안녕하세요? 하늘새 인사드립니다. 여기에 쟁쟁하신 번역사님들이 많고, 둘러보니 참 깊이와 정성,
인간미가 있어 무엇보다도 가입하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. 오늘이 있기까지 운영진을 비롯한
많은 분들의 땀과 수고가 느껴져 사뭇 숙연해집니다. 일천한 경험이지만 자기소개 올립니다.
◎ 번역언어: 영한 / 한영
진정으로 좋은 글은 어떤 언어에 있어서든지, 넓고 깊이있는 풍부한 독서와 다양한 경험을 바탕으로 나옵니다. 저는 방대하고 깊이있는 독서를
바탕으로 넓고 다양한 경험으로 "정확하면서도 지성적인 완벽한 글"을 추구합니다. 의뢰인의 요구와 상황에 맞는 적절한 표현과 어휘, 정확한
의미전달 및 2015년 6월 현재까지 약 3,000여건의 번역실적을 바탕으로 항상 최고의 글, 최고품질의 번역을 제공하기 위해 최선을
(저의 자기소개 하단을 참조해 주세요: 몇가지 샘플들을 참조하시기 바랍니다.*)
****** 많은 번역을 맡기보다는, 하나를 맡더라도 확실한 최고의 번역품질의 제공하기 위해 노력하겠습니다 ******
◎ 전문분야: 사회, 인문, 의학, 과학, 교육, 환경, 정치, 법률, 경제, 경영, 국제, 기업, 회계, 출판, 예술, 의료등
(특수한 공학분야, 기술분야를 제외하고 거의 전 범위를 다룹니다, 조금 긴 논문들은 최하단의 논문샘플들을
참조하기시기 바랍니다.)
자기소개서,SOP,추천서, 진학및 입사에세이,인터뷰,해외유학,이력서등은 특히 전문분야입니다.
-논문초록, 리포트, 에세이, 논문(학,석,박사), 스피치, 토론(Debate,), 연설문, 학회지
-SOP,자기소개서, 지원에세이, 이력서, 계약서, 서신, 교육, 기사, 언론, 홈페이지
-각종소장, 법원판결문, 증명서
-기업 업무매뉴얼, 감사보고서, 정관, 비즈니스 문서, 카탈로그, 제품설명서
-영상번역, 문학, 스크립트 작성
*****최고품질의 번역을 필요로 하시는 분들께 국제학술지나 국제무대에 손색없는 최고품질의 번역물을 서비스하고 있습니다 *****
-------------------- " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " --------------------
◎ 자기소개:
(하단에 영문으로 작성한 부분과 비교해 보실 수 있습니다.)
미국에서 중, 고교를 다닌후, 4년 장학생으로 다닌 한국외국어대 1학년부터 TIME반 동아리에서 활동하며 TIME지를 강의하면서 동시에
프랑스어신문을 공부하는 Le Monde 반에서 활동하였고, 전공인 신문방송학과 함께 1학년부터 6년간 외무고시를 준비하면서 영어, 불어, 중국어
및 한국사, 세계사, 외교사, 국제정치, 국제관계, 헌법학, 국제법, 국제사법, 경제학(미시, 거시, 화폐경제, 국제경제), 사회과학등을 폭넓게
공부하였습니다.(외무고시합격 passed on the 1st tier, 경제여건상 취업전환)
대학 졸업후 미국의 Fortune
10대기업으로 꼽히는 Pepsico등 두 곳의 외국인 합작법인에서 미국동료들과 기획, 재정, 회계, 마케팅, 투자계획 뿐만 아니라 회사전반을
다루는 기획분야에서 장기간 근무후, 이후 프랑스의 대표적 다국적기업 TOTAL의 계열사에서 근무했고, 어학원과 영어전문학원을 설립, 운영하면서
원장과 대표강사로써 주로 유학생, 고등학생및 대학생들을 대상으로 한 TOEFL과 SAT를 직접 강의도 계속해왔습니다.
호주에서 도합 10년이상 영어권 해외에서 거주하였고, 여행을 좋아하여 시간여유가 될 때마다 지금까지 30차례이상 해외를 여행했습니다. 대학
때부터 교수님들 자료, 회사에서는 통, 번역을 하였고, 주위의 부탁으로 꾸준히 번역을 하여 왔습니다. 어학원 운영 10년이상 동안
Cornell, Columbia, Princeton, Brown, Emory, Tufts및 NYU등 미국 IVY League급 대학에 진학한
학생들을 다수 배출하였고, 각종 영어말하기및 토론대회의 최우상을 획득한 학생들도 배출 했습니다. 미 대학 진학시에 매우 중요한 Essay와
말하기/토론 대회 원고는 원어민의 검토를 거친 후, 항상 최종적으로 수정하여 주었습니다.
어릴적부터 영어와 한글을 가리지 않고 줄곧
독서가 가장 큰 취미였고, 7년 이상의 대학생활을 줄곧 도서관에서 보내며 다양한 분야의 책을 탐독하였고, 지적인 호기심이 많아 대학 1학년부터
항상 TIME, The Economist, Forbes, Fortune등의 영문잡지와 사회, 경제, 국제관계, 국제정치, 과학, 기술, 문화,
예술, 역사 및 Harvard와 Yale대를 비록한 IVY League 대학강의등 분야를 가리지 않고 Youtube, TED 및 CNN,
ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC등 다양한 Channel을 통해 평소 좋아하는 Documentary 시청도 줄 곳 해왔기 때문에 영어의 다양한
사용과 글쓰기및 토론에 익숙합니다.
최근 7~8년간의 가장큰 취미는 세계각국의 외국친구들과 (주로 미국, 영국등 영어권) 경제,
정치, 역사, 사회, 종교, 국제관계, 교육, 법률, 첨단기술등 주제를 국한하지않고 다양한 주제로 영어로 토론하기와, 역시 어릴적부터 가장
좋아해온 영어및 국문독서입니다.
끝으로 오랜 해외거주, 외무고시 준비경험, 세계최고수준의 외국인회사에서 미국인 동료들과 장기근무한
경험, 외국어학원 운영및 강의, 번역 경험등의 모든 역량을 집결하여 최고의 번역 품질을 약속드립니다.
감사합니다. 좋은 하루
◎ 주요학력:
- East Lansing High, MI, U.S.A.(중, 고등학교)
- 한국외국어대졸업(신문방송및 광고전공/영어학 부전공) with full 4-year scholarship
- Penn State University eMBA 과정
- 외무고시합격 (Passed on the 1st Tier)
◎ 주요경력:
- Pepsico Int'l JV Frito Lay Corp 장기근무.
(Fortune Global 500중 가장존경받는기업순위 10위이내
수년간 연속지명)
- Bostik JV Kr, an affilate of French Oil Giant TOTAL, a
multinational 근무
- W**** 외국어학원: 원장및 대표강사, SAT, TOEFL,TOEIC등 강의(강남)
ET** 영어전문학원: 원장및 대표강사, SAT, TOEFL,TEPS강의(서울 잠실)
- TOPI* 영어학원 Franchise 교수부문
◎ 자격증:
-TEPS 975 점 (99.99%, 역대 최고점 근접, 어휘+어법+독해만점, 전 영역1+등급, 2013 new,
공식평가:대학교육을 완료한 유창한 원어민수준 )
-TOEIC 990 만점 (2001) / 985 (2012.11.25)
(의뢰인이 원하시면 성적표 원본확인 가능합니다.)
-Quadri-Lingual: 중국어상급및 불어중급
******** 중국문제 전문가임을 자부합니다 ********
(중국경제,사회,문화,정치등관련 10년이상 연구, 중국관련서적 100권이상독파및 최근 5년간 TIME, The Economist,
Fortune, Forbes및 WSJ, NYT등 주요 신문 잡지등의 중국관련기사 모두섭렵하였습니다. 중국방문 20회이상,
시간이 날때는 중국신문도 읽습니다.)
◎ 번역경력: 번역은 대학부터 지금까지 계속해 왔습니다.
지금까지 대략 크고 작은 번역을 약 3,000건 가량 (2015년6월말 현재)을 했습니다.
◎ 번역샘플:
아래는 한글 원고없이 의뢰인이 보내온 자신의 간략한 이력서와, 지원하고자 하는 곳의 모집광고만을
기초로, 최근 작성한 Cover Letter 입니다. 격식적인 앞, 뒤 첫 단락외의 부분을 보시기 바랍니다. 의뢰인의 강점과 특성을
최대한 살리고, 지원하는 곳의 요구를 모두 만족시키도록 했습니다.
제가 추구하는 번역 의뢰인의 요구와 특성을 최대한 반영하는(또 지원하는 곳에서 요구하는 능력을 부각하는) 글의
예로 참고하시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
(서울대 영문과 학생의 취업을 위해 작성해준 글입니다. 지원처가 서울대 언어교육원이어서 좀 긴 문장들이 많습니다.)
***입사지원서/ 자기소개서 / 이력서 샘플
June 11, 2013
Dear Ms. or Mr. Recruitment Officer:
I am writing to express my interest in obtaining the business coordinator position in your scho
ol, which I came across at your school's job posting.
I believe my strong personal initiative and work experience would be a valuable asset to your s
chool and I hope that you will consider me for an interview as a promising candidate. I have lis
ted my applicable skills to some of specific requirements for the position that could contribut
e to your organization, while my enclosed resume provides a good overview of my strengths and a
*Work skills: As I started to work as an intern in the bank that I am still working for and hav
e climbed up the corporate ladder gradually over 20 years, I have an excellent understanding of
how an organization is operating overall. The very characteristic of dealing with figures all
throughout my career has also provided me with an exceptional sense of figures and budget, and
have rendered me keen to the importance of always being well organized and staying ahead of sch
edule. With two decades of career in a same company and the capacity as a team leader now, I ha
ve developed a very strong sense of responsibility and robust spirit of cooperation with other
working staff in and outside of my department. Although I am cooperative, I am competitive, con
fident and very result-oriented as well, for I always have tried to work my best. Under a high
pressure business environment, I can stay organized and always remain on the schedule.
Currently I am studying in Seoul National University as an English major to enhance my English
capability and I love it. Mastering English has been my passion and dream for a long period of
time and I enjoy communicating with people in English.
All throughout career, I have used various office programs and equipments, which has given me h
igh level of proficiency in dealing with such office programs as Microsoft Word, Excel and Powe
*Teamwork/Leadership: Since I have been working as a Team manager for 3 years in the Departmen
t of Asset Management for VIP customers in our bank and have always worked in a team environmen
t all over my career, I am well aware of the importance of working closely with other people. B
ecause we work as a team, I need to be in constant cooperation with other team members on a dai
ly basis. As a team leader, I do understand the significance of the role of a leader and have e
njoyed being one myself, since an organization always needs continual guidance and directional
adjustment from a qualified leader, to be truly efficient.
*Communication: My whole work experience in the forefront of service industry has always involv
ed customer service and satisfaction. From a teller that dealt directly with customers non-stop
all throughout the day, up until current leadership position in a department serving the VIP c
ustomers, I have literally lived and worked in full service for the customers, to the extent th
at the spirit of service has saturated to my very soul. I am very friendly and kind. I quickly
understand the needs and concerns of customers and provide them with highest quality service, i
n the most pleasant and satisfactory way possible. But I believe that true service does not com
e from a mere provision of what customers need, but from a heart-felt understanding and empathe
tic concern from the service provider.
I am attracted to your school not just because English has always been my love and passion but
also because your school has been by far the best university in Korea. And I believe that expe
riences and skills I have acquired over my career and current job capacity would make me a valu
able addition to your school.
I appreciate your time and consideration. If you have any questions regarding my resume or qual
ifications, please do not hesitate to call or email me. I look forward to speaking with you. Th
ank you.
Jane Mina J***
* 의뢰인 평가: 너무 정성스럽고 완벽한 문장 감사합니다. 다음에 또 기회가 있으면 "꼭" 다시 부탁 드릴께요. ^^
------------ (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) ------------
◎ About me: 번역사인 제 소개입니다 (영문판)
상단의 한글로 작성한 제 자기소개의 영문판입니다.
[ Personal Statement ]
After spending Middle and High School days in the U.S., from the start of freshman year
at Hankook University of Foreign Studies(HUFS), I joined "TIME Magazine Club" of HUFS
and became an active member. There I came to develop a keen interest in such various ar
eas as politics, economy, society and international relations through studying, and som
etimes giving lectures to other students on, the articles of TIME, while at the same ti
me enhancing my English capabilities(which eventually led me to prepare to become a dip
lomat sometime later). I also joined the "Le Monde club" where students read and study
the daily French newspaper Le Monde(by alternately giving instructions on the articles
of the newspaper to the other members) and started my preparation for the High Diplomat
ic Service Examination(the only official state exam to select qualified diplomat that t
Besides the study on my own major of Mass Communication and Advertising, the 6-year pre
paration for the exam to be a diplomat required me to cover the whole gamut of two fore
ign languages, which was French and Chinese in addition to English, History of Korea an
d the World, History of Diplomacy, Domestic and International Politics, International R
elations, Constitutional Law, Public and Private International Laws and especially in-d
epth study on Economics, including Micro- and Macro-economics, International Economics
and Monetary Economy, etc.
After graduating from the university, I worked for six years up to Planning Manager at
two foreign joint ventures(one of which is renowned Pepsico International that used to
be consecutively nominated as one of the 10 most revered companies among Fortune Global
500 companies) where I worked with foreign colleagues in the same offices with our des
ks side by side. Thereafter I founded and ran a foreign language institute and later a
n English-only Specialty Academy and have taught as the representative instructor mysel
Additionally, I have long years of experience living abroad in U.S. & Australia and and
have travelled overseas far and wide, literally all across the world more than 30 time
s whenever I found some free time to do so. Translation-wise, having been asked by prof
essors from the early university days and later from company capacity and acquaintances
around, I have translated various materials from time to time for quite a long while,
though it might not have been my full-time occupation.
Reading has always been my life-long passion from early age and especially from the Fre
shman year at college, I have widely read magazines like TIME, Forbes, Fortune and The
Economist as well as books both in English and Korean and have loved watching documenta
ries on a whole range of areas that you can imagine through all the resources available
, which I believe has rendered me used to diverse usage of language and writing.
Last but not least, I hereby do promise each and every client the highest possible qual
ity translation that there is, with the exertion of all the expertise, capabilities and
professionalism I've honed and accumulated throughout my decades-long academic experie
nce and career path.
Thank you very much and have a great day!!
------------ (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) ------------
**** 경영 / 경제 초록영작 샘플: Jun 25, 2013
Bringing into Light the Utility of Theoretical Systems of Chandler & Schumpeter
This thesis aims to find out the success factors of General Motors Corporation(herein
after referred to as "GM") in surpassing Ford Motor Company(hereinafter referred to a
s "Ford") that led the mass manufacturing during inter-war period by analyzing the au
to manufacturing giant GM and through this, elucidate in a concrete way the utility o
f theoretical systems of Chandler and Schumpeter which constitutes the main pillars
in the study of history of enterprises. The Chandler theory, that blazed a new trail
in the study of history of enterprises by analyzing historical development of variou
s enterprises, still passes today as the dominating paradigm in the study of the hist
ory of enterprises. Chandler diagnosed that the enterprises have made progress throug
h expanded organizational capacity that was (made) possible with the building of dist
ributed management structure and managerial investments and, on the basis of it, the
long-term and strategic planning and execution of it by the professional management.
Yet, the interpretation of Chandler was naturally bound to structure and organization
and resulted in the disregard on the role of people who take the initiative in setti
ng strategies and executing them. Thus, recent studies on the history of the enterpri
ses pay attention to the theory of Schumpeter who emphasized the entrepreneurial inno
vations from earlier times, taking notice of capacities of entrepreneurs who take the
initiative in creative innovations of enterprises. Therefore, this thesis attempts t
o analyze the success factors of GM by carefully studying GM during the interwar peri
od when the GM's representative entrepreneur Alfred Sloan was in office and to draw t
he implications that GM has in the study of history of enterprises.
In the early 20th century, the innovation of Henry Ford opened a new door to the hist
oric age of mass manufacturing of automobiles in the United States. But toward 1920s,
people in the U.S., getting accustomed to the same mass-manufactured products, start
ed to want more diverse styles and conveniences. Under these circumstances, Sloan exe
cuted the M-type structure which was a mixture of centralized management structure an
d distributed management structure that delegated independent decision-making authori
ty to individual business units and built a production system that made various desig
ns possible by adding flexibility to the simple mass production method. He also intro
duced market segmentation strategy, innovative advertising techniques and installment
plans to satisfy multifarious purchasing objectives of different echelons of consume
rs. Through these management strategies, GM surpassed then number one auto manufactur
er Ford in late 1920s. Hence, the management strategies and innovations in the field
of organization, production and marketing that the entrepreneur Sloan orchestrated at
GM can be conceptualized as Slaonism, which was the core of the GM's success during
the interwar period.
This GM's success and Sloanism counter-exemplifies one important point. According to
the traditional view, Fordism was a typical phenomenon appertaining to the areas of p
roductional and labor organizations. Still the point should not be missed that the m
ass production of Ford necessarily prerequires the mass consumption and mass consumpt
ion have to be realized by sales and marketing strategies to boost the spending of co
nsumers. Thus, the example of GM manifests that the essence of the Fordism lies in sa
les and marketing, not in production as the traditional view claims. Sloan adopted th
e mass production system as basic frame, yet he managed to accomplish marketing innov
ations by adding flexibility to the system. For this reason, it can be said that Sloa
n's methods was not a new discovery of manufacturing system but the completion of alr
eady existing Fordism.
Therefore, Sloan deserves to be evaluated as a paragon of self-motivated, creative an
d innovative entrepreneur who completed existing Fordism and actually exceed the sale
s of Ford by bringing about the innovations of marketing in the automobile market. In
that sense, GM is the most suitable example that fits well into Schumpeter's paradig
m. Nevertheless, this example of GM does not necessarily prove the inappropriateness
of the paradigm of Chandler. GM established M-type structure that is at once dispers
ed(decentralized) and centralized through the augmentation of organizational capacity
, effective utilization of members of management and restructuring of the organizatio
n into smaller business units. In these respects, GM also fits well into Chandler's p
aradigm. Thus in the bigger picture, the organizational capacity that Chandler emphas
ized and the entrepreneurial one which Schumpeter stressed are not always mutually
exclusive, unlike the views of some recent enterprise historians. That is to say, the
GM and Sloanism during interwar era suggest that the contradictory issue of the dich
otomy between the organizational capacity and entrepreneurial capacity might be quite
fictional. Hence, this thesis also tries to demonstrate that Sloanism was none other
than the essential factor that brought GM into the rank of by far the best company i
n the U.S. and a company can be understood on a more complete level when analysis is
carried out simultaneously on the two paradigms of Chandler's organizational capacity
and Schumpeter's entrepreneurial capacity in a complementary way.
* 의뢰인 평가: 완벽하신거같아요!! 항상 믿고 맡기고 있습니다!! ~~^^
----------- (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) -----------
**** 의학논문 / 보고서 영작샘플:
<< Introduction and Body Omitted >>
* Conclusion:
This study observed that xylitol effectively suppresses proliferation of chronic periodontal
patients’ plaque bacteria, plaque formation by plaque bacteria and against them, host cells’
production of inflammatory cytokine. More than 70% of adults have chronic periodontitis,
which is a chronic inflammatory disease of gingiva that eventually leads to loss of alveolar
bone and odontoptosis (loss of teeth) (15). The cause of chronic periodontitis is known to
be plaque bacteria that compose plaque and the host cells’ inflammatory response against
them (16). Therefore, to control periodontitis, it is the most effective to suppress the proliferation
of plaque bacteria and at the same time, inflammatory response against them. Materials
studied and developed to control periodontitis so far primarily kills and suppress proliferation
of plaque bacteria and these materials cause side effects for the host. In addition, since most
studies have chosen one single bacterium that composes plaque, it is necessary to study
complex bacteria to reenact the inflammatory response by plaque bacteria inside human body.
Thus, this study conducted experiments using plaque bacteria derived from healthy plaques
and ones from periodontal plaques. Xylitol was used to control proliferation of plaque bacteria,
formation of plaque and production of inflammatory cytokine of host cells against them. Xylitol
is widely used as anti-caries which suppress proliferation of bacteria by exhausting the energy
of bacteria and suppressing the metabolism of hydrocarbons (17). Authors of this study supposed
that xylitol might also be effective in controlling not just bacteria that cause caries but also various
bacteria that compose plaques, and given the results of preceding studies that xylitol suppresses
production of inflammatory cytokine by periodontal bacteria P. gingivalis (18), chose xylitol as an
experimental material to control periodontitis.
As a result of observation on the effect of xylitol on proliferation of oral bacteria that compose
plaque (Figure 1 and 2), it was found that proliferation of S. mutans, S. gordonii, G. morbillorum
and P. intermedia was suppressed effectively by 5 % xylitol. This result is similar to preceding
ones (19, 20) and it shows that xylitol has the possibility to be used as control material for periodontitis
by suppressing not just bacteria that cause teeth caries but also proliferation of periodontal bacteria
like P. intermedia. While control effect of 5 % xylitol on proliferation of A. Israeli and S. intermedius
were comparatively weak, wth 10% and 15 % xylitol their proliferation was effectively suppressed.
This explains that xylitol, although there are differences in degree, has control effect on proliferation
of all typical oral bacteria used in the experiments, and that xylitol of over specific concentration is
needed to control certain bacteria.
* 의뢰인 평가: 정확하고 전문적인 번역 감사합니다!!
------------ (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) ------------
**** 교육 / 심리 / 청소년 적응 초록 영작샘플: Jun 15, 2013
The Relationship between Mothers' Parenting Attitudes and Sense of Socio-Emotional Iso
lation: Focusing on Mediating Effect of Children's Stress Coping Methods and Behaviors
Graduate School of Education,
Yons** University of Education
Elementary School Counselling Major
Choi, S*** y***
While childhood is the period when children build positive relationship with peers, for
m healthy self-conception and achieve perceptive, emotional and social development, a s
ociety is bound to have children who cannot have amicable relationship with peers, feel
ing social and emotional isolation. Yet social isolation in this period is the signific
ant source of stress and causes low-self esteem, psycho-social problems and feeling of
alienation. Besides, these children feel such negative feelings as self-contempt, lonel
iness, anger, humiliation, resentment, anxiety and depression(Kim Yong Tae and Park Han
Saem, 1997), and may face various adaptational problems later in their adolescence or
adulthood(French & Wass, 1985).
This research on isolation shows that children perceive loneliness in various degrees b
ased on how they perceive parenting attitude (of their parents) and their methods of co
ping stress differ in accordance with the degree of their feeling of isolation. From th
is, it is understood that parenting attitude and stress coping method are the variables
explaining children's socio-emotional sense of isolation.
In this research, we are going to look into the relationship between mothers' parenting
attitude and children's stress coping method and socio-emotional feeling of isolation,
given that mothers have the most contact with children during the critical period of t
heir development and are directly involved in everyday lives of children, exerting cruc
ial influence on the growth and emotional development of children. In addition, we are
going to clarify the mediator effect of stress coping methods in the relationship betw
een mothers' parenting attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation of the children.
For this purpose, survey was done, and analyzed, on 388 children of 4~6th graders of
1 elementary school located in Gyeongsangnam-Province using questionnaires on mothers'
parenting attitude, stress coping methods and socio-emotional sense of isolation respec
Scales of PARQ (Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire) made by Rohner(1984) and r
econstructed by Ahn Jung Man(2001) were used to measure the parenting attitudes of moth
ers, while tools developed for elementary school children by Huh Seung Hee were used t
o measure socio-emotional sense of isolation. And to measure stress coping methods, the
tool developed by Min Ha Young and Yoo Ahn Jin(1998) and modified and validated by Rho
Ok Gyeong(2009) were used.
With the collected data, means and standard deviations were calculated to disclose the
technical trend of respective variables using SPSS19.0 and to see the relationship amo
ng dependent variables, correlation coefficient were calculated. In addition, to examin
e mediator effect of stress coping methods in the relationship between mothers' parenti
ng attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation, multiple regression analysis were e
xecuted according to the 3-step verification procedure of Baron and Kenny(1986) and to
confirm the significance of mediator effect, Sobel verification was implemented.
The results of this research are as follows:
First, Mothers' positive parenting attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation indi
cated negative correlation and Mothers' negative parenting attitude and socio-emotional
sense of isolation showed positive correlation.
Second, when the mediator effect of stress coping methods was investigated in the case
of mothers' parenting attitude having influence on the sense of socio-emotional sense o
f isolation, several segmental mediators by subfactors were exposed . In the relationsh
ip between mothers' positive parenting attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation,
active coping and social-support-pursuing coping revealed to have segmental mediator e
ffect. This brings to light that while mothers' positive parenting attitude can have im
pact on the socio-emotional sense of isolation of children, active coping method and s
ocial-support-pursuing coping methods can also have influence on the socio-emotional se
nse of isolation of children. And in the relationship between mothers' negative parenti
ng attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation, social-support-pursuing coping turn
ed out to have segmental mediator effect. This tells us that when mothers' negative pa
renting attitude has influence on the socio-emotional sense of isolation of children, s
ocial-support-pursuing coping methods work as a partial cause.
This study has its meaning in that it confirmed the influence that mothers' parenting a
ttitude has as an external environmental factor on socio-emotional sense of isolation o
f children and, in its relation, verified the segmental mediator effect of stress copin
g method as an internal factor, thereby elaborated the relationship between mothers' pa
renting attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation of children. Still, since the s
ample of the study was limited to only the elementary school children in a single schoo
l in a particular area, the generalization of the result of the study for overall eleme
ntary school children can hardly be justified. And with lack of studies on the relatio
nship between parenting attitude and socio-emotional sense of isolation of children, di
fficulty was there to support the result of this study. And because the only the relati
onship and influence of the variables were studied, complementary research conducted by
following studies should be desirable.
* 의뢰인 평가: 진짜 최고예요. 너무나도 감사합니다.^^
------------ (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) ------------
**** 역사 / 예술 / 공예 초록 샘플: Jun 22, 2013
The Production Techniques of Korean Dried-lacquer Buddha Statue seen through
Seated Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statue(夾紵菩薩坐像) in Okura Museum of Art
in Tokyo(東京・大倉集古館)
This thesis inquires into the production techniques and raw materials shown in Korea
n Dried-lacquer Buddha statues through careful study on Seated Dried-lacquer Bodhisa
ttva Statue(夾紵菩薩坐像) of late Koryo Dynasty possessed by Okura Museum of Art in
Tokyo(東京・大倉集古館). As a method of study, with X-ray data and result of f
ield survey aggregated, production techniques and traits of raw materials shown on t
his very statue were analyzed. On the basis of this analysis, a hypothesis on the pr
oduction process was established and for the verification of the hypothesis, actual
production process was reenacted, and the traits of techniques applied to each proce
ss and raw materials were recorded in detail. Specifically, dried lacquer techniques
and raw materials were presumed, based on the result of observation, through compa
rison with bibliographical data , most of which was the record of "Xiu Shi Lu"('
652;飾録) written by the Huang Cheng of Ming Dynasty that has been considered
as 'the textbook of Lacquer techniques'. Also referred to were the raw materials use
d in the production of traditional Korean lacquer-ware inlaid with mother-of-pearl.
As a result, it was disclosed that the features of production techniques and raw mat
erials found in the Statue of Okura Museum of Art have similarities in many respects
to those of the Seated Dried-lacquer Lohan(arhat) Statue of Song Dynasty in Yuanfu
2 Nian Ming(元符二年銘, 1098) owned by Honolulu Museum of Art. Especially, the fact
that the interior of the statue is vacant because new center wood inside was not fi
lled in after the clay and center wood were eliminated from the prototype, that a co
mplete form was made in the clay figure stage and lacquer was applied with bast fibe
r textile spread over it, that the clay and center wood inside were eliminated from
the bottom of the statue, and that Modelling stage was omitted and final coat over t
he statue is very thin are all common features. Additionally, Decorating with orname
nts like Bobal(Buddha's hair) and Youngrak(beaded necklace, mukta-ha-ra in Sanskrit)
made in plastic material was a technique widely in fashion during Song Dynasty, whi
ch suggests that the Seated Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statue of Okura Museum of Art
was affected greatly by the production techniques of Dried-lacquer Buddha Statue in
Song dynasty.
Precise record on the origin and history of Korean Dried-lacquer Buddha Statue does
not exist and the number of existing works is also very limited. Even the record in
『Xuanhefengshi Gaoli Tujing(宣和奉使高麗圖經)』that tells us the delivery to Koryo
of the Dried-lacquer lohan(arhat) Statue during Yuan Feng Period(元豊年間, 1078-108
5) can hardly be seen as the first time of delivery. And it is also not that easy to
find out the clear route of delivery of production techniques through existing Drie
d-lacquer Buddha Statues. Still, through this study, it was at least revealed that e
xisting Dried-lacquer Buddha Statues of Korea including the one in Okura Museum of A
rt have quite different production techniques from those used in the production of J
apanese Datsukaku Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statues(脫活夾紵菩薩像) long known to b
e the standard rule of making Dried-lacquer Buddha Statues.
※ Key Words: Dried-lacquer Bodhisattva Statues(夾紵菩薩像), Okura Museum of Art(大
倉集古館), Song Dynasty(宋代), Koryo Dogyeong(or Gaoli Tujing in Chinese, 高麗圖經)
, Traits of Production Technique and Raw Materials.
* 의뢰인 평가: 하늘새님, 시간이 촉박함에도 불구하고 꼼꼼하고 퀄리티 있는 번역
해 주셔서 감사합니다^^ 다음에는 꼭 지정번역 하도록 하겠습니다!
----------- (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) -----------
**** 예술 작품 / 배경 및 예술작가소개/ 작가노트 영작 샘플: Jun 15, 2013
Garden of a Painter
by Lee, S** Y***** (Art Critic)
Painter Shin, G*** R** was born in 1926 and entered and graduated from Painting Departm
ent after the Liberation from Japan, belonging to first generation of painters. Paintin
g of over size 100 are displayed in National Museum of Contemporary Art and Seoul Museu
m of Art and she, an elder painter, was awarded the Order of Civil Merit, Magnolia Med
al. Though Korea must be unprecedentedly the most enthusiastic, and sometimes crazy, co
untry about education, yet, according to her words, out of 60 students admitted to West
ern Painting Department, only 19 eventually graduated, with students getting married dr
opping out of school each vacation, demonstrating the lack of understanding on art that
time after the Liberation. From a different perspective, art faces another crisis even
now when the power of money becomes stronger. Looking back, she says that the norm was
the widespread doubt if there is any necessity for a woman to learn even when her fami
ly was wealthy enough. For a woman in a Painting Department, not in a department of dom
estic subjects, it must have not been an easy time to finish her school. In fact, seei
ng that not too many female artists are active even today when school days last rather
indefinitely, we don't feel much of a difference,
Later on, she taught and fostered young artists as a professor at School of Formative A
rts in Hong Ik University from 1966 until 1992. She participated continuously in Nokmih
uijon, a renowned art exhibition held by graduates of Ewha university, from 1950 to 20
06 and served as the chairwoman of Female Painters' Association, a representative femal
e painters' organization, for 9 consecutive years(1974-1983) and is now serving as an a
dvisor for the same Association. I myself feel rather skeptical about adding "female" t
o any organization when there is not any "male" organization(with the term added in fro
nt of their name) but I still cannot deny the positive role of connecting the discontin
ued career on the part of the organizations like this, given the distinct characteristi
c of women who cannot but devote her most important 10 years of life to giving birth to
children and caring for them. We can celebrate the real advent of age of equality, at
least when we do not need the term 'female' or 'women' for any organization. While pain
ter Shin, Geum Rea supported female painters in domestic and international arena throug
h organizational activities, she has released her paintings centering on flowers since
her first private exhibition in 1972.
This series of connected net representing her life history - a graduate from women's un
iversity, a university professor, a chairwoman of female painters' organization, a wife
of now late famous painter and flower paintings - presents a trail for a female painte
r who has survived dark and harsh times. Numerous female painters have painted flowers
and so have the representative and famous ones. I, the author, have always wondered why
. Is it because a woman has been regarded as a flower? Yet a flower is bisexual, havin
g both sexes in its body. Then it can be inferred that bisexuality is rather womanly. B
isexuality, not a half divided by two and be liable to be colonized any time by the oth
er half, can be a more potent being. Say, motherhood, the core of womanliness, is bisex
ual. A woman is weak but a mother is strong. Though sometimes abused by dominating syst
em, a reproducing being, not an expendable one, must be strong. But in human society wh
ere difference can be transformed into discrimination, womanliness as bisexuality can b
e a questionable concept itself as well, not an answer.
Anyhow different might be the reason why they draw flowers, the most frequent objects o
f painting. In the case of Ms. shin, it is the variety of flowers and form factors comp
rising flowers. And if the real diversity is to be found, the species artificially mani
pulated by horticulture or any breeding technology have to be excluded, because flowers
for the pleasure of human eyes are little better than artificial flowers and therefore
cannot appeal to a painter who seeks something primitive, not mundane. Wild flowers ra
ised by the painter herself in the spacious garden of her own home in Yonhee-dong and P
yeongchang-dong have become her subject matter; those flowers planted by her and was al
ways close to, not the ones far away. I've never been to her garden but I visualize her
garden full of wild flowers of sun flowers, pasques, pansies, dandelions and thistles.
As she has tilled her garden, so has she cultivated her works of art. It seems that th
e connection between a woman and a flower lies not in the decorative beauty to be seen,
but in the instinct of caring.
In general, women love to grow flowers. Flowers, unlike shrewd human, pays back for the
sincerity and devotion paid by the carer. A live flower, just like a still life, stand
s still as a subject matter in front of the painter and has its evolutionary reason to
possess its own form and color, and sometimes grows in the human imaginations. A flower
especially symbolizes a woman. According to Gilbert Durand who studied "Anthropologica
l structures in imaginary world", we always reach symbolic circumstances divided into d
uality and by seeing many anthropologists being divided, are able to tell the existence
of vast system balanced with two opposites. In it, symbolic imagination seems like a c
oherence of two opposing forces. Still Durand sees that dialectics in a truthful sense
is not a kind of comprehensiveness that heals the pain but a tension existing between
the two contradictions. In the paintings of Ms. shin, the tension is not found in the s
ubject of a flower but in a formative language which is neither a complete representati
on nor an abstraction.
Roadside grasses found on the domestic and overseas trip, especially the sorghum field
of Bokwang temple in Byukje, in the title of [ Fall - Auspice ] came to be registered i
ts name in the list of her major works. This work is a drawing of a sorghum field, havi
ng the meaning of auspice or good luck like we eat sorghum rice cake in the first-year
birthday of a child. In this work, the indigo color that does not exist in the real sce
ne looks as if the yang propped up the yin. Leaves are not in real colors as well. Alth
ough the paintings of Ms. shin has the overwhelming reality of the Nature, it does not
just remain as a precise representation, but is close to a half-abstraction with distor
tion and transformation for a desired rendition. Having travelled over 30 countries, fl
owers found in different places found their way into her works, by finding of differenc
es for the plants she always has been close to, not as a peculiar material. For instanc
e, as she used to draw thistles, she was strongly impressed by the milk thistle that gr
ew over 1 meter high in Canada. Used as herbal medicine at times, thistle is only a wee
d. Yet this plant in her painting [ thistle ](1999), with roughly grown stems, the flow
er bud in frightened-looking silhouette and thorny bunch of leaves looking as if pricki
ng themselves, has a grotesque factor itself.
Canna in a huge gathering, seen in the Arlington National Cemetry, also made its way in
to her paintings, named as [ Canna ](1989). Flowers were drawn in red but the leaves dr
awn scratched with a knife is not in green color. Garden balsam, traditionally used by
young girls to color fingernails in red, is not red either. One of her major works [ Su
nflower ](1999) is a painting of the flower she grew herself from the seeds that she re
ceived from abroad, the flower of which is said to have been enormously huge. The flowe
r in this painting has its head hanging from the weight of the seeds grown full of its
flower circle. Though the green leaves turned into brown also look crumbly, the life of
a plant does not cease in one time. The death of a plant implies a new beginning. Plan
ts, the very first organism that provided the first food to humanity, are close to wome
n who bear and care for life. The plants intermingled in irregular directions in Ms. Sh
in's painting often fill the canvass, and these forms surpassing the existence approach
us maternally. They go with surroundings and does not show off as a towering presence
over the earth, possessing the expandability of time and space that does not limit itse
lf in a one-time life ending in a straight line.
[ Fall - Auspice ], Oil painting in canvass, 2005.
[ Sunflower ], Oil painting in canvass, 1999.
* 의뢰인 평가: 이른 아침 의뢰하고, 여러번 읽어 보았는데, 전문가의 문장력은 명료하고 탁
월하구나 하는 생각이 듭니다. 다른 번역사 분들도 역량이 뛰어나시겠지만, 화려한 경력만큼
------------ (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) ------------
**** 기술 / IT / 공학 초록 샘플: July, 2013
A Study on Effect that Movement of Subject
has on
Visual Expression of Stereoscopic Image
The sense of space in films has made a far greater progress than that of paintings an
d photography. Yet, there is still a huge gap from real space and the depth of fictio
nal space is artificial and compressive. Now at this juncture, the emergence of stere
oscopic image gives us as much sense of verisimilitude as if the fictional space were
While flat screen imaging looks as if 3-dimensional(hereinafter referred to as "3-D")
image of reality were forcibly put into a flat rectangular screen and compressed, st
ereoscopic(or 3-D) imaging makes image that appears as if 3-D image of reality were m
oved into a cubic 3-D screen just as it really is.
Audience enters the cubic image space, keeps in tune with the characters in the scree
n image and gets involved in the story while watching the image. The movement of subj
ects on the screen draws the visual movement(attention) of the audience. As a subje
ct moves up and down, left and right and back and forth and in other free directions,
so the visual focus of the audience follows the subject. When visual movement lines
have multiple depths in to and fro directions, the screen appears more real.
Cubic effect and perspective in 3-D image a have strong relativity depending on the a
lignment(position) of the subject. That is, in 3-D image, the cubic effect and perspe
ctive are expressed relatively more strongly when multiple subjects are arranged than
when there is only one subject arranged. This proves that our vision gains stereosco
pic image through the relative position of subject against other objects around. Ther
efore, if a subject is positioned in multiple depths and moves the visual line of aud
ience along multiple 3 dimensional planes, it is possible to portray diverse visual e
motions in stereoscopic image.
When a subject is positioned along visual flow or move in the direction of visual flo
w, visual emotion and expressive space expands even more in 3-D image space. Yet, th
ere exists empty space between audience and screen in a flat screen. Audience watch
es the screen over an empty space, and the screen exists beyond the empty space. Ther
e are invisible wall between audience and the screen, and this wall interrupts immer
sion of the audience into the screen and makes feeling of vividness(liveliness) diffi
cult. On the other hand, 3-D image absorbs audience with its screen, integrating the
audience and screen into one whole, which enables not just expansion of visual space
but expansion of space for psychological expression.
* 의뢰인 평가: 정말 감사해요^^ 이렇게도 멌지게 ~~ 정확하고 성실한 번역 감사해요
. 정말 정말 감사합니다!!
----------- (((((((( " Unremitting Pursuit for Perfection " ))))) -----------
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