Q(질문) : What did you do yesterday?
Wednesday, March 14, 2012, <Title : bean curd>
Lead : I bought bean curd.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 두부를
Where : I bought bean curd at the supermarket.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 두부를 슈퍼마켓에서
How : I bought bean curd at the supermarket myself.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 두부를 슈퍼마켓에서 나 혼자
When : I bought bean curd at the supermarket myself yesterday.
뜻 : 나는 샀다 두부를 슈퍼마켓에서 나 혼자 어제
Situation : There were a lot of bean curds in the supermarket.
뜻 : 거기에는 있었다 많은 두부가 슈퍼마켓에는
Result : I was very happy, Because I like to eat bean curds.
뜻 : 나는 매우 행복했다, 왜냐하면 나는 두부 먹는 것을 좋아하기 때문이다
Feeling : It was very yummy, So I ate a lot of bean curds.
뜻 : 그것은 매우 맛있었다, 그래서 나는 먹었다 많은 두부를
Will : I will eat candies next time.
뜻 : 나는 먹을 것이다 사탕을 다음에
<After Revising>
I bought bean curd at the supermarket myself yesterday.
There were a lot of bean curds in the supermarket.
I was very happy, Because I like to eat bean curds.
It was very yummy, So I ate a lot of bean curds.
I will eat cadies next time.
내사랑김수현(예지 Candy)의 일기입니당~~!
틀린 부분이 있다고 생각하면 콕 ! ~! 집어주세용~~!
첫댓글 예지(Candy)의 일기입니당


틀린 부분은 콕
You keep a nice diary. If you come my classroom, I will give you candies~