While there were several times been seen as the former Red Star player, Andrew Kaluđerović will start to train in Antalya as if nothing about the transfer does not occur. Zajedno sa svim ostalim napadačima boriće se za minutažu, pa ko se bolje pokaže, taj će i igrati više. Together with all the other attackers will fight for playing time, so who better to show, that will play more.
„U svakom klubu gde sam igrao imao sam konkurenciju i uvek sam se izborio da igram. "At every club I've played where I had a competition and I have always fought to play. Nema razloga da se bilo čega plašim. There is no reason to be afraid of anything. Zdrava konkurencija prija, verujem u sebe i nadam se da ću se izboriti za mesto u timu. Healthy competition feels good, believe in yourself and I hope to fight for a place in the team. Idem na pripreme u Tursku, ništa se nije desilo što se tiče mog transfera. I'm going to train in Turkey, nothing happened as far as my transfer. Imam ugovor sa Zvezdom i ponašam se kao da ću ostati u klubu do njegovog isteka“ , rekao je Kaluđerović za agenciju Beta. I have a contract with the star and act as if I will stay at the club until it expires, "said Kaluđerović BETA.
Za pridošlice smatra da su dobri igrači i da će podići kvalitet ekipe u drugom delu šampionata For newcomers believe that they are good players and that will raise the quality of teams in the second part of the season
„Dobili smo dosta dobrih novih igrača. "We got a lot of good new players. Otišlo je par dobrih, došlo je dosta mladih fudbalera koje poznajem i nadam se da će nam pomoći da imamo bolje rezultate nego u prvom delu sezone“ Went to a couple of good, there was a lot of young players I know and I hope it will help us to have better results than in the first half of the season "
최신기사인디 터키에서 훈련하고있다
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첫댓글 잔류하네요 http://sport.blic.rs/Fudbal/Domaci-fudbal/209526/Kaludjerovic-Zdrava-konkurencija-prija-verujem-da-cu-izboriti-mesto-u-timu 레드스타와 계약이 남아있고 팀을 위해 뭐 잘하겠다는 그런 내용, 터키는 전훈지인가봅니다.
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