Deputy Secretary Sherman’s Visit to the People’s Republic of China
JULY 26, 2021
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Ned Price:
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman traveled to the People’s Republic of China for meetings with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and other PRC officials from July 25-26. The Deputy Secretary expressed the United States’ sincere condolences for the lives lost in the devastating floods in Henan Province this week. The Deputy Secretary and State Councilor Wang had a frank and open discussion about a range of issues, demonstrating the importance of maintaining open lines of communication between our two countries. They discussed ways to set terms for responsible management of the U.S-China relationship. The Deputy Secretary underscored that the United States welcomes the stiff competition between our countries—and that we intend to continue to strengthen our own competitive hand—but that we do not seek conflict with the PRC.
The Deputy Secretary raised concerns in private – as we have in public – about a range of PRC actions that run counter to our values and interests and those of our allies and partners, and that undermine the international rules-based order. In particular, she raised our concerns about human rights, including Beijing’s anti-democratic crackdown in Hong Kong; the ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang; abuses in Tibet; and the curtailing of media access and freedom of the press. She also spoke about our concerns about Beijing’s conduct in cyberspace; across the Taiwan Strait; and in the East and South China Seas.
The Deputy Secretary also raised the cases of American and Canadian citizens detained in the PRC or under exit bans and reminded PRC officials that people are not bargaining chips. The Deputy Secretary reiterated concerns about the PRC’s unwillingness to cooperate with the World Health Organization and allow a second phase investigation in the PRC into COVID-19’s origins. At the same time, the Deputy Secretary affirmed the importance of cooperation in areas of global interest, such as the climate crisis, counternarcotics, nonproliferation, and regional concerns including DPRK, Iran, Afghanistan, and Burma.
첫댓글 바로 아래 글에서 미 국무장관 토니 블링큰은 이렇게 말했다고 합니다. 미-중관계는 가능한 지점에서 협력적일 것이고, 그렇게 될 지점에서 경쟁적일 것이며, 반드시 그래야할 지점에서 적대적일 것이라고요.
As Secretary Blinken has said, the U.S. relationship with China will be collaborative where it can be, competitive where it should be, and adversarial where it must be.
일단 네드 프라이스 대변인에 의하면 국무부 부장관 웬디 셔먼은 미-중간의 거센 경쟁은 환영하며 미국은 자신의 경쟁력을 강화해나갈 것이나, 중국공산당과의 적대를 추구하진 않는다는 것을 강조했다고 합니다.
다만, 그러면서도 셔먼 부장관은 개인적으로 미국과 동맹 및 파트너들의 가치와 이익 그리고 규범기반의 국제질서를 모호하게 만드는 중국공산당 일련의 행동들에 대해 우려를 표했다고 하는데...
지금 상황이 외교와 억지(deterrence)의 단계에서 소강될지 지켜보고 싶습니다.