▶ 사용프로그램 : Siemens NX 2023, 2212, 2406 ▶ 강사소개 주요경력 : 연세대학교 대학원 졸업 (전) 경기도청, 안양시청, 의왕시청등 공무원교육 강사 (전) 건양대학교 시각커뮤니케이션디자인학과 외래교수 (전) 서울보건대학 컴퓨터학과 외래교수 (현) 가천대학교 미래자동차학과 겸임교수 (현) 인하대학교 미래인재개발원 강사 (현) 신중앙컴퓨터학원 원장 (현) 오토캐드, 카티아, 솔리드웍스, NX, 인벤터 국비지원과정 전임강사 (현) blog.naver.com/gypsum, cafe.daum.net/sinjoungang 웹사이트 운영자 ▶ Siemens NX 관련 저서 : Siemens NX 2000 Analysis Tools : 동영상으로 배우는 NX 1899 3D 모델링[ISBN : 9788969961358(8969961356)] : Siemens NX 12.0 Synchronous Modeling 동영상강좌[ISBN : 9788969961013(8969961011)] : Siemens NX 10.0 Drafting & PMI 동영상강좌[ISBN : 9788969960795(8969960791)] : Siemens NX 9, NX 10 어셈블리(Assembly) 동영상강좌[ISBN : 9788969960597(8969960597)] : Siemens NX 9.0 Curves & Surfaces Modeling 동영상강좌[ISBN : 9788969960429(8969960422)] : Seimens NX 9.0 3D모델링 동영상강좌[ISBN : 9788969960306(8969960309)]
▶ Siemens NX 교육과정 | ** NX Sketch & 3D Modeling(스케치 및 3D 형상모델링)과정 1. NX구성 2. Curve/Edit Curves생성 Basic Curve, Line / Arc , Circle/ Chamfer / Rectangle / Polygon Ellipse / Parabola / Hyperbola / General Conic / Helix Curve on Surface / Spline / Studio Spline/ Text, Edit Curves 3. Curve from Curves생성 Offset, Offset in Face Bridge / Circular Blend Curve/ Simplify / Join Project / Combined Projection /Mirror Curve / Wrap 4. Sketch 작성 Create Sketch, Sketcher Sketch Curve, Sketch Constraints, Sketch Operations 5. Datum/Point생성 Datum Plane, Datum Axis, Datum Axis Point, Point Set, Plane 6. Curve form Bodies생성 Intersect, Section Curve, Extract Extract, Instance, Mirror Feature, Mirror Body Instance Geometry 7. Combine Bodies생성 Unite, Subtract, Intersect Sew / Unsew, Patch 8. Design Feature생성 Extrude, Revolve, Block / Cylinder / Cone / Sphere Hole / Boss / Pocket / Pad / Slot/ Groove / Emboss Dart / Thread 9. Associative Copy생성 Offset Surface, Variable Offset, Offset Face Scale, Thicken Sheet, Shell, Wrap Geometry 10. Detail Feature생성 Edge Blend, Face Blend, Soft Blend Bridge, Chamfer, Draft Trim, Divide Face, Join Face, Trim Body Split Body, Trimmed Sheet, Trim and Extend, Untrim Offset/Scale, Swept, Sweep along Guide, Tube 11. Synchronous Modeling생성 Move Face, Pull Face, Offset Region Replace Face, Resize Blend, Resize Face Delete Face, Reuse, Constrain, Dimension ** NX Surface Modeling(NX 곡면 모델링)과정 1. Surface Modeling 2. Mesh Surface 3. Sweep Surface 4. Flange Surface etc... ** NX Assembly(어셈블리,조립) 과정 1. Context Control 사용법 Find Component, Open Component Show Only, Hide Component in view, Show Component in view Open by Proximity, Show Product Out line, Save Context Restore Context, Set Work Part, Set Displayed Part 2. Components 사용법 Add Component, Create New Component, Create New Parent Create Array Component, Substitute Component, Mate Component Positioning Constraints, Remember Assemblies Component Reposition Component, Move Component Mirror Assembly, Convert Mating Conditions Suppress Component, Edit Suppression State, Edit Arrangements Replace Reference Set, Check Clearances, Wave Geometry Linker 3. Exploded Views 작성법 Exploed View, Create Explosion, Edit Explosion Auto-Explode Component, Unexplode Component, Delete Explosion Work view Explosion, Hide / Show Explosion, Create Tracelines ** NX Drafting(2D 도면제작)과정 1. Drawing Layout작성 New Sheet, Display Sheet, Open Sheet, Delete Sheet Base View, Projected View, Detail View Section View, Half Section View, Revoled Section View Folded Section View, Unfolded Point to, Point Section View Unfolded Point and Angle, Break-Out Section, Broken View 2. Drafting Annotation작성 GDT Parameters, Feature Parameter, Note Tabular Label, Feature Control Frame, Datum Feature Symbol Datum Target, Utility Symbol, Weld Symbol, Crosshatching, Area Fill 3. Dimension작성 3. Drafting Edit작성 Edit Style, Edit Annotation, Edit Dimension Associativity Edit Text, Suppress Drafting Object, Edit Ordinate Part List Levels, Hide Component, Show Component, Edit Sheet Edit Section Line, Edit Section Line, View Dependent Edit ** 기타 Application관련 강좌는 학원으로 문의바랍니다. |
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