(A) "To be or not to be",that is the question,"is
the start of my big part in the play.
(B) Wow. I'm so jealous you get to be on stage.
Good luck with your performance.
(A) Yikes! Never say that; it's bad luck.
Say "Break a leg!"
Tip 1) "Break a leg"는 특히 연극 첫날 공연을 앞둔 배우에게 행운을 빌어주기 위해 쓰는 표현이다.
배우에게 good luck"이라고 말하는 것은 불운(bad luck)을 갖어온다는
미신 때문에 오히려 그 반대인 "Break a leg"(다리나 부러져라)라고
말한데서 유래되였다.
Tip 2) Business is business.
* Have you ever had to fire anyone before?
- Yes, Actually, he was a friend of mine.
But, business is business.