This story's title is "Caillou is Scared of Dogs."
One day, Caillou was playing in the sand when he met an angry dog.
And Caillou was scared of the dog. He was scared of the dog.
The next day, Caillou's mom went to Caillou's grandmother's house to shop with Caillou.
took Caillou to his grandmother's house while she went shopping.
Caillou hid because she he was scared of the sound of a puppy.
Caillou then became close to the puppy by touching his grandmother's dog.
From that day on, Caillou was no longer afraid of dogs.
Score: B+
- 문법: "she was scared of the sound" 대신 "he was scared of the sound," "playing sand" 대신 "playing in the sand"라고 해야 자연스럽습니다.
- 내용 추가: Caillou가 강아지와 친구가 되는 과정에서 무엇을 배웠는지 더 구체적으로 추가하면 좋습니다!