[캐나다유학후 이민 / 캐나다대학] 험버대학 (험버컬리지) 캐나다토론토의 명문대학 놀스캠퍼스(North)에 있는 기숙사 정보입니다
205 Humber College Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 5L7
North has 155 Suites which can accommodate 304 residents. Suites are air-conditioned, fully furnished and contain two-bedrooms which share a kitchenette and washroom. (There are a limited number of three-bedroom suites).
험버컬리지 기숙사 싱굴룸에 있는 시설들입니다
Dining Plan
Twin size bed, desk with chair, bookshelves, closet and drawers OR wardrobe, medicine cabinet, bar sized fridge, curtains
Air conditioning and heating unit
Complimentary Internet access (please refer to our Acceptable Use Policy for further information)
Complimentary phone with local phone service and voice mail (long distance plan available)
Cable access
Designated floors (Co-ed, All Male and All Female)