World War Z is a zombie horror film about zombies
over the world. It is loosely based on the best-selling
novel of the same name written by Max Brooks. The movie stars Brad Pitt as Gerry
Lane, a worker at the United Nations who searches the world for information that
can stop the zombie outbreak that is
threatening the survival of the human race. The official website says: "United
Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in
a race against
time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is
armies and governments, and threatening to decimate humanity itself."
Brad Pitt's film production company Plan B Entertainment bought the movie rights
to make the film in 2007. Filming began in 2011 in Malta, Glasgow and Budapest.
* take over ~ = ~을 인수(인계)하다; 탈취(장악)하다/ loosely =
막연히, 대략; 느슨하게/ (be) based on ~ = ~에 근거[기반]를 두다/ outbreak = 발생(발발)/ traverse =
가로지르다, 횡단하다/ a race against time(the clock) = 시간과의 싸움/ pandemic = 전 세계적인 유행병/
topple = 넘어지다, 넘어뜨리다/ decimate = 대량으로 죽이다
Writer of the
original book, Max Brooks, said his work has been re-written so much that the
movie and novel are now the same in name only. Brooks said: "I knew they were
going to rewrite it. I grew up in Hollywood. I knew it was going to go through a
million changes." He told moviegoers: "I cannot
guarantee that the movie will be the book that they love." Many critics
questioned why the movie was advertised as a horror film, when it was given a
13-PG (parental
guidance) rating. There was also much talk about the movie
being unable to recover its $400 million
production costs. Britain's 'Guardian' newspaper examined whether Pitt was
"making the most expensive disaster of all time" while the film was being
* moviegoer = 영화 팬/ parental guidance = 부모의
(시청)지도가 필요한/ recover = (손실 등을) 되찾다[만회하다]
-> It is loosely based on the best-selling
novel of the same name written by Max Brooks.
* loosely = 막연히, 대략; 느슨하게/ (be) based on ~ = ~에
근거[기반]를 두다
* 부사의 형태
① 부사: 형용사 + ly / ~y = ily / ~le = ly /
~ue = uly / ~ll = lly / ~ic = ically
ex) actual → actually /careful →
ex) happy → happily/ busy → busily/ lucky → luckily
ex) possible
→ possibly/ simple → simply/ probable → probably
ex) true → truly/ due →
ex) full → fully/ dull → dully
ex) dramatic →
② 형용사와 같은 형태의 부사
early, long,
hard, enough, hear, well, ill, far 등...
- early - 형: 이른, 부: 일찍
- near - 형:
가까운, 부: 가까이
- fast - 형: 빠른, 부: 빨리
- high - 형: 높은, 부: 높이
- right - 형:
옳은, 부: 바르게, 바로, 곧
- last - 형: 마지막인, 마지막의, 부: 마지막으로
- hard - 형: 열심인, 단단한,
부: 열심히, 단단하게
- most - 형: 가장 많은, 가장 ~한, 부: 가장 많이, 제일
* Examples *
1. 그 조심성 있는 남자가 조심스럽게 운전한다.
The careful man drives
2. 우리는 그 다음날 일찍 도착했다.
We arrived early the next day.
3. 가능한 대로[최대한] 빨리 오도록 할게.
I will come as soon as I
possibly can.
(Movies) World War Z.mp3