독일이 CH-47F 60기와 각종 부대장비를 85억달러에 도입하는 내용의 FMS가 통과됐네요.
이전 한국이 허가받은 FMS에 비하면 부대장비가 꽤 풍부합니다. 밑줄 친 부품이 한국도 주문한 부대장비인데, 일단 한국형엔 NVG와 IDM이 없네요.
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Press Release - Germany 23-26 CN.pdf
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WASHINGTON, May 11, 2023 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Germany of CH-47F Chinook Helicopters, and related equipment for an estimated cost of $8.5 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.
The Government of Germany has requested to buy sixty (60) CH-47F Block II Cargo Helicopters with customer-unique modifications; one hundred forty (140) T-55-GA-714A engines (120 installed, 20 spares); seventy-two (72) AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) (60 installed, 12 spares); and two hundred eighty-four (284) AN/ARC-231A Communications Security (COMSEC) radios (240 installed, 44 spares). Also included are AN/AVR-2B Laser Detecting Sets; AN/APR-39C(V)1 Radar Detecting Sets; AN/ARC-220 High Frequency (HF) radios with electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM); military Precise Positioning Service (PPS) (to include SAASM or M-Code); Digital Advanced Flight Control Systems (DAFCS); AN/APX-123A Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder; AN/ARN-147 very high frequency (VHS) omnidirectional range and instrument landing system (VOR/ILS); AN/ARN-153 Tactical Air Navigation Systems (TACAN); air data computers; AN/APN-209 radar altimeter systems; AN/PYQ-10 simple key loaders; KIV-77 Mode 4/5 IFF Applique; KY-100M narrowband/wideband terminal COMSEC devices; AN/AVS-6 Night Vision Devices (NVD); IDM-401 Improved Data Modem; air-to-air refueling probes; M134 gun mounts; Infrared Suppression System (IRSS); Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS); Ballistic Protection System (BPS) with Cockpit; cabin sides; Midas Underfloor COOLS; Extended Range Fuel System (ERFS) 800 gal and 500 gal; Forward Area Refueling Equipment (FARE); Tie Down Materiel/Helicopter Under-Slung Load Equipment (HUSLE) for internal and external loads; rotorbrake; rescue hoists; Fast Rope Insertion/Extraction System (FRIES); Electro Optical Infrared Sensors (EO/IR); crash resistant pilot and troop seats; skis; life rafts; litter straps and fittings; mission equipment (e.g., jungle penetrator; litter basket; Jacob’s ladder; Airborne Tactical Extraction Platform (AirTEP); special tools and test equipment; ground support equipment; airframe and engine spare parts; technical data; publications; Maintenance Work Orders/Engineering Change Proposals (MWO/ECPs); Repair and Return (R&R); technical assistance; airworthiness assistance; transportation of aircraft; training; flight training and maintenance trainers; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated cost is $8.5 billion.
This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally which is an important force for political and economic stability in Europe.
The proposed sale will improve Germany’s heavy lift capability. Germany intends to use this enhanced capability to strengthen its homeland defense and deter regional threats. Germany will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment and services into its armed forces.
The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.
The principal contractor will be Boeing Helicopter Company, Philadelphia, PA. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.
Implementation of this proposed sale will require the temporary deployment of an estimated thirty (30) contractor representatives to Germany’s Main Operating Bases (MOBs) for onsite aircraft technical, maintenance, and logistics support as part of a Performance Based Logistics (PBL) program; training support; and operator and maintenance support for the Transportable Flight Proficiency Simulators (TFPS). This support will be provided for three to five years. The temporary deployment of contractor representatives will include five (5) Field Service Representatives (FSRs), four (4) from Boeing and one (1) from Rockwell Collins. This proposed sale will also require Foreign Liaison Officers be located at Redstone Arsenal and at the Boeing facility.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.
This notice of a potential sale is required by law. The description and dollar value are for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.
All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, pm-cpa@state.gov.
작년 12월 한국 도입시 통과된 FMS사의 부대장비표는 아래와 같습니다.
The Republic of Korea (ROK) has requested to buy eighteen (18) CH-47F helicopters; forty-two (42) T55-GA-714A engines (36 installed, 6 spares); twenty-two (22) Common Missile Warning Systems (CMWS) (18 installed, 4 spares); and forty-four (44) secure radios, RT-1987 (36 installed, 8 spares). Also included are AN/APR-39 Radar Warning Systems; AN/ARC-220 HF Airborne Communications Systems; AN/APX-123A IFF transponders; AN/ARN-147; AN/ARN 153; AN/APN-209; secure radios; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services; repair and return; storage; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated total program cost is $1.5 billion.
첫댓글 러우전보면 개인적으로 CH-47F 도입이 너무 리스크가 크게 보이네요. 차라리 그 예산으로 드론하고 방공망에 돌리는 것이 좋겠습니다만..
전훈을 반영해선지 타이거 공격헬기를 버리고 무장헬기로 대체한다고 하긴 합니다. 대형수송헬기는 전시 외에도 평시에도 쓸 데가 많긴 하고요.
레이져경보기는 생각이 없는거 같고, ECCM도 생각이 없고, DAFCS는 왜 안넣었는지 모르겠고, 모드5 키로더는 있는거 쓸거고(개조를 했으면), NVG는 기존꺼 유용, IDM은 기동헬기사양이라 안 넣은거 같고, IRSS나 EAPS는 있으면 좋을텐데, COOLS 롤러는 왜 안넣었는지 의문이네요. HICHS보다 편하고 좋은데...APS라고 캐빈바닥 방탄판을 갖고 있는데 이걸 계속 쓸거면 BPS랑 COOLS를 안 넣은게 답이 됩니다.
ERFS랑 FARE는 기존에 갖고 있고 잘 쓰는거라 같이 쓰면 되는 장비고, FLIR는 국산품 쓸려고 하는건지, 그 뒤에 있는 미션장비들(충격대비 시트, 리터스트랩 등등)은 기존 D에서 유용하면 됩니다.
로터 브레이크는 없는 사양으로 계속 써와서 넣을 생각을 안 한거 같고, 레스큐 호이스트는 기동헬기에는 잘 안 넣드라고요.
독일은 치누크 계열기를 운영해본 적이 없으니 이것저것 다 사야되고, 우리는 D형에서 떼다가 쓸 수 있는 건 쓸 수 있으니 저랬을 수도 있겠네요. ㅎㅎ