출처: 보스톤(살사댄스,라틴댄스,바차타) 원문보기 글쓴이: 푸른하늘
2스핀에 관한 글 찾아보다 도움이 될듯해서 스크랩합니다. 소스는 여기고요
저도 대충 봤는데 나중에 한번 부분 번역을 올려볼께요. 선생님들이 강조한 점들이 많이 나와있네요
Spins… Edie, How Do You Spin so Long, and So Fast?
By Edie, The Salsa FREAK
에디란 살사라분이 아마 스핀 도는데 귀신인가 봅니다^^ 투스핀뿐만 아니라 일반적인 턴돌때 중요한 점들입니다.
For the past couple of years now, people have always come up to me and asked, “Geez Edie, how do you spin like that?” Well, I’m here to tell you, I didn’t always spin like that. It took training, time, education, falls, twisted ankles, mental determination, and LOTS of practice.
공짜로 되는게 아니라 시간과 많은 노력이 필요하다고 하네요... 다 아는 말씀...
Like I tell all my ladies in my Ladies Styling classes, when I spin, I think about the following things:
1) Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude
긍정적 사고를 가져라... 마음의 준비를 하라?
2) Whipping my shoulders around as fast as possible.
어깨를 되도록 빠르게 돌려라
3) Bending my knees.
무릎을 구부려라
4) Staying on both balls of my feet.
두발바닥으로 서있으라
5) Maintaining a straight back (good posture)
어꺠를 펴라
6) Dragging my feet
발을 끌어라
7) Free arm in front of my stomach, palm facing down.
복부 앞에 팔을 자연스럽게 놓을것, 손바닥은 아래로
8) Keeping the arm the guy is holding firm like a rock and in an L-shape in front of my face.
살사로가 홀딩하고 있는 팔을 L 자 모양으로 얼굴앞에 고정할것
9) Holding my own weight and not depending on the guy to hold me up.
자신의 힘으로 몸을 지탱할것, 살사로한테 기대지 말고
Let’s talk about all this.
1) Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude
First and foremost, you’re never going to be able to spin, and spin well, if you think you can’t, or if you think it’s too hard. I’ve trained countless women who honestly thought they could never do spins by using these simple techniques. From the skinniest, to the most overweight, both men and women of any size can spin. It’s just a matter of proper training, and the right attitude. You must convince yourself in your mind FIRST that it actually is possible to spin, and spin very well. Remember, the object is to get yourself around, and complete the move. Keep the goal in mind, (which to some, is to actually be standing afterward!), and you’ll be able to do it. The gray-matter between your ears will get you around. Read on, and I will teach you the tricks and tips on how to spin fast, and very controlled...
안된다고 생각하면 절대 못하죠... 뭘하든^^ 몸무게 남녀에 관계없이 모두 할 수 있답니다.
2) Whipping your shoulders around as fast as possible.
It’s not your feet that spins you, it’s not your head, it’s not your arms, and it’s not your legs. It’s your SHOULDERS that gain the momentum. I learned this from my very good friend and instructor, Mr. Joe Casinni. When you turn your shoulders, the rest of your body follows, and stays more balanced during the spin.
발이나 머리나 팔이나 다리가 스핀을 잘돌게 해주는게 아니랍니다. "어깨"가 스핀을 위한 모멘텀을 준다는군요. 어깨를 돌리면 나머지 부분들은 자연스럽게 따라오고 밸랜스를 유지해준다나요.
3) Bending your knees.
People, if you spin with straight legs, you’re going to tilt, tumble, then crash like a great tree in a forest. When spinning on your own, or if a guy is spinning you, it is important to have a springy “bend-in-the knees, shock-absorbing”, type of posture like you’re about ready to squat in the bathroom (sorry to be so graphic, but I’m now sure you can picture EXACTLY what I’m trying to convey). This will lower your body weight to the floor, so you can be more “grounded” and stable during the spin. This must be done with correct posture, and a very straight back. Do not bend over! Maintaining this type of “pose”, per se, is essential for balance and sold controlled spins.
다리를 쭉펴고 돌면 기울어져 넘어질수 밖에 없다는군요. "무릎을 구부려서 충격을 흡수할수 있는" 자세가 필요하다는군요. ㅋㅋㅋ 화장실에서 쉬할때 자세를 생각하면 된답니다 (참고로 이글은 살사라들을 위한 글입니다^^). 무게 중심을 낮추는게 중요하기 때문이라는군요.
4) Staying on both balls of your feet.
Simple. If you’re doing multiple spins, you want your legs and feet TOGETHER. Do not cross your legs, or try to step over your feet – especially during a fast multiple spin. Crossing your feet will only tangle up your legs, and you’ll end up looking like a cow being roped in a rodeo. We all know where they end up! ON THE GROUND!
회전중에는 두 다리가 꼬이거나 하면 안된다는군요. 투턴에서 시작은 다리를 꼬아서 시작하지만 그 이후는 평행하게 있어야하는듯. 두 다리가 다 땅에 닫는다는걸 보면 투턴 이상을 생각하는것 같군요.
5) Maintaining a straight back (good posture)
Having great posture not only looks good, but also is very essential in keeping balance and control during multiple spins. I wrote an entire article about posture several years ago. It’s still solid information, and has proven itself over and over again to be the fascinating, plain and simple truth. I still hand it out during my Ladies Styling Classes, so Read it!
어깨를 펴는것은 보기에도 좋지만 여러번 스핀 돌때 균형을 잡는데 필수다. 음 이분이 자세에 대한 다른 글도 썼나보네요. 읽어보면 도움이 될듯하네요.
6) Dragging your feet
The more you drag your feet, the more balance you’ll feel. If you’re closer to the ground, you won’t fall over. I train my ladies to drag their feet, even during basic, and cross-body leads. I teach them to feel the balls of their feet dragging. Try it.
I learned this technique while at the Mayan in Los Angeles one night. The floor was so crowded with people, it was almost impossible to dance without crashing into someone. I kept stepping on dancers around me. I kept saying, “I’m sorry…., Oops! I’m sorry, oh geez, I’m really sorry…” over and over, to everyone around me, because I kept stepping on them! I finally got so frustrated, that I decided to not pick up my feet AT ALL the rest of the evening. I didn’t want everyone to hate me, so I just “stayed low”, and drug my feet the rest of the night.
발을 끌라... 땅에 가까울수록 넘어지지 않는다. 음 이분은 베이식이나 CBL 에서도 살사라분들한테 발을 끌라고 가르친다네요. 무게 중심을 낮추라는 일관된 주장.
Amazingly, the minute I started dragging the balls of my feet, my balance improved, and I could dance better! My partner complimented how I didn’t feel so heavy anymore, and said he felt like I was “holding my own weight” instead of hanging on him! I was in shock. I had actually found the secret to maintaining balance and excellent control on the dance floor.
I’ve been dragging my feet ever since, and my dancing has improved TREMENDOUSLY!
발을 끄는게 엄청 도움된다고 소리치네요... 해봐야겠다...
7) Free arm in front of your stomach, palm facing down.
I learned this technique from my friend, and instructor, Josie Neglia. If you maintain your arm position in front of you, by your stomach, with your palm facing down, it will be as though your arm is on a table, maintaining more balance. DO NOT put your hand behind your back, or on your hip during multiple spins. This looks AWFUL!!!
두 팔을 복부 앞에 손바닥은 밑쪽으로 놓고 돌면 테이블위에 팔을 올려 놓는듯 균형을 잡을수 있다. 팔을 뒷짐지거나 힙에 올려놓으면 보기 안좋다네요.
8) Keeping the arm the guy is holding firm like a rock and in an L-shape in front of your face.
I learned this in New York a few years ago. Ladies, during multiple spins, and even during single, or double spins, if you keep your arm in front of your nose, and strong and sturdy like a rock, you’ll not only spin faster, but will not risk screwing up your shoulder or collar bone from poorly-executed spins from men (sorry guys, but some of you need to get some training not only on how to properly spin a woman, but how to stop her after her spins. Look up your local instructors in our Cityguides section, or order my Cool Moves© video series to get some ideas of how to spin, and stop a woman properly.)한턴이든 여러턴이든 살사라는 팔을 코앞에 L 자형으로 고정시키면 빨리 스핀을 돌수 있을뿐만 아니라 살사로가 잘못 돌리더라도 어깨나 다른부분이 꼬이는것을 방지할수 있다는군요 (잠깐: 살사로는 살사라를 턴시키는 방법뿐만 아니라 멈추는 방법까지 연습해야한다)
9) Don’t depend on the guy to hold you up.
If he accidentally lets go of me during a multiple spin (due to sweaty palms, improper hold, or finger cramping), I’ll keep spinning as if he was there, and simply wait for him to pick me up again with his other hand if he wants. (I won’t stop spinning on purpose, just to stun him….. Geez, I’m such a ham!!)Ladies, NEVER pull down on the guy’s hand or thumb to hold you up during a single or multiple spin. If you do this, he’ll never want to try it again! Don’t hang on to his hand for dear life. If he spins you, do everything I told you above – that includes holding your own weight. You can never, ever depend on a man to keep you in balance, control you, or hold you up out there. You must be able to do it on your own. This will put less pressure on the both of you.
살사라는 살사로의 손가락에 "절대" 매달리지 말것. 위에 열거한 사항을 의식하며 혼자 힘으로 돌수 있어야함... 살사로 손가락에 매달리는 살사라는 살사로에 부담을 주며 (그나마 몸무게 적게 나가는 살사란 괜찮을듯?) 다시 춤신청 받기 어렵다... 고 하네요^^
Overall, remember that both of you are supposed to be having FUN dancing together. If you put stress on your partner in any way, dancing with you will not be an enjoyable experience. I’ve seen men pass up absolutely gorgeous women for the more homely-type, simply because they’re better, more stable dancers.
“Yea, she’s a knock-out, but can’t turn if you paid her. I’m sorry, but I’d rather dance with someone who CAN DANCE.”...men tell me. What does this mean? There’s actually HOPE for those of us with the not-so-knock-out figures and looks! I’ve seen it happen over and over again. Homely-looking women who try harder than anyone else to keep balanced and dance well. They work hard at their craft, and eventually end up dancing all night long! Meantime, their more beautiful sisters wait out along the sidelines, and end up dancing with the more amateur beer-drinking types. It’s a pitty they don’t read Salsaweb.
이런 얘긴 많이 들었죠? 이쁜 살사라보단 춤잘추는 살사라가 더 인기있을수밖에 없다...
Face it, if you can’t dance well,
you won’t get asked to dance much.
That’s a fact.
Listen, YOU CAN BE OBESE, but if you know how to dance, you'll be out on the dance floor ALL NIGHT LONG.
I've seen it happen, first-hand.
Ladies, it is your responsibility, no matter what level he is, to make your partner feel very comfortable spinning and dancing with you. It is your responsibility to make the both of you look fabulous out there.
뚱뚱한 것도 상관없다... 춤출줄만 알면 살사로들이 서로 달려들것이다...