단국대 시험은 함정을 판 문제나 헷갈리는 문제등은 없었고 동의어의 경우 비교적 평이한 수준의 어휘였고
문장완성의 경우 오히려 어휘의 난이도와 문제의 난이도가 더 높았다. 전체적으로는 약간 어려웠다고 평가할 수 있겠다.
보카바이블의 경우 동의어 문제 6문제, 문장완성 12문제 총 18문제 중에서
중고교 단어 craze(crazy의 동사,명사형), reminder(remind의 명사형) 두개를 제외하고
100%의 적중률을 보였다. (어휘교재 중 최고의 적중률)
보카바이블 독자들은 큰 어려움 없이 문제를 해결했으리라고 생각한다.
※ 밑줄 친 부분과 뜻이 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오. [9~14]
9. Citizens in developed countries such as the United States, Australia, and Japan take clean water and sanitation for granted. They are often appalled at the unsanitary conditions they encounter when traveling in developing nations.
(1) grateful for (2) unprepared for (3) shocked at (4) aimed at
<정답> (3) shocked at
appall [D2325]
10. For most of the year, the area is teeming with tourists who come from all over the world to seek enjoyment and refreshment.
(1) obsessed with (2) crowded with (3) teaming with (4) plagued with
<정답> (2) crowded with
teem [H39] / 워드스폰지 X / 거로보카X / md 33,000 X
11. The financial impact of the new construction project on the town was staggering.
(1) amazing (2) destructive (3) constructive (4) bewildering
<정답> (4) bewildering
staggering [표제어 4055] : 워드스폰지 X / 거로보카 X / MD 33,000 X
12. Mozart's partiality for chocolate from Salzburg resulted in today's famous Mozart Kugeln.
(1) preference (2) capacity (3) aversion (4) application
<정답> (1) preference
patiality [D2653,F3052]
13. Social psychologists conceptualize attitudes as consisting of three components that occur concurrently.
(1) intermittently (2) simultaneously (3) involuntarily (4) recursively
<정답> (2) simultaneously
concurrent [F1224]
14. The police arrested an alleged second gunman last week, confirming the pervasive belief that the minister had been killed by conspirators.
(1) unwarranted (2) adamant (3) tentative (4) widespread
<정답> (4) widespread
pervasive [표제어 3524]
※ __________에 가장 적합한 것을 고르시오. [15~24]
15. Seoul shares are mostly __________, reflecting the so-called "Korean Discount," which means that local stocks are trading below their worth because of geopolitical concerns and other negatives.
(1) underscored (2) underdone (3) underwritten (4) undervalued
<정답> (4) undervalued [F3625] : 워드스폰지 X / 거로보카 X
Korean Discount(한국식 할인), trading below their worth가 단서이다.
16. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has kept a Doomsday clock since 1947 as a __________ of the dangers of nuclear proliferation.
(1) remains (2) reminder (3) reminiscence (4) remittance
<정답> (2) reminder (무언가를) 상기시키는 조언
17. Several key players __________ injuries in preseason training.
(1) sustained (2) initiated (3) distorted (4) amended
<정답> (1) sustained [F3523, F4142]
몇몇 핵심 선수들은 시즌 전 훈련에서 부상들을 입었다.
단서는 애매하나 injury와 호응되는 단어는 sustain 밖에 없다.
18. Modern industry depends on __________, the hard, sharp, and rough substances used to rub and wear away softer, less resistant surfaces.
(1) additives (2) preservatives (3) lubricants (4) abrasives
<정답> (4) abrasives [F1144]
뒤에 나오는 hard, sharp, rough substance를 softer하게 만드는 물질은 연마제이다.
additive (첨가물) / preservative (예방제,방부제) / lubricant (윤활유) / abrasive (연마재)
모두 형용사이면서 그 특성을 갖는 명사로도 쓰이는 단어들이다. 꼭 암기하도록 하자.
19. Although India's current economic boom has been criticized for unevenly benefiting the rich, new wealth is __________ in many parts of the country to newly empowered members of the working class.
(1) coinciding (2) percolating down (3) deteriorating (4) caught up
<정답> (2) percolate [F3434: 스며들다 어휘군] / 워드스폰지 X / 거로보카 X / md 33000 (O)
percolate(삼투하다, 퍼지다,스며들다)는 고난도의 어휘이다. 문장자체도 clue가 별로 없고
어휘도 어려워 어려웠던 문제로 분류가 가능하다. in many parts로 (동시에 일어나는/침투하는/
더럽히는/ 잡는)
20. Unpaid tax bills __________ the company's financial problems of overspending and declining sales.
(1) compounded (2) guaranteed (3) defamed (4) stabilized
<정답> (1) compounded [표제어 0954]
밀린 세금은 그 회사의 과지출과 매출하락의 재정적 문제를 (더욱 심하게 했다/보장되었다/명예를 손상했다/안정화시켰다.).
21. The explosive popularity of the Korean drama Jewel in the Palace, which clocked up record TV ratings in China, has sparked a(n) __________ across Asia for all things Korean.
(1) integrity (2) craze (3) disorientation (4) impiety
<정답> (2) craze (미치게 하다; 대유행 -> crazy:미친)
22. As researchers probe the genetic roots of cancer, they are gaining an __________ understanding of how the disease develops. And this new insight into the biology of cancer promises to lead to better diagnosis and many more treatment options.
(1) unobtrusive (2) unpalatable (3) unprecedented (4) unprepossessing
<정답> (3) unprecedented [D3533, F3733]
암의 유전적인 기원을 조사한 연구자로서 그들은 병이 어떻게 발전하는지에 대한 미증유의 지식을 얻어갔다.
23. The impending crisis in Africa has triggered the __________ of interest in some of these issues regarding Black people.
(1) rehabilitation (2) resurgence (3) remonstration (4) requirement
<정답> (2) resurgence [F1643]
trigger가 키포인트이다. trigger은 ~을 일으키다, 촉발시키다 뜻이다.
24. The contrast between her classroom and the slums did convince Mother Teresa that she should devote her life to caring for the __________.
(1) destitute (2) privileged (3) established (4) obstinate
<정답> (1) destitute [표제어 1455]
the destitute는 빈곤한 사람들의 의미이다. 앞에서 나온 slum이 그 단서이다.
[35~36] There was a time when local merchants greeted you when you entered a shop. There was no need to ___(A)___ your order--they already knew what you wanted based on months or years of previous purchases. Instead, shoptalk focused on families, politics or Friday night's football game. Shopping was a social event, something you enjoyed. In most communities, this sort of customer intimacy is a distant memory. Shopping malls, superstores, warehouse discounters and population growth are typically blamed for its ___(B)___. Some even accuse the Internet of contributing to the death of personalized, small-town commerce--replacing bricks and mortar with clicks and orders.
35. What is the most suitable word for the blank (A)?
(1) cancel (2) obey (3) restore (4) place
<정답> (4) place
36. What is the most suitable word, which means the same as the underlined word death, for the blank (B)?
(1) ordeal (2) demise (3) onslaught (4) restoration
<정답> (2) demise [표제어 1421, F1642]
친절하게도 death와 같은 단어를 찾으라고 했으니 정답이 될 수 있는 것은 demise 뿐이다.
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [39-40]
The Central importance to J. S. Mill's idea of a liberal education of drawing truth from rival systems of opinions reflects the spirit of the larger liberalism to which his voluminous writings are devoted. For example, in Principles of Political Economy, he seeks to give both the free market and government intervention their due. In On Liberty, he shows how the formation and flourishing of free individuals depend on the discipline of virtue, education, the family, and civil society.
For Mill, the virtues cultivated by a liberal education sustained a higher form of toleration. Of course the political toleration involved in suffering the expression of an opinion one knows to be false or foolish is indispensable to liberty of thought and discussion in a free society. But respecting a person's right to be wrong is not the only form of toleration. Respecting a person's right to be right about truths one is inclined to find awkward or disconcerting is __________ to the flourishing of thought and discussion in a free society.
40. The most suitable word for the blank is __________.
(1) imperative (2) impudent (3) impulsive (4) immaculate
<정답> (1) imperative [표제어 2713]
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