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카페 게시글
 이슬람/조상제사/기타종교 스크랩 진화론의 창시자 찰스 다윈은 프리메이슨이었나 ?
KESLL 추천 0 조회 167 13.03.08 14:56 댓글 1
게시글 본문내용



Was Darwin a Freemason

This passage reportedly from Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, as quoted in John Daniel's book Scarlet and the Beast Volume II, discusses the Darwin-Masonic connection:

Before coming to Derby in 1788, Dr. [Erasmus] Darwin had been made a Mason in the famous Time Immemorial Lodge of Cannongate Kilwinning, No. 2, of Scotland. Sir Francis Darwin, one of the Doctor's sons, was made a Mason in Tyrian Lodge, No. 253, at Derby, in 1807 or 1808. His son Reginald was made a Mason in Tyrian Lodge in 1804. The name of Charles Darwin does not appear on the rolls of the Lodge but it is very possible that he, like Francis, was a Mason.


매키 프리메이슨 사전에 의하면 존다니엘의 책  주홍과 짐승 2권에서 다윈의 메이슨 관련을 아래와 같이 인용한다


1788년 더비로 오기전에 에라스무스 다윈은 타임 임메모리얼 로지의 메이슨 단원이었다. 그의 아들중 하나인 프란시스 다윈은 티란 로지에서 메이슨 단원이었다. 그의 아들 레이날드는 1804년에 티란 로지에서 메이슨 단원이 되었다. 찰스 다윈이라는 이름은 로지 등록부에  나오지 않으나 프란시스처럼 그도 메이슨일 가능성이 매우 크다.



Erasmus Darwin is mainly noted as one of England's most prominent naturalists. As we said at the beginning, naturalism is a view that does not accept that God created living things. Actually, this view, which is close to materialism, was the starting point of Erasmus Darwin's theory of evolution.

In the 1780's and 90's, Erasmus Darwin developed the main outlines of theory of evolution, according to which all living things came from a single common ancestor by chance and according to the laws of nature. He did his research in an eight acre botanic garden he had prepared, and sought evidence that would prove his idea. He explained his theory in two books, entitled Temple of Nature and Zoonomia. Moreover, in 1784 he founded a society to manage the dissemination of his ideas, known as the Philosophical Society.

Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin's grandfather was a "Master Mason." (right)
Erasmus Darwin's book Zoonomia, in which he laid the foundations for the theory of evolution.(left)

Years later, Charles Darwin would inherit his grandfather's ideas and the basic outlines for the proposal of his theory of evolution. Charles Darwin's theory elaborated upon the structure established by his grandfather, while the Philosophical Society became one of the greatest and most passionate supporters of his theory.101

In short, Erasmus Darwin was the true pioneer of the theory we know of as the theory of evolution that has been propagandized throughout the world over the past 150 years.

Where did Erasmus Darwin discover the idea of evolution? Where did his interest in this subject come from?

After a thorough search for the answer to this question, we discover the interesting fact that Erasmus Darwin was a Mason. Though, Erasmus Darwin was no ordinary Mason, he was one of the highest ranking masters in the organization.

He was the master of the famous Canongate lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland.102 Moreover, he had close ties with the Jacobin Masons who were the organizers of the revolution in France at the time, and with the Illuminati, whose prime cause was fostering hostility to religion.103 That is, Erasmus Darwin was an important name in European Masonic anti-religious organizations.

Erasmus educated his son Robert (Charles Darwin's father), who too had been and made a member of the Masonic lodge.104 For this reason, Charles Darwin received the inheritance of Masonic teachings from both his father and his grandfather.

Erasmus Darwin hoped to have his son Robert develop and publish his theory, but it would be his grandson Charles who would undertake the enterprise. Although it came some time later, Erasmus Darwin's Temple of Nature was finally revised by Charles Darwin. Darwin's views did not have the weight of a scientific theory; it was merely the expression‎! of a naturalist doctrine that accepts that nature has creative power.


( 위 스토리에 의하면 찰스 다윈은 프리메이슨인 할아버지의 진화론을 계승 이론화시킨 것으로 보인다. 그의 집안은 모든 남자들이 다 프리메이슨이었고 비록 사료에  나타나지 않는다 하더라도 프리메이슨적 사상을 가지고 있었고 이 사상위에서 진화론을 집필한 것이 틀림이 없다 )


발췌 : http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message803571/pg1

  • 13.03.10 11:38

    첫댓글 할아버지와 아버지가 프리메이슨이었다는 증거만으로도 그가 메이슨에 의해 영향받았음은 분명해보입니다.
