며 내 인상에 가장 깊게 남은 노래 베스트 3곡에 Jess & Matt의 '시드니 투 미(Sydney to me)'를 공개적으로 거론할 정도였다.
Jess & Matt는 남편과 아내인 Jess Dunbar와 Matt Price로 구성된 팝 뮤직 듀오이다. 그만큼 리얼 부부가 내는 화음이 진실하게 들렸었다.
이런 진실한 마음을 조금이라도 가지고 존경하는 호주 국민에게 호소한다.
호주 국내인들이 깨닫지 못하고 발견하지 못하는 한국인인 Zheng이 무려 1년 여 만에 위에서 거론한 호주의 은밀한 3곳을 연속적으로 발견하고 지금은 뼈저리게 고생하고 있다.
그런 나의 눈에는 놀랍게도 '호주의 은밀한 4번째 부문'이 보여지고 앞으로 어떻게 될 지 전망이 간다.
지금은 '호주의 은밀한 4번째 부문'을 구체적으로 이야기하지 않겠다.
'매우 안좋다'는 것만 힌트를 드린다.
이것과 아주 간접적으로 관련된 다른 조그만 예를 이야기하겠다.
내가 AG 등의 연합작전에 의해 짓밟히는 게 안타까와 나의 현지 지인이 The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau에 신고하여 조사가 있었다.
The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau가 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau에 대해 향후 집행 영장을 발부해준 점은 의미가 있다.
그런데 이미 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau에 의해 3번 연속 밟히면서 '완전 거지가 된 재판승소자 원고'입장에서는 거액으로 뻥튀기되어 송금료가 이중청구되고 있다는 게 매우 중요한 이슈이다.
그런데 The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau는 물증을 갖고 있는 당사자인 나에게 전혀 연락도 하지 않고, 가해자인 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau 등만 연락하고 이 점에 대해 결론을 내어버렸다.
부부싸움을 했으면 남편과 아내 다 물어봐야 되는 게 '조사의 정석'아닌가? The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau마저도 아주 기본적인 원칙을 지키지 않고 '나에게 중요한 이슈'를 넘어가는 일종의 가해자 역할을 했다.
이것은 아주 작은 간접적인 예이고 나의 눈에는 놀랍게도 '호주의 은밀한 4번째 부문'은 여러분의 상상 이상이고 결코 여러분에게 좋은 소식이 아닐 가능성이 매우 높아보인다.
이를 막기 위해서는 방법이 있다.
'금주 Zheng이 더 이상 서호주 법무장관과 The banking supervision bureau에 4번째로 밟히지 않게' 존경하는 여러분이 나서서 Zheng을 살릴 경우, '호주의 은밀한 4번째 부문'이 재난 수준으로 향후 악화되지 않을 것이다.
이제 여러분의 선택과 도움이 필요한 시간이고 그 시간은 지금이다. "Do it Now"이다.
(서호주 법무장관이 최소한의 양심을 보일 수 있는 해결책 돌파구: "Do it Now:")
ⓐ 24년2월에 호주출자 은행자의 뇌물부패 사건 발생 당시 내가 인출한 175여만불 등이 호주정부의 완벽한 통제 하에 있는데, 호주 법무장관은 이중청구된 송금료 잔액 17만불을 이 계좌에서 납부하는 것을 허용한다면, Zheng이 생존할 수 있다
ⓑ 또는 24년11월에 내 비용을 대리인 역할을 하며 법무장관 등에 나의 재판종결 비용을 물은 금융기관으로부터 차입을 서호주 법무장관이 허용해준다면, Zheng이 생존할 수 있다
"Do it Now:" Ministry of Justice 역할을 하는 서호주 법무장관이 그 이름에 걸맞게 결과적으로 대규모 뇌물부패 범죄자의 재산 보호를 하지 않기를 간절히 기도할 뿐입니다.
My impressions of looking into 4 secret places in Auz ("Do it Now”) A-G, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Attorney General, which came first, the chicken or the egg? My impressions of looking into 4 secret places in Australia
Yesterday my local representative went to see the Attorney General of Western Australia.
He told four stories. I will talk about only three of them.
Firstly, ‘Don’t come visit me again.’
Second, 'Zheng was unable to pay the remaining remittance fee (double charged) by borrowing money from an Australian financial institution.'
The third was ‘my attitude when talking about a closed trial.’
In relation to this third point, I would like to ask the Attorney General of Western Australia, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"
On January 23, 2025, the previous promise in the government document of the A-G, 'This is absouletely final fees', was broken 5 days after the money was spent, and furthermore, the billing began in November 24, when I inquired about my trial completion fees to The Banking Supervision Bureau, etc., and the remittance fee I paid was double billed by blowing up a large amount again. I told the story of this trial in order to protect the minimum right to survival of the plaintiff who won the trial and was trampled on by him.
The Minister of Justice is a person who took advantage of the loopholes in the non-disclosure system and brutalized me with public power three times in a row, denying me even the bare minimum right to defense while being trampled on by him.
This 'private system operated by the Australian government' was the 'third secret place in Australia' that I looked into.
Why does Australia have a ‘government-mandated non-disclosure system’ that would never be implemented in Korea?
For the past year, I have been forced to follow the Australian government's decision to keep this information private, but I have always felt that the Australian government is suppressing its citizens' right to know.
To understand it from the perspective of national interest, the government's will and system must be clear to ensure that such acts do not occur again in the future.
However, Zheng, the public interest reporter and trial plaintiff who first reported this, enforced an incomprehensible act contrary to international law shown in the civil trial conclusion process, and the Minister of Justice's broken document promise and double billing are the result of deceiving the country's citizens in that they are only increasing the possibility that such bribery and corruption of high-ranking public officials will occur on a larger scale in the future.
The first time I looked into Australia's secret places was the 2024 bribery corruption case of the head of an Australian government-owned bank.
And the second time I looked into Australia's secret places was "by a joint operation between the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision bureau. ① On December 30, 24, the plaintiff, the winner of the civil suit, was suddenly forced to impose double punishment for a completely different case. ② The promise in his government document, 'This is absouletely final fees', just before January 23, 25, was broken in 5 days as soon as the money was spent. ③ The current situation is that in November 24, the remittance fee paid by inquiring about the trial completion fee to The Banking Supervision Bureau, etc., was doubled and double billed.”
In other words, it is absurdly unprincipled and a violation of international law by 'the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision bureau', two entities that should set an example and set an example by the principles of the law. As a result, we are in a situation where the Minister of Justice is calling himself the wrong guardian who will benefit high-ranking Australian government officials and corruption criminals when I die.
In this section I appeal to the esteemed Australian people.
Knowing that Australia participated as a UN force in the Korean War, I had a good image of Australia (before it was repeatedly trampled by a joint operation between the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision bureau).
In the 1980s and 1990s, people thought that Australia's White Australia policy was a thing of the past.
While singing about the city in public, I went so far as to openly mention Jess & Matt's 'Sydney to me' as one of the top three songs that left the deepest impression on me.
Jess & Matt is a pop music duo consisting of husband and wife Jess Dunbar and Matt Price. That's how authentic the harmony between the real couple sounded.
I appeal to all Australian citizens who have this kind of sincerity and respect.
Zheng, a Korean who many Australians do not realize or discover, has discovered the three secret places in Australia mentioned above in succession in just over a year and is now having a hard time.
To my surprise, I can see ‘Australia’s secret fourth sector’ and see what will happen in the future.
I will not talk specifically about ‘Australia’s secret fourth sector’ at the moment.
The only hint is 'very bad'.
Let me tell you another little example that is very indirectly related to this.
I felt bad that I was being trampled on by a joint operation between the Western Australian Attorney General and the banking supervision bureau, and a local friend of mine reported it to The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau, and there was an investigation.
It is significant that the Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau has issued future execution warrants against the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision bureau.
However, it is a very important issue that the plaintiff, who won the trial and became a complete beggar as he has already been stepped on three times in a row by the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision bureau, is being double charged for remittance fees due to a large sum of money. However, The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau did not contact me, the person with the physical evidence, at all, and only contacted the perpetrators, the Attorney General of Western Australia and The Banking Supervision Bureau, and came to a conclusion on this matter.
If there has been a marital quarrel, isn't it the standard of an investigation that both the husband and wife should be questioned? Even The Financial Anti-Corruption Bureau acted as a kind of perpetrator by failing to adhere to very basic principles and overlooking ‘issues that are important to me’.
This is a very small indirect example and surprisingly in my eyes it seems very likely that 'Australia's secret fourth sector' is beyond your imagination and will never be good news for you.
There is a way to prevent this.
‘Australia’s secret fourth sector’ will not deteriorate to disastrous levels in the future if you, my esteemed people, step forward and save Zheng so that he will no longer end up in the hands of the Attorney General of Western Australia and the banking supervision bureau this week.
Now is the time for your choice and help, and that time is now. “Do it Now”
(Breakthrough solution that allows Western Australia's Attorney General to show minimal conscience: "Do it Now:")
ⓐ The approximately $1.75 million that I withdrew at the time of the bribery and corruption incident at the Australian-invested bank in February 2024 is under the complete control of the Australian government. If the Australian Attorney General allows the balance of $170,000 in double-billed remittance fees to be paid from this account, Zheng can survive.
ⓑ Alternatively, if the Attorney General of Western Australia allows borrowing from a financial institution that acted as an agent for my expenses in November 24 and asked the Attorney General, etc., for my trial closure costs, Zheng can survive.
“Do it Now:” I can only pray that the Attorney General of Western Australia, in his role as Ministry of Justice, lives up to his name and does not end up protecting the assets of large-scale bribery criminals.
7 Seeds of corruption sown by Auz AG himself, will deceive own people and asia and harm Auz future generations (It smells rotten)
7 Seeds of corruption sown by the Australian Attorney General himself
Auz AG's list of '7 seeds of corruption' that will deceive own people and asia and harm Auz future generations (It smells rotten)
Australia's Attorney General's list of '7 seeds of corruption' that will deceive the country's citizens and harm Australia's future generations (It smells rotten)
There is ‘Seven Seeds Specialty Coffee’ in Melbourne, and it is Melbourne’s representative coffee brand.
It is said that its name comes from the fact that in the 17th century, the monk Baba Budan secretly brought 7 green coffee beans from Yemen to India and spread coffee around the world.
This brand is doing well and they also run a directly managed store under another name, the name is ‘Brother Baba Budan’. The name of the monk who secretly brought 7 green coffee beans to India was also used.
‘The seven seeds brought by Baba Budan in the 17th century’ have become billions of green coffee seeds around the world today, and the number will continue to increase in major coffee producing countries in the future. Global coffee production in 2021-2022 is 10.3 million tons (167.17 million bags, 1 bag = 60 kg), and as the world's largest coffee producer and exporter, Brazil is expected to record an increase in coffee production for the third consecutive year this year, a record that has only occurred seven times in the 144-year history of coffee.
Unlike Melbourne's 'seven seeds', the Western Australian Attorney General in Perth is diligently sowing 'seven seeds of corruption'.
The Australian Attorney General's list of 'seven seeds of corruption' that will be inflicted on me, defraud the Australian people and harm future generations of Australia is as follows:
① Double punishment (against international law) was imposed on the plaintiff, who won the civil suit, by revealing his past record in a completely separate case (he was made to pay a fine three times the fine paid in October 2024 again in January 25).
② To me who was protesting against this, the Australian Attorney General promised in a government document on January 6, 2025 that ‘This is absolutely final fees’, but after taking the money, he broke his promise in a government document 5 days later.
③ In November 24, after winning my civil trial with the Attorney General and the banking supervision bureau, etc., I asked for the costs related to the closing process and received the amount and paid the remittance fee, etc., but on January 23, 25, they made a huge leap and forced double billing of the remittance fee.
④ I, who disposed of all my assets in Korea, am unable to pay due to lack of money, and as a result, it is regarded as 'giving up' and the civil victory money won at a huge cost is transferred back to the account of the head of the Australian government-owned bank, the criminal of 'Australia's largest bribery corruption', and the criminal is protected by the Minister of Justice.
⑤ I first reported the bribery and corruption case of an Australian-invested banker in February 2024, and contributed to the Australian government recovering USD 18 million, which was part of the criminal assets, to the national treasury. However, the Australian Attorney General confiscated all of the assets of this public interest reporter.
⑥ At the time of the bribery and corruption case at the Australian-invested bank in February 2024, the approximately $1.75 million I withdrew was under the complete control of the Australian government, but the Australian Attorney General refused to pay the balance of $170,000 in double-charged remittance fees from this account and threatened me to bring the money from Korea only.
⑦ In addition, the Attorney General of Western Australia does not allow borrowing from a financial institution that acted as an agent for my expenses and asked the Attorney General in November 24, and is solely focused on killing Zheng, the winning trial plaintiff who is a public interest reporter, and ultimately protects a huge number of high-ranking public officials bribery and corruption criminals.
The '7 seeds of corruption' imposed on me by the Australian Attorney General, which will deceive the Australian people and harm Australia's future generations, will soon hit Australia with a huge wave of corruption as follows.
ⓐ Until now, I did not know that Australia was Asia's partner, but now I learned that it is a 'Vampire that sucks up Asia's money'.
ⓑ The reality of the 'WHITE AUSTRRAILIA' government is revealed, where the Australian government does not listen to me when I talk about the corruption of the Australian Attorney General, but only listens to the Australian Attorney General and his followers.
ⓒ Future Asia will never sit still and pay for the atrocities committed by the Australian government with its own white logic that runs counter to international law, such as 'double punishment / breaking promises in government documents / double billing / the Australian government protects the bribery and corruption assets of its own white high-ranking public officials / turning Asian public interest reporters into complete beggars'.
(Auz's A-G, who ultimately played guardian of the highest official's bribery corruption) He robbed all of the property of the public interest reporter who first reported this and contributed 18M USD to the Auz treasury. The ugliest story in government is happening in Australia.
(Auz's Attorney General, who ultimately played the role of guardian of the highest-ranking public official's bribery corruption) He robbed all of the property of the public interest reporter who first reported this and contributed 18M USD to the Auz treasury.
(Australia's Attorney General, who ultimately played the role of guardian of the highest-ranking public official's bribery and corruption) He robbed all of the property of the public interest reporter who first reported this and contributed 18M USD to the Australian treasury. The ugliest story in government is happening in Australia.
Is there a story more uglier than this?
As a public interest reporter, I was hit in the back of the head by the West Australian Attorney General so hard that it almost killed most of my vitality.
An official response came today from the Office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Australia.
'Please note the Attorney-General’s Department is not an investigative body and does not investigate corruption.'
To put it another way, it sounds to me like 'I am the Federal Attorney General, but it is difficult to investigate the Attorney General of Western Australia.'
However, are you going to just sit by and watch the story that "(Australia's Attorney General, who eventually played the role of guardian of bribery and corruption of the highest-ranking public officials) robbed all the assets of the public interest reporter who first reported this and contributed 18 million USD to Australia's national treasury?"
If the Australian Attorney General is a sanctuary, then it is time for the Australian Governor-General and Prime Minister, who are above that sanctuary, to step forward, and the time is 'Do It Now'.
Dear Governor-General and Prime Minister of Australia.
Currently, South Korea has an active president in prison.
I don't quite understand the name of his crime.
What I know is that 'he has never committed 'double punishment for something completely different' like the Attorney General of Western Australia, has never destroyed his government document promise issued in writing within 5 days of receiving the money, and has never committed an act of double billing again by blowing up a ridiculously large amount of the remittance fee he had already requested and paid in November of last year.'
And what I know is that these three atrocities by public power are being committed against me by the Attorney General of Western Australia, and as a result, he is playing the role of guardian of the highest-level public official bribery and corruption of all time.
If this happens in Korea, which has a presidential system, he could really go to jail.
Dear Governor-General and Prime Minister of Australia,
If the Australian Attorney General has been a sanctuary until now, it is now time for the Australian Governor-General and Prime Minister, etc., who are above that sanctuary, to step forward, and the time is 'Do It Now'.
I have been trampled on three times in a row by the Attorney General of Western Australia, so I have sold all my assets in Korea and am left with debt that I cannot afford.
On the other hand, I have a withdrawal of $1.75 million from a bank in Australia where there was a bribery corruption case involving the president of an Australian-invested bank in February 2024, and I also have a separate deposit of $25,000 in Australia related to this.
This withdrawal money is now fully controlled by the Australian government.
Please use this money to pay the remaining $170,000 in remittance fees that the Attorney General of Western Australia and The Banking supervision bureau inflated to a large amount and double-charged.
(Alternatively, if The Banking supervision bureau remittance fee was wrongly delivered to me in November of last year, the financial institution took responsibility for this and said it would lend the money, but the Attorney General of Western Australia is currently sending an employee to the financial institution to completely prevent it. Please allow this.)
'(Australia's Attorney General, who ultimately played the role of protector of bribery and corruption among the highest-ranking public officials) was the first to report this and took 18 million USD in Australian treasury revenue, and then he robbed all of the public interest reporter's property.'
Please help us stop the ugliest stories happening in Australia at the government level.
I heard that 'Uluru, the red mountain with ancient mysteries', is no longer allowed to be climbed carelessly as in the past, as requested by the indigenous people, and its original name is being used.
I sincerely hope that Australia's forward-looking government attitude (different from the past) will be shown this time to Zheng, who is a public interest reporter and admires the 'Star of Asia' spirit at heart.