One predisposing factor to consider in every TMJ patient is hypertonic sternocleidomastiod (SCM) muscles. In fact, trigger points in the SCM muscle can be used as an objective indicator for orofacial and cervicocranial disorders.
The second test, Mouth Opening Pattern Test, involves observing the patients chin while they open their mouth, paying special attention to the initiation of movement. A positive test is protrusion of the chin during the initiation of opening or limited opening range of motion, and indicates over-activity and tension of the masseter or lateral pterygoid muscles.
The third test, Hyoid Mobility Test, is done passively with the patient lying supine. The practitioner takes out the slack on the hyoid bone by pushing lateral to medial in both directions until resistance is encountered.
The fourth and final test, TMJ Mobility Test, is an active test done with light palpation of the disc-condyle complex just anterior to the tragus of the ear. This test assesses for symmetry in the translation of the condyles while the patient slowly opens and closes their mouth several times.
More information is here
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그렇지요 ^^ 거기다 소화기계의 처음 작동하는 곳이기도 하고요 ㅎ 감정적 턱관절.. 통증적 턱관절.. 등등 턱관절은 턱관절만 보면 너무 국소화된 시각이라는거에 전적으로 동의합니다.. 물론 치료는 해야하지요 ㅋㅋ
턱뿐만 아니겠지요. 목도, 발도, 무릎도,,,, 우리 몸에서 서로 영향을 안주는 곳은 없으니까요. 또한 신경의 기능부전도
살펴야겠지요. 다만 치료는 시간과 치료적 향상과 환자의 만족도 사이의 역학이라고 생각합니다.
의외의 재미가 많은부분이예요
저도 그렇게 생각합니다. 치료해보면 재미있고 좋은 결과도 나타나는데 case가 많지 안다는게
좀 아쉽네요^^
감사해요 잘 봤어요 ^^