- 붉은서나물, Pilewort
. 학명; Erechites hieracifolia
. 개요; 북미원산의 일년생 식물
. 효능; 수렴제, 구토제, 강장제
. 사용법; 우리거나 팅크로
1 학명과 약용부위
- 학명; Erechites hieracifolia
- 약용부위
. The plant.
. 플렌트
2 통명
- 영어; Fireweed
- 한글; 대룡국화, 민머위나물, 물쑥갓
3 개요
- 북미원산의 일년생 식물
. 들판, 화재지역, 황무지에서 자생
- 줄기; 높이 1.2미터내외로 성장
. 잎; 피침형으로 어긋남
- 꽃; 8월경 희끄무레한 브러시형으로 개화
. 냄새와 맛은 좋지않음
Pilewort is a native North American annual plant found in fields, woods, waste places, and burned-over areas from the Atlantic coast westward to Saskatchewan, Nebraska, Texas, and Mexico. The thick, succulent, grooved stem grows from 1 to 8 feet high and bears alternate, lanceolate, acute, irregularyly dentate leaves that are petioled near the bottom of the plant and clasping near the top. Whitish, brush-shaped flower heads grow in loose terminal clusters from July to October. The plant has a disageeable odor and taste.
4 효능
- 수렴제, 구토제, 강장제
. 설사와 발열에 효과
- 치질치료에도 활용
. 고용량은 구토유발
Astringent, emetic, tonic. Pilewort can be used for diarrhea and for fever. It is said to be very effective against hemorrhoids. In large doses it produces vomiting.
5 사용법
- 우리기; 1컵의 물에 1티스푼
. 하루 1-2컵음용
- 팅크; 한번에 1/2-1티스푼 복용
Infusion; Steep 1 heaping tsp. of the plant in 1 cup water. Take 1 to 2 cups a day.
Tincture; Take 1/2 to 1 tsp. at a time.