- 페니로얄, Pennyroyal
. 학명; Hedeoma pulegioides / Mentha pulegium
. 개요; 미국/유럽원산의 일년생 식물
. 효능; 구충제, 발한제, 월경촉진제, 진정제
. 사용법; 우리거나 팅크로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Hedeoma pulegioides / Mentha pulegium
- 약용부위
. The herb.
. 허브
2 통명
- 영어; American pennyroyal, mock pennyroyal, mosquito plant, squaw balm, squawmint, tickweed / European pennyroyal, true pennyroyal
- 한글; 페니로얄
3 개요
- 미국/유럽원산의 일년생 식물
. 건조한 들판에서 자생
- 줄기; 직립의 사각형으로 30센티내외로 성장
. 잎; 난형으로 마주보기 형성
- 꽃; 8월경에 라벤더나 자주색으로 개화
. 허브전체에서 쾌적한 향
The Americal species of pennyroyal is an annual plant found in dry fields and open woods along the Atlantic coast and west to Minnesota and Nebraska. The erect, square, branching stem grows from 6 to 18 inches high and bears small, opposite, thin, ovate leaves which are sparingly toothed. Axillalary clusters of small, tubular, lavender or purplish flowers appear from June to October. The whole plant has a pleasant, aromatic odor.
4 효능
- 구충제, 발한제, 월경촉진제, 진정제
- 초기감기; 발한제로 사용
. 월경촉진; 19세기에 주로 활용
. 낙태유도; 맥주효모와 같이 복용
- 메스꺼움과 신경질환 개선
. 임신중에는 금지
- 차
. 미국원주민; 두통, 생리통 등 음용
. 피부발진, 가려움증에 세척용
Carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, sedative. Pennyroyal was commonly used in ninetheenth century medicine to induce perspiration at the beginning of a cold and to promote mentruation. It was taken also with brewer's yeast to induce abortion. It is helpful against nausea and nervous conditions but should not be taken during pregnancy. American Indians used pennyroyal tea for headache and for menstrual cramps and pain. The tea also makes a good external wash for skin eruptions, rashes, and itching.
5 사용법
- 우리기
. 물1컵에 1스푼
. 하루 1-2잔 음용
- 팅크
. 필요에 따라 20-60방울
. 아동은 소량으로 자주
Infusion; Use 1 tsp. herb with 1 cup water. Take 1 to 2 cups a day.
Tincture; Take 20 to 60 drops at a time, as needed. For children, give small, frequent doses.