Explorer The leader of your New World colony. Explores, fights, builds Town Centers and Trading Posts. Cannot die. If he falls unconscious, he can be rescued.
Town Center Most important building in a colony. Home City arrival point. Supports 10 population.
- First available:
- Cost: 600 Wood
- Hitpoints:6500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Bonuses:
x0.5 vs AbstractSiegeTrooper x1.5 vs AbstractCavalry
- Trains: xpColonialMilitia, HotAirBalloon, Envoy, Settler, Coureur, SettlerNative, PetCougar
- Techs: Sioux Dog Soldiers, Washington, Hidalgo, Legendary Native Warriors, Blockade, San Martin, Santander, OHiggins, Aztec Scouting Party, Aztec Raiding Party, Aztec War Party, Iroquois Raiding Party, Iroquois War Party, Immigrants, Louverture, Bonifacio, Bolivar, Spies, The Chief, The Warrior, The Wise Woman, The Messenger, The Shaman, Iroquois Scouting Party, The Admiral of the Ocean Sea, The Viceroy, The King's Musketeer, The Cavalry Marshal, The Adventurer, The War Minister, The Philosopher Prince, The Marksman, The Scout, The Sergeant at Arms, The Engineer, The General, The Exiled Prince, The Tycoon, The Naturalist, The Mohawk Statesman, The Gentleman Pirate, The Bishop, The Grand Vizier, The Governor, El Presidente, The Quartermaster
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
AntiShipAttack |
100 |
40 |
3 |
RangedAttack |
9 |
32 |
3 | |
Sheep Herd animal. Fattens over time. Fattens faster if tasked on a Livestock Pen or Farm.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Food
- Hitpoints:20
- Speed:4
House (Eastern) Supports 10 population.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood
- Hitpoints:1200
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
Mill Slow, infinite source of Food. Limited to 10 gatherers.
- First available:
- Cost: 400 Wood
- Hitpoints:2500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Seed Drill, Artificial Fertilizer
Settler Villager that constructs buildings and gathers resources.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Food
- Hitpoints:150
- Speed:4
- Resists:
20% vs Hand
- Bonuses:
x4 vs Huntable
- Trains: Manor, Capitol, HouseEast, HouseMed, House, Saloon, FirePit, Teepee, Longhouse, HouseAztec, WallStraight2, WallStraight5, Market, Farm, Mill, LivestockPen, Dock, Outpost, Blockhouse, TradingPost, WallConnector, Bank, Church, WarHut, Barracks, Stable, Corral, NoblesHut, ArtilleryDepot, Arsenal, Plantation, NativeEmbassy
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BlunderbussAttack |
3 |
12 |
3 |
BuildingAttack |
5 |
0 |
3 |
ChopAttack |
8 |
0 |
0 |
HandAttack |
10 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Uhlan German light cavalry that sacrifices hitpoints for attack.
- First available:
- Cost: 50 Food 100 Gold
- Hitpoints:190
- Speed:6.5
- Resists:
10% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x0.8 vs AbstractVillager
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
20 |
0 |
3 |
DefendHandAttack |
37 |
0 |
1.5 |
GuardianAttack |
37 |
0 |
1.5 |
MeleeHandAttack |
37 |
0 |
1.5 |
TrampleHandAttack |
25 |
0 |
2 | |
Capitol Powerful improvements for your civilization.
- First available:
- Cost: 400 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Blockade, Spies, Artillery Regiments, Knighthood, Immigrants, Large Scale Agriculture, Peerage, Legendary Native Warriors, Deforestation, Excessive Taxation
Artillery Foundry Trains and upgrades artillery.
- First available:
- Cost: 300 Wood
- Hitpoints:2500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: AbusGun, Grenadier, Falconet, SPCHoopThrowers, OrganGun, Culverin, Mortar, Rocket, GreatBombard, Cannon, xpRam, xpMantlet, xpLightCannon, xpHorseArtillery, xpPetard, xpGatlingGun
- Techs: Champion Rams, tlets, Guard Abus Guns, Legendary Rams, Imperial Abus Guns, Veteran Abus Guns, Field Cannon, Legendary Mantlets, Legendary Field Cannon, Siege Drill, Imperial Grenadiers, Imperial Baratcu, Culverins Royale, Baratcu Corps, Field Guns, Howitzers, Guard Grenadiers, Imperial Rabaulds, Rabaulds, Imperial Field Guns, Imperial Culverins Royale, Imperial Howitzers, Imperial Pavlovs, Pavlov Grenadiers, Veteran Grenadiers, Imperial Horse Artillery, Heavy Horse Guns
Stable Trains and upgrades hand and ranged cavalry.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood
- Hitpoints:2500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: Cuirassier, Uhlan, Oprichnik, CavalryArcher, Hussar, WarWagon, Ruyter, Dragoon, Lancer, Cossack
- Techs: Czapka Uhlans, Guard Oprichniks, Jinetes, Gardeners, Tartar Loyalists, Life Guard Hussars, Carabineers, Garrochistas, Guard Ruyters, Veteran Cossacks, Imperial Life Guards, Imperial Hussars, Imperial Gardeners, al Tartar Loyalists, Imperial Dragoons, Imperial Czapka, Imperial Cossacks, Imperial War Wagons, Imperial Oprichniks, Imperial Cavalry Archers, Veteran Hussars, Guard Cavalry Archers, Guard War Wagons, Guard Uhlans, Veteran Uhlans, Guard Hussars, Gendarmes, Guard Dragoons, Guard Cossacks, Imperial Gendarmes, Imperial Carabineers, Imperial Jinetes, Imperial Garrochistas
Barracks Trains and upgrades hand and ranged infantry.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood
- Hitpoints:2500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: Crossbowman, Longbowman, Musketeer, Janissary, Cacadore, Skirmisher, Pikeman, Halberdier, Rodelero, Dopplesoldner, Boneguard, BoneguardAge2
- Techs: Imperial Redcoats, Guard Janissaries, Redcoats, Veteran Janissaries, Voltigeurs, Veteran Crossbowmen, Veteran Musketeers, Veteran Pikemen, Guard Musketeers, Veteran Longbowmen, Guard Skirmishers, Guard Halberdiers, Guerreiros, Guard Rodeleros, Guard Longbowmen, Tercio, Guard Doppelsoldners, Veteran Doppelsoldners, Guard Cassadores, Veteran Rodeleros, Nassau's Linear Tactics, Prussian Needle Gun, Imperial Voltigeurs, Imperial Guerreiros, Imperial Halberdiers, Imperial Musketeers, Imperial Janissaries, Imperial Nassauers, Imperial Cassadores, Imperial Longbowmen, Imperial Doppelsoldners, Imperial Skirmishers, Espadachins, Imperial Espada, Imperial Tercio, Imperial Needle Guns
Plantation Slow, infinite source of Coin. Limited to 10 gatherers.
- First available:
- Cost: 800 Wood
- Hitpoints:3500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Bookkeeping, Refineries, Homesteading, Earth Ceremony, Earth Gift Ceremony, Gun Trade, Tezcatlipoca Worship, Maple Festival, Excessive Tribute
Trading Post Build near Native American settlements or Trade Routes. Provides Experience Points and other benefits.
- First available:
- Cost: 250 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Bonuses:
x0.3 vs AbstractVillager
- Trains: CoureurCree, NatKlamathRifleman, NatMapucheClubman, NatNavajoRifleman, NatApacheCavalry, NatAxeRiderDogSoldier, NatSharktoothBowman, NatAxeRider, NatMantlet, NatHuaminca, NatBolasWarrior, NatJaguarWarrior, NatClubman, NatTracker, NatTomahawk, NatRifleman, NatBlowgunWarrior, NatHorseArcher, NatHolcanSpearman, NatBlackwoodArcher, NatEagleWarrior, NatMedicineMan, NatHuronMantlet, NatLightningWarrior, NatCheyenneRider
- Techs: Comanche Horse Breeding, Champion Comanche, Comanche Mustangs, Aztec Chinampa, Carib Kasiri Beer, Cree Textile Craftsmanship, Iroquois Lacrosse, Champion Seminoles, Zapotec Garland Wars, Carib Ceremonial Feast, Sequoyah's Cherokee Syllabary, Comanche Trade Language, Tupi Forest Burning, Aztec Chocolate Recipes, Champion Nootka, Champion Aztecs, Seminole Guerilla Wars, Iroquois League, Iroquois Morning Wars, Champion Iroquois, Champion Caribs, Champion Maya, Carib Garifuna Drums, Cherokee War Dance, Maya Cotton Armor, Tupi Poison Arrow Frogs, Champion Cherokee, Champion Cree, Seminole Bowyer, Cree Kinship, Incan Road, Cree Tanning, Nootka Bark Clothing, Champion Inca, Champion Lakota, Champion Tupi, Cherokee Basket Weaving, Incan Metalworking, Lakota Hunting Grounds, Tupi Animal Lore, Nootka Potlatch, Incan Chasquis Messengers, Maya Calendar, Lakota Horse Trading, Cherokee Warrior Societies, Stagecoach, Lakota Dog Soldiers, Cree Warrior Societies, Incan Warrior Societies, Iroquois Warrior Societies, Maya Warrior Societies, Nootka Warrior Societies, Iron Horse, Aztec Warrior Societies, Carib Warrior Societies, Comanche Warrior Societies, Lakota Warrior Societies, Seminole Warrior Societies, Tupi Warrior Societies, Aztec Initiation, Carib Ambush Party, Loyal Nootka War Chief, Huron Warrior Societies, Zapotec Warrior Societies, Champion Zapotec, Apache Warrior Societies, Navajo Warrior Societies, Champion Klamath, Champion Cheyenne, Champion Navajo, Champion Huron, Champion Apache, Klamath Warrior Societies, Cheyenne Warrior Societies, Cheyenne Hunting Grounds, Huron Fish Wedding, Champion Mapuche, Klamath Strategy, Klamath Huckleberry Feast, Klamath Work Ethos, Navajo Weaving, Zapotec Food of the Gods, Huron Sun Ceremony, Huron Trade Dominance, Apache Cactus Use, Apache Raiders, Zapotec Cult of the Dead, Zapotec Cloud People, Mapuche Ad, Mapuche Tactics, apuche Warrior Societies, Cheyenne Horse Trading, Navajo Shepherds, Cheyenne Fury, Apache Endurance, Navajo Craftsmanship, Mapuche Treaty of Quillin
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
RangedAttack |
25 |
8 |
3 | |
Mortar Artillery that fires an exploding shell at buildings or ships.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood 350 Gold
- Hitpoints:300
- Speed:3
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x0.5 vs Ship
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CannonAttack |
500 |
40 |
6 | |
Outpost Tower that can be used to defend the frontier.
- First available:
- Cost: 250 Wood
- Hitpoints:2000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Bonuses:
x0.5 vs AbstractSiegeTrooper x0.3 vs AbstractVillager
- Techs: Fortified Outpost, Frontier Outpost
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
AntiShipAttack |
100 |
40 |
3 |
CannonAttack |
60 |
24 |
3 |
RangedAttack |
30 |
24 |
3 | |
Dock Builds and upgrades Fishing Boats and war ships. Repairs nearby ships.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood
- Hitpoints:2500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: FishingBoat, Caravel, Galley, Galleon, Frigate, Monitor, SPCFireship, Fluyt, Canoe, xpWarCanoe, xpTlalocCanoe
- Techs: Imperial Men, Imperial Monitors, Gill Nets, Long Lines, Carronade, Percussion Lock, Armor Plating, Ship's Howitzers, Rawhide Covers, Flaming Arrows, Cipactli Worship
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
AntiShipAttack |
15 |
32 |
3 | |
Market Provides early economic improvements and exchanges one resource for another.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood
- Hitpoints:2000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Steel Traps, Circular Saw, Great Coat, Hunting Dogs, Gang Saw, Log Flume, Amalgamation, Placer Mines, Blunderbuss, Spirit Medicine , Forest Spirit Ceremony, Forest People Ceremony, Lumber Ceremony, New Year Festival, Deforestation
Arsenal Provides military improvements.
- First available:
- Cost: 250 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Incendiary Grenades, Infantry Breastplate, Heated Shot, Trunion, Flint Lock, Socket Bayonet, Gunner's Quadrant, Cavalry Cuirass, Counter Infantry Rifling, Paper Cartridge, Military Drummers, Pillage, Professional Gunners, Ranged Cavalry Caracole
Gate A gate in the wall. Prevents enemies from entering a colony.
- First available:
- Cost: 50 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
Livestock Pen Livestock fatten faster when tasked on a Pen. Trains Sheep.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood
- Hitpoints:1200
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: Sheep
- Techs: Selective Breeding
Church Trains healers and provides colony improvements and unique improvements.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: xpSpy, Surgeon, Imam, Missionary, Priest
- Techs: Galata Tower District, Indian Friendship, Grand Encampment, American Patriots, Mass Cavalry, High Crusade, Corselet, Tax Burden, ustomized Merc Weapons, Abbasid Market, Order of the Tower and the Sword, Topkapi, The Black Watch, Roger's Rangers, Wild Geese, Mercantilism, Tanzimat, Kalmucks, Westernization, Garde Imperial 1, Tufanci Corps, Bashkir Ponies, Thin Red Line, Petrine Reforms, Code Napoleon, Garde Imperial 2, Garde Imperial 3, Bastion, Town Watch, Tilly's Discipline, Waardgelders, Besteiros, Encomienda Manor, Stadhouders, Standing Army, Millet System, Wallenstein's Contracts, Coffee Trade, Koprulu Viziers, Zweihander, Topcu Corps, Gas Lighting, Quatrefage, Mission Fervor
Wall Medium A wall. Prevents enemies from entering a colony.
- First available:
- Cost: 5 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Bastion
Wall Large A wall. Prevents enemies from entering a colony.
- First available:
- Cost: 5 Wood
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Bastion
Wall Connector A wall. Prevents enemies from entering a colony.
- First available:
- Cost: 5 Wood 0 Gold
- Hitpoints:3000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Bastion
Skirmisher Skirmisher with low hitpoints, but a long-ranged attack. Good against infantry.
- First available:
- Cost: 50 Food 65 Gold
- Hitpoints:120
- Speed:4
- Resists:
30% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x2 vs AbstractHeavyInfantry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
12 |
0 |
3 |
DefendHandAttack |
6 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendRangedAttack |
15 |
20 |
3 |
MeleeHandAttack |
6 |
0 |
1.5 |
StaggerHandAttack |
6 |
0 |
1.5 |
StaggerRangedAttack |
15 |
20 |
3 |
VolleyHandAttack |
6 |
0 |
1.5 |
VolleyRangedAttack |
15 |
20 |
3 | |
Crossbowman Archaic archer. Good against infantry.
- First available:
- Cost: 40 Food 40 Wood
- Hitpoints:100
- Speed:4
- Resists:
20% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x1.5 vs AbstractLightCavalry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
8 |
0 |
3 |
DefendHandAttack |
7 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendRangedAttack |
18 |
16 |
3 |
MeleeHandAttack |
7 |
0 |
1.5 |
StaggerHandAttack |
7 |
0 |
1.5 |
StaggerRangedAttack |
18 |
16 |
3 |
VolleyHandAttack |
7 |
0 |
1.5 |
VolleyRangedAttack |
18 |
16 |
3 | |
Pikeman Archaic heavy infantry. Good against cavalry and buildings.
- First available:
- Cost: 40 Food 40 Wood
- Hitpoints:120
- Speed:5
- Resists:
10% vs Hand
- Bonuses:
x5 vs AbstractCavalry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
32 |
0 |
3 |
CoverBuildingAttack |
16 |
0 |
3 |
CoverHandAttack |
4 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendHandAttack |
8 |
0 |
1.5 |
MeleeHandAttack |
8 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Sheep Herd animal. Fattens over time. Fattens faster if tasked on a Livestock Pen or Farm.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Food
- Hitpoints:20
- Speed:4
Priest Heals injured units.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Gold
- Hitpoints:360
- Speed:4
- Resists:
10% vs Ranged
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
HandAttack |
5 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Field Hospital A building that heals nearby units.
- First available:
- Cost: 400 Wood
- Hitpoints:250
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: Surgeon
Fishing Boat Gathers Food from Fish or Coin from Whales.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood
- Hitpoints:200
- Speed:4
- Resists:
50% vs Ranged
Veteran War Wagon Hussite horse-drawn wagon outfitted with cannon. Only available to Germany.
- First available:
- Cost: 150 Food 150 Gold
- Hitpoints:500
- Speed:6
- Resists:
20% vs Hand
- Bonuses:
x3 vs AbstractHeavyCavalry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
30 |
0 |
3 |
DefendRangedAttack |
42 |
16 |
3 |
MeleeHandAttack |
21 |
3 |
1.5 |
StaggerRangedAttack |
42 |
16 |
3 | |
Culverin Light artillery. Good against other artillery.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood 400 Gold
- Hitpoints:280
- Speed:3.5
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x4 vs AbstractArtillery
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CannonAttack |
40 |
34 |
6 | |
Doppelsoldner Heavy swordsman with a sweep attack. Devastates cavalry.
- First available:
- Cost: 75 Food 125 Gold
- Hitpoints:200
- Speed:4.5
- Resists:
20% vs Hand
- Bonuses:
x3 vs AbstractCavalry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
60 |
0 |
3 |
CoverBuildingAttack |
30 |
0 |
3 |
CoverHandAttack |
10 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendHandAttack |
20 |
0 |
1.5 |
GuardianAttack |
20 |
0 |
1.5 |
MeleeHandAttack |
20 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Falconet Light artillery. Better against infantry than buildings.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood 400 Gold
- Hitpoints:200
- Speed:4
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x3 vs AbstractInfantry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CannonAttack |
100 |
26 |
4 | |
Monitor Monitor. Mortar ship good at bombarding buildings at great range.
- First available:
- Cost: 800 Wood 200 Gold
- Hitpoints:1200
- Speed:6.5
- Resists:
50% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x10 vs Building
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
LongRangeAttack |
200 |
100 |
20 |
MortarAttack |
80 |
36 |
5 | |
Frigate Frigate. Heavy war ship.
- First available:
- Cost: 500 Wood 500 Gold
- Hitpoints:2000
- Speed:7.5
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x2 vs Ship x0.5 vs AbstractArtillery
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BroadsideAttack |
40 |
30 |
0.1 |
RangedAttack |
90 |
30 |
2 | |
Galleon Galleon. Slow, powerful ship resistant to building fire that can train units.
- First available:
- Cost: 300 Wood 500 Gold
- Hitpoints:1500
- Speed:8.5
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x0.5 vs AbstractArtillery
- Trains: AbusGun, Halberdier, Rodelero, Dopplesoldner, Longbowman, Crossbowman, Janissary, Musketeer, Pikeman, Strelet, Skirmisher, Cacadore, Hussar, Ruyter, Lancer, Cossack, Uhlan, Cuirassier, Oprichnik, WarWagon, CavalryArcher, Dragoon, Grenadier
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
RangedAttack |
50 |
20 |
2 | |
Caravel Caravel. Good at exploring, fishing or transport.
- First available:
- Cost: 300 Wood 100 Gold
- Hitpoints:800
- Speed:8.5
- Resists:
50% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x2 vs Ship x0.5 vs AbstractArtillery
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BroadsideAttack |
50 |
20 |
0.1 |
RangedAttack |
75 |
20 |
2 | |
Settler Wagon Ranged cavalry armed with pistols. Good against cavalry and artillery.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Food 100 Wood
- Hitpoints:300
- Speed:4
- Resists:
30% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x4 vs Huntable
- Trains: FirePit, Longhouse, Teepee, NativeEmbassy, HouseAztec, Market, Farm, Mill, LivestockPen, Dock, Outpost, Blockhouse, TradingPost, WallConnector, Bank, Church, WarHut, Barracks, Corral, Stable, NoblesHut, ArtilleryDepot, Arsenal, Saloon, HouseEast, HouseMed, House, Manor, Capitol, Plantation, WallStraight5, WallStraight2
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BlunderbussAttack |
3 |
12 |
3 |
BuildingAttack |
10 |
0 |
3 |
ChopAttack |
8 |
0 |
0 |
HandAttack |
10 |
0 |
0 | |
Saloon Trains sinister outlaws and mercenaries.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood
- Hitpoints:2500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Trains: MercSwissPikeman, MercRonin, MercJaeger, MercStradiot, MercLandsknecht, MercHighlander, MercHackapell, MercNinja, MercMameluke, MercManchu, MercElmeti, MercBlackRider, MercBarbaryCorsair, SaloonOutlawPistol, SaloonOutlawRider, SaloonOutlawRifleman, SaloonPirate, MercFusilier, MercGreatCannon
- Techs: Wild West
Petard Siege warrior that dies when it attacks buildings, but does lots of damage.
- First available:
- Cost: 50 Food 100 Wood
- Hitpoints:225
- Speed:4
- Resists:
40% vs Hand
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
1600 |
0 |
3 |
CoverBuildingAttack |
800 |
0 |
3 |
CoverHandAttack |
3 |
0 |
1.5 |
HandAttack |
6 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Horse Artillery Quick moving artillery. Strong vs infantry.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood 500 Gold
- Hitpoints:200
- Speed:6
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x3 vs AbstractInfantry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CannonAttack |
125 |
26 |
4 | |
Spy Sneaky assassin. Highly effective vs. mercenaries, Explorers, and War Chiefs.
- First available:
- Cost: 125 Gold
- Hitpoints:150
- Speed:6.3
- Resists:
20% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x10 vs Mercenary
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
20 |
0 |
3 |
CoverBuildingAttack |
20 |
0 |
3 |
CoverHandAttack |
5 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendHandAttack |
10 |
0 |
1.5 |
MeleeHandAttack |
10 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Covered Wagon Starts a new colony by transforming into a Town Center. Most civilizations can only have 1 Town Center until the Fortress Age.
- First available:
- Hitpoints:250
- Speed:4
- Resists:
20% vs Siege
- Trains: TownCenter
Fort Powerful, defensive building that can also train units. Can only be sent from the Home City.
- First available:
- Cost: 600 Wood 500 Gold
- Hitpoints:8500
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Bonuses:
x0.5 vs AbstractSiegeTrooper
- Trains: Cossack, Uhlan, CavalryArcher, Dragoon, Grenadier, AbusGun, Janissary, Musketeer, Pikeman, Crossbowman, Longbowman, Halberdier, Rodelero, Dopplesoldner, Skirmisher, Cacadore, Hussar, Ruyter, Lancer, Cuirassier, Oprichnik, WarWagon, Strelet
- Techs: Revetment, Star Fort
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
AntiShipAttack |
300 |
40 |
3 |
CannonAttack |
150 |
26 |
3 | |
Factory Generates resources or artillery automatically. Configure it to produce different things. Can only be sent from the Home City.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood 400 Gold
- Hitpoints:5000
- Resists:
0% vs Siege
- Techs: Water Power, Cannery, Steam Power, Imperial Bombards, Imperial Rockets, Mass Production, Imperial Cannon
Explorers Dog Explorer Dog. Your Explorers loyal companion.
- First available:
- Hitpoints:215
- Speed:5
- Resists:
10% vs Hand
- Bonuses:
x3 vs Guardian
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CoverHandAttack |
9 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendHandAttack |
9 |
0 |
1.5 |
MeleeHandAttack |
9 |
0 |
1.5 | |
Heavy Cannon Heavy artillery. Good against infantry or buildings.
- First available:
- Cost: 200 Wood 500 Gold
- Hitpoints:475
- Speed:3.5
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x3 vs AbstractInfantry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CannonAttack |
200 |
28 |
6 | |
Colonial Militia Solid general-purpose infantry. Good against cavalry.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Food
- Hitpoints:200
- Speed:5
- Resists:
30% vs Hand
- Bonuses:
x2 vs AbstractCavalry
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
20 |
0 |
3 |
DefendHandAttack |
12 |
0 |
1.5 |
DefendRangedAttack |
24 |
12 |
3 |
MeleeHandAttack |
12 |
0 |
1.5 |
StaggerHandAttack |
12 |
0 |
1.5 |
StaggerRangedAttack |
24 |
12 |
3 |
VolleyHandAttack |
12 |
0 |
1.5 |
VolleyRangedAttack |
24 |
12 |
3 | |
Gatling Gun Solid general-purpose infantry. Good against cavalry.
- First available:
- Cost: 100 Wood 300 Gold
- Hitpoints:150
- Speed:4
- Resists:
75% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x0.5 vs AbstractArtillery
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
CannonAttack |
30 |
24 |
4 | |
Coureur des Bois More expensive villager but gathers faster. Available to French, via treasure, or the Cree Minor tribe.
- First available:
- Cost: 120 Food
- Hitpoints:180
- Speed:4.5
- Resists:
40% vs Ranged
- Bonuses:
x2 vs Huntable
- Trains: Capitol, Plantation, House, Manor, HouseEast, HouseMed, NativeEmbassy, Saloon, FirePit, Longhouse, Teepee, HouseAztec, WallStraight2, WallStraight5, Market, Mill, Farm, LivestockPen, Dock, Outpost, Blockhouse, TradingPost, WallConnector, Bank, Church, WarHut, Barracks, Stable, NoblesHut, ArtilleryDepot, Arsenal
- Attacks:
Name |
Damage |
Range |
Rate of Fire |
BuildingAttack |
6 |
0 |
3 |
ButtAttack |
10 |
2 |
1.5 |
ChopAttack |
8 |
0 |
0 |
RifleAttack |
8 |
12 |
3 | |
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