plt 파일은 텍스트 파일로 텍스트에디터 프로그램(메모장, 워드패드, 등등)에서 열어보시면 아래와 같음
OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.0
WGS 84
Altitude is in Feet
Reserved 3
0,2,255,Sat Jan 10 04:41:43 2004,0
-27.350436, 153.055540,1,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
-27.348610, 153.055867,0,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
Line1 : OziExplorer Track Point File Version 2.0
Line2 : WGS 84
Line3 : Altitude is in Feet
Line4 : Reserved 3
Line5 : 0,2,255,Sat Jan 10 04:41:43 2004,0
Line6 : 918
TrackPoint Data : -27.350436, 153.055540,1,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
TrackPoint Data : -27.348610, 153.055867,0,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
Line 1 : File type and version information
Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each trackpoint
Line 3 : "Altitude is in feet" - just a reminder that the altitude is always stored in feet
Line 4 : Reserved for future use
Line 5 : multiple fields as below
Line5 : Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7,Field8,
Field 1 : always zero (0)
Field 2 : width of track plot line on screen - 1 or 2 are usually the best
Field 3 : track color (RGB)
Field 4 : track description (no commas allowed)
Field 5 : track skip value - reduces number of track points plotted, usually set to 1
Field 6 : track type - 0 = normal , 10 = closed polygon , 20 = Alarm Zone
Field 7 : track fill style - 0 =bsSolid; 1 =bsClear; 2 =bsBdiagonal; 3 =bsFdiagonal; 4 =bsCross;
5 =bsDiagCross; 6 =bsHorizontal; 7 =bsVertical;
Field 8 : track fill color (RGB)
Line 6 : Number of track points in the track, not used, the number of points is determined when reading the points file
Trackpoint data
One line per trackpoint
each field separated by a comma
non essential fields need not be entered but comma separators must still be used (example ,,)
defaults will be used for empty fields
Trackpoint data : Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Field5,Field6,Field7
Field 1 : Latitude - decimal degrees.
Field 2 : Longitude - decimal degrees.
Field 3 : Code - 0 if normal, 1 if break in track line
Field 4 : Altitude in feet (-777 if not valid)
Field 5 : Date - see Date Format below, if blank a preset date will be used
Field 6 : Date as a string
Field 7 : Time as a string
Note that OziExplorer reads the Date/Time from field 5, the date and time in fields 6 & 7 are ignored.
-27.350436, 153.055540,1,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
-27.348610, 153.055867,0,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
Date Format
Delphi stores date and time values in the TDateTime type. The integral part of a TDateTime value is the number of days that have passed since 12/30/1899. The fractional part of a TDateTime value is the time of day.
Following are some examples of TDateTime values and their corresponding dates and times:
0 - 12/30/1899 12:00 am
2.75 - 1/1/1900 6:00 pm
-1.25 - 12/29/1899 6:00 am
35065 - 1/1/1996 12:00 am
plt 파일은 텍스트 파일이므로
간단하게 끊어진 트랙을 연속적으로 순서대로 연결하려면
텍스트에디터 프로그램(메모장,워드패드 등등)에서
,1, --> ,0,
trackpoint data내에서 모두바꾸기를 시행하시면 됨(확장자는 plt로)