캠핑에서 텐트(Tent)가 '집'이라면
타프(Tarp)는 '천막'을 말한다.
타프(Tarp)는 방수천을 뜻하는 타폴린(Tarpaulin)의 약자로 방수 처리된 그늘막을 말한다
타프가 있으면 햇빛이나 비를 막아주고
넓은 공간을 최대한 활용할 수 있어
보다 즐겁게 야외 캠핑을 즐길 수 있다.
렉타 타프(Recta Tarp)
렉타 타프(Recta Tarp)는 사각형을 뜻하는 'Rectangle'에서 따온말로 가장 일반적인 형태의 타프라고 볼 수 있습니다.
타프(Tarp)의 원단이 직사각형이며, 양쪽 끝을 지지해 줄 메인 폴2개와 사이드 폴4개가 기본적인 구성입니다.
헥사(Hexa) 타프
헥사(Hexa)는 육각형을 뜻하는 헥사곤(Hexagon)에서 유래되었으며, 라틴어로 헥사(Hexa)는 숫자 6을 뜻합니다. 그래서 육각형 모양의 타프 즉 ''육각 타프'라고도 합니다
윙타프(Wing Tarp)
윙타프(Wing Tarp)는 헥사 타프의 변형된 형태라고 볼 수 있는데 헥사 타프(6각형)이외의 사각형이나 8각형 모양의 타프를 윙타프라고 부르곤 합니다. 피칭해 놓으면 꼭 날개(Wing)같이 보인다
타프는 모양에 따라서 크게 2가지로 분류하면
헥사 타프 / 렉타 타프로 구분되는데요.
추가하자면 윙 타프도 있습니다.
사용하는 용도에 따라서는 헥사,렉타 타프를 포함한 일반 타프와 백팩킹에 사용하는 알파인 타프(실 타프) 등이 있습니다
실타프(Sil Tarp)
알파인 타프로도 불리는 실 타프는 주로 등산이나 백팩킹, 바이크 투어링, 카누 등의 야외활동에 적합한 소형 타프입니다
■ 타프의 구성요소
라챗 : 한쪽 방향으로만 회전하는 톱니
rope ratchet
adjustable rope ratchet
heavy duty ratchet
hanger ratchet
오늘도 뛰는 가슴으로 행복한 하루 만들어 가세요
오늘도 밀물같은 자신감으로 보람찬 하루 만들어 가세요
Go without Limits (with) believing in yourself.
How did you start to believe in yourself when no one else would?
For me, I realized just that. Everyone else has a cheerleader. Someone that motivates them when no one else will. That person who helps them see all the potential and greatness that they possess. I never had anyone to do that. As a result, I began to feel like a failure and thus i would fail. I realized that i needed to be my own best friend. I had to be my greatest love. Everything that i wanted someone to be for me, I had to be for me. I accepted my solitude but realized i was never alone because i had myself and that person deserved the best that i could give her. If no one believed in me that was okay as long as i believed in me. I stopped comparing my success to those around me and instead looked at where i had come from. I had to start celebrating my own little wins one day, one moment at a time. If i solved a problem, I told myself “good job” and when i doubted my ability to get through something, i told myself “ i got this”. Because i was the one who had gotten me to the point i was now. I lived because i never gave up and that is what let me know that i could always do it again. I felt ugly compared to others because i was alone, so i took more selfies. I made a point to start looking for the pictures that i felt so pretty in and little by little, i started to feel pretty and confident in all my pictures. I gave myself time to be down and feel beaten, but i stopped letting myself sit in those moments. Instead, i would perform for myself. Be silly for myself. I do not know you, but if you feel like no one in the world believes in you…. I believe in you! You got this. There is no one in the world better than you. just like there is no one in the world better than me. We are each our own unique selves and that means that we are destined to be great at being our own unique selves.