뉴있저] IMF "한국 GDP 세계 10위 복귀"..한국의 국가 브랜드 가...16시간전 | YTN | 다음뉴스
올라 뛰어서 10위가 된 겁니다. 세계 GDP 순위 10위에 다시 올라선 것은 물론 여러 가지...것도 있습니다. 그리고 IMF는 내년도 역시 한국은 세계 10위를 유지할 거라고...
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출처 :https://n.news.naver.com/article/047/0002266188
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@Guest 문재인 경제 답이 안보인다. 40대가 가장 경제폭망. 문재인 경제 답이 안보인다. 40대가 가장 경제폭망. 원문보기 문재인, 경제폭망, 미국금리인상, 홍준표, 청아대, 신의한수, 고성국tv, 자유한국당...
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#생방송토요소통 #미국_대선_끝났나, 트럼프 반격 가능성은? 바이든 시진핑 한반도 삿바싸움 시작?
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미군은 스페인에서 대선을 해킹한 스키틀 서버를 급습하다, 그것도 선거를 뒤집어놨으니
Our FAVORITE RV Accessories for RV Living (2020)
복습) 트럼프가 싸우고 있는 세력의 정체는, 그의 4년 전 연설에 잘 드러납니다. 이들이 이 대선의 배후에 있습니다.
FEC 위원장 트레이 트레이너가“직업적인 견해로는 이번 선거가 유권자 사기로 인한 '불법'이라고 생각한다”고 선언하면 완전한 진실 거부 세력이 지배하는 현재 상황을 감안하면 어떻게 평가해야할 지 궁금하다. 미국의 깊은 국가 통제 지역과 나머지 세계의 모든 진실에 대한 부정? 즉, FSC 의장이 실제로 얼마나 많은 "권한"을 가지고 있습니까?
If Trey Trainor, the Chairman of the FEC declares that “in his professional opinion, this election is ‘illegitimate’ due to voter fraud”, I wonder how this is to be evaluated in view of the present situation, which is dominated by the total negation of all truth within the deep state-controlled parts of the usa and the rest of the world? In other words, how much "power" does an FSC Chairman actually have?
연방 선거위원회 위원장 폭탄 발표
FEC Chair makes a bombshell announcement
연방 선거위원회 위원장인 트레이 트레이노 Trey Trainor는 "폭탄"발표와 함께 기록을 세웠습니다.
그가 맞다면 정말 폭발적입니다. 최고 선거 공무원은 그의 전문적인 견해로는 이번 선거가 유권자 사기로 인해 “불법”이라고 확인합니다.
연방 선거위원회 위원장을 맡고있는 트레이노 Trey Trainor는 그가 펜실베이니아에서 목격 한 바에 따르면 그가 미국의 다른 곳에서 왔다고 보고 한 바에 따르면 이번 선거는 불법이라고 개인적으로 확신합니다.
The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission, Trey Trainor, went on record with a “bombshell” announcement.
If he is correct, it truly is explosive. The senior most election official confirms that, in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate” due to voter fraud.
Trey Trainor, who serves as chairman for the Federal Election Commission, is personally convinced that, from what he’s seen in Pennsylvania, and reports he’s been getting from elsewhere in the country, this election is illegitimate.
그는 Newsmax에 출연하는 동안 그의 말을 했습니다.
선거 후 6 일이 지난 후에도 일부 주에서는 여전히 투표 용지를 집계하고 있지만 이는 정상이 아닙니다.
미시간에서는 미국 우체국조차 문제가 된 것 같습니다.
옵서버가 투표 집계에 대한 접근을 거부될 타당한 이유가 전혀 없습니다. 따라서 이런 투표용지 집계는 "불법"이어야 합니다. 그는 이번 선거를 사기로 간주하는 다른 이유를 제시했습니다. 그것은 확률과 상식에 어긋납니다. 그는 보스 트위드를 인용했습니다.
그는 이것을 직접 처리하지 않습니다. 주정부가 처리하지만 그는 혐의가 중요하고 합법적이라고 믿습니다. 조사해야 합니다.
He made his comments during an appearance at Newsmax.
A full six days after the election, some states are still counting ballots, that isn’t normal.
In Michigan, it looks like even the United States Postal Service was a problem.
There is no legitimate reason at all for observers to be denied access to the ballot counting. Therefore, the ballot counting must be “illegitimate.“ He presented other reasons why he sees this election as a fraud. It defies probabilities and common sense. He quoted Boss Tweed.
He is not handling this directly. The states handle it, but he believes the allegations are significant and legitimate. They must be investigated.
FEC Chair makes a bombshell announcement
The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission, Trey Trainor, went on record with a “bombshell” announcement. If he is correct, it truly is explosive. The senior most election official confirms that, in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate” due to voter fraud. Trey Trainor, who serves as chairman for the Federal Election Commission, is personally convinced that, … Continue reading
폭스뉴스 마리아 바티로모의 시드니 파월 Sidney Powell 인터뷰는 굉장합니다!
Maria Bartiromo's interview to Sidney Powell is awesome!
바이든은 조직적인 인종 주의에 초점을 맞춘 경제팀을 구성한다
Biden Hires Economic Team With Focus On Systemic Racism
By Tyler Durden with comments by ron
Nov 16, 2020 - 7:59:57 PM
November 16th 2020
흑인, 특히 흑인 여성이 최초의 여성, 최초의 흑인, 최초의 인도계 부통령이 등장할 행정부에서 흑인, 특히 흑인 여성이 가질 것으로 예상되는 영향력을 반영하여, Biden 팀은 이미 권력인수 팀을 이전 행정부보다 더 강하게 소수 민족으로 채우는 점을 지적했습니다.
블룸버그에 따르면, Biden 팀은 "돈의 색"이라는 책이 현대 좌익 경제학자에게 중요한 텍스트인 Mehrsa Baradaran을 포함하여 이미 수십 명의 진보적인 경제학자를 선정하여 정부 전환을 지원했습니다. 그녀는 미시간 주립 대학의 경제학자 인 Lisa Cook과 함께 은행 및 증권 규제 기관의 "권력 인수팀"에 합류했습니다. 여기에는 연방준비은행 이사회의 잠재적 인 신규 구성원 (현재 공석이 하나 있음)을 선발하는 일도 포함됩니다.
Reflecting the influence that blacks, particularly black women, are expected to have in an administration that will feature the first female, and first black AND the first Indian vice president, the Biden team has already made a point to fill its transition team with minorities, moreso than any previous administration.
According to Bloomberg, the Biden team has already selected dozens of progressive economists to help with the transition, including Mehrsa Baradaran, whose book "the Color of Money", is a critical text for contemporary left-wing economists. She's joined by Lisa Cook, an economist at Michigan State University, on the "landing team" for banking & securities regulators, including selecting potential new members of the Federal Reserve board of governors (for which there is presently one vacancy).
그들은 바이든과 그의 팀이 건강 관리, 주택 및 기타 문제와 관련된 개혁을 추진함에 따라 중요한 인종적 "관점"을 제공하도록 요청받을 500 명 이상의 전문가 중 하나입니다.
당연히 블룸버그 이야기에서 인용된 급진적 경제학자들은 Biden의 직원채용 결정을 "흑인 사회에 대한 놀라운 신호"라고 칭찬했습니다.
경제학에서 더 많은 흑인 여성을 확보하기 위해 노력하는 비영리 단체 Sadie Collective의 공동 창립자인 Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman은 "이것은 흑인 커뮤니티에 놀라운 신호입니다."라고 말했습니다. "이 행정부는 '어떻게 흑인이 부를 축적할 것인가? 인종적 부의 격차를 어떻게 해소 할 것인가?' 에 초점을 맞출 것입니다."
They are among more than 500 experts who will be called upon to deliver an important racial "perspective" as Biden and his team hash out reforms related to health-care, housing and other issues.
Unsurprisingly, the radical "economists" quoted in the Bloomberg story praised Biden's staffing decisions as an "incredible signal to the black community".
"It's an incredible signal to the Black community," said Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman, co-founder of the Sadie Collective, a nonprofit working to get more Black women in economics. "This administration is going to be focused on thinking about: 'How do we build up Black wealth? How do we close this racial wealth gap?'"
이 보고서는 정책 입안자들, 심지어는 평범한 중앙은행가들조차도 전에 없었던 인종 불평등과 같은 문제에 무게를 두면서 제시합니다. 중앙 은행의 106 년 역사상 최초의 흑인 연준총재인 애틀랜타 연방준비은행 총재 라파엘 보스틱 (Raphael Bostic)은 체계적인 인종 차별이 경제적, 도덕적 문제라고 말했습니다.
캐나다 최초의 '성 균형'내각 ( '가짜 페미니스트'로만 분류됨)을 선택했다는 사실에 큰 거래를 한 캐나다 트뤼도 PM Justin Trudeau를 연상시키는 움직임에서 Biden과 카말라 해리스 부통령 팀을 구성할 때 다양성을 우선 순위로 삼고 있습니다.
바이든 Biden- 해리스Harris "인수 팀"의 50 %는 여성으로 구성되지만, 행정부 고문의 40 % 이상은 인종적 소수자, 장애인을 포함하여 연방 정부에서 역사적으로 과소 대표되는 외부 그룹 출신 일 것으로 예상됩니다. 그리고 LGBTQ로 식별되는 사람들.
The report arrives as policy makers, even typically-staid central bankers, are weighing in on issues like racial inequality like never before. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic, the first Black Fed president in the central bank's 106-year history, says systemic racism is an economic and moral issue.
In a move reminiscent of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, who made a big deal out of the fact that he had selected Canada's first "gender-balanced" cabinet (only to be labeled a 'fake feminist'), Biden and VP-elect Kamala Harris are going all in, making diversity the priority when it comes to building their team.
While 50% of the Biden-Harris "landing team" will be made up of women, more than 40% of the administration's advisers are expected to be from outside groups that are historically underrepresented in the federal government, including racial minorities, people with disabilities and those who identify as LGBTQ.
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Belated American Apology for Korean War Massacre
By Andrew Salmon
Nov 16, 2020 - 4:23:44 PM
November 16th 2020
(번역 생략)
A statue of a mother and child at the Nogun-ri memorial site. Photo: Asia Times/Andrew Salmon
SEOUL - On the morning of Tuesday, November 10, Jorja Elliott-Reyburn, a retiree from Boise, Idaho, arrived at a double road tunnel that runs through an embankment on low ground surrounded by the gentle hills of central South Korea.
The 72-year-old American was on a personal mission of contrition. The tunnel is where perhaps the darkest incident in the history of the US Army in South Korea took place.
Even on a sunny morning, the aged concrete of the structure, and the tunnels themselves, have a grim aspect. The place name, too, has a stark, hollow ring: Nogun-ri.
In July 1950, South Korean civilians sheltering in the tunnels - predominantly old people, women and children - were mown down in a storm of close-range automatic fire by US troops - the men who had come to defend their country from invasion.
Elliott-Reyburn knows about Korean War tragedies. Her father, Lieutenant James Elliot, went missing in action in the early days of the 1950-53 war. She has no memory of him - "only a picture."
She hoped her visit might help heal scars, but admitted to nerves.
"I am a little apprehensive about how [my apology] is going to be accepted by the victims," she told Asia Times as she drove toward the site. "Even though I lost my father, I cannot imagine having to witness my mother and father and my siblings being killed - that's an atrocity beyond imagining."
Remarkably, the atrocity was covered up until 1994. It took nearly half a century before survivors, journalists and researchers were eventually able to piece the story together.
Equally remarkably, despite a 2001 statement of regret from then-US President Bill Clinton, no official compensation has ever been paid. It is mired down in a controversy that has lingered for almost two decades.
Bereaved American Jorja Elliott-Reyburn looks at bullet holes from US weapons punched into the concrete of the bridge at Nogun-ri, the site of a now-notorious Korean War massacre. Photo: Asia Times/Andrew SalmonAt the killing ground
On Tuesday morning, Elliott-Reyburn's apprehension proved misplaced. At the tunnel, she was greeted with somberness, but not anger, by a reception committee of local officials and elderly survivors of the massacre who held up a banner of welcome.
"It is a difficult event for all of us. The tragedy of Nogun-ri is something we will never forget," she told the locals. "We are sorry for what happened."
Director of the Nogun-ri Peace Memorial Chung Koo-do, whose mother was wounded and whose siblings were killed at the site, thanked the American retiree for her "difficult decision to come here."
She was guided around the massacre site by 80-year-old Yang Hae-chan, who, as a 10-year old, had been in the tunnel. Yang pointed out bullet holes, now circled with white paint, from the American fusillade.
"People who were hit here were looking for food," he told Asia Times, as he pointed out scars in the concrete next to the bridge. "They were shot with the intention to kill - [American troops] were shooting from 20 meters."
To this day, Yang carries bullet wounds.
"A great number of civilians were killed in Nogun-ri," Chung, whose mother was shot and who lost two siblings in the massacre, said. "It is an unacceptable truth to accept."
Across the road, a memorial to the victims has been established. It features a tower of remembrance, contemporary photos of refugees and statuary inspired by the tragedy - screaming people; a woman holding a dead child; villagers evacuating the wounded on stretchers.
Both Elliott's disappearance in August 1950 and the Nogun-ri massacre in July took place in the early, chaotic days of the Korean War.
The site of the massacre is still used as a road tunnel to this day. Rail lines run over the top. Photo: Asia Times/Andrew SalmonAnalysis of an atrocity
On June 25, 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea with the aim of uniting the country - a former Japanese colony that was divided at the very end of World War II by great power fiat - under the leadership of Kim Il Sung.
Seeing the invasion through a communist, or anti-communist, rather than civil war prism, Washington rallied to Seoul's defense.
But the first GIs who deployed to Korea arrived from genteel garrison duty in the fleshpots of occupied Japan. They were physically untrained and mentally unprepared for combat in the austere hills, swampy paddies and thatched villages of Korea, a backward, alien country many soldiers had never heard of.
They were equally unprepared for the fierce drive of the North Korean troops, who were well motivated and well-armed with Soviet weapons.
As the "Red" advance speared southward, US units were overrun and scattered. A general was captured. Stories of North Korean brutality spread. And fear of guerillas in civilian attire infiltrating through US lines infected units.
In this ambiance of fear, chaos and retreat, harsh orders were given.
US orders displayed at Nogun-ri show that on July 25, aircraft were ordered to strafe civilians approaching US lines. On July 26, civilians in the combat zone were to be treated as hostiles.
These orders, and a dire combination of circumstances - chaos and decontrol, poor training and poor leadership, fear of a disguised enemy and, perhaps, racist attitudes toward a despised populace - coalesced at Nogun-ri.
The result was refugees were gunned down by pilots, and finally, while sheltering in the tunnel, more were shot dead by American infantrymen of the 7th Cavalry Regiment who stood face to face with their victims.
The massacres took place between July 25 and 29 in 1950. Given that numerous civilians had been killed in the days prior in US air attacks, there is, to this day, no fully agreed upon number of those slaughtered in the tunnels. Estimates range from 163-300.
Screaming faces of victims of the Nogun-ri massacre are portayed in sand art at the Nogun-ri Peace Forum. Photo: Asia Times/Andrew Salmon44 years of silence
Following the visit to the site on Tuesday, and continuing on Wednesday, the Nogun-ri Global Peace Forum was held.
South Korean Prime Minister Chung Se-kyun pledged, in a video message, the government's "continued interest in, and support of" the bereaved of Nogun-ri. The mayor of Hiroshima, Matui Kazumi, also sent official condolences.
Last week's transparency contrasts with the opacity that prevailed for 44 years after the massacre.
What happened at Nogun-ri in 1950 would remain unknown outside survivors' circles for decades. Postwar regimes in Seoul were unwilling to let disclosure of US atrocities potentially impact their alliance with Washington. The cries of Nogun-ri were silenced.
"Under the military regimes, we were forced to keep silent for a long time," said Chung. "We had to spend blood and tears ... we had to endure difficult times."
"This should have been revealed after the war, but the term ‘Nogun-ri' itself was virtually taboo," said Kim Jong-cheol, a journalist with Korea's leading left-wing newspaper, The Hankyoreh, who presented at the forum the media's role in revealing the killing.
The earliest press account of the massacre did not reach the West. A North Korean reporter, embedded with the North Korean People's Army, first reported on Nogun-ri in August 1950, Kim noted.
Charles Hanley, a member of an Associated Press investigative team that won a 2000 Pulitzer Prize for its work on the massacre, and the co-author of the book The Bridge at Nogun-ri (2001), told the forum, via teleconference, that a "high ranking US officer" had, in fact, tipped off US media in Korea.
In September 1950, the officer told a reporter that "a US regiment" had killed many civilians.
However - perhaps due to the supportive and patriotic nature of US war reporting at the time - nothing came of the leak. Hanley suggested that if Nogun-ri had been reported on at the time, the subsequent My Lai massacre in Vietnam might never have occurred.
Meanwhile, in South Korea, a veil of darkness continued to cover the incident: A 1977 novel about Nogun-ri was banned.
Only in 1987 did people-power protests transform South Korea into a full democracy. In 1993, former opposition leader Kim Young-sam - who, unlike the previous three presidents, had not been a general - was elected president.
A mural depicting the grim events around Nogun-ri in July 1950. Photo: Asia Times/Andrew SalmonShock revelations
The following year, 1994, the information dam surrounding Nogun-ri finally burst. That year, a book on the massacre was published. The shock information release ignited a storm of coverage, first in vernacular outlets, then in global outlets including CNN and AP.
Officialdom was forced to respond. In July 1994, survivors, including Yang, visited the US and delivered testimonies. "When I was growing up, I had my share of anger," Yang, who testified about his experiences at the Pentagon, said. "We tried to find the truth, things that had been blurred."
Official US fact-finding teams visited the tunnel and the surrounding area. But there are allegations of a cover-up in the US and 7th Cavalry records from July 1950 were found to have disappeared from archives.
Yet the evidence was overwhelming. On January 11, 2001, Bill Clinton wrote in a presidential statement: "I deeply regret that Korean civilians lost their lives in Nogun-ri in July 1950."
The statement continued: "... although we have been unable to determine precisely the events that occurred ... an unconfirmed number of innocent Korean refugees were killed or injured there."
A payment of US$4 million, to be made in the form of a memorial and a scholarship fund, was proposed in Clinton's statement.
However, it was not limited to Nogun-ri specifically, but to all US killings of civilians during the war - which may number as many as 200, largely from air attacks. An association of Nogun-ri survivors made the "hard decision" not to accept the money.