Whose is this image and superscription is this?
“And he said to them, Whose is this image and superscription is this?’ They say to him, ‘Caesar’s. Then he say to them, Render therefore to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and to God the things that are God’s. When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. (Matthew 22:20-22)
Although it is a minority opinion, some theologians say that the current moment of repentance to believe in Jesus is far from the repentance that reformers speak of.
The reason is that salvation is cheaply proclaimed by saying that if you believe in Jesus or accept him, you become a child of God based on a few verses from the Gospel.
As a result, the saying that if you believe in Jesus, you are saved has become commonplace, and even the believers themselves are wandering in a gray area.
In addition, due to the development of science and civilization, people's values have become secularized, and they have reached this point because they tried to approach the public who seek a message of pursuing happiness with easy words.
So after preaching the word all their lives, they retired and went to the United States to learn contemplative prayer and spread it.
That is a self-confession that they do not know the truth, so in order to have faith that leads to salvation, they have to pass a test that is still like a long time ago, even though they have been disciplined many times.
That is because the repentance of the group he was a part of was a method that did not go through the grace of Christ's redemption on the cross.
Adam sinned and lost the tree of life, meaning that he only had the form of a human being and not the image of God.
Because they listened to the words of the serpent and had the image of the fallen earth, the Jews tried hard to serve God according to the law, but in Jesus' eyes, they were not children of God, nor children of Abraham, but children of the devil (John 8:44).
They firmly believed that they were children of Abraham and God's chosen people, but it was a false belief.
So they regarded the visible Roman emperor as the real power rather than the invisible God.
They regarded their Messiah as the one who would liberate them from Rome and build a heavenly kingdom on earth like the Kingdom of David.
How many believers are there today who believe in Jesus and want to live a life of luxury in the world?
That is why sermons are almost always focused on human well-being.
The moment of true repentance is not believing in Jesus as the object, but believing that he is the Lord and Christ in the Holy Spirit, uniting as one and calling Christ the Lord.
Jesus being the king and being my savior are different things.
A king has many objects, but a savior is one-to-one.
True repentance is a challenge to God's glory because they are justified by faith, united with Christ (marriage), and in Him they are at peace with God, and they hope for and rejoice in His glory (Rom 5:1-2)
The disciples are people who learn about the Lord, and through the three gospels, they learn about Jesus who is outside, but through the gospel of John, they learn about Christ who has come within us through the experience of the Holy Spirit, and they reach the state of faith where they call the name of the Lord without hesitation.
With such faith, we are called free in Christ, the sons of God.
However, the truth is hidden by those who confuse the word of God, that is, those who spread the word cheaply with the intention of merchants (2 Cor 4:2).
These damned men cover the gospel (2 Cor 4:3).
Just as the God of the Jews is not the real God, the God of the world confuses the minds of unbelievers, so that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ cannot shine in them.
But if Christ is in us, we become the image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4).
Since the human soul is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. 20:27), it is immediately apparent at a glance whether our body, or our shape, is God’s image and the lamp of word or the lamp of our innate humanity.
The reason why the Gospel of John is important is because the disciples who learned about Jesus who came in the flesh through the three gospels were spiritual by the Spirit of truth and learned about Christ who was within them, and finally the spirit and life of the Lord became the image of God and became a lamp that revealed the light of God's glory.
So, to put it simply, being spiritual means being glorified.
Glory means consciousness and value.
When your values and outlook on life change, your destiny changes.
For Christ is the image of God, made the righteousness of God in us to glorify us (Rom. 8:30).
The problem is that although they say they believe in Jesus, they do not follow the grace of the atonement of Christ's cross, so they keep the place of the law, that is, the teachings of the law, the feasts, atonement, and rituals of the law, so the Holy Spirit is only the work of the Epi Holy Spirit that appears outside, and it is only a gift that is not the image of God that appears inside.
Unfortunately, this pattern is being circulated under the childish term of baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is lamentable.
The characteristic of these people is that they jump up and down when they stand in front of people, but then they deflate like a deflated balloon, and their faces turn pale or yellow.
However, those who learn the new covenant, truth that is, Christ becoming the Lord of individuals and becoming one with the Lord in him, will at any time return to being those who died on the cross of Christ and were resurrected, and the veil of the law will be taken away, and through the Spirit of the Lord, they will be free, as in a mirror, beholding the glory of the Lord, and will be transformed into his image from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).
If there is no reality like this, then you are either still an infant or staggering around under the influence of the gods of this world.
Drunk with the wine of the earth, she does not know what the clothes of the bride of Christ is and is only trying her best to control her own conduct.
Because they are the image of the earth, flesh and blood cannot hope for the glory of God.
The problem is whether it is the gospel that testifies to the historical event of Jesus' resurrection, or whether it testifies that Christ, who is resurrection and life, is resurrection in those who died in Adam.
Because God is the God of the living.
I have a lot to say, but I will stop here for today and continue to dig into the hearts with the next words tomorrow.
Written by Ptr. Yohan Kim.
Translated by Nancy Chung
To God be the glory.