다음에서 검색어 :recommendation letter graduate school
To whom this may concern:
I have much pleasure in writing a letter of recommendation for Mr.Lee in support of his application to your M.S program. I have known him for 4 years, both in class and in person. To put his capability in simple terms, Mr.Lee is a promising student worthy of your serious attention.
I became first acquainted with Mr.Cho when he was taked one of my undergraduate courses (과목명). Until then, I couldn’t know him in detail but after admitted into the graduated program of the OOOO University, he gave me unforgettable impressions. In 1999, he was a lab leader to help my undergradutate lecture(과목명)and worked devotedly to get through easily ** tests with aiding me. And approaching the deadline for my proposal, he leaded passionately graduated members and was able to accomplish it on time. He also had joined several projects related to in-전공분야명.
Not only was his assistance was valuable to the whole staff in the lab, but also his presence functioned as the catalyst to improve his group members’ quality.
I urged him to apply to your graduated program. Considering his enthusiasm, sincerity and, best of all, research capabilities, Mr.Cho is well prepared and motivated to complete his study successfully. You would understand how hard it is to evaluate a person's potential in limited space, especially when he or she has a significant potential for impressive work. Now I strongly recommend him to your school as one of the most promising students you will surely enjoy teaching. I wish that you would give due attention to his plan of study at your school. If you need more information about him, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
영문추천서 작성방법
여기 추천서 작성을 위해 필요한 10가지 도움말이 있다. 필요하다면 이 내용을 추천
인에게 알려주어 추천서 작성 시 도움이 되도록 한다.
1. 학생이 써온 자기 소개서를 읽으면 추천서를 보다 더 상세히 쓸 수가 있다. 추천인
에게 추천을 부탁할 때는 미리 자신에 관한 이력을 적어 주는 것이 좋다. 특히 학교
졸업 후 2-3년 이상 지난 경우에는 교수가 모든 것을 기억하지 못하므로 자기소개서
를 전달하는 것은 필수이다.
2. 해당 학생의 자질이나 능력을 다른 학생과 비교하여 쓴다. 예를 들면 비교하는 집
단(학생수 또는 직원) 몇 명 중 5%내에 드는 인재라거나 시험을 치른 50명 중 3등을
했다는 등 구체적인 비교를 해 주는 것이 좋다.
예문: I have been teaching for twenty years and have advised approximately
450 students on independent research projects over the last five years. I have
personally supervised ten interns every summer for the last five years plus
worked with over two hundred college graduates in my capacity as trainer for
Big Bank Corp.
3. 해당 학생을 어떻게, 얼마나 아는지에 대해 설명할 것. 교수라면 논문을 지도했다
거나, 써클 활동을 한 경우에는 지도교수였다거나, 직장 상사의 경우에는 함께 했던
프로젝트에서 어떤 역할을 하면서 얼마나 자세히 지원자를 관찰할 수 있었는지에 대
해 상세히 언급해 주어야 한다.
예문1: I was able to get to know Mr. Kim because he made it a point to attend
two of my sections every week when only one was required.
예문2: Ms. Lee reported directly to me for two years prior to her well-deserved
promotion to the position of Senior in our Big Six Accounting Firm.
4. 해당 학생의 장점을 2-3가지 정도 언급할 것. 일반적으로 성격이 좋다느니 사회성
이 좋다느니 하는 애매모호한 표현보다는 구체적인 특성을 들어주는 것이 좋다. 특
히, 경영학을 하는데 있어서 필요한 리더쉽, 사교성, 적극성 등은 추천 시 필수 사항
중의 하나이다.
예문1: Miss. Lee has a rare blend of top writing and interpersonal skills.
예문2; The combination of tenacity, analytical abilities, and good
communications skills found in Mr. Kim is truly unique.
5. 학생의 자질에 관해 이야기 할 때는 구체적인 예를 들어 학생의 태도를 칭찬할
예문1: He is the only student I ever had who came to all my office hours as
part of a relentless, and ultimately successful, drive to master financial theory.
He was one of just ten percent in the class to receive an A.
예문2: Because of her writing skills, I didn't hesitate to ask her to write a report
which was used by our PAC as the basis for a major policy statement.
Congressman X eventually used the statement, based on Jane's
sophisticated 20-page analysis of Middle East politics, in lobbying for
increased funding.
6. 학생의 학습 능력에 대해 다른 학생과 비교해서 평가 할 것. 정확하게 몇 명의 비
교 대상 중 몇 %안에 드는지, 어떤 과목에서 뛰어난 지 등등.
예문1: He was in the top 10% of his class.
예문2: She has the best analytical skills of any person her age that I have ever
7. 일반적인 사실이나 평범한 내용은 생략 할 것. 무조건적인 칭찬은 절대 입학에 도
움이 되지 않는다. 경영대 지원자의 추천서를 쓰면서 착하다느니 성실하다느니 하
는 것이 그러하다.
8. 앞에서 칭찬한 내용에 반하는 약간의 비평은 O.K. 털어서 먼지 안 나는 사람은 없
다. 지나치지 않은 범위 내에서 약점을 이야기 한 후, MBA를 함으로써 그런 약점을
보충할 수 있다는 것을 은연중에 이야기하는 것이 좋다.
예문1: The only fault I have encountered in him is his retiring nature. His
modesty sometimes hides a young man of remarkable strength and broad
예문2: Occasionally, her fortitude and persistence can turn into stubbornness,
but usually her good nature and level-headedness prevail.
9. 학생이 직접 작성하고, 교수가 사인만 하는 경우라도 가능한 학생이 했다는 인상
을 주지말라.추천서가 3사람이면 영문 서체를 달리하고,봉투 붙이는 방법을 달리하
는 등 신경을 써라.추천서 번역의 경우 에세이를 번역한 사람에게 맡기지 말라.똑같
은 사람이 번역하면 상대방 교수는 영어 구문을 통해 금방 학생이 직접 추천서를 작
성,번역했다는 것을 눈치챈다.
영문추천서 작성방법(2)
추천서(Recommendation or Reference form) 작성 요령
1.추천인의 선정
추천인은 반드시 학생과 일정한 기간(1-2년),일정한 관계(상관,교수,교회 목사)가 있어야 합니다. 학생을 1-2번만 본 사람,관계는 10년이나 알고 지내지만 연간 1-2번만 보는 거래처 사장 등은 적당한 추천인이 아닙니다. 추천서는 학생의 성격,능력을 잘 알고 있는 사람이 학생의 장점,가능성을 언급해 주는 것입니다. 따라서 학생의 성격,능력을 잘 알 수 있는 일정한 관계가 반드시 필수 사항입니다. 교수, 직장 상사는 당연히 되고, 오래 알고 지낸 거래처 임원,목사님,개인레슨 받은 미술과 음악 선생, 오랫동안 나를 가르친 과외선생, 학원선생도 추천인이 됩니다.
2.추천서의 기재 사항
추천서는 아래와 같은 사항이 필수적으로 포함돼야 합니다.아래와 같은 사항을 순차적으로
나열하면 무난한 추천서가 됩니다.항상 염두에 둘 것은 학생의 장점을 최대한 부각할 수 있는 사항만을 집중적으로 나열해야 합니다.10가지 장점이 있어도 지면 제한상 2-3가지 내에서 학생의 장점을 설명해 주어야 합니다.
(1) 해당 학생을 어떻게, 얼마나 아는지...
(예)오xx군과 나는 1995년 4월 오군이 신입사원으로 xx물산 정보시스템실(Samsung Corporation I.S. Department) 기획팀으로 들어오게돼 처음 만난 이후 같은 부서에서 직원과 부장으로 2번이나 함께 일해왔으며, 회사내에서 누구보다도 내가 그의 장점과 잠재력을 잘 알고 있다고 판단한다.
(2) 해당 학생의 장점을 2-3가지 정도 언급...
해당 학생의 자질이나 능력을 다른 학생과 비교하여 쓰고,학생의 자질에 관해 이야기 할 때는 구체적인 예를 들어 학생의 태도를 칭찬합니다. 착하다,성실하다 등 일반적인 사실이나 평범한 내용은 생략합니다.학생만의 특성,학생이 이룬 업적을 구체적으로 언급해 줍니다.
(예)오군이 입사했을 때 나는 기획팀장으로 삼성SDS의 ISO 9000인증을 위해 준비하고 있을 때였는 데 입사하자 마자 ISO 인증에 관련된 품질문서를 연구해가면서 준비하는 그의 적극적인 성격이 신입사원중에서 단연코 돋보였다. 그는 이어서 신입사원으로서 아직 부서에 적응하지 못할 위치에서도, 여가 시간을 이용해 사내의 모든 자료를 수집한 뒤에 xx물산 정보시스템실 20년사를 만듬으로서 우리를 놀라게 했었다.
그가 매년 실시하는 신입사원 평가에서 270명중 5%안에 드는 우수 신입사원으로 뽑히고 바쁜 와중에도 전체 신입사원들 대상으로 한 리포트선발대회에서 그가 쓴 삼성 그룹웨어인 xx (Single)과 인터넷의 E-mail의 연동방안에 대한 리포트가 6개 우수리포트상 안에 뽑혀서 우리 부서 일반 직원들이 모두 자기 일인양 기뻐해 주었을 때 나는 그의 친화력, 잠재적인 리더쉽을 느낄 수 있었다. 그 후 나는 1995년 11월부터 본사(Headquater)로 가서 한동안 따로 떨어져 있었지만 간혹 업무차 그의 사무실을 방문했을 때 항상 예전과 다름없이 나를 대하는 그의 자세에서 그의 인간적인 성실성을 옅볼 수 있었다.
(3) 앞에서 칭찬한 내용에 반하는 약간의 비평은 O.K...
(예) 비록 컴퓨터 분야가 사무적이고, 기계적인 업무라 활동적이며 사교성있는 그에게는 좀
부담이 되겠지만 지금까지 그가 보여준 인간관계나 관심분야를 볼 때 그가 그 분야에서 충분히 성장할 가능성이 있다고 확신한다. 이제 더 큰 목표를 위해, 미국에서 공부를 하려는 그를 귀 학교에 적극적으로 추천하는 바이며, 그가 귀 대학의 우수한 동문으로 남을 수 있기를 희망한다.
3.주의 사항들
-추천인께 추천서를 부탁하기 전에 자신의 인적사항과 간단한 자신의 약력을 적은 자기 소개서를 작성하여 주면 추천인이 추천서를 작성하는데 많은 보탬이 됩니다.
-교수,직장 상사가 학생에게 추천서를 작성하고,자신은 사인만 한다면 먼저 학생이 국문으로 추천서를 작성한 뒤에 추천인에게 검증을 받고,이후 영어로 번역한 뒤에 추천서에 사인을 받으면 됩니다.
-전체 미국대학의 40% 정도는 추천서의 별도 양식이 있습니다.통상적으로 대학에서 보낸 추천서는 추천인에 대해서 학생을 아는 기간,관계,장점 등을 물어보거나 O,X로 일정 항목에
표시하게 돼 있읍니다.따라서 이런 경우는 별도의 추천 편지를 해당 대학의 추천서(Recommendation or reference form)에 붙여서 보내면 됩니다.
-추천서는 해당 대학의 추천서 폼이 없는 경우는 별도의 편지만을 보내는 것이 원칙입니다.이 경우 추천서는 반드시 해당 추천인이 재직하는 곳의 로고용지(주소,전화번호가 기록된 business letter)와 로고 봉투를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.로고용지가 없으면 간단히 워드편집기에서 종이의 제일 위에 해당 직장의 이름,주소,전화,팩스,이멜 정도를 기록하면 됩니다.
추천서 양식의 종류
*추천서양식 or A4
학교별로 추천서양식이 있는학교와 특별히 언급이 없는학교로 크게 나뉩니다.
추천은 추천자의 고유권한 이기때문에 학생은 원칙상으로 양식만 첨부해서 추천자
에게 건네줄뿐 그 나머지는 추천인이 모든것을 관리한후 seal해서 직접 학교로 보내
거나, 다른 것과 함께 package해서 보내도록 합니다.
양식있는 학교들을 일단 분류해서 양식을 구해서 정리하시고, 양식없는 학교들은 교
수님께 '자유양식'으로 해달라고 부탁하시면 됩니다. 그러면 대체로 A4에 print해서
주실것으로 생각됩니다.
* 추천서양식의 경우(Form)
추천서 양식을 down 받건, 직접 편지로 받아보면, 보통 일반대학원은 3장, 경영대학
원(MBA)는 2-3장을 한학교에서 요구하고 있습니다. 학교를 여러곳쓰는경우 3장씩,
10개학교를 보낸다고 하면, 30장의 추천서가 필요하는등 추천서 쓰는것도 쉽지 않은
양식을 보면,
to be completed by applicant 부분 - 학생이 기입하는부분
to the recommmender - 추천인이 기입하는부분
으로 나뉩니다. 추천이 기입부분은 교수님이 알아서 하실테고, 학생기입부분에서 해
야할일이 한가지 있습니다.
이름,sign이외에 연방법이 규정한 이 추천서를 waiver하는것에 동의할것인가에 대
한 답변입니다.
대체로 I do _________________, I do not _______________________
이렇게 칸이 그려져있습니다. 학생들은 반드시 I do 빈칸에 사인하셔야 됩니다. 내용
은 읽어보면, 이 추천내용의 모든것을 추천인에게 맡긴다는 내용이고, 여러분은 미
리보지 않는다고 약속하는것입니다. 연방법에 의하면 여러분이 볼수도 있지만, 그렇
게 되면, 그시간부터 이 추천서는 무효화가 되고, 이 추천인을 믿지 않는것으로 간주
되어 그 추천서는 효력을 발생할 수 없게 되니, 반드시 잘 읽어보시고, waiver에 동
의한다는 의사표시를 해주어야 합니다.
추천서는 지원자의 학업능력이나 성적, 동료 학생들 및 교수들과의 인간관계, 그리
고 그밖에 지원자의 연구능력 또는 창의력 등에 대하여 직접 지도한 교수 또는 직장
상사가 입학심사에 참고가 될 사항들을 기재하여 지원학교에 보내는 것입니다.
한국의 경우와 달리 미국에서는 추천서가 지원자를 평가하는데 있어 상당히 중요한
참고자료의 역할을 합니다. 추천서는 보통 대학원 지원시에는 2-3통을, 학부입학이
나 편입학의 경우에는 요구하지 않거나 또는 1-2통 정도를 요구합니다. 추천서를 받
을 때 고려해야 할 사항들을 정리하면 다음과 같습니다.
고졸자의 경우는 영어와 수학담당 선생님으로부터 받고 대학재학생인 경우는 전공
과목을 지도했던 교수로부터 추천서를 받는 것이 유리합니다.
지원할 학교측에서 추천인(교수)을 알고 있으면 추천서의 효과를 높일 수 있으므로
지원학교 출신의 교수나 미국의 대학에서 학위를 받은 교수로부터 추천서를 받는 것
이 도움이 됩니다.
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들과 비교해서 평가해준다면 추천서를 읽는 사람이 그 학생의 학업능력을 판단하는
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학교에서는 추천서가 공정한 입학심사 자료로 쓰여질 수 있도록 추천인이 추천서를
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이러한 경우 추천서의 효과를 높이기 위하여는 학업능력과 동떨어진 과도한 칭찬이
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야 합니다.
오히려 학점이 낮거나 어떤 약점이 있을 때에는 솔직하게 그 사실을 시인하고 그러
한 약점에 대한 합리적인 변명을 기술하거나 또는 지원자의 다른 장점 및 각오 등을
잘 나타낸 다음, 앞으로의 학문적 또는 직업적 장래성을 좋게 강조하는 편이 실질적
으로 더 도움이 될 것으로 생각됩니다.
Office of Graduate Admissions,
Tisch School of the Arts,
New York University
721 Broadway, 8th floor Room 801,
New York, NY 10003-6807
To whom it may concern:
It is a pleasure to recommend Miss Eun-suk Kim, who has been an Director here at Gamma Television Network Inc. for about 3 years. Miss Kim has applied for ITP of Tisch School of Arts.
It was me who scouted her who was working as a distinguished assistant producer at Cinema Seoul Inc., the oldest production in Korea in may, 1992. Even though she was the youngest director in Korean broadcasting field, when she entered the company, she has showed an excellent professional ability as a producer. I put the fullest confidence in her professional skill and personal character.
As one of few confidant producer in the company, She produced and directed company’s respectable programs, such as “Russian Realism Painter, Ilea Rapin”, “a Century of Insadong”, “Life Essay”, “ Gamma Clinic”, what is still recognized as the company’s most important works. The condition of producing in Korean cable television industry have been restricted on terms of capital, custom of society, a relating law, but Miss Kim has never been lost her presence of mind and kept going through the producing a outstanding programs. I appreciate her leadership.
When I heard she wants to stop her job, I couldn’t understand the reason and also hate to loose her. Since I know that she is willing to explore new interactive communications area, I sincerely wish that she will achieve her aim in your school, and introduce new idea and technology to us.
I highly recommend that you consider Miss Kim’s application to a professional program in your school. If I can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely yours,
Mean-ho Sung
Feb. 25, 1994
To whom it may concern
This is a letter of recommendation for Mr. ----- who is appling for the admission to your graduate school. I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, ----- University. I joined my Department in September, 1986. In 1985, I received the Ph.D. degree in computer, information, and control engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. My field of interest is currently nonlinear control theory and its application to robots, missiles, and electric machines. I have published 13 papers in IEEE Transactions since 1984.
College Entrance Examination scores of the students in our Department are the best in Korea. Further, our students are trained hard in both theory and application. Every year, small projects are assigned to the students, which involve hardware implementation. Most of these projects are comparable to graduate level research at other Korean universities, and it requires intensive research and committment. It is also mandatory to submit a B.S. thesis at the end of undergraduate study and a M.S. thesis at the end of graduate thesis. Mr. ----- is one of those students who successfully completed our tough requirements.
I was Mr. -----'s major advisoz duiing his graduate study. Ha also took my graduate coures, "Nonlinear Control Systems" and "Mathematical System Theor y." His academic performance and research ability were remarkable, Moreover, he has long industrial experience and is very good at Electronics Hardware.
He is aggressive but neat and sociable. I wish he would be given a chance to develop his talent further. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to write to me.
Associate Professor
To whom it may concern;
I met Mr. ----- first when I was on the recruitment staff for the Central R&D Institute of Daewoo Heavy Industry Co. He was one of the applicants to researcher positions at the Institute. I had been his senior manager before I joined the faculty of ----- University in Feb. 1993.
When I was at the Institute, a major goal of research was to develop a robot controller and manipulator for are welding. We used DC servo motors as their actuators. The task given to Mr. ----- was to design CPU boards; however, he even participated in designing DC servo drivers and software for kinematics and motion control. His energetic research activities were a pleasant surprise to people around him. His achievements in improving driver capabilities motivated the management of the Institute to set up a servo driver design team, which has grown into a major research group.
Mr. ----- was energetic and creative enough to engage himself in servo drivers, then a new research area, and contibuted to the manufacture of 12 types of driver. His systematicity and enthusiasm were a paragon to other researchers at the Institute. Further, any researcher who had worked in the team under Mr. -----'s supervision was welcome to any other research team, which reflected his academic enthusiasm. The camaraderie of his team was well recognized and promoted effective and efficient job performance.
One of Mr. -----'s stong points as a researcher is that not only is he theoretically knowledgeable and original enough to create new control laws, but he is able' to materialize them into hardward and verify them experimentally. Furthermore, he left me a memorable impxession with his prudence in smoothly overcoming potential conflicts with his colleagues when he was promoted comaratively quickly.
I am confident that you will have similar impressions as I have, and recommend him very strongly.
Truly yours,
-------------, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
To whom this may concern;
I came to know Mr. ---- when I was a Ph.D. student at ---- University. I have known him for about 6 years since then. Mr. ----- and I worked together on numerous occasions. First of all, he was a student of mine at a graduate course that I taught while working on my dissertation. As a term project in the course, he submitted a top grade contzoller demonstrating that he was a professional researcher and got the best final grade in the class. Then, we did graduate work (decoupling control, efficiency control and rotor zesistance adaptation of induction motors) together under the direction of the same academic advisor, and have been doing much collaborative research in the same field. He also participated in PESC and IEEE conferences together with me as a co author, and contributed a lot to my Ph.D thesis. I think I am one of those who know this gifted man very well.
Mr. ----- is well organized. He is very good at putting complex and messy data into order. Further, he always tackles a problem with clear analytical reasoning. His investigation and analysis of historical background and previously published materials are simply outstanding.
Besides being a careful theoretician, Mr. ----- is a competent engineer who excels in handling industrial technology efficiently, such as hardware design and software programming. Working as a researcher at the Central R&D Institute of Daewoo Heavy Industries Ltd., he developed many kinds of drivers for AC synchronous motors, which were going to be commercialized by the company. Also, he and I did collaraborative work when an induction motor driver using an advanced vector control method was being developed by the Institute.
I am confident that, once admitted into your prestigious institute, Mr. ----- will make a memorable contribution to whatever field of research he is engaged in. I recommend him without any reservations whatsoever. Please note that this is one of the best recommendations I have ever written.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding my evaluation of Mr.
-----. Thank you.
Assistant Professor
Jan. 3, 1994
To whom this may conern;
I have known Miss ----- since she started her undergraduate work at ----- University in 1988. She is now enrolled in our graduate program and will be graduating in August, 1994. All my interactions with her, academic or social, lead me to recommend her to you as one of the best candidates you will certainly enjoy teaching.
First of all, Miss ----- excelled in the undergraduate courses taught by me, 'Philosophy and Theory of Early Childhood Education,' 'Social Studies in Early Childhood Education,' 'Language Arts in Early Childhood Education,' and 'Early Childhood Curriculum'; likewise, in my graduate courses, 'Seminar in Social Studies Teaching in Early Childhood Education,' 'Studies in Teaching Language Arts,' and 'Studies in Curriculum for Young Children.' In all of these courses, she distinguished herself by getting excellent grades. Further, she ranked consistently at the very top in her class from matriculation to graduation, undoubtedly a remarkable feat.
At her junior year, she was selected to be a member of the Korea Delegate of University Students to China. Another faculty member and I recommended her on the basis of her excellent GPA and sociable character. In either of these criteria, she was deemed to be a perfect choice. To our satisfaction, she successfully completed her duties as a sort of amateur diplomat.
I also had an opportunity to watch Miss ----- at actual work. She worked as an apprentice teacher at the kindergarten annexed to my university
throughout her senior year. She treated children with much care and understanding, and was quick to grasp peculiarities and subtle changes in each child. I had the impression that she was born to work with small children.
All things considered, I recommend her as an excellent student without any reservations whatsoever. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding Miss -----'s application. Thank you
Sincerely yours,
-------------, Professor
Dept. of Early Childhood Education
To whom this may concern;
I have known Miss ----- since her sophomore year, 1989. She took several undergraduate and graduate courses with me. I was also her academic advisor in both her undergraduate and graduate years.
She did well in my undergraduate courses: 'Concept Learriing for Science,''Mathematical Experiences of Children,' 'Children's Literature,' and 'Theories and Practices of Play.' She also received consistently best marks in my graduate courses: 'Philosophy in Early Childhood Education,' 'Science and Mathematics Education for Young Children,' and 'Seminar in Parent Education.'
Also, Miss ----- had a strong sense of responsibility as a research assistant. She aided several publications of mine, including 'A Study of the Effects of Small Group Science Teaching Methods on Children's Science Process Activities, the Activity Continuing Time and Peer Interdependence,' 'A Study of Number Counting Stragies of Four and Five Year Old Children,' and Science Education for Children (in preparation). She was efficient and enthusiastic in collecting and sorting relevant materials.
And while working as an apprentice teacher in her senior year, she took all the care and love in taking care of kindergarten kids, receiving commendations from their parents and supervisors.
Her analytical ability also excelled throughout her student years at ----- University. Her term papers were clearly written; and her presentations in class helped to clarify complex issues in many other students. She also participated in the workshop titled 'Engaging Children's Mind: The Project Approach' at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in order to gain a deeper understanding of her field of interest.
For her master thesis, Ms. ----- is working on 'Young Children's Coping with Interpersonal Anger' is based on her painstaking observation of 4 and 5 year olds. Although interest in children's stress and coping has increased, little attention has been paid to children's interpersonal coping. Not only dose the content of her paper deserve to be praised, but her efforts and skills in dealing with complex data are worth noting. She will finish her thesis in time. I believe that by the time she will leave for her advanced study in the States, she must have been well prepared.
In short, Miss ----- has a great potential for conducting graduate work. I recommend Miss Shin as a good student. Please note that this is one of the best recommendations I have ever written. I believe that your favorable consideration will surely be beneficial to everyone concerned.
Thank you. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding her
---------, Ph. D.(1989, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
Chairman of adaepartment of Early Childhood Education
School of Education, Office of Student Services
1033 School of Education, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109 1259 U.S.A
Mar. 24, 1994
To whom it may concern;
I am writing this letter in supporting of Ms. -----'s application to your graduate program. I taught her for two and a half years since she started her graduate studies at the Department of Christian Studies, ----- University.
The Department, to celebrate the centennial of ----- University's foundation, organized a week long conference on Church women, where about 600 people concerned about the future of Korean church gathered for seminars and workshops. She worked as the administrative assistant of the organizing committee. Her gentle manner and strong sense of reponsibility were an invaluable help to the effort. All the professors involved in the conference, including myself, agreed that she was dedicated and responsible.
She took two graduate courses with me: 'Theology of the New Testament,' and 'Comparative Studies of Hebrew and Hellenic Ideas.' She was well-prepared for the lectures, and found herself within the top 10% of the graduate students. I was also impressed by her lucid and well-organized argumentation in her papers.
In an effort to combine her undergraduate major, journalism, with her devout faith in the Lord, she worked as a reporter and editor with two Christian magazines, 'The Christian Times,' and 'Mission World.' I understand that her professional careers motivated her to pursue an in depth academic study further.
I am confident that Ms. ----- will be able to work with dedication to the develpment of Korean church after she finishes her study in the States. She i. hardworking ard well motivated. I strongly recommend her as a promising theologian to your school.
The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Professor of Christian Studies
----- University
March 24, 1994
To whom it may concern;
This is to recommend Ms. ----- for admission to your Ph.D. program. It is my great pleasure to tell you that Ms. ----- is a very promising student with a bright scholarly prospect and great personality. I am sure that she will not only be able to successfully complete her doctoral study at your academic community with her rich and diverse knowledge and abundant merits.
She entered ----- University, department of Early Childhood Education, as a highly exceptional student in 1988. Since then, I was strongly interested in her and watched her carefully. She took my courses from the beginning of her undergraduate work. The courses she took with me included, Introduction to Early Childhood Education, "Statics in Early Childhood Education," and "Child Welfare." Despite the big sizes of undergraduate classes, her performance left me a strong impression that she was an extraordinary student. I gave her two A's and an B+. She was awarded fellowships throughout her undergraduate years and graduated from college in 1992 with honors, as one of the best students of our college, and immediately admitted to our graduate program.
She took two of my graduate cpurses, "Research Methods for Early Childhood Education," & "Seminar in Child Development." In "Research Methods for Early Childhood Education" course, I asked the students to analyze recent doctoral theses. She was creative, sincere and persistent, and clearly presented her ideas in a humble and careful manner. I remember all of these experiences as pleasant, rewarding and very productive to both of us.
I suppose that it was not easy for her to take three courses and to carry out several research projects while she was preparing for studying abroad. But she never failed to accomplish any job assigned to her and doing so, she was always responsible and independent. Several years ago, I selected her as a member of the Korea Delegate of University Student to China in her junior year. I recommended her not only for her excellent GPA and good personality but also for her potential. I thought an experience going abroad will broaden her outlook on the world and will aid her future career.
I recommended her to apply to your program because the tradition and faculty members of your department do, I believe, suit her academe interest. I also believe that members of your department should benefit the new member of Ms. -----.
I will be grateful it if you put careful attention to her application and make the best decision for her. Thank you.
---------, Ph.o.
Associate Professor of Early Childhood Educaton
Name of Applicant : -----------
Date of Birth : Jan 5. 1969.
Occupation : Teaching Assistant
Institution : ----------- University
Department : Department of Physical Education
Address : ------------ UNIV. Dept of P.E.
To who it may concern;
It is my pleasure to recommend Ms. ----- to your school. Miss ----- and I pazticipated together in the 9th International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity, held in Yokohama, Japan, in August, 1993. She presented her paper, 'A Comparative Study of the Acute Responses of Lipid and Lipoprotein Profiles Between the Spinal Cord Injured and the Sedentary in Maximal Exercise. it is the first paper in Korea that deals with and increasingly larger number of people suffering from spinal cord injury caused by auto and industrial accidents. Also dealing with cholesterol, a cause of many adult diseases brought about by sedentary life styles, this paper is interesting, and deserves further scrutiny. Furthermore, in a country like Korea where the public awareness of adapted physical education is very low, her paper is especially significant, and will be of immense help to the students interested in the physically handicapped.
Ms. ----- is also an active member of the monthly seminar on adapted physcial education, organized primarily by Seoul National University and Ewha Woman's University. The members of the group learned a lot at last year's ISAPA.
I am the Dean of College of Physcial Education, Ewha women's University, and a member of the Internation Scientific Committe of ASAPE, and I warking for the development of adapted physical education in Korea. Considering that
the public awareness of the physically handicapped is being heightened now in Korea, I am very glad that Ms. ----- is applying to Texas Women's University.
I hope she will be given a favorable consideration in her application and make a significant contribution in this burgeoning field in Korea after completing her graduate study with you. Thank you.
Jan. 28. 1994.
------------- Ph.D
Dean of physical Education College
of --------- University
Seoul, Korea
To whom this may concern;
I have known Ms. ----- since she took my course 'Methods in Child and Family Research in Fall, 1989, when I started teaching at ----- University. I was also her graduate adviser during her graduate years. All my interactions with her, academic or social, lead me to recommend her to you as one of the best candidates you will certainly enjoy teaching.
In addition to my course, ------ also took for undergraduate work 'Adolescent Development,' 'Child and Family Counseling,' and 'Children's Social Development'; and for graduate work, 'Advanced Studies of Children's Social Development,' 'Advanced Studies of Children's Cognitive Development,' and 'Theories and Practices in Child Play'. In all these courses, she distinguished herself by getting the topmost grade. This by itself is a good indication of her academic capacity, because the SNU students are picked out from less than the top 1% of all high school graduates.
Also, when I was conducting research for Theory and Practice in Montessori's Early Childhood Education, published in 1992, her assitance was quite valuable. She helped me to collect data and adit the book, all with great care.
Her Master's thesis, 'A Study of Cognitive Styles and Interpersonal Problem Solving Ability among 5, 7, 9 Year Olds,' is based on her painstaking interviews with 120 children. Not only does the content of her paper deserve to be praised, but her efforts and skills in dealing with complex data are worth noting.
After receiving her MA, she continued to work with me as a RA at the Research Institute of Science for Better Living, ----- University. Mucl" of my research at the Institute might Save been harder without her help and contribution. Also, she impressed people around her with her academic sincerity and joyful manner.
I recommend her as a good student without reservation. And hopefully, you'll be gracious enough to accept her and train her to be a fine academician. Thank you.
To whom this may concern;
I am President of the archiectural firm established by the late -----, one of the greatest architects in Korea. The tradition originating from ----- has been carried on and continually enhanced by the finest young Korean architects, including Mr. Sung-Won Jung, who is applying to your M.Arch program. He has been working under my direction for over a year, and I have noticed many of his fine qualities as an architect.
Mr. -----'s passion for producing high quality work is simply outstanding. He works day and night until he finishes whatever task is given to him. I believe that his passion is important not only in the industry where time i8 a crucial factor, but also in the academic environment where intensive work within a fixed time frame is reguired of students.
What is more commendable in Mr. ----- is that his enthusiasm is supported by many fresh ideas that he comas up with from moment to moment. Many of his ideas have boosted the level of our work substantially, and as his supervisor, I am very grateful to him. Considering his work performance, I am disappointed to lose him from the design team, but I am truly glad that he decided to pursue advanced studies in a fine academic environment like yours. I am convinced that he will grow to be a top notch architect who will make a great contribution for all of us.
He really deserves a favorable decision in his application. If you need any further information, please contact me. Thank you.
Dear Admissions Director;
I am very pleased to recommend Mr. ----- to your graduate program in architectural design. I first met him in design studio in 1990. Since then, I have been in close contact with him.
Perhaps the first time when I came to appreciate part of Jung's potential was when he showed his Pantheon model to me. It was modeled after the dome structure of the ancient Roman architecture. Its magnificient inner space fabulously mixed with the sun light flowing in through an opening in the ceiling. His scheme was notable in its attempt to give balanced attention to both the inside and outside of an aethetical structure. It was an interesting work by itself. But the reason I mentioned it here is to tell you, for one thing, that he has solid basic knowledge of some of the traditional architectural concepts, and for another, that his critical thinking is a notable asset for a student of architecture.
And his performance in one of my graduate courses, Facilities for Elderly People, says a lot about this gifted young man. Starting with a thorough check on background information related to a topic, he drew up a set of problems to attack, then methodically envisioned a corresponding set of solutions, and finally came up with a design concept integrating potentially beneficial solutions. Well, in a sense, this is a usual course of action in dealing with a job. But the point I am trying to make is Mr. -----'s consistency and systematicity as a deeply ingrained trait. Architecture is surely an artistic endeavor, but it should also aim to achieve functional utility, which requires a lot of meticulous planning from the designer. Thus, any student aspiring to be an architect should be able keep good track of what he or she is doing. As a professor of architecture, I find much of this quality in Jung.
To conclude, I would like to recommend Jung to you without any reservations whatsoever. I would be glad to see him 'continue to improve himself in your world-renowned architecture program.
Thank you very much.
To whom it may concern
This is a letter of recommendation for Mr. -----, who is appling for the admission to your graduate school. I am an ??? Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University, ----- Korea. I joined my Department in 언제. In 1985, I received the Ph.D. degree in 전공 from 대학명칭.
College Entrance Examinatian scores of the students in our Department are one of the best in Korea. Further, our students are trained hard in both theory and application. Every year, small projects are assigned to the students, which involve hardware implementation. Most of these projects are comparable to graduate -level research at other Korean universities, and it requires intensive research and committment. It is also mandatory to submit a B.S. thesis at the end of undergraduate study and a M.S. thesis at the end of graduate thesis. Mr. Kim is one of those students who successfully completed our tough requirements.
I was one of Mr. -----'s major professors during his undergraduate and graduate study. His academic performance and research ability were remarkable. Moreover, he has some industrial experience, though it is not very long, and is very good at designing electronic hardware. He is aggressive but neat and sociable.
I wish he would be given a chance to develop his talent further. If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to write to me.
To whom this may concern;
This is a letter of recommendation for Mr. ----- who is appling for the admission to your graduate school. I met him first in 1987, when he was working toward an M.S. under my direction at ----- University. Since then, I have been in close contact with this promising young fellow, and I believe I am one of those who know very well about his academic proficiency.
Mr. ----- passed the entrance exam of the SNU Graduate School with exceptional grades. This was particularly noticeable since he did not do his undergraduate work at SNU, and I observed his progress with great interest. He took four of my graduate courses (Semiconductor Power Circuits and Their Design, Electric Machine Control Theory, Power Semiconductor Physics, Design Control of Electric Machines), in which he took an inventive and controlled approach to solving problems. For this, I gave him A's in all of the four courses. It was just natural that he received an industrial research grant throughout the two years of his graduate study.
Also, I was grateful to Mr. ----- for his painstaking, prudent work as one of my research assistants. While advising him on his thesis and working on several projects together, I was ever more impressed by his creativity and energy. He was particularly good at matching complex mathematical formulas with realistic physical phenomena. Another commendable quality is that he has much experience with industrial technology, including hardware design and software development. He has accumulated practical knowledge in commericializing inverters and AC servo drivers.
I believe that Mr. ----- is well prepared and motivated to complete your MS studies successfully. I have heard about the excellent faculty and research facilities of your school, and Mr. ----- is one of the best students I have had since I started teaching. With your help and guidance, he will grow to become a top notch scientist and engineer. Thank you.
------------, Professor
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
--------------- University
To whom this may concern:
I have much pleasure in writing a letter of recommendation for Mr. ----- in support of his application to your Ph.D program in.... I have known him for x years, both in class and in person. To put his capability in simple terms, Sung-Joon is a promising student worthy of your serious attention.
I became first acquainted with ----- when he was auditing one of my undergraduate courses. Though he was not a regular for credit student, his penetrating questions began to attract my attention. Then, I urged him to help me with my lab work with the idea that it would greatly enhance his basic understanding of scientific work. Later on, upon my recommendation, he assisted in several lab projects, including ?????. Not only was his assistance was valuable to the whole staff in the lab, but his presence was a great social asset.
Knowing about the recognition you are getting in the field of ????, I urged him to apply to your program. Considering his enthusiasm, sincerity and, best of all, research capabilities, ----- is well prepared and motivated to complete his study in ??????????? successfully. You would understand how hard it is to evaluate a person's potential in limited space, especially when he or she has a significant potential for impressive work.
Now I strongly recommend him to your school as one of the most promising students you will surely enjoy teaching. I wish that you would give due attention to his plan of study at your school. If you need more information about him, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.
----------- Planning Co.
Seoul, Korea, -----------
January 8, 1995
Department of Architecture
Rice University
6100 South Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005-1892
To whom it may concern;
I am very glad to recommend Mr. ----- to your world renowned architectural traning program. I have known Mr. ----- fox about 5 years. I am President CEO of an ----- firm in Korea. But I also teach young students of architecture on a part time basis. The first time I became acquainted with Mr. ----- was when he audited one of my courses, "Modern Concepts of Urban Planning." And then, on several occasions, I hired him to assist my professional work at the company.
In my course, Mr. ----- demonstrated an excellent understanding of the concepts and theories of architectural planning. Most notably, he excelled in expressing aesthetical properties of modern architecture. Further, his critical remarks in class contributed to clarifying subtle aesthetical contrasts apparent in many real examples of architecture used for class discussion. I would rank his intellectual capacity at the upper 1% of all the students I have taught since 1988.
Mr. ----- has many other admirable qualities. His gentle character and scholarly capability impel me to mention this naturally. He is impartial and rational. He maintains a caring attitude for people's needs, and he is patient. Ha knows how to listen carefully to other people, and puts action before words. He also seems to have a remarkable ability to control his emotions even under difficult circnnstances.
His attitude as a student of architecture is simply remarkable. His prudence, perfectionism, enduring effort, pragmatism and stron will to serve the society all argue for this. Naturally originating from this attitude, his knowledge of his major field, as well as his keen sense of understanding, puts him far above the other students that I know of.
Please note that this is the strongest letter of recommendation I have ever written. Mr. ----- undoubtedly has a lot to learn, but your training will surely lead him to become an important architect. I strongly recommend him for admission with an academic grant.
Truly yours,
President,--------, of ----------Planning Co.
Dear Admissions Director;
This letter is in support of Mr. -----'s application to your graduate program in architectural design. ----- was one of the most promising graduates who successfully completed the tough requirements of the Department. I consider it a great pleasure to recommend this talented young man to your prestigious program.
-----'s natural talent for architectural design was revealed in many ways. First of all, his town plan for a traditional Korean style residential district was reconized as the grand prize winner at the Tenth National Exhibition of Korean Architecture in 1991. (About 500 pieces of work by young aspiring architects are usually submitted in a year.) With this, he brought honor and pride not only to himself but to the whole faculty. This was an expected natural outcome of his talent and passion for architecture. At the beginning of this project, many of my colleagues objected to it, arguing that it was not suitable for an undergraduate student. But as he revealed his progress step by step, it was quite certain that he was fully capable of producing a memorable piece of work.
----- is a careful, logical planner as well as a beautiful aethetician. This may be too much to say for a young student, but looking over all his past work done in the last three or four years, I don't think it is. I believe you will have a lot to offer for -----, and he is well prepared to learn it more efficiently than others. His creativity and receptivity can never be commended more, and you will find him a great asset to your program.
Thank you very much. If you need any more information, please contact me.
To whom this may concern:
I have much pleasure in writing a letter of recommendation for Mr. ----- in support of his application to your graduate program in economics. I have known him for 4 years, both in class and in person. To put his capability in simple terms, ----- is a promising student worthy of your serious attention.
I became first acquainted with ----- when he took one of my undergraduate courses. In class, his penetrating questions attracted my attention. I also know that he has been actively pursued his future career as an economist in governmental research institutes. ----- is not only bright, but enthusiastic and sincere in his study as well.
Knowing about the recognition you are getting in the field of economics, I urged him to apply to your program. Considering his enthusiasm, sincerity and, best of all, research experiences, I firmly believe that ----- is well prepared and motivated to complete your requirements successfully. I strongly recommend him to your school as one of the most promising students you will surely enjoy teaching.
I wish that you would give due attention to his plan of study at your school. If you need more information about him, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Professor of Economics
--------- University
Dear Sir or Madam;
I am writing in behalf of -----, who is applying for an admission to your graduate program in economics. I have known him for the past three years as he has been conducting research on topics of my own work and interest at the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. ----- has been leading a team of four interns to report on "Industrial Deregulation and Economic Internationalization: A Case of Korea: and has joined several other research programs.
As a supervisor directing the deregulation topic, I can assure you that ----- is a man of great potential and of excellent personality. I know his ultimate career goal is to contribute to the economic development of his fatherland by establishing an economic research institute in Korea.
After three years of work with him, I now am confident that his dream will surely be realized. We are in the situation where there are few private economic research institutes while there are several big government sponsored institutes. I have personally encouraged him to do his graduate work in the United States so that he can successfully carry out his plan.
Although the team has not yet produced a final report, I have tremendously benefited from the discussions with the team members and their draft papers on many small topics. One of the pieces ----- has recently reported discusses "the effects of administrative guidance." In my view, it seems to be the most comprehensive paper ever produced in Korea analyzing both the positive and negative effects of government involvement in business activities.
It would be very much appreciated if you would give his application positive consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Director of Int'1 Trade Policy
Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy
To whom this may concern:
I have much pleasure in writing a letter of recommendation for Miss ----- in support of her application to your Master's program in Social work. I have known her for 5 years, both in class and in person. To put her capability in simple terms, she is a promising student worthy of your kind attention.
She studied in my class on 'French Grammar I' in the spring term of 1990. She also took another class of mine, 'History of French Literature I,' in her junior year. In one of the class assignments, which was an artistic comparison of Montaigne and Rousseau, she came up with an incisive analysis based on broad understanding of the works of the two writers. It left me a memorable impression lasting to this day. Through our class intereactions, I noticed that Miss ----- was sincere, and she took great care to carry out her assignments. It is just natural that she graduated with the overall GPA of 3.95 on the 4.5 scale.
I understand that she wishes to continue to pursue her academic career in Social Work. Though it is not the same area that she majored in, I am sure, given her enthusiasm and sincerity, that she is well prepared and motivated to complete her study in Social Work successfully.
I hope that you will give kind attention to her plan of study at your school. If you need more information about her, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Dean of College of Occidental Studies
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am pleased to recommend Miss ----- for admission to your graduate school. I was her academic advisor throughout the four years of her undergraduate work at the Department of French, ----- University. In this capacity, I am qualified to assess her scholastic ability and personality.
All in all, it was a great pleasure to watch Miss ----- grow mature and responsible, academically and socially. I thaught her 'Introduction to Western Literature' (Spring 1989), 'Selected French Literary Works II' (Fall 1990), 'The 19th Century French Literature I' (Spring 1991) and 'French Writers' (Fall 1991), in all of which she received 'A+' grades. Her outstanding academic achievement naturally was recognized by the lJniversity, which awarded her a university fellowhip. And she found herself placed easily within the top 5 percent in the French Department.
Notably in connection with hex interest in Social Work, Miss ----- was quite active in conducting and joining student discussion sessions focusing on contemporary social problems in France, in which she attracted most of my attention with her critical reasoning and lively imagination. Her strong interest in people and social problems led her to work voluntarily for the underprivileged in society, teaching young laborers at an evening school and taking care of little babies in an orphanage. In this respect, it is quite understandable that she now intends to do a more systematic study of social work. I am convinced that she will continue to exhibit her commendable qualities in the course of advanced studies with you.
I highly recommend Miss ----- to you for your graduate program. I would be glad to make any further recommendation on the scholastic performance of Miss -----, if you feel it necessary. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
----------, Professor
Department of French Literature
---------- University
To whom it may concern:
It is with great pleasure that I recommend Miss -----, who is applying to your master's program in Social Work. As a religious guide, I have had numerous opportunities to meet worthy young people. Knowing Miss ----- well, I consider her as one of my best disiples.
Miss ----- has maintained a close relationship with me since she attended the undergraduate meeting in our church in 1989. She was very responsive to the needs of neighbors and she joined an outreach teamwork program designed to help people in a rural community in the summer of 1990. I found her emotionally mature and dependable. She cared very much for the well being of others. She was an excellent peace-maker among her colleagues. And she has taken part in discipline programs every summer and winter since 1989. She has been playing a key role in organizing and developing the programs. Moreover, as a leader of group bible study from 1990 to 1992, she catered to the needs of other members with open minded and deep interest.
She not only carried out her responsibilities in church with enthusiasm but also did her schoolwork with zeal, so she always kept her grades high. I am pleased with her decision to do graduate studies in social work. And it truly suits her, considering her experiences and personality.
Her diligence and strong desire for further study will help her succeed in studying whatever she is interested in. And I believe that her sincerity and a strong sense of responsibility for the welfare of neighbors will help her fulfi' her mission.
I believe you will surely enjoying teaching and training Miss ----- and will find her a great asset to your program. May the Lord be with you and your school.
Rev. ----------