Will all voices be heard at the Synod on Synodality?
There are those that were never heard at the parish, diocese, or national levels
Women's groups demonstrate at the Vatican demanding the Synod of Bishops listen to all sections of women to do justice to them in the Church. (Photo: Virginia Saldanha)
By Virginia Saldanha
Published: October 10, 2023 03:59 AM GMT
Several lay people groups from all parts of the world have been congregating in Rome several days before the start of the Synod on Synodality and continue to do so, to try to get their voices heard.
The first was a group of survivors and advocates of Ending Clergy Abuse (ECA) in the Catholic Church. A few made a pilgrimage from Montefiascone to Rome carrying a cross with the words, "Zero Tolerance" emblazoned across it.
Their demand to Pope Francis is to implement zero tolerance to end clergy sex abuse as he promised.
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They were joined a week later by several more survivors and advocates from all over the world, especially Latin America, for demonstrations and attempts to contact officials at the Commission on Sex Abuse and the Dicastery of Bishops — to complain about non-compliance with norms to deal with cases of sexual abuse put in place by the pope following the meeting of bishops 2019. But they got no response to their requests for an appointment with the Vatican offices.
From Oct 3 to 6, the Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC), Women’s Ordination Worldwide (WOW), Roman Catholic Women Priests (RCWP), and women supporters representing all continents began their campaign with a Prayer Vigil entitled "Let Her Voice Carry." About 30 women gathered at the Basilica of St. Praxedis, where four women shared their powerful testimonies of how they as women felt oppressed by the socialization they received in the Catholic Church, and their struggles to break out of the mold and find freedom to be who they felt called to be, faithful followers of Jesus and Ministers of his Mission.
Early in the morning of Oct. 4, before the beginning of the synod's inaugural Eucharist, women gathered in front of the Castle San Angelo to unfurl a giant purple banner, with the words, "Ordain women," painted across it.
"We urge all members of the Church to be unafraid of pursuing new paths that empower women as equals"
WOC director, Kate McElwee, said, “We hope our voice is heard in the synod hall. We know that women’s role in the Church is on the agenda. We are here in support of those conversations. We hope that they continue to be courageous, bold and inclusive.”
A small group of WOC officials wanted to deliver this piece of material to the synod office with the message: “Enlarge the space of your tent to include women in the ordained ministry of the Church.”
But they were forbidden from entering Vatican territory. A few of the women wearing the characteristic pink shirt worn at the event attempted to join the inaugural Mass but were stopped by police and their passports examined.
At the crack of dawn on Oct. 5, Jamie Manson, president of Catholics for Choice, dropped a banner over a bridge on the banks of the Tiber with the words, "Faithful Catholics have abortions." A stark message to the celibate men who make decisions for, and condemn women whose shoes they will never walk in.
On Oct. 6, more than 50 women's ordination supporters from around the globe present in Rome gathered at a church containing the relic of St. Mary Magdalene's foot to walk in her footsteps, urging the Church to listen to the voices of women calling out for equality.
“In the spirit of conversion called for by the synod, we urge all members of the Church to be unafraid of pursuing new paths that empower women as equals. Walk with us,” urged McElwee.
Later, seven women from the Catholic Women’s Council met with a group of Italian and Latin American theologians who were providing theological support to the synod participants, at their office. We pointed out the stark difference between the Synod on Amazonia and the Synod on Synodality.
The first was open, where participants could freely interact with those outside the synod hall, while the Synod on Synodality is a closed-door discussion with participants discreetly told not to interact with those outside of the synod.
"Where is participation if Catholics outside are kept at bay and their voices muted?"
The senior priest at the office encouraged us to continue to work to make our voices heard as the synod will only end in 2024.
Beginning on Oct. 8, Spirit Unbounded, a network of all reform organizations began a virtual synod which will continue through this week with 115 voices from all continents. The speakers represent the diversity of the global Church at this hybrid event from Rome and Bristol. They will present “Human Rights in the Emerging Catholic Church” at this lay-led synodal assembly coinciding with the synod in Rome.
Our experiences thus far make us wonder about the meaningfulness of the logo of the Synod on Synodality, where Communion, Participation and Mission are the hallmarks of synodality.
But where is communion if interactions of those inside are restricted with those on the outside? Where is participation if Catholics outside are kept at bay and their voices muted? Are we all not on a mission together? Is the Holy Spirit only with those inside and not with us on the outside?
While the weeks ahead will see some more groups coming to Rome to raise their voices on important issues, will the voices on the outside be heard inside? What about those of us whose voices were never heard at our parish, diocese, or national levels?
Will all voices be really heard at the synod? Especially voices who have no representation inside the synod hall like LGBTQI+ persons and survivors of clergy abuse?
*The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official editorial position of UCA News.