Hello!!~ everybody! It's Tablo again! How have you been?
안녕하세요! 열뿐! 겁나 어색한 타블로가 오늘도 시끄럽고, 반쯤은 정신 나간채로 공지글을 올리러 왔습니다.
일단 오늘도 노래부터 듣고 하시죠?? ㅋㅋ
< Eminem Ft., DIdo - Stan >
흑색 파도에 휩슬려, 하얗고 노란 색은 뒷거리 총성과 함께 소리 없이 파묻힌다던 미국 랩판!!
그 살벌한 뒷골목에 신선하고 더러운 하얀 바람을 일으켰켰켰켰었었었던 (한 10년전쯤에) 돌"I"들 중 하나였던, Eminem!!
아직까지도 활동을 하다니... 놀라운 녀석입니다만,;; 상당히 오래된 노래입니다. 무려 10년쯤?? ㅋㅋ 좀 심했나요??
사실은 Dido 노래 중에 오늘의 주제와 맞는게 있을 꺼다 생각하고 찾던 중에 번뜩!! 하고 주제의 느낌이 나는-- MV가 생각나서!! 짜잔!!
아무튼~~ 시작합니다.!!
혹시 아시나요??
마이존 패스라던가, 모임 후기라던가... 이런 정보(?)같은걸 올리지 않는 리더가 있다는 사실을??? (바로 저;;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 근데;; 그게;; 저만 그런듯 ㅋㅋㅋ
"겁나 어색한" 이라는 수식어는 그래서 붙이고 있답니다!! (마이존이랑 어색어색~행~_~ 잇힝~) -_- > 실은, 이런 사실을.... 지난주에 처음 알았습니당;; ;;; ㅋㅋ
그런데~ 이런건 저만 신경쓰고 있는 거지 (아닐수도 있고..) 남들은 모른다는거..
이런 사소한 일들에 신경을 쓰다보면, 어느새-(자기도모르게- 쥐도 모르게-새는?!)- 집착(obsession)이 되는게지요;;;
웃자고 시작한 일에 죽자고 뎀비지 마라~ (공자님이 한적 없는 말씀!!)~
암튼~!! 지난주는 대체로 컨셉이 "A"ddiction~! 이번주는 "O"bsession 으로 갑니다. (여기가 정신병원이냐고는 묻지마세요~옹)
사랑 아닌 얘기를 찾다보니... 죄다 우울한 얘기 뿐... ㅋㅋㅋ
하지만 대화의 돌파구를 찾다보면 의외로, 사랑보다는 므흣한 잼난 얘기가 좀 더 많을듯??
자 이미 얘기했지만 이번주 Small-Talk의 컨셉은 "집착!!" (어머~ 하지 말걸 그랬어~ 괜히 신경썼어~ ㅠ_ㅠ나어떡해 나어떡해~~)
small-talk - Addiction 2탄 - Obsession
1. "집착"이란 단어는 당신에게 긍정적인가요? 부정적인가요? 집착에 대해 함께 정의해봅시다. 이게 뭐고, 왜 생기는 걸까나?
2. "사춘기" 이성보다는 감성의 힘이 큰 시기이죠. 당신이 사춘기 시절에 집착했었던 무언가에 대해 얘기해 볼까요?
언제였고, 무엇이였고, 그로 인해 무엇을 배우셨나요? 그리고 지금은 어떻게 변화되셨는지요?
3. 집착이란, 때론 쓴약이 되어, 큰 무엇인가를 위한 기회가 되기도 합니다. 하지만, 항상 좋은 case 만이 있는 것은 아니죠.
충족될 수 없는 욕구, 이를 위한 어른들의 조언.. 집착의 덫에 빠져, 짙은 안개 낀 거리를 헤매일 수도 있는,
당신의 미래의 아이들에게...한번 쏴주시죠??
4. "집착"은 문학적으로 (또는 문화적으로) 볼때 너무나 훌륭한 소재입니다. 아시죠?? 당신이 보았던, 들었던, 읽었던 모든것들 중에서 특히, 인상깊었던 "집착"은 무엇이었나요? 제목과 내용, 인상깊었던 포인트!! 모두 빼놓지 말고 말해주세용~~
5. Free talk (Table 에 계신 분들과 하고싶으셨던 밀린 얘기를... ㅋㅋ
여기까지 끝내셨다면 쉬셔도 좋습니다.
안녕하세요~ 겁나 ""어색어색~ 어색한"" 타블로~ 제 2탄탄탄!!
노래부터 Play!!
< Coyote Ugly 의 O.S.T - Can't fight the moonlight >
이 영화는- 주인공의 오랜 꿈이던 작곡가가 되어, 자신의 노래를 불러줄 가수를 찾게 되는 내용입니다. (뜨뜨뜨 뜨림 껌~뚜루~!!)
물론, 덤으로다가 좋은 친구들과 애인까지... T^T)o 우욱 당신은 승리자!!
지지난주에 보셨던 MV는 혹시 기억 나시나요? 한나몬타나~ ; 더 무비
그 영화는 자네(Jane)가 한 말처럼 이중생활을 하는 여학생의 이야기-입니다~
자신의 꿈을 이루고, 지켜나가는 모습!! 아 멋지~ 고 멋진~!! 그런 모습!! 현실을 살아가는 우리들에게 필요한 모습 아닐까요?
하여, 꿈꿈꿈!!
그것이 2번째 Discussion의 주제 되겠습니다~ 오예! Oye! 스... s... ^,^)a ㅋㅋ 흐흐흐
토픽은 불편한 몸으로도 자신의 꿈을 포기하지 않고, 끝없이 노력하여, 결국 그 꿈을 일구어낸
... 사람들의 이야기로 준비했습니다. (라고 말하고 싶었지만;;; 영어지문 찾기가 쉽지 않더군요;;;)
급;;변경하여~ ㅋㅋㅋ Handicapped People 에 대한~ 광범위한 이야기로 ㅋㅋㅋ
사실 우리 주위에는 대단한 사람들이 많아요..
2nd ; Discussion - Dream come true!! ; You're my hero! (지문은 이중 하나만 할께요;;; 읽어만 보세요~ ㅋ)
Beautiful Concert, Beautiful Korean
There will be a special concert consisting of the Korean Christian string music band ‘Soma Trio’ and Onnuri’s Love Chamber players with 12 handicapped members and visually handicapped pianist Ye-Ji Kim this month in California United Sates. All funds and donations made from this concert will be funded for the society of America.
The Beautiful Mind Beautiful Concert will be the performance gathering of the Korean Christian contemporary string music artist, ‘Soma Trio’, Onnuri’s twelve chamber music players and Ye-Ji Kim the pianist. On the 18th of this month, this concert will be held by these performers at the Stanford University, Senuri Baptist Church, and Namgajoo Sarang Church in United States.
‘Although the Onnuri’s ‘Love Chamber’ is member-ed with handicapped, their sound is very gracious. We hope to bring this gracious sound for people living here and show what we have and share here is not that any one could do.’ said Il Hwan Bae the member of ‘Soma Trio’ band.
All funds and donations made from this concert will be funded for the Society of America. It is planned to use for small minorities in the state of California.
[Interview] Il Hwan Bae / Member of ‘Soma Trio’
’Even though many Koreans who are living in this area are benefited from this society, many didn’t have chance to give back what was given to them. So with the funds and donations from this concert, we would like to give it back to the Society.’
This donation will be a great model for the Korean Society for this State as all expects.
The Stanford University is going to support this Beautiful Mind Beautiful Concert and the Students from the Stanford University and USC will also participate in the performance and will provide helps during the day of the event.
Through out this event we look forward to bear many fruits of good works in Christ.
I remember as a kid growing up and attending school with a kid who had no arms and one fake leg. His name was Chris and I will never forget him.
He attended school with me and my brother and had a strong personality, outside of his handicap he was really a pretty normal kid.
He attended most of the same classes and had many of the same friends. But thinking back on his existence,
he had to overcome way more obstacles than myself and most other kids at our school. Chris is just one story of many.
Recently one of my upline contacts in a network marketing business I was involved in, was very successful and he was blind.
We have all probably either heard or seen the movie, "Door to Door" with William Macy about a salesman from Portland, Oregon named Bill Porter.
Bill Porter is a real person who had cerebral palsy, could barely make out sentences, yet he built a very loyal customer base selling products door to door.
If you have not seen the movie and you have an interest in sales, network marketing, or being successful, I highly recommend that you rent this film or buy it from your local video store.
This evening I watched a 60 minutes segment on a man with no legs or arms who has become a motivational speaker and is changing the lives of many in his home country of Australia. When I think of handicapped people overcoming great obstacles, I cannot help but think of Stephen Hawking who is a famous theoretical physicist. Stephen has been confined to a wheelchair for most of his life. Yet, he has made startling revelations regarding our planet in relation to the universe and his most famous revelation in terms of black holes emitting radiation, which has been declared Hawking radiation.
Another that comes to mind is a former American President Franklin D. Roosevelt who served in the White House from 1933 - 1945 and is the only US President who served more than 2 terms, all while he was paralyzed and confined to a wheel chair. I'm sure most everyone has heard the name of Helen Keller. She was deaf and blind from birth, and managed to finish college, and went on to become a world famous speaker and author. And who can forget Ray Charles, one of the most famous rhythm and blues performers of a generation. Many declared that Ray was a genius. His life was so interesting and successful that his life was later turned into a Hollywood Movie starring Jamie Foxx, which ultimately won Foxx the 2005 academy award for his performance.
The above is just a few examples of some amazing handicapped people who overcame great obstacles to accomplish incredible things. When I think of these people I wonder, how I can ever fail at anything, when these people have accomplished far more, and have had to overcome handicaps, which I can't even imagine. You might say their handicaps were their friend. As many had to learn to live in a world with no light, sound, or ability to walk, speak, or move normally. I think the one thing that made these people great, is they all believed in themselves and they all had a willingness to succeed. The next time you feel like a failure in business, relationships, or life. Think of those less fortunate that have accomplished great things.
John Lowery is an entrepreneur, sales & marketing training specialist, real estate professional, and a successful network marketer.
John lives with his wife and son in Carlsbad, CA and also has residency in Australia.
Lessons We Learn From Disabled People
Lessons we can learn about disabled persons. It's really quite simple.
Heavenly lessons! Many of us have been preach to by one person or another to seek out as much knowledge as possible; about disabled people.
If your child has a mental disability you can learn many lessons from them. These individuals maybe hyperactive.
Friends and family can learn patience and understanding while helping them.
Read the book,' The Vineyard.' by Barbara Delinsky. This story is delightful.
It's about a woman who restores old photographs. The mother has a daughter that is dyslexic.
The mother loves her unconditionally. She wants to find her a good school. This mother will never give up.
She never thought about a life that would include another man. She wouldn't have anyone who didn't except her daughter for who she was.
While living on Asquonset the vineyard became fascinating and full of hope. Hope for a future.
A future that also must have a promising future for her daughter if she ever was to think of staying.
The mother became fascinated by the keeper of the vineyard. He had lost his wife and child in boating accident.
He was not looking for love. This mother and her daughter learned to love staying there learning all about Asquonset.
The man who took care of the vineyard learned many lesson from the mothers daughter who had dyslexia.
This didn't happen over night. He had to learn patience and grow in wisdom. These lessons took time.
The days proved to be challenging. He was learning from this child each and everyday.
He tried walking in her shoes and feeling her excitement. He learned to develop a sense of the child's wonder and her excitement about everyday things.
Just by starting out talking to the woman's daughter, he was learning communication skills that would help him learn many lessons.
This vineyard keeper found out that the mother's daughter only wanted to be accepted and included.
When the vineyard was in danger because a potential storm he wanted the mother's daughter to feel included and valued.
This man learned a valuable lesson from this girl. He discovers everyone needs to feel needed.
One important lesson everyone needs to learn about, is that a disabled person is a person first, the disability part comes secondary.
Think about how you would want to be treated if you were them. You know you would want to be heard and valued.
Many people tend to treat disabled people like they don't have any feelings. They're usually more sensitive.
This means their heart may be easily broken. Learn to walk in their shoes on a daily basis. Think about their feelings.
When you can learn this you'll have learned a lesson about compassion.
Think about how God has accepted all of his people. He loves us so much, what else could he do?
When all people find love for each other in the same way that God love us, we'll have learned the meaning of unconditional love.
When people learn the lesson of what love is all about they'll feel as if a gift has been given.
Disabled people are like big bundle of lessons that have been gently place at our doorstep. Please! Handle with care.
질문도 갑니다!!
1. 어릴적 꿈많던 그 시절 생각나세요?? 어느사이에 꿈보다는 연봉에 더 기대를 갖게 되던가요? 돈을 더 주는 직장, 더 편한 직장, 사람들이 알아주는, 폼나는 직장.
잠시 잊어버리시고, 정말 하고 싶었던 꿈. 이룰 수 없다는 것을 알면서도, 내 맘을 두근거리게 했던, 당신의 소중한 그 꿈, 그 이야기를 들려주세요.
2. 영웅이란 무엇일까요?? 슈퍼맨처럼 하늘을 가르며 날아와서 목숨을 구해주는 사람??
인생이란 길에서 방황하며 헤메이다, 절벽 앞에 선 사람에게 희망을 줄 수 있는, 그런 사람들은 어떠세요?? 당신의 영웅은 누구입니까??
만약 아직 당신만의 영웅을 찾지 못하셨다면, '당신의 영웅이었으면~' 하고 바라는 Role Model을 얘기해주세요.
3. 장애인 친구가 있어보신적 있으세요? 타블로는 있었답니다. 좀 심하게 어릴때였지만, 기억 나네요.. 지난주에 "Invisivle Barrier"에 대해
의견을 나눴습니다. 보이지 않는 벽.. 그러나, 그들 앞에는 보이는 벽이 있답니다. 그것도 눈과 입이 달린 벽이지요. (귀는 없데요)
많이 나아지고는 있습니다만, 여전히 우리들의 차가운 눈과 입으로 만들어진 벽은 허물어지지 않고 있습니다.
왜일까요? 당신의 생각을 알려주세요~ 그리고 세상을 따뜻하게 만들수 있는 값진 의견도 부탁드립니다.
4. 우울해진 기분을 UpUP! 시켜보시죠! 자자 어른이 되었다고 해서 꿈을 꾸지 말라는 법은 없지요!! 잠시나마 숨돌릴 시간이 필요한 우리들
램프의 지니가 나타나 당신에게 말합니다!! "소원을 말하라, 무엇이든 3가지 소원을 이뤄주리라!"
5. 꿈은 이뤄진다! 단, 당신이 그 이상의 노력을 한다면..... 100%의 결과를 얻고 싶다면. 120, 150% 그 이상의 노력을 하라죠??
꿈을 이루기 위한 당신만의 방법!! 물론 없을 수도 있는거지만- 이럴때 질러보죠!! 이러면 너의 꿈이 이뤄지리라!!
따따따~~ 따뿔로!!!
토픽전에 기름칠로다가~ 계속 MV 만 붙였더니... 좀 지겨운감이;;; 하지만 ~ 또!! 갑니다.
너무나 유명한 그룹이죠.. 모르는 사람이 없을 정도.. 특히 20대 중후반권이라면 고딩때 한번씩은 들어봤을 듯.
이 MV는 사실 주제와는 무관합니다;; 다만 MV 장면이 맘에 들어서요;; ㅋㅋㅋ
< Green day - Wake me up when september ends >로 했었는데;;; 넘 기네요 앞부분이;;;
주소만 붙여놓고 지금 들었더니;;; ㅋㅋㅋ (l_l;; 이렇게까지 앞부분이 길었던 같지 않았는데요;; ㅋㅋ)
그래서 지우고;;;;
< Ashley Tisdale - It's Alright, It's OK > ㅋㅋ
85년 상큼이?! ㅋㅋㅋ 팝스타로 유명하죠;;; 뭐 따로 말씀을;;; 어찌되었든;;;
이번 토픽은 "새로운 시작"입니다. 오늘 주제가 전체적으로 참 왔다갔다 하죠?
"Obsession > Dream > New Begin"
그렇습니다 이제서야 드러나는 오늘의 컨셉!!! 꾸~궁!! 집착에서 희망을 찾고, 새로운 시작으로!!!
새로운 시작이라는 주제라면 무엇이 가장 알맞을까~~~~~ 생각하다가,
좀 예전이기는 하지만, 한때 한반도를 뜨겁게 달구던 이슈!! 기러귀(?) 아뽜(?)~~~!!! 와 함께 이뮌(?)!!
(ㅋㅋ 혓바닥이 꼬불꼬불~) 기러기 아빠와 이민;;;;
블로의 친구들 중에는 아직까지도 해외에서 공부를 하고 있는 아이들이 좀 있답니다. (최근에도 한명이 여름휴가 삼아 들어왔는데.. 블로의 주머니를...아주 과감하게- -)a 털고 있다능.;;T^To 우욱!!)
대학원 진학과 졸업을 마치고 들어오려는 아이도 있고, 이주를 목적으로, 살려고 간 아이들도 있죠.
새로운 시작...설레기만 할까요? 기대되기만 할까요?
새로운 시작...그 말에는 가려진 그림자가 있습니다... 익숙한 것들로부터의, 그리운 것들로 부터의 이별... 그 필연적인 슬픔.
토픽은- 일장일단의 모두 초점을 맞춰보려 했...........으나!! ㅋㅋㅋ 일단 읽어보세요~ ㅋ
Discussion - New Beginning ; Emigration ; or Dad left in Korea alone
goose father - Studying abroad
Many Korean students from elementary to high school go abroad to study English for as short as a month or as long as several years.
There is no doubt that living in a country where English is spoken is the best way to learn and practice the language.
The young are also better not only at learning a language, but also adapting to a new environment, according to research.
There are examples of success and failure when students study abroad. Most parents tend to focus on the success stories though there are far more who fail.
They seem to want their children to become such successful cases and seek a way for them to study abroad.
This false illusion makes many children go to an English-speaking country ill-prepared to learn a language and live in a different culture.
As a result, this creates many side effects.
First, Koreans spend lots of money on sending teenagers abroad to study English.
The Bank of Korea said about $821 million went to foreign language study abroad in the first half of the year, and the figure is expected to exceed $2 billion by year's end.
This is the highest amount in the country's history and easily higher than last year's $1.4 billion.
The more serious problem is that the amount is growing as more students fly abroad to study. Considering excluded expenses, the amount is probably higher.
Second, most teenagers go abroad to study by themselves or with their mothers.
Because of financial problems, it is very rare for an entire family to go to a foreign country for language study.
Most ``lone goose fathers," or men who send their wives and children to a foreign country for study, find it hard to live apart from their families.
In addition, relatives eventually feel cultural and emotional gaps between them.
A man who sent his two teenage sons and wife to New York said, ``When I planned to see my family abroad, I thought I had lots of things to tell them.
But I found myself simply listening to what they said when I finally met them because I couldn't understand what they were saying.''
Third, many students do not adjust well to a new culture. They have a hard time getting along with the locals due to language.
The homestay is the most preferred form of student living as it can satisfy two requirements: learning the target language and experiencing the host country's culture.
Adjusting to the food can be a problem, however. The students are reluctant to express their opinions to locals though they dislike the food because they lack confidence in speaking English.
In the end, this breaks down conversation between the host family and students.
Also, the students do not adapt to the educational environment of English-speaking countries, which is mainly based on self-oriented learning and discussion.
The different ways of teaching and learning in English-speaking countries can be a huge challenge to students accustomed to receiving and memorizing things from teachers.
It is natural that the students get depressed rather than feel challenged by their new learning environment.
In the end, They are frightened over the different curriculum and the higher level of studying required.
This makes it hard for them to study in Korea again. Also, some students cannot get along with classmates in school.
Kelly is 24 years old and was born in Jinju, South Gyeongsang Province, but left Korea almost 11 years ago to go to an international boarding school before moving to Reading, England to start her new life.
"What else, education" is the short but predictable answer to the question of why she left Korea, or more specifically why her parents decided to move her across the globe.
"As I was an only child, my parents were reluctant to send me overseas. But an opportunity came up and they decided to go for it."
This extreme approach to education can of course be looked at in two lights.
The first is that her parents took the proverbial bull by the horns and decided that if young Kelly was to learn English and become successful,
then living in an English-speaking country was the only logical choice. The other is that her parents made important decisions on her behalf.
When she landed in England she could "get around" in English but this was after years of hagwon study and a lot of private lessons.
"It was very frustrating because the vocabulary in everyday conversation is very specific and you just don't learn that kind of English in Korea."
Being a young girl from the other side of the world can present a multitude of problems, not least of which is the nastiness that seems to be a specialty of teenage girls.
"I did experience a bit of racism, but not a lot. All of the people in my year were very nice, there were some in other years but we rarely met.
I didn't really give it much thought and realized that I wasn't here to make everyone happy."
When asked what advice she would give to other Koreans going overseas, Kelly is cautious about offering general advice but does say:
"You just have to get out there and meet people," but warns against changing yourself too much to fit in.
"You will find people who will like you and people who won't. It is trial and error but you will make friends eventually."
Kelly enjoys most about being in the United Kingdom is the freedom of expression and the freedom to "follow your dreams" regardless of what other people think.
"In Korea it seems to be all about saving face, but here you don't have to worry about how you dress or what other people think about you.
In Korea you have to keep up with the latest trends, but here you could walk around in a tutu and nobody would say anything to you!"
It is for these reasons that she thinks that many Koreans want to move abroad. "Because they know other countries are more open than Korea."
The conflicting cultures have given Kelly something of an identity crisis that surfaces when I ask her which country she calls home.
"I have sort of lost my identity. I don't really belong to Korea because I haven't been able to follow all the cultural changes and the trends.
I will always be a Korean and with my parents living there it will always feel like home. But the U.K. has become like a second home.
"When I am older, maybe 60, I will think about returning to Korea, but for now I am happy in the U.K."
질문 갑니다
1. "New"라는 단어는 뭔가 낯설다기 보다는 밝은 느낌이에요. 우리의 처음! 그 때를 돌아보시죠. 첫 입학, 첫 소풍, 첫 여행, 첫 출근일, 첫..첫첫..
2. 새로운 시작, 이란 재시작과 좀 비슷한듯?? 그 때 느낌 어땠었죠? 개학!! 재시험!! 남자들은 제대 후 복학!! 여자들은 -_-??, 이직, 복직, 등등등~!! 떨리셨나요? 걱정되셨나요? 얘기해주세요. 새로운 시작을 하기 전의 기분.. 막상 시작 후의 기분!!
3. 토픽에 대해 생각해보죠. 이민이나 해외유학이란것이 나쁜것은 아닙니다. 다만, 그 이유에 불순한 목적이 있거나, 회피성있는 목적이 있을 때 문제가 있을 수 있겠죠.
해외로 간다고 모두 성공하는 것이 아니고, 모두 실패하는 것이 아닙니다. 그 사례와 이유, 이를 예방하기 위한 근본적 또는 대체적 방안들을 제시해 봅시다. (대답에 강제성 없음)
4. 주위에 은근히 많으시죠? 기러기 아빠? ㅋ 그런데 이거 아시나요?? 이것이 사회적 문제가 되던 초반에는 확실히 기러기 아빠들의 입지는 비참하기 짝이 없었습니다. 그러나, 지금은??
자자!! 얘기해 봅시다. 기러기 아빠의 요즘 모습!! 그리고 그에 따른 자신들의 의견과 여러 솔루션들!! 모든것에는 일장일단이 있으니까요!!
5. 오늘 컨셉에 대해 종합적으로 얘기해보죠!!
당신은 오늘 상담가가 되었습니다. 당신 앞에는 너무나 큰 문제를 안고 찾아온 환자가 있죠. 뭐...예로 4가지정도 드리겠습니다.
결혼의 파경을 맞은 부부라던가, 알콜 중독자라던가, 좋아하는 스타의 집까지 침입해 뭔짓을 한 스토커팬이라던가, 한가지 더,.. 일을 즐기고 좋아하던 이였으나, 일에 미쳐 일중독자가 된 사람이라던가;;
(위의 경우는 모두.. 주위사람들을 피곤하게 하는 타입이죠;;;)
그들의 집착에서 이유를 찾고, 희망을 선물 한 뒤. 재시작을 하게...(너무 어려우면 그냥 잡담하고 노셔도 되고요;;;이건 모든 질문 공통사항 ㅋ)
자자.!! 이번주는 사실 좀 재미가 없을 수도 있어요!! 그러니~ 더욱 더 즐거운 마음으로 대화를 해보죠!!
암튼 글구 한가지 !!! 저희가 회화 모임이기는 하지만;;; 뭔가 성과를 내는 스터디는 아니잖아요??
그래서 주말에 OPIC 이나, 다른 기타 영어 공부(수험 영어?? 과목 불문)를 할까 하는데;;; ( 다른 언어도 좋아요;;; ㅋ~~ )
혹시 생각 있으신 분 계신가요?? ㅋㅋ
저는 이번에 회화 시험을 볼까 합니다. (저 학생은 아님;;;)
OPIC .. 꽤 오래전에 한번 본적이 있는데.. 그때도 IM-M 정도였어요.. 얼마전에 누군가 물어보셨다능;;(한 2년쯤 된거 같은데;;??)
창피해서 대답은;;; 못하고;; ㅋ;;;
ADV까지는 못 찍더라도 IM-H 정도 찍어보고자 공부하려 합니다.... 아님 수험 영어라도 한번;;; 주말 오전에 시간내서 공부하고,
오후는 푹 쉬면 되는 거니깐요~ ㅋ 일도 하고 ㅋㅋㅋ
사실;;;평일에 하고 싶기는 한데;;;; 도무지 시간이;;;; (사실 지금도 지각쟁이 리더로 마이존에서 찍혔어요;;;)
흠 암튼!!! 커리는 걱정안하셔도 됩니다... 블로가;;; 딱 죽다 살만큼의 커리를 짜보겠으니... (아님 같이 짜보아요~ ㅋ.. 막이래~ ㅋ)
혹시 관심있으시면... 개인적으로 문자보내주세요
스팸사이트에 팔면............. 자다가 가위 눌리실꺼에요!! +_+)o 우띠!!
헉헉;;; 힘들군요;;
공지글 쓰다가;;; ->
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋은 하루되세요
댓글은 ( 1st / Tablo / ~오예~ 이번주도 가고 말꺼야~)
마지막은 입가심으로..< Oshio Kotaro - Friend >
오시오 쿄타로...는 핑거스타일 연주자로 어쿠스틱을 손꾸락(?)으로~ 치는 사람들은 거의 다 알고 있는 사람이죵~
저 잘생긴 얼굴이나...-_- 저 부담스러운 손톱이나... 연주 모두.. 한번 보면 잊지 못한다능...ㅋㅋ
첫댓글 샘플/ JP-Tablo / 지각쟁이 리더;;;; 이번주도 지각합니다;;;; ~~~~ ㅋㅋㅋ 짜네~ 부탁함뉘당~~~ (김애경 톤;;;)
네~ 알 겠 습 니 다! 천천히 오시죠~ ㅋㅋ
좀 불길해지고 있는데;;; 난중에 연락하마;;; 칭구;;
야근 폭풍 ! 접수했음!
여행 잘 다녀 오셨어?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ T^T)o 완전 부러워~ 완전 부러워?~
3rd / 참석댓글 붙였스~~ ^0^ /늦게 오더라도 염려는 마삼, 항상 리더 너뎃은 7시까지 대기ㅋㅋ
여행?? 여행!! 얘기 좀 들어 보자~ ㅎㅎㅎ
Bishot~/ 에공~+_+ 죄송해라~ 파일은 이따 새벽에 집에 가면 올릴께요~ 여기가 네떡 보안때문에 파일 업로드가 안되요;; 컴터도 ;; ㅋㅋ 이번주에 DMZ서버팜 구축이 있어서 정신없거든요;; 한번 더 죄송;ㅋㅋ 이번주내내 테스트하랴 일정 맞추랴, 업체 감독하랴 바쁘네요;; -_-a 흠냐뤼~ ㅋㅋㅋ 담주에는 그닥 바쁜일 없으니~
재미있는 겜으로 찾아뵙게싸와용~
가족여행의 별미는 역시 풍성한 먹거리 !
가족여행 좋다~ 난 아빠랑 가로수길 여행이 가족여행 전부.. 동네서 10분 넘게 걸리면 여행이라눈~ ㅋㅋ
4th/ Jane/ 잉??
자네야~ 요즘 마이존 뜸하네 -.,ㅡ
카일형~ 오랜만이십니다~ - -)o _ _)o꾸벅~
ㅋㅋㅋ 소문으로는 듣고 있어 화요반 소식 ~
듣지만 말고 한번 들러 ㅋㅋ
5th/magician/이렇게 신청하는거 맞나염;;; 저 첨인데 내일 한번 가보고 싶어서요 ㅋㅋ 그리고 몇시까지 가야되죠??ㅋㅋ
~^ㅁ^)o >>ㅑ~~ 완전 맞아요~ ㅋㅋㅋ 완전 환영합니다~ 7시 반까지 오시면 되구요~ 초급 모임 말씀하시면 되요~^^ 낼 뵙겠습니다~
러블리 잭 오라버니.. 타블로와 러브러브~ 맞죠!!
7th/ harry /참석/
웬지 오랜만인것 같아요~ ^^ 방가!
음..음..ㅋ...I wanna go~~~ katie/go~:)