♧ prescribe : v. 약을 처방하다 - prescription : 처방
♧ arthritis : n. 관절염
♧ ongoing : a. 진행중인
♧ clinical trial : n. 임상실험
♧ dose : n. 약의 1회 복용량
♧ stroke : n. 뇌졸중
♧ placebo : n. 플라시보, (유효 성분이 없는) 위약
♧ observational : a. 관찰상의, 관측상의, 감시의
♧ cardiovascular : a. 심장혈관의
♧ magnitude : n. 중대함, 중요성, 크기
♧ hazard : n. 위험, 모험
♧ puzzle : v. 당황하게 하다, 어쩔 줄 모르게 하다
♧ withdraw : v. 철수시키다, 철회시키다
♧ relevance : n. 관련성, 타당성
♧ trigger : v. 촉발시키다, 일으키다
Another hugely popular prescription drug for pain has been found to cause serious problems. This time, it is the heavily advertised, most commonly prescribed painkiller for arthritis pain, Celebrex from Pfizer. There were 20 million prescriptions for Celebrex this year.
Pfizer executives say they only heard of the problem last night, after researchers phoned with new data from an ongoing clinical trial. The results show that people taking a commonly prescribed dose of Celebrex, 200 milligrams twice a day, were two and a half times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke than people given a placebo.
"I was quite surprised because we had a lot of observational data not suggesting a cardiovascular problem with Celebrex. The magnitude of the hazard was very similar to that seen with Vioxx, and the numbers we have were quite comparable to that. So, we were... we were quite concerned."
Concerned enough that the government ordered researchers to stop giving Celebrex to patients in the study. What puzzles the company is that a similar study of the drug has shown no increased risk.
"We have no plans to withdraw Celebrex. What we have is a very surprising result from one of two studies. The relevance of which we don't yet fully understand."
After Vioxx was pulled from the market in September, Pfizer insisted its two remaining pain medications, Celebrex and Bextra, were safe. Pfizer took out full-page ads saying Celebrex had "strong cardiovascular safety."
Since then, both Bextra and now Celebrex have been shown to trigger heart problems. The Food and Drug Administration has ordered new tougher warning labels for Bextra and tonight, it's still deciding on what to do about Celebrex.