The Way Of Unification
Chapter 4. Fundamental Theory Of Unification
Section 1. Fundamental Theory Of Unification
6. The Basis Of The Solution To World Peace Is The Human Mind And Body
Where South Korea and North Korea are divided is not at the 38th parallel, but rather in the human mind.
We planted such a seed within the mind, and accordingly we have harvested such a fruit as this. Am I right? [Yes!] We harvest what we have sown.
We live in such an environment of conflict and struggle between people of the mind and people of the body. We have gradually expanded what we planted in the beginning.
Consequently, in this age of the world, what is our result? First of all, there is the democratic world based upon the idealistic view of history.
The democratic, idealistic world is the fruit of the mind on the worldwide level, is it not? [Yes!] The idealistic view of history is that of history based upon the mind.
On the other hand, the other association of people on the worldwide level is centered upon the body, namely the Communist world, upholding the materialist view of history.
If so, where will we find the solution? Today, even though the USA conducts a good foreign policy and military policy, yet it is unable to solve this problem. It is already a failure. A failure! Even if the Soviet Union were to take over the democratic world, as long as they cannot establish unity between the mind and body, they will be divided again. This is certain.
Look how the Soviet Union has advanced under the banner of international Communism! Nevertheless, in spite of this cosmopolitan ideal, such a rift took place between China and the Soviet Union beginning in the 1960s, and now no politics and no policies can correct that and reestablish unity. For them to think of unification seems to be a fantastic proposition. What this means is that they think it natural to be divided.
So where is the basis for a peaceful solution to that problem? Neither the USA nor the Soviet Union has the answer. You must know that. Where is there a basis for a peaceful resolution? Nowhere! Neither the USA nor the Soviet Union can help. Where is the problem? In my own heart. It is very important to find the harmonious view of the universe and a happy and peaceful worldview in a human heart where mind and body are fighting. (85-302)
Let me ask you a question. Do your mind and body fight, or not? [Fight] Is that peace or struggle? [Struggle] When will it be resolved? When will this struggle come to an end? Have you thought about that?
When will the present world war end? You don't need to think about that, but rather, when will the war inside of myself be finished? When that is finished, then the world war will end.
Peace within myself connects to peace in the world. Looking at the Bible, we can find many paradoxes. It says, "The heavenly kingdom is within you." Is the great Heavenly Kingdom in my mind? What does that mean?
If mind and body are not in conflict, and represent the universe perfectly, then the Heavenly Kingdom will indeed come there. (82-134)