행시나 cpa에 나온 기출 논리완성 문제들입니다. 참고하세요.
1. The statements of the prosecutor's witnesses were so vague that the judge felt impelled to _____ the accused. (행시 99)
(a) punish (b) chastise (c) acquit (d) sentence (e) despoil
2. A convincing set of proofs lies around us, though this simple and powerful point has rarely been articulated in popular writing, and therefore remains largely _____. (CPA 99)
(a) unappreciated (b) recognized (c) criticized (d) neutral (e) acknowledged
3. We ought to be upon our guard against power wherever we apprehend that it may affect ourselves or our fellow-subjects. (세무사 99)
(a) admire (b) agree (c) object (d) understand (e) imagine
4. Though I was not sure what I really liked to do, I acquiesced in his plan to go fishing.
(a) accepted (b) rejected (c) considered (d) attacked (e) failed (세무사 97)
5. The poem was composed by an anonymous author. (사시 96)
(a) unknown (b) excellent (c) dead (d) foreign (e) famous
6. After much discussion, the committee decided to endorse the new budget. (사시 98)
(a) amend (b) approve (c) reject (d) pigeonhole (e) repeal
7. The high value on privacy is related to economic affluence, which permits some people to value "a room of their own." (사시 97)
(a) opulence (b) opportunity (c) freedom (d) development (e) snobbery
8. People are [ ] about walking along late at night because it is so dangerous. (고대 98)
(a) docile (b) apprehensive (c) miscellaneous (d) bland
9. He felt such a close [ ] for animals that he became a veterinarian. (고대 98)
(a) affinity (b) distaste (c) approach (d) likeness
10. Despite Tom's [ ], we decided that he was not capable of watching our children alone; therefore, we hired an additional [ ]. (고대 97)
(a) past - one (b) skills - child (c) assurances - baby-sitter (d) entreaties - woman
11. Dick [abhorred] the books. (고대 96)
(a) understood (b) hated (c) ordered (d) arranged
12. Jack won't really mention his problems; he'll only [ ] to them. (고대 96)
(a) whimper (b) allude (c) molest (d) blur
13. If you want to play the game, you must [ ] the rules. (고대 96)
(a) consign to (b) adhere to (c) enroll in (d) consort with
14. Most people have a great deal of [antipathy] toward the practice of genocide. (서울대 98)
(a) aversion (b) empathy (c) fear (d) prejudice
15. before asking for money for car repairs, we must first [assess] the damage that the accident caused. (서울대 98)
(a) appraise (b) clean (c) fix (d) remove
1. My father took no stock in the idea that our economy is now picking up. (세무사 99)
(a) did not propose (b) did not praise (c) did not know (d) did not believe
(e) did not prove
2. If you ________, you do a job that he/she used to do, and do it as well as he/she did.
(a) fill someone's shoes (b) get through someone (c) are through with someone
(d) make it up to someone (e) run around with someone (행시 99)
3. Robert said they got the idea from another boy who bragged that he had mugged pizza deliverymen "to make quick cash." (CPA 99)
(a) killed (b) hit (c) borrowed money from (d) beaten and robbed
(e) knocked down
4. George knew all the ins and outs of the case. (행시 99)
(a) strengths (b) weaknesses (c) methods (d) details (e) answers
5. Can you shed light on the reason? (세무사 99)
(a) appall (b) dissipate (c) explain (d) turn on (e) cover up
6. The rates do not take in account the layoffs during the first quarter of the year. (세무사 99)
(a) bargain (b) postpone (c) increase (d) explain (e) discount
7. How are you getting along? (세무사 99)
(a) getting on (b) getting about (c) growing from (d) getting out (e) getting up
8. The President was charged with selecting a site for newly designated capital of the nation.
(a) was blamed for (b) was capable of (c) was attacked with (세무사 99)
(d) was given the responsibility of (e) was asked to pay for
9. The manager knew about the engagement and brought them glasses of champagne on the house. (세무사 99)
(a) made by himself (b) immediately (c) for celebration
(d) in a friendly manner (e) with no payment
10. In most cases the notion that a new car will free its owner of auto headache will not hold water. (입법고시 98)
(a) be logical (b) keep in the mind (c) give in (d) make good (e) influence the others
1. Despite the fact that they believed in different political philosophies, the politicians agreed to ______ on issues when their goals were _______. (행시 99)
(a) concede - unattainable (b) collaborate - compatible (c) demur - provocative
(d) dissent - viable (e) digress - ambivalent
2. So long as conditions exist in one country which offend the moral sense of another country, there can be no question of permanent and organic collaboration between those two countries. (세무사 97)
(a) struggle (b) cooperation (c) competition (d) collapse (e) demonstration
3. No one can or should tell you what to do with your life. When you evaluate alternatives, make choices and initiate changes, you will increase your sense of _____ and control. (행시 96)
(a) confidence (b) charity (c) benevolence (d) justice (e) unselfishness
4. When you read a novel, get a quick over-all view. (외시 95)
(a) important (b) normal (c) impressive (d) clear (e) comprehensive
5. When a muscle is made to contract by regularly repeated stimulation of its motor nerve, it continues to respond for a very long time. (사시 95)
(a) lengthen (b) leap (c) extend (d) relax (e) shrink
6. It is not a [consoling] thought to Germans to see that Americans have the same kind of problem, too. (서울대 97)
(a) considerate (b) marvelous (c) reasonable (d) cheering
7. The actual estimate for extra staff and [ ] costs such as accommodation was an annual $40,000. (서울대 97)
(a) consequential (b) conclusive (c) converged (d) consolidated
8. Whenever I have an argument with anyone, it always seems that I'm the one to [ ], because the other person just won't give in. (고대 99)
(a) concede (b) precede (c) proceed (d) succeed
9. His efforts to keep the peace were so [ ] that he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
(a) lucrative (b) heavy (c) mercenary (d) commendable (고대 98)
10. You and the person with whom you share an apartment must be [ ]. (고대 98)
(a) similar (b) generous (c) compatible (d) neat
11. So [ ] was the saleswoman's pitch about the value of the used car that Hallie nearly missed the [ ] in its logic. (고대 98)
(a) convincing - fallacy (b) inept - liability (c) relieving - reason
(d) tired - persuasiveness
12. We will repeat the experiment twice in order to [verify] the results. (고대 98)
(a) contradict (b) modify (c) predict (d) confirm
13. You cannot keep your [complicity] in this affair secret very long. (고대 98)
(a) involvement (b) investment (c) dissension (d) control
14. It was a remarkable [ ] that two scientists working separately in different countries discovered a cure for a disease at the exact same time. (고대 97)
(a) disposition (b) intermission (c) coincidence (d) permission
15. After the [ ] of the city, he welcomed the [ ] of the national park where he camped for two weeks. (고대 97)
(a) commotion-urbanity (b) noise-turbulence (c) monotony-routine
(d) commotion-tranquility
16. He lost his [composure]. (고대 96)
(a) curiosity (b) memory (c) job (d) calmness
17. The noises [converged] in a single sensation of life. (고대 96)
(a) spread (b) tottered (c) calmed (d) gathered
1. The problem of who to select as his successor was disposed of. (행시 99)
(a) housed (b) destroyed (c) suspended (d) settled (e) complicated
2. While we investigate your question, we cannot report you as delinquent or take any action to collect the amount you questioned. (사시 98)
(a) detective (b) investigator (c) vendor (d) neglecter (e) refugee
3. Eln Nino is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe. (입법고시 98)
(a) prevalence (b) severance (c) convalescence (d) transmission (e) implementation
4. In the Roman circus one of the most popular sports was performed by one who leaps. This "leaper" rode two horses by vaulting expertly from one animal to the other. When people today speak of _____ conversation, they mean a conversation in which the participants flit from one subject to another. (행시 97)
(a) desultory (b) compensatory (c) inexorable (d) obstinate (e) critical
5. Lacking __________, he enjoyed everything from the best to the worst in food. (외시 95)
(a) censure (b) discrimination (c) consideration (d) plausibility (e) competition
6. A bad report will entail his dismissal from the service of the state. (기술고시 95)
(a) develop (b) enhance (c) cause (d) monopolize (e) enlist
7. This employee has no [discernible] skills in computer work now, but we may be able to teach her quickly. (고대 99)
(a) careful (b) obvious (c) long term (d) unscrupulous
8. For faster relief from pain, [ ] the tablet in water. (고대 98)
(a) dissolve (b) rotate (c) elevate (d) light
9. The eruption [ ] tons of mineral-rich volcanic ash, restoring to the soil nutrients long since by [ ] decades of farming. (고대 98)
(a) deposited-depleted (b) clumped-harvested (c) removed-secreted
(d) displaced-entrenched
10. The World Cup Soccer Games will be [disseminated] internationally by television satellites.
(a) spread (b) illustrated (c) advertised (d) announced (고대 98)
11. Although there are some doubts, the [putative] author of the book is Hal Smith. (고대 98)
(a) confirmed (b) reputed (c) acknowledged (d) ascertained
12. I had to [take out] a number of words from my report because it was too long.(고대 97)
(a) affirm (b) eradicate (c) treat (d) delete
13. Steve's family is quite [destitute]. (고대 96)
(a) fortunate (b) poor (c) large (d) well-educated
1. Since he had his stroke, the wife and the daughters kept him boxed up in the house every day of the week. (입법고시 98)
(a) treated (b) pleased (c) confused (d) depressed (e) confined
2. A good teacher should be able to take on his stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with children has to endure. (입법고시 98)
(a) deal calmly with (b) be upset by (c) participate in
(d) take into consideration (e) perceive secretly
3. If Mary depended on John, she had to turn ____ him for help. (사시 98)
(a) to (b) of (c) up (d) on (e) after
4. I have to really been on edge lately. (사시 98)
(a) unhappy (b) bored (c) lucky (d) angry (e) nervous
5. Police cracked down on the selling of liquors to minors. (사시 98)
(a) broke ground (b) did a double take (c) did good (d) hit and ran (e) enforced laws
6. "That sure was a good movie." "You said it." (사시 98)
(a) I quite agree with you. (b) I don't think so. (c) There you go again.
(d) You're always saying so. (e) How can you be so sure?
7. A; Why is she in such a bad mood?
B; Well, it seems she's been stood up. (사시 98)
(a) she has worked without pay (b) someone has made her stand up
(c) someone has told her a lie (d) someone made a pass at her
(e) someone has not showed up
8. My duty tonight is to report on the state of the union, and to set forth our responsibilities to form a more perfect union. (사시 97)
(a) start (b) present (c) perpetuate (d) illustrate (e) communicate
9. The extra turn of speed which gives one individual an advantage over another in escaping from wolf or lion will also stand the whole species in good stead. (사시 97)
(a) put up with (b) be much helpful to (c) bring up wholesomely
(d) get rid of (e) be supportive for
10. You should never go back on your promise to a child. (행시 97)
(a) break (b) outwit (c) waver (d) repeat (e) demand
1. Almost every citizen of a large city suffers from the _____ of organized crime. (변리사 98)
(a) debility (b) tenuousness (c) depredations (d) factitiousness (e) depletion
2. Her feeling of _____ was so ______ that all the other patients were soon smiling or laughing.
(a) contrition - repulsive (b) embolism - catastrophic (c) melancholia - cataclysmic
(d) ebullience - contagious (e) rehabilitation - paranoiac (변리사 98)
3. His _____ was so great that he became the _____ of all our disputes about art and music.
(a) euphony - censor (b) irascibility - canister (c) contumely - reimburser (변리사 98)
(d) erudition - arbiter (e) pomposity - idolater
4. The witness's testimony will evince your innocence. (세무사 97)
(a) be detrimental to (b) evade (c) suspend (d) clarify (e) emboss
5. "The really good clown comes on and fails miserably," she elaborates. "It's wonderful, because the resulting laughter is a celebration of all failings... a recognition that we are not gods, that we are human." (세무사 97)
(a) gives more details (b) adds unnecessary things (c) puts this way
(d) flatters herself (e) exaggerates herself
6. Some enterprising couples slave for a combined 100-hour-plus workweek, a pace relieved by exotic vacations and expensive health clubs. (CPA 97)
(a) lazy (b) vigorous (c) reluctant (d) suspicious (e) entertaining
7. There was a balm in the air which soothed no less than it exhilarated me. (외시 96)
(a) blessed (b) exaggerated (c) invigorated (d) repealed (e) subdivided
8. The instructions he had left regarding his burial was very explicit. (행시 95)
(a) clear (b) ambiguous (c) unexpected (d) surprising (e) intelligent
9. Strange-smelling gases [ ] from holes in the ground. (서울대 97)
(a) emanated (b) dissipated (c) dissolved (d) eluded
10. The north side of the building is very [elaborate], decorated with fine stone carvings.
(a) uniform (b) simple (c) colorful (d) complicated (연대 96)
11. The army interpreter tried to [draw forth] information from the captured soldier. (한대 97)
(a) exclude (b) eradicate (c) expire (d) elicit
1. I don't know how well this young lawyer performs in court, but at least he is well -grounded in the principles of such cases. (세무사 97)
(a) knows thoroughly (b) in ready for (c) is not allowed by (d) ignores entirely
(e) makes up
2. A: May I speak to Mr. Kim?
B: One moment please. I'll _____ to his line. (세무사 97)
(a) talk (b) transfer (c) connect (d) link (e) lead
3. A: We are going to have steak for dinner. What do you recommend?
B: Generally, red wine _____ with red meat. (세무사 97)
(a) goes together (b) works (c) takes (d) tastes (e) comes out
4. A: Where is the domestic terminal for Korean Airlines?
B: Follow this sidewalk around the parking lot. You should see a sign _____ "Domestic Department." (세무사 97)
(a) recorded as (b) implying as (c) written as (d) that says (e) something like
5. Web "pages" can be seen by millions of users on the Net, an expanding universe of networks that has doubled in size annually for a decade and now spans 150 nations. It's that huge body of potential consumers that has businesses scrambled to get onto the Web, to which 6 million computers are already hooked up. (CPA 96)
(a) connected (b) disposed of (c) established (d) hanged up (e) extricated
6. If you're going to Mexico, you should brush up on you Spanish. (행시 96)
(a) review (b) clean up (c) study (d) speak (e) memorize
7. In the give and take of everyday existence, people are bound to rub us the wrong way occasionally, to take unfair advantage, to be thoughtless or ungrateful. (행시 96)
(a) irritate us (b) soothe us (c) discourage us (d) dishearten us (e) flatter us
8. Mary was so carried away by John's remark on her new hairdo that she couldn't sleep at all. (기술고시 95)
(a) excited (b) annoyed (c) satisfied (d) influenced (e) humbled
9. I would like to go with you but I am up to my ears in preparations for the conferences.
(a) am busy (b) do my best (c) have a lot to do (d) listen to everything (기술고시 95)
(e) collect as much as possible
10. An ambitious young teacher talked a lot about the new subject area of General Thinking Skills, with tongue in cheek, but never actually got around to teaching it. (기술고시 95)
(a) roughly (b) ashamedly (c) insincerely (d) passionately (e) disinterestedly
11. You hit the nail on you head. (기술고시 95)
(a) become very strict (b) always work hard (c) make someone look bad
(d) arrive at the correct answer (e) make trouble for someone
12. There have been bouts of war, but bouts of peace have followed them sooner or later.
(a) emblems (b) events (c) hymns (d) spells (e) tides (외시 96)
13. The turn-out at the art conference was truly amazing. (외시 96)
(a) exhibition (b) attendance (c) result (d) influence (e) contest
14. We must set store by his opinion that our country should be reunited in the long run.
(a) make widely known (b) give a theoretical basis to (c) make much of (외시 96)
(d) find fault with (e) bear in our mind
15. The solution approved by the unanimous vote of a million such men would count for nothing against that of a competent mathematicians. (사시 95)
(a) be helpless (b) be of no use (c) be unequal (d) not be in rivalry (e) not be superior
1. Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. (행시 99)
(a) characterize (b) generalize (c) examine (d) specify (e) criticize
2. Some children display an unquenchable curiosity about every new thing they encounter.
(a) insatiable (b) inherent (c) indiscriminate (d) incredible (e) indignant (행시 97)
3. Everything that elevates an individual above the herd and intimidates the neighbor is henceforth called evil. (행시 97)
(a) inverts (b) disapproves (c) disbelieves (d) threatens (e) discharges
4. Science itself is not only morally neutral, that is, _______ to the value of the ends for which the means are used; it is also totally unable to give any moral direction. (행시 97)
(a) different (b) indifferent (c) interested (d) uninteresting (e) disinterested
5. Secure, however, in the inscrutability of my place of concealment, I felt no embarrassment whatever. (사시 97)
(a) thoughtfulness (b) untraceability (c) intensity (d) improbability (e) inconvenience
6. Smoking may ______ your health. (세무사 97)
(a) danger (b) ameliorate (c) impair (d) enhance (e) cut
7. If the result of this drawn-out quarrel is to inoculate the American public against the ideal of ever coming to the aid of the Europeans again, the harm Bosnia will have done will be __________. (외시 96)
(a) reduced (b) inconsiderate (c) denounced (d) incalculable (e) managed
8. 다음 단어들 중 ‘dict' 부분의 발음이 다른 것은? (행시 95)
(a) prediction (b) dictionary (c) indictment (d) addiction (e) diction
9. Despite our rich literature of freedom, a pervasive value ( ) in our society is obedience to authority. ( ) obedience is perceived to be in the best interests of schools, churches, families, and political institutions. (행시 95)
(a) instilling- Questioning (b) instilling - Questioned (c) instilled - Unquestioned
(d) stilled - Unquestioning (e) stilled - Unquestioned
10. It is precisely by proclaiming that the governess is mad that Wilson inadvertently imitates the very madness he denounces. (행시 95)
(a) knowingly (b) dishonestly (c) deliberately (d) unintentionally (e) unfortunately
11. Lack of employment outside the home tends to make women more vulnerable to depression.
(a) futile (b) feasible (c) likable (d) dangerous (e) susceptible (기술고시 95)
12. Sedatives calm a person without actually [inducing] sleep. (서울대 97)
(a) prolonging (b) subsiding (c) getting (d) causing
13. I [ ] myself in work so as to stop thinking about the problem. (서울대 97)
(a) intercepted (b) impute (c) inspired (d) immersed
14. The delicate parcel has arrived [intact]. (연대 96)
(a) whole (b) early (c) late (d) broken
15. The theory that business could operate totally without the aid of government has proved to be an [erroneous belief]. (한대 96)
(a) argument (b) authentic concept (c) asset (d) illusion
16. The student [broke in on] the conversation without waiting for the speaker to stop talking.
(a) withdrew from (b) heard (c) regarded (d) interrupted (한대 96)
17. When the day for my audition came, I was so excited that I could hardly talk. By the time I got to the location for my test, my voice was not [ ]. (고대 98)
(a) monotonous (b) bilateral (c) audible (d) autonomous
18. On this most [auspicious] occasion may I take the opportunity of proposing a toast to the happy couple. (고대 99)
(a) promising (b) strenuous (c) hostile (d) tortuous
19. People don't like [prying] persons who try to find out too much about the affairs of others.
(a) inquisitive (b) candid (c) naive (d) verbose (고대 98)
20. Well we spent what seemed like an infinite amount of time and energy developing an [intricate] research design with which we finally were all pleased. (고대 98)
(a) significant (b) reliable (c) complicated (d) reluctant
21. Inasmuch as Mike's Halloween "trick" was [innocuous], he did not get into trouble.
(a) evil (b) secretive (c) harmless (d) clever (고대 98)
22. The cadets were [immaculate] as they lined up for inspection. (고대 98)
(a) inviolable (b) spotless (c) impassioned (d) motionless
23. Traditionally, any citizen is entitled to be tried by a jury of her peers; however, the law does not [ ] how or to what extent the jurors must [ ] the defendant. (고대 98)
(a) monitor - assess (b) specify - resemble (c) indicate - charge
(d) necessitate - enable
24. Which word cannot complete the following sentence? I'm tired of this [ ] rain.
(a) continuous (b) eternal (c) infinite (d) perpetual (고대 97)
25. Although he did not say it exactly, the [ ] I got was that he was quitting his job.
(a) proficiency (b) inference (c) reception (d) perception (고대 97)
26. She soon loses her [inhibitions] when she has had two or three glasses of wine. (서울대 98)
(a) happiness (b) senses (c) restraints (d) sorrows
27. The [inexorable] dictator will not suspend the persecution. (서울대 98)
(a) foolish (b) iniquitous (c) insane (d) unrelenting
28. It would be nice to pretend that The Times is [infallible]. (서울대 97)
(a) insightful (b) faultless (c) invaluable (d) readable
29. He delivered the speech in his own [inimitable] style. (서울대 97)
(a) extremely efficient (b) seldom imitated (c) matchless (d) indescribable
30. Your help is [indispensable] for the success of the scheme. (서울대 97)
(a) unavoidable (b) undeniable (c) necessary (d) worthwhile
1. We excluded the problems with nuclear-generated fuels as they were not germane to our debate. (CPA 99)
(a) relevant (b) immaterial (c) international (d) essential (e) vague
2. Linda wanted to stay home, but she finally agreed, very ______, to go to the movies.
(a) reluctantly (b) briskly (c) absolutely (d) lavishly (e) willingly (세무사 99)
3. do you think that Mr. Jackson will relinquish his seat in the House of Commons? (사시 98)
(a) admonish (b) give up (c) cede (d) regain (e) win
4. The prospect of facing an unfriendly Russia once more might force the Clinton administration to begin beefing up military spending, dashing hopes for reducing the budget deficit.
(a) stipulating (b) reinforcing (c) criticizing (d) establishing (e) decreasing (입법고시 98)
5. The group's propensity for middle-management comes from their breadth of education, their interest in people. (변리사 98)
(a) apathy (b) propriety (c) incentive (d) choice (e) inclination
6. The excuse he gave for his lateness was so preposterous that everyone laughed. (세무사 97)
(a) entertaining (b) prosperous (c) absurd (d) outstanding (e) primordial
7. Can he reassure the island's 10 million residents in time for a 1999 plebiscite on its future?
(a) referendum (b) reelection (c) conference (d) reformation (e) separation (행시 97)
8. Experiments with wild rats show that lower animals can also become really ill and even die under chronic stress. (행시 95)
(a) persistent (b) mild (c) occasional (d) overwhelming (e) mental
9. I wish you wouldn't keep ______ me. Let me finish what I'm saying. (사시 95)
(a) invading (b) bragging (c) interrupting (d) intruding (e) releasing
10. By locating the crucial piece of evidence, the lawyer finally managed to [ ] the link on the case against the murderer. (서울대 99)
(a) substantiate (b) arouse (c) identify (d) close
11. After three hours of [intermittent] rain, the game was abandoned. (서울대 99)
(a) sporadic (b) pouring (c) drizzling (d) concentrated
12. Some students are [ ] and want to take only the courses for which they see immediate value. (고대 99)
(a) impoverished (b) impartial (c) idealistic (d) pragmatic
13. The company's troubleshooter was called upon to [ ] in the dispute that had hurt relations between the company and the town. (고대 99)
(a) equivocate (b) expound (c) curtail (d) intercede
14. hoard : save (고대 99)
(a) economize : spend (b) revere : admire (c) sulk : roar (d) flirt : giggle
15. Your writing is full of [redundant] expressions. (서울대 98)
(a) abstract (b) pithy (c) superficial (d) superfluous
16. Do you think your question is [pertinent] to the matter we are discussing? (고대 98)
(a) perceptive (b) appropriate (c) discriminating (d) apparent
17. [Ostensibly], she enjoys her vacations in Nova Scotia, but she really would prefer someplace warmer. (고대 98)
(a) probably (b) doubtfully (c) seemingly (d) obviously
18. If she continues to [malign] the integrity of our company, we will sue her.(고대 98)
(a) repel (b) slander (c) transfix (d) permit
19. I will [relinquish] my claims to this property. (고대 98)
(a) keep (b) materialize (c) pronounce (d) abandon
20. Although the [prevalent] attitude toward tarantulas is one of fear, they actually benefit humans by controlling the insect population. (서울대 97)
(a) petty (b) popular (c) essential (d) unusual
21. As an intellectual giant, our superbrained [progeny] may make us look like a race of kindergarteners. (서울대 97)
(a) offspring (b) prodigal (c) progress (d) skull
22. Because the strike had been going on for so long, the courts decided to [ ] by asking for a "cooling off" period for both sides. (고대 97)
(a) intervene (b) dispose (c) persist (d) transmit
23. The witness said that he had [ ] information that was relevant to the case.
(a) precedent (b) pertinent (c) haughty (d) reluctant (고대 97)
24. They feel that there is a [tacit] agreement among board members to vote down anything new, especially a plan to integrate the different research departments into one.
(a) candid (b) terse (c) verbose (d) unspoken (고대 97)
25. David [retained] his farm. (고대 96)
(a) bought (b) enjoyed (c) sold (d) kept
26. After two hours of heavy rain, the storm finally [ ]. (고대 96)
(a) subsided (b) dilated (c) relieved (d) relinquished
27. She [resolutely] refused to speak with us. (연대 96)
(a) silently (b) arrogantly (c) firmly (d) curiously
1. Not one jot of any exhibit has been altered, but all the surroundings have been ______ restored to their original condition - not just accurately, but lovingly as well. (CPA 99)
(a) easily (b) uselessly (c) mildly (d) deliciously (e) meticulously
2. A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind, and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his ______. (CPA 99)
(a) anxiety (b) tranquility (c) intensity (d) honesty (e) seriousness
3. His renown was _____, for as soon as his name no longer appeared in the paper, people forgot him. (CPA 99)
(a) ever-present (b) powerful (c) ephemeral (d) universal (e) enduring
4. A(n) ________ to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transaction. This agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each good should be produced, exchanged, and consumed by each economic unit. Central planning may be one way of ______ such an economy. (세무사 99)
(a) contributing - subverting (b) yearning - attaining (c) effort - founding
(d) subscription - dispersing (e) alternative - administering
5. China might look like a monolithic one-party dictatorship, but it's not: Ask President Clinton, who struggled to show the world today that the seeds of democracy are being planted here.
(a) unified (b) courteous (c) socialist (d) bureaucratic (e) technocratic (입법고시 98)
6. Dancing before Nadar's luminous eyes at century's end is the prospect of $3 billion in annual revenue. (사시 97)
(a) shining (b) diminutive (c) immense (d) calescent (e) ravishing
7. The ties that bind us together in common activity are so ____ that they can disappear at any moment. (사시 97)
(a) tentative (b) tenuous (c) restrictive (d) consistent (e) tenacious
8. The ______ of our civilization from an agricultural society to today's complex industrial world was accompanied by upheaval and, all too often, war. (사시 97)
(a) adjustment (b) migration (c) phase in (d) metamorphosis (e) route
9. "I could send only a telegram, not a letter." Dad explained later, "and so I tried to convey the _____ of my experiences overseas, hoping for both brevity and ______ in as few words as possible. (변리사 97)
(a) gist - clarity (b) goal - succinctness (c) purpose - innuendo
(d) results - totality (e) bias - suggestions
10. These are the most troubling economic questions of the era. But all we have had so far from the deeply embarrassed ranks of U.S. economists is doubletalk. In truth, there is a cover-up here, and it runs deeper than even most Buchananites suspect. (CPA 96)
(a) evil conspiracy (b) adverse effect (c) misdemeanor
(d) miscalculation (e) trick for concealment
11. Darkness is another Goya's speciality. So it's a(n) ______ that the exhibition, more that 30 paintings, drawings, and prints, presents Goya as a great figure of the Enlightenment, the European movement that aimed to banish intellectual, religious and political darkness ______ the light of reason, knowledge and freedom. (CPA 96)
(a) irony - in spite of (b) paradox - in favor of (c) come by -against
(d) tragedy - from (e) fiction - with regard to
12. Many amenities unavailable in his country were enjoyed in America. (행시 96)
(a) friends (b) comforts (c) groceries (d) drinks (e) luxuries
13. His belief in a hard core of historical facts existing objectively and independently of the interpretation of the historian is a preposterous fallacy, but one which is very hard to eradicate.
(a) encouraging (b) edifying (c) prerequisite (d) reflective (e) senseless (외시 96)
14. But by the time the last page is turned, Death in the Andes manages to make the mock message seem as plausible as any other explanation. (CPA 96)
(a) mysterious (b) provocative (c) irritable (d) precarious (e) probable
15. Paradoxically, this successful entrepreneur is sometimes _______ and at other times reclusive. (행시 96)
(a) autonomous (b) dispassionate (c) solitary (d) unthinking (e) gregarious
16. Although Mr. Anderson is the _______ Head of the group, the power is all in the hands of Sue, the treasurer. (사시 95)
(a) competent (b) pertinent (c) powerful (d) nominal (e) ambitious
17. 다음 단어 중 철자가 틀린 것은? (외시 95)
(a) parricide (b) sacrilegeous (c) indefatigable (d) revelation (e) testament
18. This work is congruous to his character. (외시 95)
(a) avaricious (b) gregarious (c) harmonious (d) industrious (e) luxurious
19. When countries cannot settle a dispute in an amicable way, they should settle it by arbitration. (기술고시 95)
(a) mutual (b) constructive (c) satisfactory (d) profitable (e) friendly
20. He will shunned by his friends, and the stigma could last a lifetime. (기술고시 95)
(a) duty (b) task (c) trial (d) disgrace (e) hardship
21. I haven't laughed so much in years. It was absolutely _______! (기술고시 95)
(a) ironical (b) hilarious (c) sensational (d) diverting (e) kidding
22. The crowd had become so [ ] that the police had to call for reinforcements to help control the crowd. (고대 99)
(a) belligerent (b) intentional (c) incredible (d) prospective
23. The geologist has come up with [a possible solution to a problem] he has been working on, and now he would like to test it to determine if it is correct. (고대 98)
(a) diagnosis (b) hypothesis (c) perception (d) examination
24. John decided that the good life he led would [refute] the predictions of his relatives. (고대 98)
(a) reward (b) lead to (c) restrain (d) prove false
25. Their [ultimate] objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons. (서울대 97)
(a) final (b) indefensible (c) unforgivable (d) serious
26. Journalists are accustomed to [ ] all sorts of obstacles to meet their deadlines.
(a) prohibiting (b) surmounting (c) surpassing (d) covering (서울대 97)
27. The paper published a very [superficial] analysis of the situation. (서울대 97)
(a) artificial (b) shallow (c) hypocritical (d) false
28. China and Vietnam hope their own authoritarian rule might [ ] capitalist-style reform.
(a) reflect (b) destroy (c) survive (d) preserve (서울대 97)
29. He was late for work so many times that the boss had no [ ] but to fire him.(서울대 96)
(a) alternative (b) plan (c) trouble (d) verdict
30. Insecurity, worry, and nervous breakdown are rampant among white-collar workers.(기술고시 95)
(a) gossiped (b) obstinate (c) prevalent (d) revealed (d) revealed
(e) troublesome
1. "I didn't mean to upset you," Agnes said in a placating voice. (사시 98)
(a) dissenting (b) heartening (c) appeasing (d) offensive (e) dissatisfied
2. The young chicks of gulls solicit feeding by pecking at their parents' bills. (사시 96)
(a) ask for (b) turn down (c) take care of (d) provide for (e) enjoy
3. Her efforts to diminish the hatred towards him resulting from her boredom only augmented it.
(a) got rid of (b) doubled (c) irritated (d) increased (e) lessened (외시 95)
4. In mammals embryo is more insulated from the external world but, of course, more directly dependent on its mother's physiological state. (외시 95)
(a) indifferent (b) protected (c) sophisticated (d) isolated (e) saturated
5. I begged Mom to stay in her room until wed found him, and she [capitulated] readily. (고대 99)
(a) gave in (b) looked hacked off (c) seemed disgruntled (d) gave it the thumbs down
6. Although Linda Evans gained fame for her innovations in [ ], it took years before her teaching techniques were common practice in Asian schools. (고대 99)
(a) democracy (b) pedagogy (c) technology (d) cooperation
7. Let's look at a [hypothetical] situation in which carol gets invited to a party. (서울대 99)
(a) theoretical (b) hypocritical (c) desperate (d) delicate
8. I like the [ ] glass we have in our living room because it allows light to come in, but people can't see clearly inside the room. (고대 98)
(a) lucid (b) ambiguous (c) translucent (d) relevant
9. The city we visited was [exceptionally impressive].(고대 98)
(a) innate (b) magnificent (c) affluent (d) positive
10. Try not to [set yourself apart] from everyone at the gathering. (고대 97)
(a) declare (b) maintain (c) isolate (d) deduct
11. That is [powerful] medicine you are taking. (고대 97)
(a) incredible (b) manual (c) potent (d) audible
12. As the [ ] of the policy, you will receive everything. (고대 97)
(a) benefactor (b) benefit (c) beneficiary (d) sympathy
13. We were told to [ ] our coffee breaks because they were too long. (고대 97)
(a) interrogate (b) curtail (c) disdain (d) isolate
14. The [ ] dose of cleaning fluid that the child had drunk caused her death.(고대 97)
(a) affluent (b) overt (c) hostile (d) lethal
15. He smiled, and made a gesture intended to [placate] me. (서울대 97)a
(a) appease (b) frighten (c) approve (d) flatter
16. We couldn't [salvage] with anything. (고대 96)
(a) touch (b) find (c) save (d) leave
17. It's mere [ ] that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.(서울대 97)
(a) subjection (b) surmise (c) contingency (d) reflection
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