1. 혼동하기 쉬운 단어
(1) lay 와 lie ; lay-laid-laid <타동사>「--을 놓다, --을 눕히다」 /
lie-lay-lain <자동사> 「--에 놓여 있다, 눕다」
(cf) lie-lied-lied 「거짓말하다」
(2) set, sit 와 seat
* set-set-set ; ① <자동사>「(해․달이)지다」
② <타동사>「--을 놓다, 맞추다, 배치하다」
(ex) set / lay the table 「밥상을 차려라」
* sit-sat-sat <자동사>「앉다」/ seat-seated-seated <타동사>「앉히다」
(ex) be seated (= seat yourself) 「앉아라」
(3) thank와 appreciate ; thank : 목적어는 사람 → Thank you for your help.
appreciate : 목적어는 무생물 → I appreciate your help.
(4) raise /rise ; raise-raised-raised(=lift up) <타동사>「 --을 올리다. 재배(사육하다)」
(ex) Raise the flag up 「국기를 올려라」 / He raised cattle.
* rise-rose-risen <자동사>「오르다, 뜨다, 일어나다」
(ex) The sun rises in the east.
(cf) arise 「(의문.병.사건) 생기다, 일어나다」 (ex) A faint doubt arose in my mind.
(5) take / bring / fetch
* take ;「가지고(데리고) 가다」: Take him to the house.
* bring ;「가지고(데리고) 오다」: What brings you here?
* fetch ;「가서 가져(데리고) 오다」: Fetch me that box.
(6) hang-hung-hung「--을 걸다」; I hung my coat on the hook.
hang-hanged-hanged「교수형에 처하다」; He was hanged for murder.
(7) bear ; ① bear-bore-born「(아이를) 낳다」 ; He was born in 1971.
② bear-bore-borne「책임을 지다, 지탱하다, 짐을 지다, 운반하다」
(ex) I have borne a burden.
(8) sensible「지각있는」 / sensitive「민감한」 / sensual「관능적인」
(9) considerate「사려깊은, 잘 헤아려주는」 (cf) be considerate of
considerable「상당한, 주목할만한」
(10) affect 「--에 영향을 미치다」; This affected my health.
effect 「--을 달성하다, 초래하다, 야기시키다」; This effected an improvement.
(11) healthful 「건강에 좋은」/ healthy「건강한, 건전한」
(12) economic「경제의, 경제학의」/ economical「경제적인, 검소한 (= frugal)」
(13) regrettable「유감스러운」: It's regrettable that he failed.
regretful (for)「(사람이)뉘우치는, 후회하는」: He's regretful for what he's done.
(14) speak : 목적어 없이 대개 부사와 같이 사용!
Speak slowly in public. / He can speak French. (타동사→언어가 목적어)
(15) say : 말의 내용을 강조하며, 말의 내용이 목적어가 된다. <<주로, 3형식으로 쓰임>>
He says something (to me). / He says to me that he's sick.
My watch says one o'clock (=show, indicate, read -‘가리킨다’의 의미)
(16) tell : 대화에 상대방이 필요!
He told me his life. / He told me that he was sick.
* 목적어가 truth /joke /story /tale 일 경우는 상대방이 없어도 됨.
He told me the truth.
(17) talk : 전치사(to/ of/ about/ with)와 함께 사용!
Talk about your childhood. / Talk of the fact.
(18) ① if anything「어떤 차이가 있냐면, 어느 편인가 하면」; He, if anything, is sensible.
② if any + 명사 / if ever + 동사「--이 있다손 치더라도」
ex) There is little, if any, hope.
③ if at all 「적어도 하려거든」 ; Do it well, if at all.
④ if only = I wish ; If only I had much money.
(19) credible「믿을만한」(↔incredible) / credulous「쉽사리 믿는, 속기 쉬운」(= gullible)
↔ incredulous「남의 말을 쉽사리 믿지 않는」
(20) respectable「존경할만한, 훌륭한」 / respectful「정중한, 공손한」
(21) contemptible「경멸할만한」; He's contemptible for his meanness.
contemptuous「경멸하는」; He's contemptuous of public opinions.
(22) momentary「순간적인」/ momentous「중요한」(= important)
(23) desirable「바람직한」/ desirous (of)「--을 바라는, 갈망하는」
It's desirable that you marry him. / I am desirous of employing him.
(24) childish「유치한(= infantile/babyish)」/ childlike「천진난만한(= naive/ innocent)」
(25) industrious「근면한」/ industrial「산(공)업의」
(26) negligent「부주의한(= careless)」 / negligible「무시해도 좋은 , 보잘것 없는」
(27) urban「도시인」 / urbane「도시풍의, 세련된」
(28) temporary「일시적인, 덧없는」/ temporal「현세의, 세속적인, 일시적인」
(29) intelligent「지적인」/ intelligible「알기 쉬운, 명료한」
(30) ingenuous「솔직한, 꾸밈없는」/ ingenious「영리한, 연구심 많은」
(31) practical「실용적인」/ practicable「실현성 있는」
(32) beneficial「이로운, 유익한」/ beneficient「자비로운, 인정 많은」
(33) envious「(사람이) 샘내는, 질투하는, 시기하는」/ enviable「(사물이) 부러운」
(34) human「인간의, 인간적인」 / humane「인정미 있는」(cf) humane studies「인문과학」
(35) officious「주제넘는, 참견 잘하는/ (외교) 비공식의(= unofficial)」/ official「공식의」
(36) imaginary「가공의, 비실제적인」/ imaginative 「상상력이 풍부한, 상상의」
imaginable「상상할 수 있는」
(37) find ;「(눈에 보이는 것을) 발견하다」
find out ;「(어떤 사실을) 알아내다」 ※ that절이 올 경우는 모두 가능!
(38) one after the other「(2人) 번갈아」/ one after another「(3人 이상) 차례로」
* in turn[by turns, in shift, alternately]「번갈아, 차례로」
(39) find-found-found「발견하다」 / found-founded-founded 「창설하다」
(40) compliment A on B 「A를 B에 대해 칭찬하다」
complement 「보충하다」
(41) hire 「(사람, 물건 등을) 고용하다, 빌리다」/
lease「(부동산을) 임대(차)하다(= rent)」
(42) lend「빌려주다 (= loan)」/ borrow「빌려오다(차용하다)」
(43) indigenous「고유한, 토착의(= native)」/ indigent「궁핍한(= poor)」
indignant「화난(= angry)」
(44) potable「마실 수 있는(= drinkable)」/ portable「휴대용의」
(45) continuous 「끊임없는, 계속되는」((멈춤이 없는))
continual「끊임없는, 계속되는」((멈춤이 있는))
1. Ted was so worn out that he just down and slept for ten hours.
(A) lied (B) laid (C) lay (D) had lain
2. "Did you see the letter that I wrote yesterday?"
" I saw the letter here this morning."
(A) laying (B) lying (C) laid (D) lay
3. The ground felt so smooth that I had no need for a mattress ; I laid down and went to sleep
effortlessly. None.
4. “What are you doing?" "I'm going to the curtain."
(A) rise (B) raise (C) be raised (D) be risen
5. The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises. None.
6. Some nations in Africa are very to the invasion of long drought.
(A) sensible (B) sensitive (C) sensual (D) sensational
7. In the gallery were hanged three paintings not ordinarily displayed for public viewing.
8. We sold that house at a considerately higher price than we had paid for it.
9. Within a year, the company attained independence.
(A) economical (B) economically (C) economic (D) economizing
10. We will not be effected by John's decision, but he will not become aware of the fact.
11. I didn't him the truth. (A) say (B) speak (C) tell (D) talk
12. Slightly over half of the population of El Paso, Texas, says both English and Spanish.
13. There is little, , difference between the two.
(A) if not (B) if ever (C) if any (D) if possible
14. People who easily believe without sufficient evidence are .
(A) credible (B) credulous (C) creditable (D) confident
15. The choir stood in four rows according th their height.
(A) respective (B) respectable (C) respectful (D) respected
16. The baby's talking was hardly except to its mother.
(A) intellective (B) intelligent (C) intelligible (D) intellectual
17. I can read almost anything, but these childlike books disgust me.
18. Is all this land yours, or did you it from somebody?
(A) lend (B) hire (C) rent (D) borrow
19. We‘ve had hot weather for three weeks. I am tired of your complaints.
(A) continuous-continuous (B) continual-continual (C) continuous-continual
(D) continual-continuous
20. The weather in this spring is not potable.
(A) portable (B) drinkable (C) sweet (D) clean
<<정답>> 1-(C) 2-(B) 3-C(lay down) 4-(B) 5-D(rises) 6-(B) 7-B(were hung) 8-A(considerably)
9-(C) 10-A(be affected) 11-(C) 12-D(speaks) 13-(C) 14-(B) 15-(A) 16-(C) 17-C(childish) 18-(C)
19-(C) 20-(B)
2. 중요 관용어구
(1) act for ; --을 대신하다(= replace /supplant)
(2) act of God ; 불가항력, 천재지변
(3) add to ; ~을 증가시키다(= increase)
(4) on the spur of the moment ; 앞뒤를 가리지 않고, 갑자기
(5) back-breaking ; 아주 힘드는
(6) keep one's head down ; 침착하다
(7) catch on with ; 인기를 얻다 / catch on to ; ~을 이해하다
(8) add up (together) ; 합계하다 (= count up)
(9) admit(allow) of ; 허용하다, ~의 여지가 있다
(10) yes-man ; 아첨꾼
(11) word for word ; 한마디 한마디, 또박또박
(12) against one's will ; 본의 아니게
(13) all at once(= all of a sudden, on a sudden, suddenly) ; 갑자기
(14) all at sea ; 어쩔 줄 모르는
(15) be cut out for ; ~에 적합하다, 어울리다
(16) A occur to B 「A(物)가 B(人)에게 떠오르다」
= A strikes B / B hit upon A / A dawn on B
(17) all in all ; 대체로, 모두 , 합계
(18) all-out ; 철저한, 전면적인
(19) all over ; 끝나다
(20) be second to none ; 누구에게도 뒤지지 않다
(21) keep someone company ; ~을 동반하다
(22) beside[off] the point ; 핵심을 벗어난 (= beside[beyond, off, out of] the mark)
(23) around the clock ; 24시간 내내
(24) as it happens ; 공교롭게도
(25) at a gift ; 거저 줘도
(26) be at home in (on, with) ; ~에 정통하다
(27) at large ; 상세히, 잡히지 않고 있는, 전체적으로, 일반적으로, 미정인
(28) hit the ceiling ; 화내다, 꾸짖다
(29) old hand ; 숙련자
(30) break[barge] in ; 참견하다, 침입하다
(31) out of place ; 부적당한, 잘못 놓인 ↔ (in place)
(32) brush up (on) ; ~을 복습하다, 향상시키다
(33) tone in with ; ~와 어울리다
(34) ask[inquire] after ; ~의 안부를 묻다
(35) back down ; ~을 포기하다 (= give up)
(36) make a fool of oneself ; 바보짓을 하다
(37) be down ; 값이 떨어지다, 바람이 빠지다
(38) be(come) down with ; 병을 앓고 있다
(39) be on ; 상영중이다
(40) white lie ; 악의 없는 거짓말
(41) throw(bring, cast) up ; 토하다(= vomit)
(42) be up ; 자지 않고 일어나 있다
(43) be up against ; (어려움에) 직면하다
(44) be with ; ~와 의견을 같이하다
(45) out of season ; 철이 아닌(= off season / unseasonable) ↔ in season
(46) out of the blue ; 뜻밖에
(47) fall through ; 수포로 돌아가다
(48) status quo ; 현상
(49) on(in) the wane ;기울기 시작하는
(50) keep back ; (비밀, 정보 등을) 숨기다
(51) pass away ; 죽다 (= die) / pass out ; 기절하다 (= faint)
(52) bear up ; 견디다(= endure)
(53) beat it ; 떠나다, 도망가다
(54) beat one's brains out ; 머리를 짜내다
(55) beef up ; 강화하다(= strengthen)
(56) better half ; 아내(= wife)
(57) big shot(wheel, wig) ; 거물
1. The man kept his head throughout all the excitement.
(A) sat straight (B) became excited (C) sought for (D) remained calm
2. I decided to go to the party on the spur of the moment.
(A) after careful thought (B) for only a short time (C) without previous thought
(D) at the earliest possible moment
3. He is cut out for a sailor.
(A) cut and severely injured by a sailor (B) dismissed from his post of a sailor
(C) naturally suited for a sailor (D) prejudiced against a sailor
4. It occurred to me that he might be a detective.
(A) took place (B) struck my mind (C) was held (D) got over
5. An old hand at the job is one who is very familiar with it through long experience.
(A) An old workman (B) An aged laborer (C) A cautious performer (D) a skilled worker
6. When Tom came home late at night, his father hit the ceiling.
(A) derided (B) bit (C) scolded (D) despised
7. Mary felt out of place among the young students.
(A) crowded (B) superior (C) uncomfortable (D) ancient
8. It will be the greatest sorrow to pass away before finishing up the work.
(A) stack (B) postpone (C) return (D) die
9. Sometimes he brings up a funny question out of the blue.
(A) unexpectedly (B) jokingly (C) dryly (D) graciously
10. After all his efforts, the deal fell through.
(A) paid off (B) was finalized (C) materialized (D) came to nothing
<<정답>> 1-(D) 2-(C) 3-(C) 4-(B) 5-(D) 6-(C) 7-(C) 8-(D) 9-(A) 10-(D)
(58) for good and all ; 영원히 (= for good / forever)
(59) out of [beyond] one's depth ; 이해할 수 없는 (= beyond one's grasp)
(60) out of one's wits ; 제정신을 잃고
(61) four figures ; 4자리수 (1,000과 9,999 사이)
(62) for the present ; 당분간 (= for the time being)
(63) as goods as one's word ; 약속을 지키다 (= keep promise, keep one's word)
(64) on the air ; 방송중인
(65) in[into] the bargain ; 게다가, 더욱이
(66) come down with ; 병에 걸리다
(67) ring A a bell ; (A에게) 생각나게 하다
(68) bring A home to B ; B에게 A를 뼈저리게 느끼게 하다, 사무치게 하다
(69) bring to light ; 폭로하다(= reveal)
(70) burn the midnight oil ; 밤늦게까지 자지 않다
(71) buy up ; 매점하다(= corner / forestall)
(72) by and by ; 곧 (= before long, soon)
(73) by and large ; 대체로, 전체적으로
(74) by chance ; 우연히
(75) by the skin of one's teeth ; 간신히
(76) call A names ; A에게 욕하다
(77) call A in question ; A를 의심하다
(78) catch(take) a fire ; 불이 붙다 / (cf) 불을 붙이다 ; make(build) a fire
(79) catch hold of ; ~을 붙잡다(= grasp)
(80) be caught in a rain(shower) ; 비(소나기)를 만나다
(81) change hands ; 주인이 바뀌다
(82) stop at nothing ; 무슨 일이든 서슴지 않다
(83) to good[no] purpose ; 매우 효과있게[효과없이]
(84) cut it fine ; (시간.돈) 바싹 줄이다
(85) rank and file ; 서민, 일반인 (= the masses)
(86) hit the nail on the head ; 핵심을 찌르다
(87) grace period ; (지불)유예기간
(88) fool around ; 빈둥거리다
(89) chicken feed ; 푼돈, 잔돈
(90) close call ; 위기일발
(91) come to ; 정신이 들다, 합계 --이 되다
(92) come to nothing ; 수포로 돌아가다
(93) as good as a cucumber ; 아주 침착한
(94) deliver(surrender) oneself to ; 자수하다
(95) double-cross ; 배반하다, 속이다
(96) hours ; 근무시간, 영업시간
(97) make head(s) or tail(s) of ; ~을 이해하다
(98) to the minute ; 1분도 어김없이
(99) graduate(be graduated) from ; 졸업하다
(100) topsy-turvy ; 거꾸로 (= upside down)
(101) have words with ; ~와 언쟁하다
(102) out of question ; 틀림없이 / out of the question ; 불가능한(= impossible)
(103) be (stand) in one's way ; 방해되다
(104) make allowance for ; ~을 참작하다, 고려하다 (= take into consideration)
(105) make do with ; --으로 때우다, 임시변통하다
(106) down-to-earth ; 현실적인, 솔직한
(107) drenched to the skin ; 함빡젖은
(108) drop in the bucket ; 九牛一毛, 극소량
(109) eager beaver ; 공부(일)벌레
(110) exchange blows ; 주먹다짐을 하다
(111) fair sex ; 여성 (112) fall a prey(victim) to ; ~의 희생물이 되다
(113) fall-out ; 방사능 낙진 (114) fall short of ; ~에 못 미치다
(115) fellow traveler ; 동조자 (116) fifth column ; 제5열, 불순분자들
(117) fool away ; 낭비하다(= waste)
(118) for nothing ;무료로, 까닭없이
(119) from cover to cover ; 처음부터 끝까지
(120) windfall (profit) ; 횡재(= bonanza)
(121) make believe ; ~인척하다(= pretend, feign)
(122) make(think) much of ; ~을 중요시하다
↔ make(think) little of ; ~을 경시하다
(123) think better of ; ~을 재고하다
(124) be affiliated with(to) ; ~와 제휴하다(= be associated(aligned) with), --에 속해있다
(125) well-off ; 부유한(= well-to-do) / better-off ; 더 부유한(행복한) /
badly-off ; 가난한 worse-off ; 더 가난한
(126) make it ; 성공하다, 이룩하다, (기차시간 등에) 대어가다
(127) at a price ; 비싼 값에
(128) get(gain, have) the better of ; ~을 이기다, ~을 능가하다
(129) get the worst of (it) ; ~을 지다
(130) ghost of a chance ; 희박한 가능성
(131) give a hand ; ~을 돕다
(132) go astray ; 길을 잃다, 탈선하다
(133) break down ; 고장나다(= be out of order / go wrong with / be broken)
(134) be on the alert (for) ; 방심않고 경계하다
(135) keep (close) tabs on ; ~을 주의(목)하다
(136) be acquainted with ; ~을 알다
1. He was punished for scaring her out of her wits.
(A) making her feel sad (B) into bewilderment (C) and making her not witty (D) and angry
(E) unpleasant
2. When it came to a discussion of economics, he was completely out of his depth.
(A) not able to understand the subject (B) no longer depressed
(C) losing his self-control (D) bringing everything into the open
3. The news house-keeper proved to be a fine cook in the bargain.
(A) for restaurants (B) besides (C) in business (D) for a nominal wage
4. What is on the air this evening? (A) in the sky (B) on the eve of (C) on the spot
(D) broadcast
5. If someone fools around a great deal, he .
(A) cheat (B) has a sense of humor (C) telephones his friends (D) wastes much time
6. I think of the time she was cutting it rather fine.
(A) able to distinguish herself (B) became a fine dress-maker (C) to calculate with exactness
(D) did a smart job
7. I cannot make of her letter. (A) head or tail (B) the head or the tail
(C) head and tail (D) the head and the tail
8. He is punctual the minute. (A) at (B) to (C) by (D) from
9. Young activists were kept close tabs on by FBI agents.
(A) taken good care of (B) kidnapped (C) watched closely (D) severely interrogated
10. He was on the alert all night. (A) awake (B) asleep (C) watchful (D) nervous
11. He is well off now. (A) healthy (B) calm (C) rich (D) innocent
<<정답>> 1-(B) 2-(A) 3-(B) 4-(D) 5-(D) 6-(C) 7-(A) 8-(B) 9-(C) 10-(C) 11-(C)
(137) ups and downs ; 흥망성쇠 (= rise and fall / vicissitudes)
(138) run(be) out of / run(be) short of ; 바닥나다, 부족하다
(cf) little short of ; 거의
(139) eat one's heart out ; 슬픔에 잠기다
(140) grass widow ; 별거중인 아내, 이혼한 여자
(141) in a nutshell ; 간단히 말하면, 한마디로
(142) be at a loss ; 어찌할 바 모르다 (= be at one's wit's[wits']end
/ all at sea / be at sea)
(143) in person ; 몸소, 친히 (= personally)
(144) stand out ; 뛰어나다, 걸출하다
(145) hard and fast ; 엄격한, 변경될 수 없는
(146) hard-boiled ; 냉정한
(147) have a big mouth ; 노골적으로 말하다
(148) have a crush on ; ~에게 홀딱 반하다
(149) have a go ; 한번 해 보다(= try)
(150) have it ; 말하다, 주장하다
(151) have it in for ; ~에게 원한을 품다
(152) have the blues ; 우울하다
(153) head off ; ~의 앞을 가로막다
(154) head over heels ; 완전히, 열렬히, 거꾸로
(155) sit in on ; ~에 참가하다, 출석하다
(156) size up ; 평가하다(= estimate)
(157) hit the bottom ; 바닥이 나다
(158) hold one's tongue ; 잠자코 있다
(159) in a fix ; 곤궁에 처한 (= in a jam / in hot water / in trouble)
(160) in a jiff(y) ; 곧 (= at once)
(161) in all likelihood[likeliness] ; 아마도
(162) in (strict) confidence ; 비밀리에
(163) let in ; 들여보내다 (164) change trains ; 기차를 갈아타다
(165) to the point ; 적절한, 요령 있는(= in point[place, order])
(166) help out ; (일시적으로 돕다) (167) make a killing ; 거액의 돈을 벌다
(168) make both ends meet ; 수지를 맞추다
(169) make eyes at ; ~에게 추파를 던지다
(170) make for ; ~에 이익이 되다, ~을 향해가다
(171) make fun (a fool) of ; ~을 놀리다
(172) man of the world ; 세상일에 밝은 사람
(173) man-of-war ; 군함(= warship)
(174) map(lay) out ; 계획하다(= plan)
(175) meet half way; 타협하다(= compromise)
(176) narrow escape ; 구사일생 (177) odd-ball ; 괴짜 (= queer fish)
(178) odds and ends ; 잡동사니 (179) of one's own accord ; 자발적으로
(180) off the beam ; 그릇된, 정도를 벗어난
(181) old flame ; 옛 애인 (182) Old Glory ; 성조기, 미국국기
(183) on edge ; 불안한, 흥분한 (184) on the ball ; 빈틈없는, 기민한
(185) on the carpet ; 심의중, 연구중
(186) on the house ; 무료의 (187) on the level ; 정직한, 신뢰할 수 있는
(188) on the tip of one's tongue ; 말이 혀끝에서 뱅뱅 도는
(189) one and all ; 모든 사람, 한사람도 남김없이
(190) feel like a (wet) rag ; 몹시 피곤하다
(191) settle(calm) down ; 진정하다(= take it easy)
(192) blow out ; 빵구나다, 불어 끄다
(193) fill in(out) ; 빈칸을 기입하다
(194) one's hopes are dashed ; 희망이 물거품되다
(195) out of shape[sorts] ; 몸이 불편한
(196) pain in the neck ; 싫은 사람(것)
(197) past master ; 대가, 명인, 명수
(198) pay through the nose ; 엄청난 값을 치르다
(199) pick one's tooth ; 이를 쑤시다
(200) pipe down ; 조용히 하다 (= quiet down)
(201) play the market ; 투자(기)하다
(202) pull strings ; 배후에서 조종하다
(203) pull together ; 협력하다(= cooperate)
(204) put heads together ; 논의하다
(205) put on airs ; 잘난 체하다 (206) gain[put on] weight ; 몸무게가 늘다
(207) rain cats and dogs ; 비가 억수같이 내리다 (208) read out ; 소리내어 읽다
(209) red tape ; 관료적 형식주의 (210) rest in peace ; 영면하다 (= die)
(211) right-hand man ; 심복 (212) second childhood ; 노망 (= dotage, senility)
(213) see eye to eye ; 의견이 일치되다
(214) show of hands ; 거수 (215) snake in the grass ; 배반자
(216) soft-soap ; 아첨하다 (= flatter)
(217) under the weather ; 몸이 불편한, 언짢은
(218) vote down[through] ; 부결[의결]하다
(219) wet blanket ; 흥을 깨는 사람
(220) hard up (for) ; (돈에) 쪼달리는
(221) be oblivious to ; ~을 염두에 안두다
(222) on purpose ; 고의로 (= by design/purposely/intentionally)
(223) get[be] even with ; ~에게 복수하다, ~에게 빚이 없다
(224) get(stand) on one's own feet ; 자립하다 (= support oneself)
(225) have a bone to pick (with) ; -~에게 따질 일이 있다
(226) keep to oneself ; ~을 비밀로 하다
(227) next to impossible <<next to + 부정어→「거의 ~한」의 의미임>>
; 거의 불가능한
(228) in full swing ; 한창, 한창 진행중인
(229) in due course ; 적당한 시기에, 머지않아
(230) in the dumps ; 의기소침한 (231) heyday ; 한창때, 전성기
(232) in the jug ; 투옥된 (233) in the open ; 야외에서
(234) inch along ; 조금씩 움직이다
(235) ins and outs ; 상세히 (236) join up ; 입대하다(= enter the army)
(237) jot down ; 메모하다 (238) keep clear of ; ~을 피하다 (= avoid)
(239) laugh away ; 일소에 부치다
(240) lay off ; 해고하다 (= dismiss) (241) lay out ; 투자하다, 설계하다
(242) single out ; 가려내다, 뽑다 (= choose, pick out)
(243) let on ; 비밀을 누설하다(= divulge)
(244) live in ; 더부살이 하다 (245) live up to ; (기대, 명성 등) 부응하다
(246) look on ; 방관하다 (247) look up to ; 존경하다(= respect)
(248) loose one's temper (= get out of temper) ; 냉정을 잃다
(249) make nothing of ; ~을 이해 못하다
(250) make a clean breast (of) ; 숨김없이 고백하다
(251) make a face (at) ; 얼굴을 찌푸리다
(252) fact of life ; 현실, 현상
(253) take one's time ; 천천히 하다
(254) beat about[around] the bush ; 넌지시 알아보다, 요점을 회피하다
1. You had better go and speak to him person.
(A) for (B) in (C) with (D) by
2. After school I felt like a wet rag. (A) felt disappointed (B) felt angry (C) felt very tired
(D) felt very satisfied
3. His advice was very much to the point.
(A) off the point (B) useful (C) proper (D) to advantage
4. Every place he went he had to an application form before they would interview
him. (A) fill out (B) write down (C) make out (D) set up
5. He is always under the weather.
(A) traveling (B) sick (C) away from home (D) unconscious
6. If you are hard-up, you are .
(A) callous (B) short of money (C) quick-tempered (D) harsh
7. Crop failures have been a fact of life for ages in Africa.
(A) unimportant to the people's lives
(B) a rare occurrence that surprises people
(C) a regular part of life that can't be changed
(D) a serious problem
8. During their heyday, showboats were popular and generally prosperous.
(A) golden age (B) summer voyages (C) infancy (D) revivals
9. To beat about the bush is to .
(A) go hunting (B) be direct in approaching something
(C) be indirect in approaching something (D) interrupt somebody's work
10. When you are eating, it's important to take your time and chew your food well.
(A) be slow (B) be on time (C) be in time (D) record the speed
<<정답>> 1-(B) 2-(C) 3-(C) 4-(A) 5-(B) 6-(B) 7-(C) 8-(A) 9-(C) 10-(A)