Today's News Headlines
① The government yesterday officially scrapped its original plan to relocate a
series of ministries to Sejong city and announced a revised plan turning the
city into a business and science hub that will accommodate several leading
Korean conglomerates including Samsung, Hanhwa, and Lotte.
=> 정부는 어제 행정부처의 세종시 이전계획을 전면 백지화하고 세종시 개념을
행정중심 복합도시에서 교육과학중심 경제도시로 전환하여 삼성, 한화, 롯데 등 대기업을 유치하는 것을 골자로 하는 수정안을 발표했습니다.
② Regarding North Korea's proposal to hold talks on replacing the Korean War
armistice with a peace treaty, the government has reiterated that discussions
over a peace treaty will be held only when the North gives up its nuclear power as
stipulated in the '2005 joint statement'.
=> 정부는 어제 북한이 어제 평화협정 회담을 정전협정 당사국들에게 공식 제안한데 대해, 평화협정 논의는 9.19 공동성명에 나오는 대로 북한 비핵화의 진전이 이루어질 경우에만 실현 가능할 것이라는 입장을 밝혔습니다.
* armistice: 휴전(truce), 정전, 휴전 협정
- (Military) an agreement between opposing armies to suspend hostilities in order to discuss peace terms; truce
* peace treaty: 평화조약, 평화협정
- a treaty to cease hostilities
* reiterate: (여러 번) 되풀이하다[반복하다]/강조하다
- to say repeatedly
- to emphasize
* stipulate: (계약서·조항 등이) 규정하다, 명기(明記) 하다, 명문화하다
- specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement.
③ The Korean currency yesterday finished at 1,110 won to the greenback,
marking the strongest level since the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. The won's
appreciation is attributable to the combination of a positive outlook for the Korean
economy and offshore investors selling off their greenbacks amid a global dollar
=> 원달러 환율이 어제 1,110원대로 진입해 사실상 리먼브러더스 파산 사태 이전
수준으로 돌아갔습니다. 이러한 환율 하락세는 한국 경제에 대한 낙관적 전망과
글로벌 달러 약세에 따른 역외투자세력들의 달러 매도 등이 복합적으로 작용한 것으로 풀이됩니다.
* currency: 통화, 통화 유통액; 지폐; 화폐 대용물
- Money in any form when in actual use as a medium of exchange,
especially circulating paper money.
* appreciation: (가격의) 등귀, (수량의) 증가
- an increase in value, as of goods or property
- antonym: depreciation
* offshore: 국외에서 정한, 역외(域外)의
- Located or based in a foreign country and not subject to tax laws
④ The 2010 Detroit Auto Show, one of the 5 biggest motor shows in the world,
kicked off yesterday. With the big 3 automakers based in Detroit leading the show,
about 50 global auto manufacturers participated to introduce 60 concept cars and their new models, in a sign of economic rebound.
=> 세계 5대 모터쇼 중 하나인 디트로이트 모터쇼가 어제 개막되었습니다. 디트로
이트에 본거지를 둔 `빅3' 자동차 회사들이 주도하는 이 행사에는 호전된 경제 상
황을 반영하는 듯 전 세계 50여개의 자동차 업체들이 참가해 60여개의 콘셉트카와 신차를 선보였습니다.
Today's News Articles
1. Racism tearing Italian town apart
A southern Italian town in the throes of some of the worst racial violence in decades has evacuated over 1,000 African immigrants following three days of clashes. The town of Rosarno in southern Calabria erupted when immigrant workers were attacked by local residents. The immigrant population rioted in response, leaving at least 53 people injured. After evacuating the workers over the weekend, authorities moved in and began demolishing their makeshift homes in their absence. Those immigrants who lack the proper paperwork face deportation from Italy, although even those with visas were also evacuated. The country is in an uproar over the events, with Interior Minister Roberto Maroni calling the violence a result of "mistaken tolerance," and the opposition equating the government's moves to "ethnic cleansing," according to Reuters. Even the pope got involved, by asking for tolerance in his weekly blessing.
* in the throes of : 어려운 시기를 겪고 있는
- doing a difficult task; experiencing a difficult period or event
* in someone's absence : ~의 부재중에
- while sb is not there
- the fact of sb being away from a place where they are usually expected to
* in an uproar : 발칵 뒤집혀/ 한바탕 소동을 겪고 있는
- uproar: a situation in which people shout and make a lot of noise because
they are angry or upset about sth/a situation in which there is a lot of public
criticism and angry argument about sth that sb has said or done
* ethnic cleansing : 소수 민족 추방/인종 청소
- (used especially in news reports) the policy of forcing the people of a
particular race or religion to leave an area or a country
2. Egypt's pyramids not built by slaves, says archaeologist
Popular culture has long depicted the Egyptian pyramids as being built by slaves, but a new discovery now indicates that they were actually constructed by free workers. Egypt's chief archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, announced on Sunday that tombs for the workers had been built alongside the main pyramids, which were the tombs of kings. Slaves would never have been able to be buried in such close proximity to royalty, said Hawass. Graffiti has also been discovered in which the workers call themselves "friends of Khufu," the name of one of the pharaohs. The tombs are 4,510 years old and can be found on the western rim of Cairo. Other evidence has also been unearthed that shows the pyramids were a national project rather than a slave-backed endeavor. According to Hawass, farmers in the region sent animals to the pyramid construction site to feed the builders, and were exempted from taxes for doing so.
* in close proximity : 매우 가까운 거리에
- close[near] to a particular place or person
* to unearth evidence : 증거를 발견하다
- unearth: to find sth in the ground by digging
to find or discover sth by chance or after searching for it
* to be exempt from taxes : 세금이 면제되다/ 면세되다
- do not have to pay taxes