The Way Of Unification In God’s Providence
Chapter 4. Fundamental Theory Of Unification
Section 6. Other-Centered Philosophy And Unification
2. The Reason God Created The Principle Of Living For Others
Why did God make this principle of living for others? I'll explain through several illustrations.
First of all, let me ask you a question. If someone truly loves you and sacrifices for you 100 percent, then how much would you want to return that love? 100 percent or 50 percent, keeping 50 percent in your pocket? Or would you want to give everything you have? Which one is in accordance with your original conscience? The answer is, you would want to return more than you receive.
Here is Mr. Pak translating for me. If I give him 100 percent with true love, and he knows this, then he will return more than 100 percent. So 100 percent is returned as 110 percent.
After you receive 110 percent, you would give again 120 percent. In this way the concept of eternity comes about. This is the beginning of eternity.
That's why God set up this principle. In this way development and prosperity are possible.
Second, if there are five people in your family and one of them lives for the family, eventually he will become the center of the family.
In other words, a voluntary realm of dominion would be formed. People today don't understand how happy it would be to be dominated by a subject who lives absolutely for the object.
You may never have imagined how glorious it would be to be under the direct dominion of God in the spiritual world. This is the true subject-object relationship.
What is the third point? We know that love and ideals are even more precious than life itself. We tend to think these come from ourselves, but this is a big misunderstanding. Where do love and ideals come from? They come from your object.
Because they come from your object, the principle of living for others is necessary. God, the King of Wisdom, knows all of this, so He made this principle. Now I think you understand.
The concept of eternity is impossible to grasp when you stand in the position of living for yourself. When you consider motion, the bigger the turning force, the faster the turning speed. Now we know that God, the King of Wisdom, made this principle of living for others for the sake of eternity. The concept of eternity and of eternal development and prosperity begin right here.
From the present position we develop and move forward. We feel happy only when we have a sense of impetus from our present position. That's why God established the principle of living for others.
For example, if in a family of ten people it is the last brother who lives for and serves the family, even though he is the youngest, the parents and the whole family will gather around him. As time goes by, the one who lives for others automatically will become the central figure of the family.
God created the cosmos, and He Himself exists for others. The person who resembles God, no matter how small he is, even if he's the last brother, will become the center of the family if he lives for others. We haven't realized this until now.
When you live for others, you don't diminish yourself. The more you serve, the more you will be placed in the position of a central figure. God is exactly like that.
God will place the person who resembles Him in the position to be a central figure. Only from this position can perfect, ideal unity be realized.
Today the majority of people would rather die than be dominated by others. Especially learned and distinguished people have this attitude. But I want to tell you how happy it is to be dominated by someone who lives for others.
In the spiritual world God is the great Master of the Cosmos. There you will find great happiness in being dominated by Him, because He is the central figure of all those who live for others.
Even if you are controlled and dominated by God for tens of thousands of years, you will be happy and grateful.
The world of ideal unity could be established right there. So naturally God set up the principle of living for others.
Love does not originate from myself. Without an object, we can never find the love and ideals that are more precious than life.
We haven't realized this point until now. Only through a reciprocal partner can you receive precious love and realize your ideal.
That's why God had to set up the principle of living for others. We must remember this one thing. (75-322)