오스트리아가 노후화된 C-130K 수송기 3대를 대체하기 위해 엠브라에르 KC-390 수송기 4대를 도입할 예정이라고 9월 20일 발표했습니다. 계약은 2024년중 체결될 예정이고, 상세한 납품일정은 공개되지 않았습니다.
Austria selects KC-390 as C-130K replacement
by Gareth Jennings & Georg Mader
Austria is to acquire the KC-390 (pictured) to replace its ageing C-130K airlifters. (Embraer)
Austria has selected the Embraer KC-390 Millennium for its future fixed-wing medium-lift requirement.
Austrian Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner announced the selection on 20 September, with the Brazilian-made airlifter now set to replace the Lockheed Martin C-130K Hercules in Austrian Air Force (Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte) service.
At the announcement, Major General Harald Vodosek from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence said that four aircraft would be acquired, with a contract expected in early 2024. Tanner did not disclose contract values or delivery timelines in her announcement, and Embraer had not responded to a Janes request for comment at the time of publication.
News of the selection came six months after Austria attended a Portuguese Air Force (Força Aérea Portuguesa: FAP)-hosted user meeting for the KC-390 at Air Base No 11 in Beja. During this event, it joined countries that had already ordered or had committed to ordering the tanker transport and discussed co-operation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing on the aircraft.
The Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte has a requirement to replace three former UK C-130K aircraft, as outlined in the latest defence budget that was published in October 2022 and which will run through to 2027. The KC-390 was one of the platforms being considered for that requirement, with other surplus C-130s, as well as newbuild C-130J Hercules, Leonardo C-27J Spartan, and Airbus C295 aircraft having been looked at also. At the time of the selection, the KC-390 was up against the C-130J.
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Aviation week 온라인판 기사에 의하면, 20톤 넘을 차륜장갑차의 탑재가 중요한 요인이었나 봅니다. 네덜란드도 도입을 고려중이라고도 하고요. A400M은 싹수가 노랗고, 20톤을 여전히 못 넘는 허큘리스 계열 사이에서... 뭔가 판을 바꿀 수 있을까요?
C-130J와 A400M 사이의 사이즈네요. 세일즈에도 적극적이라고 하던데, 잘만 하면 잘 팔릴 가능성은 있을 것 같은데... ㅎㅎㅎ
C-130K가 2002년 영국에서 사들인 중고네요.
3대 합쳐서인지, 기체별 비행시간인지 모르겠는데 20년 동안 비행시간 17,000시간을 기록했다고 하네요. 아마도 전자일 듯 합니다만.