제2회 KOREA JOB FAIR가 호주 시드니에서 10.30(목)개최 @ (아이월드 유학,취업,이민 참가)
? ?
안녕하세요 아이월드 호사모 thomas 본부장 입니다.
? ? 장소는 시드니 레드펀역에서 도보로 5분 거리로 Australian Technology Park Sydney 입니다. ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? 이번 박람회는 호주내 35개 기업체 참가합니다.
KOTRA 취업 박람회 메인 스폰서인 저희 호주 시드니 본사 I WORLD INTERNATIONAL GROUP Pty Ltd과 함께 호주 취업법인 OZCAREER도 함께 호주 시드니 AICL, PCT, Strathfield College, Evolution 이 함께 참석 합니다.
저희 아이월드 부스로 오시면, 호주에서의 유학과 취업 그리고 RPL자격증까지 모두 한번에 상담이 가능하십니다.
Korea Business Centre (KBC) Sydney, an overseas branch of Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), has been committed to promoting mutual prosperity between Korea and Australia by facilitating international commerce and investment since its foundation in 1968.
The Internet has redefined the concept of national borders, accelerating the integration of the global market. The free flow of goods, capital and labor among countries is driving the fierce global competition that presents enormous opportunities as well as great threats. Today, it is such intangible values as human knowledge and creativity that count most, and it is in these areas that Koreans have immense potential.
In meeting these changes in the global economic environment, KBC Sydney stands ready to help our Korean and Australian customers overcome the challenges. Our worldwide network combined with our Internet homepage enables current and prospective business partners to be in close contact with us 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Customer satisfaction is more important to KBC Sydney than ever before. The entire organization and all corporate competencies have been restructured to attain this goal. Today, our corporate philosophy focuses on customers’ needs and concerns, and systems are in place to ensure that customers get the services that they truly need and are always satisfied with them.
The “SYDNEY KOREA JOB FAIR 2014" is a high profile employment exhibition taking place in Sydney Convention & Exhibition Center on 18th of October 2013 aimed at providing a platform for international corporations and conglomerates all over Australia to meet with proactive jobseekers, job changers, students and working holiday visa holders.
Over 2,000 candidates from within and other states will be in attendance with exhibitions by over 40 companys. This will include participants from not only Sydney but also candidates looking to move to other states after finding right jobs. The “Korean Recruitment Fair" is the largest of its kind in Australia, tailored after national recruitment fairs and strategically positioned to suit Korean's business environment. It provides a cost-saving bridge to expand employers' current workforce and attract new recruits to industries and businesses.
- The fair will be widely promoted to universities, colleges & schools - Professional PR & Marketing campaign - Massive direct mail & email marketing campaign - Free website link and listing in the Fair Guide - Featuring a programme of interactive career related seminars
? 저희 호주 시드니 본사 I WORLD INTERNATIONAL GROUP Pty Ltd과 함께 호주 취업법인 OZCAREER도 함께 참가 합니다. 박람회장에 오시면 저희 부스 오셔서 꼬옥 상담받고 가시기 바래요~~~ ? ?
코트라시드니박람회,HOJUNARA 박람회,KOREA JOB FAIR,호주박람회,호주AICL, 호주 PCT, 호주Strathfield College, 호주 Evolution ,호주I WORLD INTERNATIONAL ,호주OZCAREER
출처: ♡♥Thomas의 호주사랑-호주 유학/이민♡♥ 원문보기 글쓴이: iworldThomas