大方廣佛華嚴經 卷第三
The Flower Ornament Scripture
1. The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds
七, 大衆의 得法과 讚佛 함께한 대중들이 부처님의 덕을 찬탄하다.
3, 十行位衆십행위(十行位)를 표한 대중들이 찬탄하다
(1) 第六行의 主風神
제 6행을 표한 주풍신이 찬탄하다.
가, 主風神衆의 得주풍신과 그 대중들이 얻은 법
①復次無礙光明主風神은 得普入佛法과 及一切世間解脫門하고 普現勇業主風神은 得無量國土佛出現에 咸廣大供養解脫門하고
Furthermore, the wind spirit Unimpeded Light found the door of liberation entering into all the Buddha teachings and all worlds. The wind spirit Everywhere Manifesting Courageous Action found the door of liberation providing extensive offerings to all the Buddhas appearing in innumerable lands.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
또한 무애광명주풍신(無碍光明主風神)은 부처님의 법과 모든 세간에 두루 들어가는 해탈문을 얻었고, 보현용업(普現勇業)주풍신은 한량없는 국토에 부처님이 출현(出現)함에 광대한 공양을 다 드리는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Furthermore : 또한
the wind spirit Unimpeded Light : 무애광명주풍신(無碍光明主風神,Wind-ruling Spirit Unobstructed Radiance)
the door of liberation : 해탈문 the Buddha teachings :부처님 법
all worlds : 모든 세간
The wind spirit Everywhere Manifesting Courageous Action : 보현용업(普現勇業)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Universally Manifesting Courageous Karma)
provide v.드리다. extensive offerings : 광대한 공양
innumerable lands : 한량없는 국토
Moreover, Wind-ruling Spirit Unobstructed Radiance gained a passage into liberation of universally entering the Buddhas' Dharma and all that is worldly. Wind-ruling Spirit Universally Manifesting Courageous Karma gained a passage into liberation of making vast offerings to all the Buddhas appearing in limitless lands.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
②飄擊雲幢主風神은 得以香風으로 普滅一切衆生病解脫門하고 淨光莊嚴主風神은 得普生一切衆生善根하야 令摧滅重障山解脫門하고
The wind spirit Wind Striking Cloud Banner found the door of liberation eliminating the sickness of all sentient beings with a fragrant wind. The wind spirit Arrays of Pure Light found the door of liberation producing roots of goodness in all sentient beings and causing them to pulverize the mountains of multiple barriers.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
표격운당(飄擊雲幢)주풍신은 향기로운 바람으로 모든 중생의 병을 소멸해주는 해탈문을 얻었고, 정광장엄(淨光莊嚴)주풍신은 모든 중생에게 선근(善根)을 내어서 무거운 번뇌의 산을 꺾어 소멸하게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The wind spirit Wind Striking Cloud Banner : 표격운당(飄擊雲幢)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Drifting and Striking Cloud Banner)
eliminate v.소명하다. the sickness of all sentient beings : 모든 중생의 병
a fragrant wind : 향기로운 바람
The wind spirit Arrays of Pure Light :정광장엄(淨光莊嚴)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Adornment with Pure Light)
roots of goodness :선근(善根)
pulverize v.꺽다. the mountains of multiple barriers :무거운 번뇌의 산
Wind-ruling Spirit Drifting and Striking Cloud Banner gained a passage into liberation of using fragrant wind to eradicate all sentient beings' various illnesses. Wind-ruling Spirit Adornment with Pure Light gained a passage into liberation of universally producing good roots in all sentient beings and toppling their mountains of weighty obstructions.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
③力能竭水主風神은 得能破無邊惡魔衆解脫門하고 大聲徧吼主風神은 得永滅一切衆生怖解脫門하고
The wind spirit Power to Dry Up Water found the door of liberation able to defeat boundless armies of malicious demons. The wind spirit Great Voice Howling Everywhere found the door of liberation annihilating the fears of all sentient beings.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
역능갈수(力能竭水)주풍신은 끝없는 악마의 무리를 깨뜨리는 해탈문을 얻었고, 대성변후(大聲遍吼)주풍신은 모든 중생의 공포를 영원히 소멸하게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
The wind spirit Power to Dry Up Water : 역능갈수(力能竭水)주풍신
defeat v.무리치다. boundless a.끝없는
armies of malicious demons : 악마의 무리
The wind spirit Great Voice Howling Everywhere : 대성변후(大聲遍吼)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Loud and Pervasive Howling)
annihilate v.소멸시키다. the fears :공포
Wind-ruling Spirit Power to Dry Up Water gained a passage into liberation of breaking through the boundless hordes of evil demons. Wind-ruling Spirit Loud and Pervasive Howling gained a passage into liberation of destroying the fears of all sentient beings forever.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
④樹杪垂髻主風神은 得入一切諸法實相辯才海解脫門하고 普行無礙主風神은 得調伏一切衆生方便藏解脫門하고
The wind spirit Tree Branch Hanging Topknot found the door of liberation of the ocean of powers elucidation, entering into the real character of all things. The wind spirit Going Everywhere Unimpeded found the door of liberation of the treasury of techniques to harmonize and civilize all sentient beings.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
수초수계(樹秒垂髻)주풍신은 모든 법의 실상에 들어가는 변재바다의 해탈문을 얻었고, 보행무애(普行無碍)주풍신은 모든 중생을 조복하는 방편창고의 해탈문을 얻었고,
The wind spirit Tree Branch Hanging Topknot : 수초수계(樹秒垂髻)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Cowl of Trailing Branches)
the ocean of powers elucidation : 변재바다
the real character of all things :법의 실상(the true character of all dharmas)
The wind spirit Going Everywhere Unimpeded : 보행무애(普行無碍)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Unimpeded Travel Everywhere)
the treasury of techniques (방편창고,a treasury of expedients)
harmonize and civilize : 조복하다(tame and subdue)
Wind-ruling Spirit Cowl of Trailing Branches gained a passage into liberation of entering a sea of eloquence concerning the true character of all dharmas. Wind-ruling Spirit Unimpeded Travel Everywhere gained a passage into liberation of employing a treasury of expedients to tame and subdue all sentient beings.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
⑤種種宮殿主風神은 得入寂靜禪定門하야 滅極重愚癡闇解脫門하고 大光普照主風神은 得隨順一切衆生行無礙力解脫門하시니라
The wind spirit Various Mansions found the door of liberation entering into still, serene meditative poise and destroying the extremely deep darkness of folly and ignorance. The wind spirit Great Light Shining Everywhere found the door of liberation of unhindered power to go along with all sentient beings. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
종종궁전(種種宮殿)주풍신은 고요한 선정(禪定)의 문에 들어가서 극심하게 어리석은 어두움을 소멸하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 대광보조(大光普照)주풍신은 온갖 중생의 행을 따라서 걸림 없는 힘의 해탈문을 얻었다.
The wind spirit Various Mansions : 종종궁전(種種宮殿)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Manifold Palaces)
still, serene meditative poise : 고요한 선정(禪定) destroy v.소멸하다.
the extremely deep darkness of folly and ignorance : 극심하게 어리석은 어두움
The wind spirit Great Light Shining Everywhere : 대광보조(大光普照)주풍신,Wind-ruling Spirit Great Light Universally Shining)
unhindered power :걸림 없는 힘(the power of nonobstruction)
go along with all sentient beings : 온갖 중생의 행을 따라서(to accord with all sentient beings' actions)
Wind-ruling Spirit Manifold Palaces gained a passage into liberation of entering the door of still dhyana-samadhi and eradicating the darkness of deep delusion. Wind-ruling Spirit Great Light Universally Shining gained a passage into liberation of using the power of nonobstruction to accord with all sentient beings' actions. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
나, 偈頌讚歎주풍신의 찬탄
爾時에 無礙光明主風神이 承佛威力하사 普觀一切主風神衆하고 而說頌言하사대
At that time the wind spirit Unimpeded Light, imbued with the power of the Buddha, looked over all the wind spirits and said in verse,<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
그때 무애광명주풍신이 부처님의 위신력을 받들어 모든 주풍신 대중들을 널리 살피고 게송으로 말하였다.
At that time : 그 때 the wind spirit Unimpeded Light : 무애광명주풍신
imbued with : 받들다. the power of the Buddha : 부처님의 위신력
look over : 살피다. all the wind spirits : 모든 주풍신 대중들
in verse : 게송으로
At that time Wind-ruling Spirit Unobstructed Radiance received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of Wind-ruling Spirits, and spoke the following verse.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The teachings of all Buddhas are most profound
With unhindered means by which all may enter,
Appearing always in all worlds,
Signless, formless, without image.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 부처님의 법 매우 깊은데
걸림 없는 방편으로 널리 들어가사
여러 세간에 항상 출현하시나
모양 없고 형체 없고 영상도 없네
profound a.심오한 unhindered means :걸림 없는 방편 signless a.모양이 없는
The Dharma of all Buddhas is of utmost profundity.
With unobstructed skill-in-means they enter everywhere.
Appearing always, in each and every world,
The Buddhas yet are formless, devoid of shape or sign.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Observe how the Buddha in the past
Gave offerings to endless Buddhas in a single instant--
Such bold enlightenment practice
Everywhere Manifesting can comprehend.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
그대는 여래의 옛적 일을 보아라
한 생각에 그지없는 부처님께 공양하였네
이와 같이 용맹한 보리행이여
보현주풍신이 잘 깨달았네
gave offerings : 공양하다. endless Buddhas :그지없는 부처님
in a single instant : 한 생각에(In a single thought)
bold enlightenment practice :용맹한 보리행(courageous bodhi practices)
Everywhere Manifesting :보현주풍신(Universally Manifesting)
comprehend v.깨닫다.
You may observe the Tathagata in the past--
How In a single thought he worshipped countless Buddhas.
To such courageous bodhi practices as these
Does Universally Manifesting spirit awaken.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Buddha saves the world inconceivably;
None of his methods are used in vain--
All cause action to be free from distress;
This is the liberation of Cloud Banner.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래가 세상을 구제함이 부사의함이여
모든 방편 헛되지 않고
중생들을 고통에서 떠나게 하시니
이것은 운당주풍신의 해탈이로다
inconceivably a.부사의 하게 methods :방편 in vain :헛되게
distress n.고통 Cloud Banner : 운당주풍신
Inconceivable, the Tathagata 's rescue of the world--
Not one of his devices is used in vain.
He fully frees all beings from all woe.
Cloud Banner spirit is liberated thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Beings have no blessings, they suffer many pains,
With heavy veils and dense barriers always deluding them.
Buddha makes them all attain liberation:
This is known to Pure Light.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
중생들이 복이 없어 온갖 고통 다 받아서
무거운 번뇌와 빽빽한 업장이 항상 덮여있거늘
그런 이들 모두 다 해탈케 하니
이것은 정광주풍신이 다 알았네
blessings n.복 heavy veils :무거운 번뇌(weighty coverings)
dense barriers : 빽빽한 업장 delude v.미혹시키다.
attain a.얻다. liberation n.해탈 Pure Light : 정광주풍신
Bereft of blessings, sentient beings suffer every agony-
Ever mystified by weighty coverings and dense obstructions.
The Buddha leads them all to liberation.
The spirit Pure Light understands thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The Buddha's vast mystic power
Conquers all armies of demons;
All his methods of subduing
Healthy Power is able to observe.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래의 넓고 큰 신통력으로
모든 마군들을 무찌르나니
그렇게 조복하는 모든 방편은
용건위력주풍신이 관찰하였네
vast mystic power : 넓고 큰 신통력
conquer v.무지르다. all armies of demons :모든 마군
methods of subduing :조복하는 방편 Healthy Power : 용건위력주풍신
Vast and great, the Tathagata 's powers of spiritual penetrations;
They keep the demon hordes at bay.
He has sundry skillful means for taming and subduing.
Courageous Power contemplates thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Buddha emanates subtle sound from his pores
Which extends everywhere throughout the world
Causing all misery and fear to end:
This is understood by Howling Everywhere.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님의 털구멍에서 연설하는 미묘한 소리
그 소리 세간에 널리 퍼지사
일체 고통 두려움을 쉬게 하시니
이것은 변후주풍신이 안 것일세
emanate v.발 하다. subtle sound :미묘한 소리 pore: 털구멍
extend v.퍼지다. all misery and fear :일체 고통 두려움
Howling Everywhere : 변후주풍신(Pervasive Howling)
With wondrous tones emanating from each pore,
The Buddha sounds his call throughout the world.
Fear, dread, and all other tribulations end:
Pervasive Howling Spirit understands thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Buddha, in all oceans of lands,
Always preaches, over unthinkable eons.
This wonderful elucidation power of buddhahood
Tree Branch Topknot can comprehend.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님이 모든 세계바다 속에서
부사의한 겁 동안 항상 연설하시니
이러한 여래지(如來地)의 묘한 변재는
수조계주풍신이 능히 깨달았네
preach v.연설하다. unthinkable eons : 부사의한 겁
wonderful elucidation power :묘한 변재 (wondrous eloquence)
buddhahood :여래지( the stage of a Tathagata)
Tree Branch Topknot : 수조계주풍신,Cowl of Trailing Branches)
The Buddha, in the oceans of all lands,
Constantly proclaims for inconceivable eons.
That wondrous eloquence at the stage of a Tathagata
Is what Cowl of Trailing Branches awakens to and understands.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
Buddha's knowledge enters all avenues of means
Completely free of hindrance therein--
His realm is boundless and without any equal:
This is the liberation of Going Everywhere. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님이 모든 방편문에
지혜로 들어가서 걸림 없으사
그 경계 그지없고 같을 이 없어
이것은 보행주풍신의 해탈이로다
all avenues of means : 모든 방편문(every expedient passage)
free of hindrance therein : 걸림 없으사,unhindered)
boundless a.그지없음 equal a.동등한
Going Everywhere :보행주풍신
Into every expedient passage,
The Buddha's wisdom enters unhindered.
His states are boundless and incomparable.
This is the Spirit Travel Everywhere's liberation.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The Buddha’s state is without bounds--
By expedient means he shows it everywhere,
Yet his body is tranquil and has no form:
This is the liberation of Various Mansions.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래의 경계는 끝이 없으사
곳곳에서 방편으로 다 보게 하시나
그 몸은 고요하여 형상 없으니
종종궁(種種宮)주풍신의 해탈이로다
The Buddha’s state : 여래의 경계( the Tathagata's realm of being)
expedient means : 방편 tranquil a.고요한
Various Mansions :종종궁(種種宮)주풍신(the Spirit Manifold Palaces)
Boundless, the Tathagata's realm of being.
Everywhere, he manifests with skillful means,
Yet is still and silent--devoid of traces.
This is the Spirit Manifold Palaces' passage into liberation.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
The Buddha cultivated practices for oceans of eons
And has completely fulfilled all powers
And can respond to beings in accord with worldly norms:
This is the view of Shining Everywhere. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래께서 오랜 세월 수행함이여
모든 힘을 다 이루사
세상 법을 따라서 중생에게 응하시니
이것은 보조(普照)주풍신이 본 것이로다
cultivate practices :수행하다. oceans of eons : 오랜 세월
fulfill v.이루다. respond v.응하다. accord with ~ 따라
worldly norms : 세상 법 Shining Everywhere :보조(普照)주풍신
Cultivating every practice through oceans of eons,
The Tathagata perfects the powers fully, completely.
He accords with worldly dharmas to respond to sentient beings.
Universally Shining Spirit thus observes<B.T.T.S.번역본>
첫댓글 wonderful elucidation power : 묘한 변재, pore : 털구멍..._()()()_