지난 2월 9일 아제르바이잔의 일함 알리예프 대통령이 아제르바이잔 공군의 무인항공기 아카데미를 방문한 자리에서 아제르바이잔군이 도입한 Akinci 무인항공기가 공개됐습니다.
Update: Azerbaijan unveils first Akinci UAV
13 FEBRUARY 2024
by Jeremy Binnie
The Baykar Bayraktar Akıncı UAV that was unveiled on 9 February. (President of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
Azerbaijan unveiled its Bayraktar Akıncı unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on 9 February when President Ilham Aliyev visited what was described as the Azerbaijani Air Forces' (HHQ's) UAV academy.
The Ministry of Defence reported that Aliyev was briefed on the facilities that have been created at the academy for training personnel and viewed an Akıncı taking off and landing.
Photographs released by the president's office showed an Akıncı with Azerbaijani markings and the manufacturer serial S46, indicating it was produced after the ones displayed by Ethiopia in January, which had the serial S40, and in Kyrgyzstan in October 2023, which was S38. The Pakistan Air Force has also confirmed it has received Akıncıs.
Aliyev also inspected a range of air-launched weapons that included a Roketsan SOM cruise missile, a MAM-T laser-guided bomb, and a general-purpose bomb fitted with a glide kit. Azerbaijani TV coverage of the visit showed at least 10 other weapons were displayed, most of which could not be seen clearly but included Roketsan's Çakır cruise missile.
첫댓글 Akinci는 1년에 36대, TB2는 230대 만들었다고 하네요.
Bayraktar said that, looking at the current year, the firm planned to double domestic production of the Akinci, which stood at 36 units in 2023, while TB2 output would stay unchanged at 230 units.
아르메니아는 아제르가 전면침공을 준비하고 있다고 주장하던데 이런 군비증가도 주장의 근거이겠습니다. 솔직히 절대우위인 아제르가 무리해서 전면침공할 것 같지는않습니다만..